Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 72: Fourth Master Zhao’s anger!


Xiao Zheng's attack not only shocked Lin Xiaozhu, who was sitting next to him and was concentrating on watching the battle. The guests present were also stunned, marveling at his unpredictable speed and unexplained attacks.

But Xiao Zheng finally took action!

He is like a shooting star, arriving in the blink of an eye. When Zhao Qingyun was about to deliver a fatal blow to the black bear, Xiao Zheng lifted the black bear's burly body of nearly 200 kilograms with one hand, threw it behind him, and then calmly received Zhao Qingyun's sharp and abnormal attack.


Iron fist versus iron fist, a dull collision sounded. Zhao Qingyun, who had the upper hand, staggered back, his calm expression suddenly changed. However, Xiao Zheng, who took action at the last moment, stood calmly on the spot, not being affected by Zhao Qingyun's fierce move at all. The punch hurt.

The situation at the scene suddenly changed, and before everyone could recover, Zhao Qingyun's second round of offensive had already been launched.

This time, he was clearly more ferocious and fierce than when he fought against the black bear. A pair of cold eyes exuded a dazzling cold light, and wildness erupted.


Zhao Qingyun rushed over and punched Xiao Zheng's door. Try to end the fight quickly. But how can Xiao Zheng be a man who can be defeated easily? But seeing Xiao Zheng thrust his right foot forward, his whole body suddenly burst out with an overwhelming momentum. In the flash of lightning, he punched, raised his knees, and struck hard twice, actually forcing the famous Zhao Qingyun back.

The guests at the scene exclaimed, and even Zhao Qingyun could not imagine that there was such a tyrannical master among the guests. Before he could attack again, Xiao Zheng's third attack had already arrived!

He didn't want to put an end to the war! Because someone wants to kill his good brother Black Bear in front of him!

No matter how mature and open-minded Xiao Zheng is now, he still can't bear this fact, even if he is the godson of Mr. Zhao!


Xiao Zheng's leg was like a powerful iron whip. When Zhao Qingyun was unprepared, he pulled it out and whipped straight towards the side of Zhao Qingyun's head. The angle was so tricky and the force so fierce that the big brother on the road was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. He thought to himself, if it were him, it would not be surprising if the kick would cause a concussion in the slightest, or turn him into a vegetative state in the worst case, right

Even Zhao Qingyun, facing Xiao Zheng's fast and fierce blow, could only temporarily change his strategy and quickly raised his arms to block, trying to get rid of Xiao Zheng's sharp kick.

But after all, he underestimated Xiao Zheng's explosive power!

Xiao Zheng's kick was not only made of flesh and blood, but even a steel plate could be kicked to pieces by him! So what if he blocks with both arms? It can't change the final fate at all!


The legs and arms touched, and in just a moment, the defense Zhao Qingyun had built collapsed like a dam, breaking at the first touch! With a muffled sound, Xiao Zheng hit the side of Zhao Qingyun's head suddenly, and immediately kicked him away. Like a kite with a broken string, it hit a solid dining table filled with delicious food, breaking the table body and shattering it. The dishes on the table made a crisp crackling sound.

"Brother-in-law is mighty!" Lin Xiaozhu, who was full of enthusiasm, stood up and clapped, his little face turned red from suppressing it, his big watery eyes were shining, his admiration for Xiao Zheng reached an unprecedented height.

Black Bear, who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, also pushed away his younger brother who was helping him sit down, and shouted harshly: "Brother Zheng is overbearing!"

He couldn't beat Zhao Qingyun, but Brother Zheng vented his anger on his behalf. In any case, he didn't lose this battle. The straight-minded Black Bear was thinking this, but he didn't know that Xiao Zheng was willing to take action, not for Ye Shiguan, but simply for his good brother when he was young!

Zhao Qingyun, who was dizzy from being whipped, stood up with difficulty, rubbed his buzzing ears, and then tried his best to focus his eyes on Xiao Zheng, who was standing in the center of the field with an indifferent expression. He asked in a cold voice: "Who are you?"

"Xiao Zheng." Xiao Zheng said calmly.

"So you are Xiao Zheng?" Zhao Qingyun looked at Xiao Zheng with cold eyes. But I heard an uproar among the big guys present.

Xiao Zheng

Is this young man Xiao Zheng, who was very famous in the world and was called brother to Ye Shiguan

No wonder he was so skilled that he could easily kill Zhao Qingyun instantly. If he is Xiao Zheng, it would not be surprising!

"Xiao Zheng!"

Fourth Master Zhao stood up suddenly, strode towards Xiao Zheng, and shouted with an extremely ugly face: "Are you really going to go against me?"

When he first entered the venue, Fourth Master Zhao saw Xiao Zheng, whom he had not seen for five years. Due to his status, he did not greet the young man who was close brother to Ye Shiguan in person. It wasn't until this moment that he suddenly realized that Xiao Zheng's appearance was actually to beat his precious godson!

This made Fourth Master Zhao extremely angry, and also made Fourth Master Zhao hate Xiao Zheng, whom he originally admired very much!

If you didn't want to be with me back then, let it go, but now you're here to disrupt the situation and go against yourself. If he had known this, Fourth Master Zhao should not have given these brats a chance to rise to power!

"Fourth Master, you misunderstood." Xiao Zheng shook his head lightly and said expressionlessly. "I don't want to fight anyone, but Black Bear is my brother and I don't want anything to happen to him."


Black Bear is your brother, but Ye Shiguan is not your brother

Who the hell would believe this explanation

"You didn't want anything to happen to him, so you beat my son, right?" Mr. Zhao shouted hoarsely with his eyes wide open.

Xiao Zheng shrugged and said indifferently: "It's up to you what you want to think. I'm not interested in explaining."

After saying that, he turned around and left, ignoring Fourth Master Zhao's questioning.

At this time, Ye Shiguan finally stood up and walked towards Fourth Master Zhao: "Fourth Master, we drank wine and fought. Since you are incapable of taking back the territory, just leave it in my hands for the time being. Don't worry, I, Ye Shiguan, The territory I manage will always make a lot of money and never lose money. I will also take good care of your brothers and I will not treat them badly."

After saying these words that were enough to make Fourth Master Zhao jump and scold his mother, Ye Shiguan followed Xiao Zheng's footsteps and left the birthday banquet. The Zhao family's group of angry but helpless eldest brothers were left behind. Even the bosses who came to congratulate him felt very blushing for Mr. Zhao.

A group of juniors took over the territory and ruined the place. Now I can't even compete with them in a duel. In this battle, Fourth Master Zhao lost so much that he didn't even have his underwear left. It can be said to be his biggest failure in the 40 years since his debut.

"Fuck you!"

Fourth Master Zhao kicked the dining table over and shouted to the sky: "I, Mr. Zhao, will not be a human being until I defeat you!"

Fourth Master Zhao is famous for his love of face. Even though he is over sixty now, he still behaves like young people and has a strong sense of self-esteem. He would feel uncomfortable when he went out without ten or eight younger brothers following him. When dining with old brothers, whoever rushes to pay the bill must be in a hurry with whomever he is eating with. Even if I win playing cards with my brothers, I will return all the money.

This kind of Mr. Zhao, whose 60th birthday was supposed to be lively and honorable, was completely ruined by Ye Shiguan, Xiao Zheng and others. He hates these little losers to death!