Boil Wine For Peace In The World

Chapter 96: A lifetime apart in a dream


After leaving the luxurious villa in despair, the woman stumbled out. A series of ringtones rang, and he picked up the phone blankly and looked at it. It turned out to be a call from home.

"An'an, come to the Central Hospital quickly, your father has a heart attack!"

No matter how calm the woman was, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning. Then she quickly got into the car, started it, and stepped on the accelerator—

But the man chased him out at this time. Looking at his somewhat guilty expression, the woman sighed. This man always seemed to be like this, hesitant. Why did she choose him in the first place? Through the glass, watching without speaking.

"Don't you really think about it? In fact, Zi'er is very well-behaved. Why can't you tolerate her?"


What else could she say? Praise that the little girl is really as cute and well-behaved as he said

Holding back the anger that was about to burst out, she asked calmly: "Who is that woman?"

After a long silence, the man's lips gently lifted and spit out a syllable: "liyar."


Liyar is a mixed race and an exquisite woman. She didn't have much interaction with her originally, but this man introduced her to her company as an old classmate of his and became the department manager of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Liyar is very well-behaved, at least in front of her. Just like the little girl she gave birth to with him, small and small, like the girl next door. But she didn't expect that they would hook up with women behind her back.

In a daze, the woman angrily stepped on the accelerator, ignored the man blocking the road, and rushed over. The man moved aside anxiously, a flash of light flashed, and the wind and waves suddenly stopped...

An Yu looked at all this, and his heart was already as clear as a mirror, the woman in this picture. Who could it be if it wasn't me? She was passionate for her family and that man, but what was left of her in the end? He didn't see his parents for the last time before he died. Who could he possibly deceive by saying that he didn't feel resentful

Youyou exhaled a breath, and An Yu's figure slowly flew up -

Leaves fell on the vibrant grass, and the wind was filled with the smell of green grass. An Yu hadn't relaxed like this for a long time. He closed his eyes slightly and searched skillfully in the garden.

Low voices came from the house not far away. An Yu walked towards the sound and looked in through the mottled window. He saw only a bed and a table in the room. There was nothing else. There was a person lying on the bed, his eyes were cloudy. There was a sound in his mouth. An Yu was far away and didn't hear clearly what he said. When he was about to get closer, he saw that the person lying on the bed seemed to have a feeling and raised his head to look at An Yu outside the window.

An Yu was shocked, this is... her father!

He smiled happily at her. Eyes closed gently. A heart-wrenching cry was heard, and the woman fell on him. An Yu was anxious and squeezed in through the window. He wanted to hug the woman distressedly, but his hands swept over her in vain... nothing.

Anxious An Yu looked at his hands in horror, while the woman cried unconsciously at the death of her beloved...

"Mom-" murmured these two notes. An Yu felt dizzy for a while, closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

In a trance. An Yu seemed to hear someone calling him, one after another, from gentle to impatient, and then from impatient to gentle again. An Yu only felt that he was very tired. I was a little annoyed by these calls, and I wanted to yell at him to stop making noise. But his mouth seemed to be blocked and he couldn't open it. The blur in her consciousness caused a ball of hot air to gradually gather in An Yu's abdomen. They circled in her abdomen, running back and forth.

What is this? A question lingered in An Yu's mind, but she still didn't get an answer in the end, because... she seemed to be the only one here.

What is extreme sleepiness? No matter where she lay down, she could sleep until eternity...

"Xiao An, An An, Yu'er, Xiao Yu'er, wake up soon. When you wake up, I will take you wherever you want to go..." The voices in the dream became louder and louder, and An Yu frowned. I wanted to escape, I wanted to cover my ears, but in the end, I was forced to listen.

"Get out of my way!"

Suddenly, the heat in his abdominal cavity surged upwards. An Yu hit a cool and soft object with his hand with a "pop" and opened his eyes with a roar. But when she saw the person in front of her clearly, she was completely stunned.

Under the dim light, a palm was printed on a white face, but there was no trace of anger in his expression, but his eyes were full of joy.

"Yu'er, you finally woke up!"

An Yu's somewhat disconnected nerves connected and he didn't answer. He just pointed at his face and said blankly: "Who hit you?"


There was a strange silence. An Yu suddenly remembered the sound he had heard in a daze just now. His ears felt a little hot and he curled his lips: "What's wrong with me? Where is this place?" He turned around awkwardly and looked at where they were. She was lying on the ground, it was dark all around and she couldn't see where she was.

