Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 38: Lin Huayin’s worries!


At seven o'clock in the morning, Xiao Zheng, who was still wandering in his sleep, was awakened by a sharp and rhythmic knock on the door. Just as he was about to curse, he realized that the person knocking on the door was either his temporary wife or the sister-in-law who had reached an agreement last night. He swallowed a breath of anger, rolled over sleepily and got out of bed, opened the door and saw the neatly dressed Lin Huayin. He couldn't help but smile. He said with a smile: "Good morning, Mr. Lin."

"I have a meeting in the morning. After breakfast, can you take Xiaozhu to school?" Lin Huayin asked in a cold tone. It sounded like he was asking for Xiao Zheng's opinion, but in fact it sounded like he was giving orders.

It's not surprising that Lin Huayin has been in a high position for a long time, and his work style is sharp and fast. Whether he treats his subordinates or employees, he always says the same thing, leaving no room for discussion. Although she has some unknown relationship with Xiao Zheng, in actual identity, she is still Xiao Zheng's boss. Therefore, his attitude is somewhat cold and harsh, which is understandable.

"No problem!" Xiao Zheng first agreed, and then said with a troubled expression. "Mr. Lin, Boss Bai has a big problem with me. I was late for work just now, so it won't have a good impact, right?"

"I'll say hello, don't worry." Lin Hua's voice was calm, but he said in his heart. "Yesterday, you still came late and left early without any excuse. Shouldn't Bai Yujiao have a problem with you?"

"I can rest assured that!"

Xiao Zheng washed his face and brushed his teeth, then dressed neatly and came to the living room. Lin Huayin was seen eating in the restaurant with an upright posture, while Lin Xiaozhu, who was sitting next to her, was eating a sandwich drowsily, as if he would fall into the dinner plate at any time, feeling indescribably tired.

It's not surprising. I didn't get home until nearly three o'clock last night. Even if I lay down to sleep, I had only slept for less than four hours. Xiao Zheng is full of energy, and of course he will not yawn continuously after missing a few hours of sleep. But Lin Xiaozhu was in adolescence, and he was in the sprint stage of his senior year of high school. If he didn't have enough sleep, not to mention he was not in good spirits, even going to class would be difficult with half the effort. But since what happened last night was a secret, Lin Xiaozhu could only resist, and would never dare to refuse to get up on the grounds of not having enough sleep.

"Xiaozhu. Good morning." Xiao Zheng sat down at the dining table, took a sip of fresh milk, and said hello to the listless Lin Xiaozhu.

"Brother-in-law, are you up too?" Lin Xiaozhu cheered up and said hello, but when he called Xiao Zheng, Lin Huayin frowned deeply. She didn't explain her relationship with Xiao Zheng to her sister, and she couldn't explain it. In addition, Lin Xiaozhu has always been eccentric, so even if she wanted to correct him, I'm afraid Lin Xiaozhu would not listen and would simply let her go.

"Yeah." Xiao Zheng said with a smile as he tasted the Western breakfast cooked by Lin Huayin for the first time. "Brother-in-law will take you to school later, so get up early to avoid making you late."

Hearing that Xiao Zheng also called himself brother-in-law, Lin Huayin became increasingly depressed. But since he was allowed to stay at home, it was pointless to explain too much. He simply tolerated it again and again. After eating breakfast, he handed Xiao Zheng a key and said, "There is a BMW in the garage. Take it and drive it."

Xiao Zheng was about to refuse on the grounds of a man's self-esteem, but he saw Lin Xiaozhu quickly taking the keys and grinning at Xiao Zheng: "Brother-in-law, I'm full, let's go to school."

After saying that, he took Xiao Zheng's arm affectionately and walked out like a young couple in love, without any hesitation. Lin Huayin's eyes narrowed slightly and her eyebrows tightened slightly.

