Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 643: Choose to forgive


Suning walked to the door of Bai Sangyu and saw through the glass that Bai Sangyu in the room was chatting with Tang Jinxiao, and it seemed that he had almost recovered.

She plucked up the courage and raised her hand to knock on the door. She watched Sang Yu now have a plaster cast on her arm. Although she was still in a good state of mind, she looked very pale at first glance, and she put it down again.

She suddenly became timid, and she was afraid that Bai Sangyu would not accept her apology.

"Go, Sang Yu will accept it, don't be afraid."

Zhang Bo, who clasped Suning's hand tightly, gently squeezed her hand to show comfort and hope to give her strength.

Suning took a deep breath, summoned the courage, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Tang Jinxiao came over to open the door for them. When he saw that it was Suning and Zhang Bocai, the hand that opened the door hesitated, his eyes were wary, but he chose to open the door.

The man who opened the door turned and left directly, standing by the window, not wanting to see them.

"Brother, Suning."

Bai Sangyu's expression didn't seem to have much expression, as if it hadn't been affected in any way, and it seemed that the car accident had never happened before.

The person who accepted the apology was not too emotional, which made Zhang Bocai and Suning feel more guilty.

Suning opened her mouth, wanting to say something but she didn't dare to say it.

"Why are you two here?" Tang Jinxiao didn't have a good face. He felt that these two people had hurt Bai Sangyu, and he even dared to come today.

Zhang Bocai saw how embarrassed now, he quickly came out to adjust the atmosphere.

"Let's take a look at Sang Yu, but mainly want to talk, right, Suning."

In fact, Bai Sangyu knew the purpose of the two of them here today. She understood that it was to apologize, but she had actually chosen to forgive them.

Suning was psychologically traumatized, and he did such an extreme thing.

"I know what you two are going to do, I know."

"Sang Yu, what I'm talking about today may be a bit embarrassing for you. I find it hard to tell. This time, it is mainly because of my problems. I can't control my own emotions and behaviors. To you, Bocai, and Tang Jinxiao No matter whether you accept my apology or not, for causing such a great harm, I still have to say sorry."

His voice gradually choked up, tears were already rolling in his eyes, and he bowed hard to apologize.

The snow-white ward was silent, and none of the four people spoke.

"As Sang Yu's brother, I didn't protect my sister, let alone take care of my lover. In fact, the person who should apologize most is me. It is because of me that this happened."

At the same time, Zhang Bocai also bowed.

Bai Sangyu saw that the two of them felt even more uncomfortable, and she quickly got up to help them.

"Get up, brother, Suning, don't do this, we are all a family, I forgive you, I understand." Sang Yu quickly took a chair and let Suning sit down, after all, legs and feet are not convenient.

Then I picked up a glass of water for each of the two people, picked up the glass and found that my hand was broken.

In desperation, she shouted: "Jin Xiao, come and help me."

In fact, seeing the two of them coming, Tang Jinxiao also guessed their purpose, and didn't want to pay attention to them. For so many years, if there is no white sangyu, there will be no connection between them, he only cares about the little bit of Sangyu alone.

After receiving the water, the three people face to face and treat each other frankly.

"Suning, I can actually call you my sister-in-law after so long. I understand that you didn't mean it. I can understand the things that you can't control. So at this moment, let this matter pass."

Suning raised her head in surprise. She didn't expect Sang Yu to accept the apology just like that.

Feeling guilty, her eyes flowed down instantly, and she was about to embrace Sang Yu when she got up.

"Sang Yu, blame me, blame me, I'm wrong, I don't dare anymore, thank you for forgiving me." After sobbing, Suning could not catch his breath anymore and was extremely emotional.

"Okay, okay, sit down and take it easy. Then, let's receive treatment together. I will undergo thoracotomy to remove the thymoma. You and my brother will conduct psychological counseling, okay?"

Sang Yu carefully took a tissue to wipe away the tears on Suning's face.

"Okay, I promise you all." Suning's eyes were rubbed red and her nasal voice was heavy.

Sang Yu raised his head and glanced at Zhang Bocai with a particularly arrogant expression.

"Good brother, please take care of my sister-in-law, or I will ask you for it!"

Zhang Bo only saw his sister use this joking tone to ease the current atmosphere. He knew what kind of person his sister was, and he knew everything.

"Okay, brother must take good care of it."

Tang Jinxiao hadn't spoken, since Sang Yu chose to forgive, he respected her choice.

Two weeks later, Bai Sangyu accepted the surgical arrangement. At the end of the month, he will undergo thoracotomy and remove the thymoma.

Suning chose to receive psychological treatment and stayed in the 17th district. Zhang Bocai stayed on, and Suning was confident that he would be able to overcome the illness.

"I'm so worried, the operation is so big."

A man who is calm and calm on weekdays dominates the workplace, and there is no difficulty that can stump him. At this moment, his beloved is going to undergo surgery but is frightened.

The corners of Bai Sangyu's mouth raised, and he looked at Tang Jinxiao, who was frowning in front of him, and gently smoothed it with his hand.

"Don't worry, okay, I'm going to the operating room in the afternoon. Didn't you contact me with the best doctor? No problem."

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Sangyu underwent the operation, which was very successful.

Three weeks later, sleeping Sang Yu was once again living in the ward. She was not alone at this time. Tang Jinxiao, Zhang Bo, and Suning were waiting by her side.

Before the operation, Bai Sangyu entrusted Tang Jinxiao to contact Lao Liang, telling them that they temporarily suspended their culinary training due to physical reasons. Thank you very much for your care during this period, and cherish this fate, and hope that you can meet again in the future.

Suning's condition is also recovering well. She actively cooperates with the treatment, Zhang Bocai takes good care of her, and everyone is smiling.

Instead, only Tang Jinxiao himself was worried and afraid.

Bai Sangyu finally woke up.

"Does it hurt? I'll call a doctor."

It was Suning who first discovered that Bai Sangyu was awake. She hurriedly pressed the call button. The doctor did not come over for a long time, so she hurriedly called.

Tang Jinyi, with his brows still frowning, looked at the person in front of him distressedly, and went into the operating room twice a month. It was too much to suffer. It was not easy to walk all the way, and still toss the white sangyu like this.

"Jinxiao, don't wrinkle, it doesn't look good."

Then he squeezed out a smile, trying to comfort the man who silently stood by his side, he who had not been easy to stay with him all the way.

"I have a wish."

The big hand pushed Sang Yu's broken hair away, his eyes were tender and tender.

"you said."

"I want to start again."