"This is the Youling Ancient Tomb. We just encountered the Dream Qinyin. You... haven't woken up. Yu Chen said that if you don't wake up, maybe, maybe you will never wake up again."

His expression was indifferent, and An Yu couldn't tell what he was thinking. Wasn't he the anxious person when he saw that he hadn't woken up just now

"What on earth did you see just now? Why don't you want to wake up?"

The sharp eyes looked straight into her heart, making her want to hide herself. She didn't want to come back, really didn't want to come back. Seeing her father die in the arms of her mother who was getting weaker and weaker, how could she be willing to leave

But how could she tell him this

Xie Weixing looked at the woman in front of him who had become fragile and more avoidant at some point and sighed helplessly, and said softly: "That's all, if you don't want to say it, I won't force you, but don't stay awake again in the future." He seemed to realize that something was wrong with what he said, and added domineeringly, "If you want to sleep, you can't sleep for so long!"


Not far away, gentle laughter came out. An Yu raised his head and looked over, it was Yu Chen. Why didn't you notice him just now

"Xiao An just touched the wall, so the dreamy piano sound was emitted. The dreamy piano music and the soul-locking array actually have the same function, but the dreamy piano sound is for listening, while the soul-locking array is for seeing. The soul-locking array attracts the mind of the viewer, making it It gradually becomes crazy, until finally it traps people alive in the soul-locking formation. The music of the dreamy piano makes people enter the world of their own imagination, and that world is what you think, dream and dream. If the * in your heart If you are stronger, you won't even want to return to the real world." Yu Chen walked towards the two of them and stood next to Xie Weixing, his eyes falling on a certain point, "Fortunately Mr. Xie woke you up just now. otherwise… "

He didn't say any more, and An Yu fell silent. Xie Weixing didn't know what he was thinking. Although his eyes were looking at her, it didn't seem like he was really looking at her...

"Are we in that ancient tomb now? How do we get out? There is no water or food here. If we don't get out, we will definitely starve to death."

When Xie Weixing called her just now, he spoke for a long time. An Yu did not ignore the chapped corners of his mouth, and felt warm in his heart with a hint of bitterness.

"I just went out to look for water, but unfortunately, I didn't find it..." Yu Chen said disappointedly, and Ruyan's brows gradually became frowning.

An Yu got up from the ground. Her head was a little dizzy because she had been lying down for too long. A pair of strong hands supported her.

"What should we do now?" She leaned on him and asked in a low voice.

Neither of them answered her.

"Young Master Yu, I remember that there was a transom on the roof when I came in. Are you sure?" The three of them were silent for a long time, and Xie Weixing asked calmly.

"Yes, sure. You may not be able to see it, but if you calm down and feel it, the air in this room is coming from that small window."

Xie Weixing narrowed his eyes and nodded.

"Let's go. I know where to go!" He turned his head and smiled at An Yu.

Although he came out, it was still dark outside, there was no fire, and he couldn't see clearly anyway. An Yu raised his head, but there was nothing above his head. If you can't see your fingers, what else can you see

"What do you want to do?" In the darkness, Yu Chen listened to the sound of Xie Weixing gearing up and couldn't help but ask doubtfully.

"Kill the sky!"

Ignoring the surprised tone of the two people, Xie Weixing secretly practiced his skills and gradually condensed the vague and non-existent gas. A glimmer of light flashed, and the originally dark roof above the heads of the three people suddenly glowed with light, and gold flowed all over the ground. An Yu's eyes couldn't adapt, so he raised his hands to cover his eyes. Through the fine lens, he saw that the originally dark walls around him were gone, leaving only a dazzling light.

"Look!" An Yu shouted in surprise, pointing at the large cylinder emitting golden light.

This is a majestic hall, with six columns held by one person supporting a roof more than ten feet high. Looking along the columns, they discovered that the roof was filled with various characters, including men and women, playing and playing together. There were children, literati and poets who went on an outing to enjoy the flowers together, and ladies of the house who held feather fans and lightly covered their lips with smiles... These lifelike paintings reminded An Yu of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" and also of Dunhuang. Murals, however, these paintings are brighter in color than "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" and closer to life than the Dunhuang murals.

"What a miraculous skill!" She admired in a low voice.

"Well, it's really exciting!"

Yu Chen couldn't see it, so he could only stay there helplessly: "Is this the place where the God rests?"

"There's something you don't know!" An Yu frowned, turned around and said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not a saint, I know everything." Yu Chen answered helplessly while stroking his forehead.