Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 185: secret!


When Xiao Zheng heard the news, he saw a young girl in her early twenties walking in carrying a Chanel bag. The girl's clothes are very fashionable, and her face is full of arrogance. She looks at people through her nostrils and walks through her chin. She is as proud as the last princess in the world. It's incredible.

This girl was pretty good-looking, and her figure had inherited the Tang family's tall genes, but her eyes with black eyeliner were full of explicit ridicule. The way he looked at Tang Ming was no different from looking at a servant. What she said just now fully reflected her lack of attention to Tang Ming and her unwelcome attitude towards Xiao Zheng.

"Bragging?" Xiao Zheng said with a forced smile. "Beauty, I don't understand what you mean by this."

Looking for trouble

Tang Ming's cousin? That uncle and aunt's precious daughter

Brother Azheng, who is like a human being, saw through this woman's identity at a glance. The moment this woman appeared, Xiao Zheng found that his grandparents were obviously excited. It seems that he likes his precious granddaughter far more than Tang Ming.

In the eyes of traditional Brother Azheng, this is absolutely incredible!

As grandparents, how could you like your granddaughter more than your grandson? Moreover, his attitude towards Tang Ming is extremely cold, but his love for his granddaughter is beyond words.

You couldn't really pick it up, right? Brother Azheng cursed viciously.

Xiao Zheng responded politely, but the woman ignored Xiao Zheng with an arrogant attitude. She glanced at Tang Ming abruptly and curled her lips and said, "Cousin, please find a higher-quality sitter next time, like This kind of exaggerated performance and low-level shilling is really unbearable to watch."

Child care

This was the first time that Brother Azheng was mistaken for a shill. He couldn't help laughing and joked: "Beauty, how do you think I look like a shill?"

"What's the difference?" Tang Ru glanced at Xiao Zheng without a hint of saltiness and said. "Is Tang Ming really as good as you say, and he still has no future even if he survives to this day?"

"Okay, Xiaoru." Grandpa said with very gentle eyes. "Come and sit down and eat. The dishes are all what you like."

"No appetite." Tang Ru said expressionlessly as he picked up his bag and walked straight towards the stairs. "You guys eat, I don't want to eat with a whole family of losers, so I went upstairs to take a shower."


Before Tang Ru could go upstairs, Tang Ming suddenly grabbed his rice bowl and threw it towards the stairs. Tang Ru, who was about to go upstairs, was so frightened that he jumped.

"Who are you calling a coward?" Tang Ming stood up with a sullen face and asked with evil eyes.

"I will scold whoever is a coward." Tang Ru turned around slowly, his face even more ugly.

How dare this kid hit me with a bowl? Does he not want to stay in the Tang family anymore

"Tang Ru, I'm warning you, you can scold me, but if you dare to scold my parents again, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart?" Tang Ming said in a cold voice, his eyes as fierce as if he wanted to kill someone.

"Are you scaring me?" Tang Ru walked towards Tang Ming slowly, stared at Tang Ming with sharp eyes, and mocked. "Come on, tear my mouth apart if you want. I want to see if a pair of useless parents can really give birth to a son with a seed!"

Tang Ru's attitude was so bad that it was unbelievable. Even if Xiao Zheng had no father or mother since he was a child, he could not imagine that such a terrible quarrel would occur in a family with three generations of grandparents and grandchildren, and such vicious words would be used.

Are they - really a family

"Xiao Ru, have a nice attitude. Tang Ming is your cousin after all. Don't go too far." Uncle Tang tried to smooth things over, but looking at his leisurely look, he didn't seem to care at all about a quarrel of this scale. care. On the contrary, there is a sense of watching a good show.

"Yes. We are always a family. Just say a few words and don't break the friendship over such a trivial matter." Tang Ming's mother also tried to persuade her, as if she was reluctant to have a quarrel between Tang Ming and Tang Ru.

"Shut up." Tang Ru gave Tang Ming's mother a cold look and said with disgust on her face. "Since when did the Tang family have your say?"

When Tang's mother heard this, her face turned slightly ugly, but she really didn't say anything. She seemed to be quite afraid of Tang Ru's prestige in the Tang family.

However, Tang Ming seemed to be fed up with his parents being bullied and having to poop and urinate on his head. He suddenly waved his hand and slapped Tang Ru's delicately made-up face hard. The people at the table fell silent and there was no movement.

But the silence didn't last long, and soon, the restaurant exploded. Tang Ru cried and shouted for revenge. Grandparents and grandparents were also furious and scolded Tang Ming for being too vicious. How could he attack his cousin? Uncles and aunts were also angry and wanted to settle accounts with Tang Ming. Even Tang Ming's parents scolded Tang Ming in a low voice with embarrassed expressions. How could this be done? Hit the cousin.

Only Tang Ming stood there with a livid face, glanced disdainfully at his grandparents, uncles and aunts at the dining table, including his father and mother, and sneered at the corners of his lips: "Who wants to hit me? Come on, don't. You're welcome. After tonight, it won't be so easy for you to hit me again."

"You bastard!" The second uncle stood up and glared at Tang Mingdao. "Is this your attitude when talking to your elders?"

"Am I the junior? Your precious daughter is not a junior? He can insult my parents? Don't forget, my dad is your eldest brother! When have you ever given my dad a trace of respect?" Tang Ming said solemnly.

Uncle Tang was pushed back by his two words, and he couldn't help but transfer his anger to Tang's father, and said displeased: "Tang De, you just don't care about your son?"

"You help me take care of it. I can't take care of it." Tang De said expressionlessly while sitting at the dining table. "Anyway, I don't think my son did anything wrong."

Seeing that his father actually stood up to support him, Tang Ming became more confident. He straightened his back and said, "Dad, this is an unlucky meal. Why don't I invite you out for barbecue."

"Well, I haven't had barbecue and drank beer for a long time." Father Tang stood up slowly, suppressing anger on his resolute face.

Like Tang Ming, he can tolerate being bullied himself, but he will never allow his son to be bullied. This kind of hellish day is just fine!

But just when the family of three was about to stand up, Xiao Zheng suddenly stood up, took off the Bluetooth headphones from his ears, and said with a serious expression: "I finally understand why your family is so unhappy."

Tang Ming was slightly startled, curled his lips and said, "Isn't it already obvious?"

"No, what you see is just the surface." Xiao Zheng shook his head and said word by word. "Only the two old men know the real reason."

After saying that, Xiao Zheng's eyes gradually fell on the old couple sitting at the dining table. Everyone's expressions suddenly changed and the atmosphere was stagnant!

I feel hot all over, my nose is stuffy and I feel dizzy. I owe you another chapter today, so there are 3 chapters in total. I will pay it off as soon as I get better. Long live understanding.