Boil Wine For Peace In The World

Chapter 104: The soul of another world


After Xie Weixing knocked down the pattern on the last sarcophagus, all the sarcophagi were moved to both sides and arranged in a circle, with two rows on each side and eight pairs in each row, crossing each other. Just as everyone was wondering, the floor in the middle slowly rose, and a square stone slab slowly rose up -

"What is that?" Jin Ronger looked at the box curiously with her eyes wide open. Just as she jumped forward to pick it up, Nangong Wei was faster than her and took the box in his hand first.

"Hey!" Jin Ronger frowned, stared at him, and said, "How can you steal what I like?"

Nangong Wei smiled coldly and looked at her warily: "There are so many people here, do you think it's yours if you just take a fancy to it? You have such a beautiful idea!"

"Hahaha, Nangong Wei, good job. Come over here and show me what's in there. It's so secretive!" Lu Yixiang laughed loudly.

Unexpectedly, Nangong Wei didn't obey his orders. Just as he was about to speak, the tomb began to tremble again, this time more violently than before.

"What's going on?" Nangong Wei rolled on the spot holding the box and rolled to the wall, but further away from Lu Yixiang.

Xie Weixing looked at Nangong Wei with a sullen face and said loudly: "You took the box away and triggered the mechanism. The tomb is going to collapse!"

"Impossible!" Nangong Wei looked at him in horror, "Stop it quickly! Hurry!"

Xie Weixing shook his head. At this time, the roof suddenly cracked, and a large piece of mud fell down. Xie Weixing quickly took Yu Chen and ran towards Anyu. However, when he was halfway there, a piece of debris fell from above. Large pieces of mud and rock.

"Be careful!" As soon as An Yu finished speaking, a piece of mud fell between them.

Yu Chen said to Xie Weixing beside him: "Open the sarcophagus and let's lie inside!"

Xie Weixing, who was rushing towards Anyu, was stunned for a moment, but still did as he said. Luck opened one of the sarcophagi, only to find that there was nothing inside. Xie Weixing put him inside. When he was about to leave to find An Yu, Yu Chen grabbed him. At the critical moment, Xie Weixing didn't want to pay attention to him, but he stopped briefly when he saw Yu Chen's extremely serious expression.

"Do you remember Tian Xiangyu's Five-pole Blue Cloud Formation?"

Before Xie Weixing could recover, there was a burst of screaming from the other side, it was An Yu!

He turned around and took a look, his heartbeat suddenly stopped!

Large swaths of rocks were thrown at An Yu, and she screamed and hurriedly left the wall. She held her head and rolled inside. When she was trying to support her body, another piece of it hit her. Huddled together in despair, waiting for the god of death to come...

"I'm here, don't worry!" The warm embrace was pressed against her back, and the warm words were next to her ears. There was no safer place than this.

The two jumped into the sarcophagus. The lid of the coffin was closed to isolate them from everything outside. When Lu Yixiang and others saw them lying in the sarcophagus, they quickly hid in the sarcophagus like them...

There is a word called "living toward death", which means that when a person understands the relationship between life and death, he can face death more bravely. She listened to Xie Weixing's steady heartbeat and enjoyed the warmth coming from his body. Secretly thinking, maybe she is in such a state of mind now!

She didn't know and didn't care what was going on outside. There is even a feeling that even if you die here, you will be happy. In the moment of life and death just now, she thought of her parents when her soul drifted to modern times and saw the happy man and woman holding hands when she heard the dreamy piano music. Now she thinks of these again. But I just felt powerless and didn't want to pay attention to it anymore. I just want to lie here until the end of time...


She opened her eyes. In the darkness, she gently raised her head and looked at the man who was still holding her tightly in his arms. His chin looked even sharper due to his disguise. Such a man is willing to put aside his identity and pretend to be a woman... What kind of person is he? They have been together for nearly half a year, but she still doesn't understand him.

"What are you thinking about?" Her chest was beating, and a nasal voice came to her. She didn't react for a moment, "Why don't you speak? Are you injured somewhere?"

An Yu was startled, shook his head, and said in a low voice, "No."

The smell in the sarcophagus was a bit pungent, and she couldn't help but bury her face in his arms, smelling the smell of grass from his body, and her tense nerves slowly relaxed, "What are you thinking about?"

"The five-pole blue cloud formation of Tianxiangyu."

"What is that?" Because she buried herself in his arms, her voice was muffled.

"This is an escape formation invented by Tian Xiangyu. It can survive death, but... I only heard my master talk about it when I was very young, and I don't know how to set up the formation."

"Wu Ji Cang Yun Formation?" An Yu frowned, "Which Wu Ji?"

"Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are each distributed in the five poles, and the blue cloud is the top that governs them all, and puts them to death below."

