Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 706: meet


When Bai Sangyu returned home, she didn't take the initiative to speak, and directly shut herself in the room. Tang Jinxiao was alone in the living room.

She can understand Tang Jinxiao’s helplessness about what happened yesterday. She must have stabilized Xie Wanrong’s emotions. After all, TEDA Group holds the lifeblood of their company. Tang Jinxiao chose to take her away from Bai Sangyu. Tang Jinxiao kept hiding from her because of so many things.

The husband and wife spent so many difficulties together. Tang Jinxiao still wants to solve it by himself every time, even if it threatens his marriage, he chooses to carry it by himself. This makes Bai Sangyu feel that he has no sense of existence in this marriage relationship, as if She is just a housewife who counts money and eats and drinks at home. She does not need to help her husband solve the problem, which makes Bai Sangyu very angry.

It is not the first time that Tang Jinxiao chose a person in the face of difficulties. It often happened when two people were in business before. At that time, Bai Sangyu still felt that this man was responsible and responsible, and she always worked hard alone to make her feel bad. Gradually, she realized that this was due to Tang Jinxiao's character, who was always too independent.

It may also have something to do with his growing up experience when he was a child. Bai Sangyu has always been tolerant of him, but he didn't expect to be where he is today.

Tang Jinxiao looked at the closed door, and had no choice but to take off his jacket and sit on the sofa in the living room alone. He didn't know how to explain this matter. From not returning from the previous night to last night, he shouldn't do it. He did the same thing all over again, and even abandoned his wife and other women and left.

After taking Xie Wanrong away last night, he was trapped in Xie's house. The door was locked and he couldn't get out. Xie Wanrong asked him to live at home. He directly refused someone to sleep in the car all night.

He figured it out. Even if Xie Wanrong didn't directly threaten Tang Jinxiao to do anything, he would trap him in Xie's house. The purpose was to make the relationship between him and Bai Sangyu crack and make the relationship self-defeating. She Xie Wanrong only used to appear. It is enough to do the fuse once.

Originally, Tang Jinxiao wanted to call Bai Sangyu to report his safety, only to realize that his mobile phone had been taken away by Xie Wanrong, and he couldn't do anything.

The wedding photos hung in the living room blatantly stimulated Tang Jinxiao's eyes. Although the two took wedding photos, they never had a wedding.

"I owe you, Sang Yu."

Tang Jinxiao has gone from being impoverished for so many years to his small achievements now that he can't do without Bai Sangyu's help and support. If there is no way for this woman to make money, he would not be where he is.

The man stood up suddenly and walked to the door of the room.

"Sang Yu, I was trapped in their house last night, I could only sleep in the car, and the phone was taken away. I know that I said these things sound like a lie, but these are true. I do it for you and thank you. Wanrong can only sleep in the car for one night in the same room."

Tang Jinxiao knew that he could no longer hide it, and he had to tell the truth to let Bai Sangyu know his difficulties. He didn't do this on purpose.

Bai Sangyu in the room suddenly heard Tang Jinxiao's explanation, and she gradually lost her anger when she was originally angry. This is how Tang Jinxiao likes to carry it alone. There is no way that she just loves such a man.

"I didn't leave you on purpose last night. After putting on your clothes, Xie Wanrong was next to my ear and said that as long as I left with you the next day, the supply would be cut off. I left with her in desperation. You also know that the phone is taken away and there is no way to contact you. I was wrong."

Tang Jinxiao recounted what happened in the past two days, for fear of missing a detail to make Bai Sangyu suspect.

The man kept looking down at his toes, his voice filled with grievances, and the door suddenly opened.

Bai Sangyu felt uncomfortable looking at Tang Jinxiao, who had no image in front of him. Such a big man had been suffocated in the car all night, and now his eyes were red.

"Sang Yu, you are out." Tang Jinxiao pulled her hand directly, excited like a child.

"Then why did you know her at dinner that day and didn't tell you, and you acted with me!" This is Bai Sangyu's most angry thing, she can forgive everything, but this matter makes her never understand why she wants to. acting.

Tang Jinxiao looked at the furious Bai Sangyu and didn't know what to say for a while. It seemed that it was his concealment that led to the subsequent series of things.

If he directly told Bai Sangyu that this was the daughter of the director of the TEDA Group, and said the company's problems, the two people worked together to solve the problem, it might not have quarreled like this.

"Because I want to solve the company's problems by myself, and I am afraid that after telling you, you will worry about it again, and hurt the child again. Then I really have no money and money."

Bai Sangyu was really dissatisfied when she heard such words. Facing such a straightforward and kind-hearted man, she understood that it was precisely because he loved to carry herself that she entrusted herself to Tang Jinxiao, and it was precisely because he was responsible. She chose Tang Jinxiao in her second life, Bai Sangyu.

"Forget it, don't do this next time, only our husband and wife work together to solve the problem can the real best business, understand?"

Tang Jinxiao breathed a sigh of relief when Bai Sangyu finally disappeared.

"Wife, I was wrong. Li Si said just now that he contacted Qi Sheng. Is what she said true?"

At first, he was a little surprised when Li Si mentioned the name Qi Sheng. It was not that this person had never contacted him, because the other party also had their own contract and the output had been fixed, so there was no way to continue the negotiation and they were rejected.

Unexpectedly, Qi Sheng turned out to be Qi Ru's elder brother. Bai Sangyu found out this relationship and helped contact him. Tang Jinxiao was really surprised.

"It's true. I also found it by accident. If Qi Sheng can help us through this month's difficulties in the face of Qi Ru, we can directly sue the TEDA Group. It was originally that they breached the contract first. Now As soon as Qi Sheng had time, Qi Ru helped organize the game."

Tang Jinxiao did not expect to hear such unexpected news when he went home. It was really a surprise. Bai Sangyu discovered the relationship between their brothers alone, which also gave the company hope.

"My wife, you are great!" Tang Jinxiao directly hugged Bai Sangyu in excitement, and turned around two times, making her dizzy.

"Let me down, dizzy!" Tang Jinxiao stopped quickly. Bai Sangyu looked at the man like a child in front of him and felt a little distressed. He clearly suffered so much by himself, but never said it.

"You go to rest, you must remember that we will solve the problem together."

Bai Sangyu smoothed Tang Jinxiao, who had been frowning. She hoped that he would be happy forever.