Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 208: Zhang Lan’s marriage!


"Ah?" When Lan Xin heard that Zhang Lan was divorced, a look of shock and sadness appeared on her pretty face, and she asked with concern: "Zhang Lan, are you already divorced?"

"Yes. We have been separated for a year." Zhang Lan said frankly. "I'm sorry to say it. I didn't serve wine during the wedding, and I didn't notify my relatives and friends. Don't blame me."

"It's okay. I wasn't in Mingzhu a year ago." Xiao Zheng said with a smile. "When you get married next time, I will make up for what I did last time."

Zhang Lan shook his head and said with a wry smile: "After suffering a loss, I no longer have confidence. Besides, a woman does not have to be married to be happy."

Xiao Zheng did not comment on this, but asked curiously: "You haven't told me who your ex-husband is yet. How did you meet? Whose problem is the divorce?"

Zhang Lan rolled her eyes at Xiao Zheng and complained: "I remember you were not such a gossip before."

Xiao Zheng smiled and said, "People change. Come on, let me help you analyze your ex-husband."

"There's nothing to analyze. He and I met at a party. He had a good impression of me, and then asked me to have dinner every now and then. As time went by, we started to have feelings for each other." Zhang Lan said with a very calm emotion said. "I was just a junior clerk at the time, but he was already the middle-level leader of our Mingzhu Guard District. In terms of status, he was definitely much better than me. But he was not old, in his early thirties. In the guard district, he was one of the very A promising military officer. Later, because of the pressure from his family, he proposed to me over and over again. Later, I couldn't stand his relentless pursuit, so I agreed."

Xiao Zheng listened to Zhang Lan's introduction and said curiously: "That's great. You are a talented man and a beautiful woman, a match made in heaven. Why did you divorce so soon?"

"Even if we get to the stage of divorce, many people will think I'm stupid for letting such a good man go." Zhang Lan said helplessly. "But how can others know about my own affairs? He is indeed good, has a good family background, and has strong personal work ability. When I married him, it seemed that I was superior to him. But in the life of a couple, they always live a life of daily necessities. Can you live by your imagination?”

"Living on imagination?" Xiao Zheng said evilly. "Is your ex-husband a gay?"

Zhang Lan rolled her eyes at Xiao Zheng and said with a wry smile: "Your thoughts are getting more and more evil now." After a pause, Zhang Lan said slowly. "We are all old classmates, and I don't need to hide it from you. Or maybe you are all people who have entered the society. You should know that people like us who have a little power in our hands still have a lot of temptations around us."

"I really envy you powerful people." Xiao Zheng said with jealousy.

Zhang Lan ignored the insulted Xiao Zheng and continued: "I dare not say that I am so upright and honest that I have made it this far. If I didn't accept a penny and didn't help anyone, I would definitely not be able to climb up in my life. . But in my world view, I can use my function to help some people and get some extra income. But I am definitely not helping everyone. I can do things that benefit myself and others, but I cannot do things that benefit myself and harm others. matter."

"Something you do and something you don't do. It's a good thing." Xiao Zheng nodded and said. "If there are more officials like you in China, the conflict between the government and the people may not be so big."

Xiao Zheng is not a three-year-old child, let alone a good baby in an ivory tower. He knew that Zhang Lan was able to sit in the position he was in today. Hard work and work ability alone were not enough. Being able to do things, being a good person, understanding the ways of officialdom, and being able to adapt to the living environment are the keys to climbing up step by step.

So he agreed with Zhang Lan's point about taking money, but not everyone's money.

"But he's not." Zhang Lan's face turned slightly lonely. "I help people take shortcuts, but I don't help them do bad things, let alone harm others. But he has no principles. In his heart, as long as it is beneficial to him, no matter whether it is good or bad, or whether someone will die, he He would do it. And he would do it to the extreme, to the point of being scary. I persuaded him several times, asking him to accumulate some virtue and not to do everything too much, but he refused to listen, and told me openly that what he was doing Everything I do is for this family and for me."

Zhang Lan smiled bitterly, took out a lady's cigarette and lit it, and said with blurred eyes: "Actually, we are all public servants. In the words of others, we serve an iron rice bowl. We eat and drink at public expense, and we even open a business." We don’t have to spend our own money to buy a car or a house. We don’t even have the chance to use our usual wages. The family has never run out of tobacco, alcohol and fruits. We can live a well-off life just by selling tobacco and alcohol. Why should we benefit ourselves at the expense of others? Yinde goes to take those unconscionable money?"

Zhang Lan took a puff of cigarette, puffed out a faint stream of smoke, and said slowly: "I could bear it at first, but as time went by, I gradually became disgusted with what he did, and even felt disgusted."

"So you filed for divorce?" Xiao Zheng asked.

Zhang Lan smiled bitterly and said: "Actually, we haven't talked much since we were married less than a year ago. He won't talk to me when he comes home every day, and falls asleep. I am not in the mood to chat with him either. It often lasts for ten and a half days. Yue, we only communicate with each other by eye contact, or even don’t communicate at all. He didn’t propose divorce, but he actually wanted to force me to do so. After all, he has always had a good image outside, and is a good man who respects his parents and loves his wife." There was a pause. , Zhang Lan said lightly. "In this case, I can only file for divorce in the end."

"This grandson is quite shrewd." Xiao Zheng curled his lips and said.

"If he wasn't smart, he wouldn't have been able to reach his current position." Zhang Lan said slowly. "It's even more impossible for everyone to scold me. Including his family and my family."

"Everyone scolds you, but have you ever thought that the problem might be you?"

Suddenly, a cold and steady voice came from not far away. Everyone turned around and saw a man in a military uniform striding forward, followed by several cold and upright soldiers.

His back was straight, and his face was resolute and cold. He looked like an outstanding officer who had stepped out of a movie, exuding a powerful aura.

When Zhang Lanfu saw him, his face suddenly changed subtly, and there was a hint of displeasure in his eyes. He pursed his lips and said, "Is my problem still important? I'll give you what you want, and what you don't want. I gave it to you too. Are you still not satisfied?"