Xie Weixing's voice was high and low, and his breathing was a little messy. An Yu was shocked. He recalled that when the stone fell, he seemed to have picked himself up. What about the stone? not-

"You're injured!" An Yu exclaimed, "Where is the injury?"

She struggled to get up, but forgot that they were inside the sarcophagus, and accidentally hit her head on the roof. With an "ouch", An Yu hurriedly held her head, grinning in pain.

Xie Weixing smiled softly, but suddenly lost his breath and coughed. An Yu was worried about him and hurriedly bent over, lying on him to check, and said anxiously: "Are you still laughing? Tell me where you are injured, and I will bandage it for you!"

"No, just don't move."

An Yu was stunned and had no choice but to stay away from him, but the sarcophagus was only so big, so no matter how far away he was, he could still touch the other person's body.

"Did the rock just hit you on the head?"

"Wouldn't it make me a fool if I smashed it on the head? Do you think I look like a fool now?"

An Yu was silent for a moment in the darkness, then nodded very seriously and said honestly: "That's stupid. If you rush over and use your body to block the falling rocks, doesn't your life count as your life?"

Xie Weixing didn't say anything, but stretched out his left hand to pull her back into his arms while she was lying far away, and held her tightly. He gently rubbed his chin against her soft hair and said dullly: "Well, if it happens again, I will rush to save you stupidly."

Unable to help herself, An Yu's lips curved. She liked the warm feeling in her heart, but she said firmly: "No. I won't let you have this opportunity next time!"

Do you want to hand over your heart? Will she meet a scumbag like that man again? Will not. At least, Xie Weixing is not this kind of person. An Yu lowered his eyes, turned around carefully, and gently nestled into his arms.

Xie Weixing wanted to sleep very much, but his back was burning his mind and he couldn't sleep! His mind was clearer and he lowered his head to look at the woman on his chest. How had he been tempted by her to get here? From Nan Qi to here, he chased and thought about it all the way, but finally couldn't figure out the reason. But at the moment when he was about to lose her, he still obeyed his heart.

After closing his eyes, he said in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Yu, listen carefully, if I... fall asleep in a while, you have to find a way to get out of here... "

"What about you?" An Yu was stunned when she heard what he said. What does it mean to fall asleep? Alarm bells rang in her heart, "It's up to you to find a way!"

Xie Weixing smiled softly: "Yu Chen just said that after entering the sarcophagus, we should think about the five-pole blue cloud formation in the sky. Maybe this formation can let us out."

An Yu blinked, squeezed back the tears that were about to flow out, and pretended to be angry: "I don't understand the formation. Think about it quickly, you can't sleep. Believe it or not, if you sleep, I will sleep too!"


Xie Weixing had no choice but to stretch his right hand. His right hand was a little numb. When he rushed towards it, he used his right hand to slap the stone away and scratched it across his back. Even now, his back is still burning. He entered Shanlong Village day and night and rescued her from Shanlong Village. He has never closed his eyes until now. He originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take a nap, but she felt as anxious as if she was going to die...

I wanted to explain it, but suddenly I realized that this feeling was actually quite good! He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, becoming more playful, and pretended to be very weak and said to her: "But I can't hold it anymore..."

"No! Xie Weixing, please open your eyes and look at me! Isn't it just a cloud formation? It's very simple. Think about it quickly, you can definitely figure it out!" An Yu became even more anxious after hearing what he said, and ignored him Just warned, climbed up, grabbed the collar on his chest and said loudly.

"Yu'er, are you worried that I will die?" Although his words were a question, his tone was extremely certain.

An Yu couldn't control her tears, and they fell down, falling just in his mouth. The salty taste spread, and Xie Weixing stretched out his left hand to help her wipe it gently.

"Well, I'm afraid you'll die... I've been here for almost half a year, and I don't have any friends at all. Only you know that I escaped from the Su Mansion, and you are the only one who is willing to die for me. I don't know if I will ever meet someone like this again. But now that I have touched you, you can’t die, do you hear me?!”

"Why have you been here for half a year?" Xie Weixing listened to her words carefully and asked with some confusion.

"I, I am not Su Liuyuan, I am An Yu... She is Prime Minister Su's daughter. I come from another time and space. There, I may have died, but my soul came here, so I am not Su Liuyuan at all. Ah!" An Yu threw herself into his arms and cried bitterly.

Xie Weixing was shocked and lay in shock. He forgot to speak or comfort her...

"Are you afraid of me? I'm not a ghost, I'm a human... I don't know why I came here... Xie Weixing, are you still there?"

Hearing her soft and urgent voice, Xie Weixing regained his composure and murmured: "No wonder Shaojing said that you are nothing like the fifth young lady of the Su family before..."

An Yu burst into tears and laughed: "You're still here."

Hearing this, Xie Weixing felt a little pain in her heart. She was so afraid that she would leave her!