Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 23: Enemies meet on a narrow road!


The speaker was a well-dressed young man, similar in age to Xiao Zheng, but he had an arrogant aura about him. In sharp contrast to Xiao Zheng, who is down and out.

This person was surrounded by several young men in suits and ties, with either contemptuous or teasing smiles on their faces, but it was obvious that this group of people, led by him, were full of hostility towards Xiao Zheng.

Xiao Zheng was in a happy mood while enjoying high-end wine. Suddenly, a young man who couldn't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth suddenly appeared and slandered him with insinuations, which made Xiao Zheng feel dissatisfied. Turning his head for a moment, he discovered that the young talent who made the rude remarks was not only an old acquaintance, but also an old enemy.

"I thought it was who it was, but it turned out to be Boss Du." Xiao Zheng casually lit a cigarette and narrowed his eyes to look at the young man standing in front of him.

Boss Du, whose real name is Du Hao. In high school, he was nicknamed Du Laoda (Big Belly) because of his obesity. It sounded like a compliment, but it was actually a derogatory term to ridicule his big belly. This person is really narrow-minded, and just because his family has money, he pretends to be the boss at school all day long. He has always regarded Xiao Zheng as a thorn in his side and wants to get rid of him quickly.

In high school, Xiao Zheng had the misfortune of being a classmate for three years with Du Hao, who was fat and heartless. Although he never took the initiative to cause trouble, he was regarded as a competitor by Du Hao. Whether it was studying or being with a girl, he tried his best to win over her. Find a way to suppress Xiao Zheng. He is also considered a talented figure in Mingzhu No. 1 Middle School. The only thing that couldn't compete with Xiao Zheng was his weight that kept rising due to the good food.

Today I meet my old classmates again. Du Hao has already changed his appearance and has become a valuable young talent. He is suave and elegant. His well-tailored custom-made suit shows his extraordinary social status. Going in and out of high-end places like Pearl No. 1 is more of a routine. Surrounded by sycophants 24 hours a day, he is considered a successful person in this cosmopolitan city.

On the other hand, Xiao Zheng, who was able to remain invincible no matter how much Du Hao jumped around, has now become the bottom of society that no one cares about, and is lackluster.

As Xiao Zheng's former rival and now Lan Xin's number one suitor, Du Hao was very grateful that God had given him such an excellent opportunity. I am also pleased with my wise choice tonight.

According to the tip, he knew that Lan Xin would invite someone to dinner at Pearl No. 1 tonight. He didn't want to be too deliberate, but he didn't plan to come over, but somehow he thought that Lan Xin's date tonight was likely to be a man. After weighing it, he finally decided to create a chance encounter. But he never expected that tonight Lan Xin would meet not only a man, but also a man who had made him regretful for seven years.

Seven years!

Du Hao wanted to find Xiao Zheng all the time. Let him see his success and use his wealth and status to humiliate Xiao Zheng, who doesn't take him seriously. And let’s see if Xiao Zheng is still as talented and eye-catching as he was back then.

God bless, Xiao Zheng's current situation has fulfilled all Du Hao's wishes. Just looking at Xiao Zheng, who was wearing cheap clothes, Du Hao felt more comfortable than going for a full-body massage. His skin color was dark, his clothes were poor, his pants were washed white, and the leather shoes under his feet were badly worn, as if they had been worn for a century. Even the cigarettes held between his fingers were only Honghe brand cigarettes that cost nine yuan a pack. To put it bluntly, the price of each cigarette Du Hao smokes is enough for Xiao Zheng to smoke one.

In terms of financial resources, image, and the temperament he exudes, Xiao Zheng's situation is even worse than Du Hao could imagine. Apart from being happy and refreshing, Du Hao also felt a little lonely.

Occasionally when he couldn't sleep at night, Du Hao thought more than once about how he should crush Xiao Zheng's self-esteem if he could meet Xiao Zheng again. But now that the opportunity came, he found that he didn't need to take action at all. He only needed to stand next to Xiao Zheng, and he could sharply destroy everything about Xiao Zheng and still maintain his tall image.

"It's not just me."

Du Hao, who had successfully lost weight, smiled indifferently, waved to the followers around him to move around, and said to Xiao Zheng: "Old classmate, do you mind if I have a meal?"

Ever since Du Hao appeared, Lan Xin's thoughts were not calm. First, Du Hao made rude remarks and slandered Xiao Zheng's past, which could be described as unruly but never depraved. Second, Du Hao has been stalking her, and now that he appears, it is easy for Xiao Zheng to misunderstand. Regardless of whether Xiao Zhengjie doesn't mind, she is definitely against it.

But she didn't want to show her unsatisfactory side in front of Xiao Zheng, so she looked at Xiao Zheng with subtle eyes. He pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Mind." Xiao Zheng shook his head calmly.

Du Hao smiled slightly and joked: "Old Xiao, you're not still worried about the little conflict in high school, are you? How old are we? You're not so stingy, are you?"

Saying this greatly reflects Du Hao's magnanimity. If Lan Xin were an uninformed outsider, he would definitely have a good impression of Du Hao. But as a classmate who pays attention to Xiao Zheng's every move, how could she not know that Du Hao made things difficult for Xiao Zheng in high school

Worrying about something? mean

If Xiao Zheng was this kind of person, he would have fallen out with him seven years ago. Will you wait until now

This is also what Lan Xin appreciates about Xiao Zheng. A boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, at a rebellious and fiery age, has such a generous attitude, how can he not be liked

However, facing Du Hao's first complaint, Xiao Zheng asked with a smile: "You just found out today that I am stingy? Have you been killed by a dog in the three years of high school?"

When Du Hao heard this, a sparkle flashed in his eyes, but a faint smile appeared on his lips involuntarily. But he did not refute Xiao Zheng's vulgar attack. Instead, he looked at Lan Xin, who had a subtle expression, and said softly: "Mr. Lan. Did you hear that? This is who he is now. He has already suffered from the rebellion and madness of the past. Pride has paid a price. And this price is to become a loser without quality and grace."

A look of surprise appeared on Lan Xin's pretty face. She was also surprised that Xiao Zheng was full of swear words. Wasn't he humble and low-key just now? Why did he suddenly say bad things to Du Hao? The freedom and generosity of the past are not seen at all.

Lan Xin doesn't care whether Du Hao is a gentleman or a villain. In her eyes, there will always be only Xiao Zheng. She was only happy for Xiao Zheng's success and sad for her downfall. Even if Du Hao is a hundred or a thousand times stronger than Xiao Zheng, he is still worthless in her eyes.

"Who Xiao is has nothing to do with you." Lan Xin glanced at Du Hao lightly and said expressionlessly. "Mr. Du, please don't disturb our meal."

Xiao Zheng rejected Du Hao. Although his way was a bit vulgar and his words were a bit vicious, Lan Xin still stood by him. Not for anything else, just because she likes Xiao Zheng. I've loved it for eight years.