Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 91: Just one turn!


Xiao Zheng graduated from junior high school at the age of fifteen and broke into the so-called world by accident. Fighting, brawling, forming gangs, whatever rebellious teenagers should and shouldn't do, he did it all. In that year, he and Ye Shiguan stayed in the same detention cell and became good friends who talked about everything. The world is so wonderful, just by turning around, two young people who had never met each other got to know each other and became good friends who talked about everything. At that time, Xiao was squandering his seemingly endless youth, spending every cold and summer heartlessly. Ye Shiguan, who dropped out of junior high school, is deliberately struggling on the road, looking forward to a sudden rise and eager to become famous.

Things in the world are so wonderful. Ye Shiguan turned around again and became the most popular and formidable Boss Ye on the Pearl Road. The scenery is endless and the heights are high. Xiao Zheng, on the other hand, was dependent on others, living in Lin Huayin's valuable villa, holding a labor contract with a low monthly salary and a heavy workload. But if anyone thinks that Xiao Zheng like this can be raped by anyone at will, then he is totally wrong, adding more mistakes to his mistakes.

Even the arrogant Ye Shiguan would never dare to take this former good brother lightly. He would rather spend so much effort to establish him as an enemy of the Zhao family. It is conceivable that in Ye Shiguan's eyes, Xiao Zheng is really a powerful man who is capable enough to shake the foundation of the Zhao family.

But unfortunately, the Zhao family really took action. Launched a sinister revenge on Xiao Zheng! And joined forces with the police force to try to throw him into prison and suffer the consequences of prison!

The actions of the Zhao family completely angered Xiao Zheng, a man who was once hailed as the most promising man on the Pearl Road. Even Ye Shiguan has lived in his shadow for a long time!

Lin Huayin had never seen such a look on Xiao Zheng's face. This Xiao Zheng is a completely strange man. It was different from the carefree things he once did, but Lin Huayin was shocked and at the same time became more and more curious about his past.

What can be confirmed is that Xiao Zheng had been on the road. Lin Huayin did not get specific information about what the mixture was like. But judging from the fact that he has attracted enough attention from Shen Manjun, his past must be exciting and cannot be underestimated.

"You have to be merciful and be merciful." Lin Huayin persuaded him with a gentle attitude. "Pearl is a city governed by the rule of law, and the tolerance for violence is very low."

Although she never appreciated Taoist figures and her world view was inconsistent with Lin Xiaozhu's, no matter what, the relationship between Xiao Zheng and her was here. Lin Huayin really didn't want Xiao Zhengxing to make a mistake and never look back.

"What kind of person do you think I am?" Xiao Zheng suddenly raised his head and lit a cigarette with calm eyes.

Facing Xiao Zheng's unprecedented serious look, Lin Huayin was stunned.

What kind of person is he? Lin Huayin fell into deep thought.

How could she know what kind of man Xiao Zheng was? She and Xiao Zheng had only been together for less than ten days. During these ten days, she strongly refused to communicate with Xiao Zheng. In just a few short encounters, various misunderstandings and coincidences always affected her objective understanding and recognition of him. It can even be said that in these ten days, her understanding of him was still at the same stage, making no progress.

"Strange." Lin Huayin gave the only answer she could give.

Xiao Zheng smiled and said: "Then why do you think that a person like me, who has been around in the Tao, will swallow his anger? Can I tolerate those who attack me and try to hurt me?"

Lin Huayin frowned and said, "If you take revenge on them, they will continue to cause trouble for you."

"Then let them lose the ability to retaliate again." Xiao Zheng said seriously

"Is it worth it?" Lin Huayin asked confused. "It's hard to look back and live a normal life. Aren't you afraid of losing everything you have?"

Lin Huayin was a little angry.

She has slowly forgotten Xiao Zheng's past! During these ten days, although she tried her best to avoid contact with Xiao Zheng. But the two of them lived under the same roof, breathed the same air, and saw each other every day, leaving their own imprints on each other's lives. How could he be completely indifferent

Lin Huayin was cold enough and proud enough. But this does not mean that she is a female robot, a woman without feelings and emotions. She still didn't like Xiao Zheng, and there was no way to accept this man who had inadvertently entered her life. But after all, plants and trees are still sentient, let alone a woman of flesh and blood

She hoped that Xiao Zheng was fine and could live a pain-free life. At the very least, be an ordinary and happy man before he leaves his own world. Instead of fighting and scheming all day long.

Xiao Zheng stared at Lin Huayin, his eyes slightly complicated.

This was the first time that he had such serious communication with Lin Huayin. He no longer hid everything behind his cynical appearance, but looked at Lin Huayin solemnly, with the corners of his lips slightly raised: "Have you ever heard of a saying? People who are kind will be bullied, and horses who are kind will be ridiculed. .”

"This is purely an excuse for my own impulse." Lin Huayin defended. "It's something someone who has done something wrong would say."

"Then do you know that one time of weakness may be rewarded by others taking advantage of others thousands of times?" Xiao Zheng looked at Lin Huayin solemnly and said every word. "I don't know how businessmen negotiate, but I can be sure that when you negotiate, you will definitely show your strongest side, because only in this way can you gain enough respect."

Xiao Zheng did not wait for Lin Huayin to speak and made his conclusion: "Weak people will never be respected."

Lin Huayin fell silent.

She could not refute Xiao Zheng's argument. As he said, weak people can never be respected. This point has been vividly demonstrated in the business world. Lin Huayin also felt the powerlessness deep in her heart more than once when facing a strong negotiator.

If you retreat, the other party will advance endlessly. And when you have no retreat and there is only a cliff behind you, you will find that the road ahead is also ruthlessly blocked by the enemy!

The shopping mall is like a battlefield. What Lin Huayin has experienced and learned from life in the past few years is far more than the total of the previous twenty years of his student career. And slowly disintegrated the worldview she had established over the past twenty years inch by inch. Until it collapses.

She agreed with most of what Xiao Zheng said, but intellectually, she did not agree with Xiao Zheng's radical and paranoid ideas. Even if he had that ability, Lin Huayin still couldn't watch Xiao Zheng do something she thought was wrong.

"Must you go?" Lin Huayin raised his slightly lowered eyes and stared directly at Xiao Zheng.

"I'll have to go sooner or later." Xiao Zheng nodded. Be firm.

"Don't be late for work tomorrow. Xinao has regulations. Being late during the internship period will result in heavy penalties. You may also be fired." Lin Huayin said and went upstairs expressionlessly.

Xiao Zheng watched Lin Huayin go upstairs, then returned to the dining table to continue eating the already cold lunch. His eyes became colder and harsher.