Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 688: ?negotiation


"Resigned, just as I thought, now I'm going to the company to deal with this matter, you should rest at home first, if something really happens, I will find you."

Bai Sangyu didn't expect that she would be more calm when she heard the news than she had been thinking about it. It seemed that something really happened to know whether she could calm down and deal with it.

Since Zhang Li chose to resign, she must be because the other party's conditions are higher than the current company's offer, or there are other benefits, if she retains her as much as possible, will she have a different ending

Maybe she resigned just to put forward new conditions, using this trick to fight against the generals, the purpose is for her own benefit and salary, this is not impossible.

Bai Sangyu immediately packed up his things and drove to the company. As usual, everyone was busy with their own affairs. Only her people were waiting for her in the office. Then there was another important person, Zhang Li.

Zhang Li is still the professional suit that she wore when she saw it last night. The mature suit still can't cover her fresh graduated immature temperament and face, as well as her carefree personality.

Such a girl has always been a reliable and stable employee in Bai Sangyu's heart. She did not expect such a resignation in just six months.

"President Bai, you are here."

Every time it was Vice President Zheng opening, but every time things were not so good, especially for the future of the company.

"Do it first, Zhang Li, tell me why you resigned, sister."

Bai Sangyu doesn't lose his temper. It's superfluous to say anything at present. It's better to listen to what Zhang Li wants to say, and take a look at the request and consider the following things.

Zhang Li didn't expect to call her own name as soon as she came up and let her talk about her thoughts. This was indeed something she didn't talk about, but fortunately, she came with a purpose today.

"I'm here to resign today, and I have handed in the report." In fact, she knows in her heart that it is impossible for her to resign and the company will really let people go. She also has a certain position in this team. She has first-hand information on the promotion of and the latest product information.

If she leaves her job, a new company will send her a new salary and invite her to work. Last night, she found other companies, especially stores that competed with them in the past. This is just her first step.

"I know you are going to resign, do you really want to leave?"

Bai Sangyu didn't want to show her trump card so early, she wanted Zhang Li to speak first, she could still do it if she was calm, and it was not a difficult task to fumble over so many years.

Zhang Li looked at the calm and calm Bai Sangyu in front of her. It was not the result she wanted. What she wanted was that the other party was furious or had other emotional fluctuations, so that she could prove her status in this company. Now that calmness counts.

"I want to leave, but if the company can meet my requirements, I can also consider that I will not leave the company and will continue to fight for the company."

This was finally said, Zhang Li was still young and couldn't hide his true purpose.

"Then tell me what conditions you want, I think I can meet it or not." Bai Sangyu also followed her words and continued to answer, taking one step at a time.

Why did Zhang Li, a newly graduated college student, suddenly change his mind on the road to success? Bai Sangyu thinks that Zhang Li and this young man are treated well, with no shortage of salary and holidays, and there are additional rewards. This Don't even think about it in other companies.

Efforts and gains are directly proportional.

What Zhang Li did may be someone taught her to do it behind the scenes, but this is also a kind of Bai Sangyu's guess, she is still waiting and watching what it is.

"My condition is very simple. I hope that the company can promote me to the position of creative director, followed by a 40% salary increase. In addition, I want to have the same car distribution service as the vice president."

Zhang Li methodically talked about her conditions. Such words really surprised the other young staff present. What kind of courage made Zhang Li say such things, even if she did work well during this time, it deserves praise and recognition, but this is also Too much publicity.

How much time and energy did the vice president contribute in a company to have the status and influence that she is today? How can she open this mouth.

Bai Sangyu also felt unrealistic.

"Why do you have the confidence to say such things? Even if the company gives you such treatment and salary, what practical power do you think you have when you become an vacant position? Can you have such a big effect if you hold the vice president of the company? Don't be too arrogant, you can't be a fat man in one breath."

At first Bai Sangyu didn't want to be angry, but what Zhang Li said was too much.

Zhang Li also understood that Bai Sangyu could not give him such a salary. She still had a one-percent hope to test it out. If this side agreed to the request, it could reject the person who negotiated last night without delay on either side.

If Bai Sangyu rejects her, Zhang Li will leave the company with a different company, so that it has the best of both worlds, and wishful thinking is perfect.

"This is my condition. Whether it is met or not depends on the company and whether you agree to it. If you do not agree, then please sign my resignation report as soon as possible."

Zhang Li didn't stop doing two things either, and directly stated his purpose.

Bai Sangyu understood. It seemed that someone behind her was supporting her to give her an idea. Bai Sangyu decided to let her go. She wanted to see what kind of person Zhang Li was behind against herself.

"We can't be satisfied. Vice President Zheng troubles you to bring her resignation report, and I will sign it."

Bai Sangyu changed his conversation and directly chose to release him, Zhang Li was taken aback.

The original intention of the people behind her was to ask her to make a request and continue to work in the company, and then provide them with continuous new news, but Bai Sangyu did not answer this trick, and Zhang Li was a little dazed.

That being the case, Zhang Li will do nothing, and resign if he resigns.

"President Bai, this is a resignation report." Vice President Zheng brought Zhang Li's resignation report.

Bai Sangyu also took a look at it at will. She would head-to-head with the other party to see who was going to be right with her company and why she would use new employees to fight in this way.

Zhang Li still hopes that, waiting for Bai Sangyu, will he hesitate and stop her from leaving.

But the next second, Bai Sangyu picked up the pen and signed it immediately, and then lost his resignation report.

"You can go now. Thank you for meeting. I hope the people behind you can keep hiding. I want to see who is doing the ghost."

Bai Sangyu won't choose to back down this time, she must catch the inner ghost behind him, who can do such a thing.