Didn't they just meet last night? Why do they look so intimate? And as an older sister, she knew Lin Xiaozhu's character well. Although he was rebellious, impulsive and messy, her style was very conservative when it came to men and women. Not to mention that she fell in love early like other girls, and she didn't even get close to her male classmates. Why are you so close to Xiao Zheng

In fact, Lin Huayin didn't know that if she and Xiao Zheng were really husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend, Lin Xiaozhu's behavior would not be confusing. After all, brother-in-law and sister-in-law have a natural affinity for each other. However, she never regarded Xiao Zheng as one of her own, and even questioned his bad character. Therefore, the intimate behavior between her sister and Xiao Zheng aroused her vigilance and confusion.

He must give Xiao Zheng a stern warning later and never let his sister suffer from him.

After leaving the villa, Lin Xiaozhu smiled strangely at Xiao Zheng and said, "Brother-in-law, how are your driving skills?"

"General." Xiao Zheng said with a smile.

"Then let me drive!" Lin Xiaozhu shouted anxiously as he got into the white BMW. "My driving skills are excellent!"

"Have you taken the driver's license test?" Xiao Zheng got into the passenger seat and lit a cigarette leisurely.

Lin Xiaozhu's expression changed slightly, and then he added: "I will be eighteen years old in two months. Not only will I be able to get a driver's license by then, but daddy will also give me a sports car."

"How dare you drive without a driver's license?" Xiao Zheng asked. "Aren't you afraid that the traffic police will impound your car?"

"What are you afraid of? If we really encounter someone for verification, I'll let you come over." Without saying a word, Lin Xiaozhu suddenly stepped on the accelerator and screamed out. It seems that I haven’t been addicted to cars for a long time.

Xiao Zheng sat in the car with a smile, not worried about Lin Xiaozhu driving too wildly and getting into trouble. He smoked a cigarette leisurely and listened to the rock music played by Lin Xiaozhu. The old god was there.

Lin Xiaozhu tilted his head and saw that Xiao Zheng was not impressed by his driving skills at all. He couldn't help but be surprised and said: "Brother-in-law, aren't you afraid that I will drive too hard?"

Even if her father, who loved her the most, was sitting in the car, he would probably keep shouting to stop. But Xiao Zheng had no intention of persuading him at all, which inevitably made Lin Xiaozhu extremely curious.

"Your skills are so good, I have nothing to worry about." Xiao Zheng said with a smile.

This is not flattery, but the truth. The moment Lin Xiaozhu started up, Xiao Zheng could see her racing skills through Lin Xiaozhu's skillful control. Far from being a professional, even a wild rider can beat her by eight miles. But as a roadkill female driver, Lin Xiaozhu has already met the standard a lot. Ordinary crisis reactions should not trouble her. Plus there are speed limits everywhere in the city, so he really has nothing to worry about.

Lin Xiaozhu's mood became even more beautiful when he received Xiao Zheng's recognition. After racing all the way, his face flushed and he said, "It's so cool!"

"When you feel good, go back to No. 1 Middle School. If you drive again, you will run out of the Pearl." Xiao Zheng took a sip of mineral water and said with a smile.

Lin Xiaozhu rolled his eyes and suddenly smiled mysteriously: "Brother-in-law, do you know where this area is?"

Xiao Zheng was slightly stunned. He rolled up the window and took a look. He frowned and said, "Yunfeng Road?"

Lin Xiaozhu snapped his fingers and said with a cheerful smile: "Brother-in-law, do you know what is the busiest on Yunfeng Road?"

"I don't know." Xiao Zheng said angrily. "Go back to school quickly. Are you going to skip school again?"

"Since you don't know, then I want to bring you to see it!" Lin Xiaozhu said with great interest. "Today is the annual large-scale drag racing series on Yunfeng Road. The general admission ticket is 1,000, and the entry ticket is only 10,000. If you get the first place, there is a bonus of 500,000!"

While he was talking, a red Ferrari flashed past at high speed, like a red lightning bolt, blowing out a roaring wind like a war drum. Just hearing it made people's blood boil with excitement and yearning.