Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 659: Officially put into operation


The factory rushes to produce the required materials day and night. From packaging to the surroundings, Bai Sangyu often goes to the factory to supervise the work. From material selection to processing, she doesn't want to be a little different, even if she uses the best silk ribbons for packaging.

She hopes that this joint series will allow consumers to remember not only the characters in the game, but also their products. So in addition to the attractive taste of drinks and food, the most important thing is the texture of these peripheral products, even the packaging. Bags and cartons are all areas that they need to scrutinize.

"Master, I trouble you to work overtime recently. You have worked hard. After this period of time, you will be able to pay."

Bai Sangyu knows that not only the designers but also the production staff are very tired these days, and the processing capital is indispensable. After all, it is hard work and a reward.

"Thank you, little girl."

As soon as I heard about the processing capital, the employees of the factory worked more vigorously.

After the inspection of the factory, Bai Sangyu hurried back to the company to participate in the new product seminar. The products are currently in the splicing and assembly stage and will be officially released in three days. They have to meet to discuss the details.

The discussion in the office was a bit intense, and Bai Sangyu, who had just arrived, didn't know what had happened.

"The profit is earned by everyone, and the game company has to be divided. We are the one with less profit. Because we have borrowed other people's game background, now we have to carry out discount activities. Isn't this clear to bully people?"

"But if new product releases are not accompanied by large discounts, how many people will buy products with a passion for games, especially in the catering industry like us, even if your cultural surroundings are worth collecting, then you will earn the most The profit point is your drink, so I disagree with your discount, which must be reduced."

It turned out that there was a problem with the pricing of the marketing department, and there are still three days to go on sale. It is still a bit tricky to determine the selling price.

"Sister Sang Yu, you are here."

When everyone saw that Bai Sangyu had come to the company, Xiaoxu, who was next to him, hurriedly pulled away his chair to give up his seat to Sangyu. Everyone didn't know how to determine the price for a while. The boss came to see if there was a reasonable choice.

"You continue to discuss, I will listen to it again."

After all, I can’t hear it well, and Bai Sangyu doesn’t have much to comment on.

"Sister Sangyu, this is the price of similar products currently on the market. Our family is not a product with small profits but quick turnover. The price has always been at a medium level, because most of the joint activities this time are actually borrowed from the role background of others. We have few achievements. In order to have enough profits to provide funds for subsequent development, I think the discount is too large."

Sun Yi from the marketing department expressed his views. Bai Sangyu felt that what he said after listening to it was reasonable, but if their products were not discounted, would they really attract enough consumers to consume

This is a serious problem. Bai Sangyu still doesn't support no discount. After all, they are a new product. At this moment, if they express their opposition directly, the staff may also be dissatisfied.

Bai Sangyu decided to express this idea laterally.

"Xiaoxu, can you read to everyone about the new product pre-sale statistics that the game company gave us. About how many?"

Li Chenxu was a little embarrassed, but he still did.

"The head of the marketing department of Life Game gave us the data that the pre-sale volume exceeded 3 million copies, but the deposit was about 1.5 million."

At this time, Bai Sangyu spoke slowly.

"Sun Yi, as the leader of the marketing department, you must understand what this data represents. It is unprecedented for us to have such pre-sale results in such a big environment. Even after sharing, our revenue will far exceed This figure, from my own point of view, I don’t want a discount either."

Bai Sangyu glanced at Sun Yi's face and found that she hadn't changed much, so she continued.

"But from the consumer's point of view and the user group's point of view, they definitely hope that there will be discounts, so that they will be attracted to make two or even multiple purchases. In addition, our sales are random, and some consumers definitely have We want to have a complete set of ideas, so the data will be bigger, so we might as well add discounts to attract more consumers."

After such an analysis, people who originally thought they needed a discount are now a little shaken. If nothing else, the profit is indeed much higher than the calculated result, because they are all conservative estimates.

"Mr. Bai, this explanation is indeed something that I am improper, but I still have a small suggestion."

"you said."

"If in the future our early income does not meet our expected standards, we must choose to shorten the time for discount promotions and reduce losses. I can choose to have discounts but not let the discounts delay the company's profits."

Hearing such words, Bai Sangyu had to sigh that everyone here has truly served the company and dedicated the company with his most beautiful years and abilities. Although the two sides use money as a link to connect with each other, there are also many other companies. People don't take their work seriously every day. In contrast, these people in front of you are hardworking and serious employees.

"I agree with what you said, if the expectation is not met, the discount period will be shortened to one month, so that there is room for both parties."

In the end, everyone reached a consensus and chose a suitable 20-20% discount, which is both profitable and attractive to consumers, with two birds with one stone.

Three days later, the product went on sale and the response was very good.

Especially young gamers are very much looking forward to this joint event. The online ordering and on-site sales on the day of the release attracted a lot of people. There was a long line at the door of the store in the early days. Zhou Haoze gave it early in the morning. The company called and said that there was not enough staff, so Zhang Li, Zhao Xin and the others hurried over to help.

I thought that there were enough people in line. Who would have thought that there would be a lot of people placing orders on the food delivery platform at noon, and there would be an endless stream of people.

The staff in the store and the takeaway boy kept going back and forth.

"There are so many people. As of 12 o'clock in the morning, our sales have reached three million, which is twice the expected deposit."

With the data obtained by Zhou Haoze from the game company, he quickly told everyone the good news. The effect is really good. Even people on the Internet are discussing enthusiastically. Many people who don’t pay attention to games also come to taste new products, causing a wave of fashion .

A few days later, even many celebrity artists have checked in new products one after another, so there is a new wave of publicity effects, which Bai Sangyu and the others did not expect.