Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 124: Father and mother white came to the door again


Now that the design draft is gone, Liu Xiaohong can only redesign new styles: "Sister Sangyu... Tell me about Jinxiao... I may not be able to offer new styles for next month..."

Bai Sangyu patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, I will tell him. Don't be discouraged. Maybe you left the design at home and said I didn't find it."

"That is, don't worry too much. Sang Yu and I will help you find it. Maybe we missed something." Liang Ying added.

In the end, Liu Xiaohong could only go home once. After bidding farewell to the two people, Bai Sangyu felt that things were not that simple: "Sister Ying, do you think this has anything to do with Bai Jingqiu? We have come out now, and the only people we have come into contact with are hers. What happened to Xiaohong's missing manuscript after meeting her?"

"I doubted all of what you said, but we still don't know what purpose Bai Jingqiu used to pick up Xiaohong's draft design."

Just as the two of them were at a loss, Bai Sangyu inadvertently watched the pupils in a certain direction become larger, ignoring Liang Ying's call, and rushed towards the crowd.

The surging crowd kept pushing Bai Sangyu forward uncontrollably, her eyes kept locked on the target not far away, her neck stretched long, for fear of missing that person.

Bai Sangyu would be so urgent, because she saw a woman who looked like her, she was just curious at first, but gradually she felt that something was wrong and followed.

There were a lot of helpless people, Bai Sangyu lost him halfway through, and could only return in discouragement, and ran into someone's arms as soon as he turned around.

"Sorry, I didn't look at the road just now." Bai Sangyu apologized and looked up and saw Ding Junfeng!

"Sang Yu, why are you here? Did you come to buy things too?" Ding Junfeng was a bit tempered after being hit by someone, but he was overjoyed when he saw Bai Sangyu.

Bai Sangyu didn't want to take care of her, she had already apologized, and there was no need to stay and chat with Ding Junfeng. Ding Junfeng finally met Bai Sangyu again and would not give up this opportunity.

"Sang Yu, don't rush to leave, I have something to tell you."

"But I have nothing to tell you. I will still show up in my sight in the future, which is very an eye-catching." Bai Sangyu said grimly, with inexhaustible disgust in his eyes.

Bai Sangyu hated herself and said a lot of ugly things. Ding Junfeng was also used to it. He didn't care about her, but became more and more obsessed with Bai Sangyu.

"Sang Yu, the more you resist me, saying that you actually have me in your heart. Don't you know, my mother went to your parents to say kiss. Your parents also promised us that they can be absolutely sure. Convince you."

Bai Sangyu had no reaction at all when he said something to Ding Junfeng, and his expression was still indifferent: "Ding Junfeng, don't you think you are so funny? Not only did I break away from the Bai family, but I also married Tang Jinxiao. This is an ironclad fact. , You have nothing to waste your energy doing such useless things!"

"I think this is a very meaningful thing, and I guess your current parents should have come to you, so you should be ready to become our Ding's daughter-in-law." Ding Junfeng is bound to win this time. , There is unspeakable pride in the tone.

Bai Sangyu didn't know where this man was so confident, and said such grandiose words, but even if Bai Sangyu and Bai Mu brainwashed her in any way, Bai Sangyu would not easily compromise!

Finally, she glared at Ding Junfeng and left without saying a word. This time Ding Junfeng did not catch up, but looked at Bai Sangyu's slender back with a playful expression on her face.

"Why did you suddenly run away just now, so I was so shocked that I thought I couldn't find you." When Bai Sangyu came back, Liang Ying's nervous mood finally eased.

Bai Sangyu only said that she followed someone she knew, and she didn't mention to Sister Ying that she saw a woman who looked a lot like her.

The two walked around and went back. Before reaching the door of the house, Bai Sangyu saw Father Bai and Mother Bai who hadn't been seen for a long time. The two of them have been squatting here long ago.

After waiting for more than an hour, I couldn't help thinking about going back. Who knew that by chance, Bai Sangyu returned.

"Second girl, you finally came back. Your mother and I waited for a long time. I thought you would not come back. I was worried about whether something happened to you." Father Bai pushed him to the side after he finished speaking. White mother, the white mother reacted immediately.

"Yes, yes, I'm looking for you this time for a very important thing. It's a long story. Or else, let's go in and talk about it? What do you think?"

Bai Mu just heard that Bai Sangyu lived in a rich man's house, and hadn't seen how the house was. This made her full of novelty and wanted to see what happened.

Bai Sangyu actually didn't want to let these two in, but also thought about how to send them away. God knows if they get in, I don't know if they will make Sister Ying's house up and down.

"If this is the case, then you all come in." Liang Ying's unwavering tone made Father Bai and Mother Bai smile. She let the two men in to make it clear, lest they always come in again and again. Trouble with Bai Sangyu in my own home.

As soon as I entered Liang Ying’s house, the white mother wandered around with a pair of thief eyes. The house was cleaned up by white sangyu, and she looked at ease. In addition, there were some household appliances in the house that the villagers would not even dare to think of. Just live here and stay away.

"Let's talk, what are you looking for me? We will be busy later." How can Bai Sangyu fail to see Bai Mu's thoughts at the moment, and remember those words that Ding Junfeng said to himself not long ago, it seems that he really belongs to the Ding family Lobbyists are here.

"Your mother and I came over this time to tell you about your life experience." Father Bai's words undoubtedly changed Bai Sangyu's face.

The white mother took her husband's words: "I know that you have always hated us so that you made such a rebellious decision. During this period, we also feel very sorry for you. It has caused you a lot of hardship and decided to make up for you. Inquiring about the whereabouts of your biological parents, I always try my best to pay off. I found some eyebrows, so I was anxious to tell you."

Bai Sangyu originally thought that she could be quiet, but now the two people in front of her mentioned her biological parents, she was confused, and she was very happy to be able to find her biological parents, but Bai father and Bai mother were Who, are they really convincing

Liang Ying was skeptical about every sentence of these two words: "You said you have eyebrows, then you have to talk about it, what have you found? Don't say the last sentence without the next sentence. It's just stunned."