Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 714: ?Continued cooperation


Kang Jiajun, who was going out, looked at the contract in his hand and didn't expect that he would negotiate it so quickly today. It seems that people still need to force him to be effective.

"Chairman Kang, you are really amazing. As soon as I knocked on the door, they became anxious, and Cao Xuanbin came directly to sign a contract with us."

Listening to the assistant's flattering, Kang Jiajun felt happy.

Instead, Cao Xuanbin in the office was dumbfounded when he heard Zhang Bocai say there was a problem with the contract.

"Zhang Bocai, what are you talking about? Don't talk nonsense!"

Pointing to the final date of the contract, Zhang Bocai made a promise.

"You see that this date is not today at all, and the official seal they affixed is the financial seal and not the company's official seal. Your contract is invalid. This is the lowest level mistake."

Zhang Bo didn't expect that Cao Xuanbin could make such a low-level mistake. This kind of thing can't be mistaken in any company.

"I didn't pay attention. I signed first and then he signed. He passed the contract directly to me. My colleagues and I have always looked at the terms and conditions without paying attention to the date and chapter. It really cheated me."

Cao Xuanbin hugged his head and squatted directly on the ground, furious.

Tang Jinxiao didn't expect to see the specific content of the contract to see if he could help him. Who would have thought that the contract turned out to be a fake? Cao Xuanbin seems to be not very careful.

Everyone was shocked, why Kang Jiajun came with a fake contract to talk about cooperation sincerely, and wasted so much tongue just to get Cao Xuanbin to sign a fake contract. This is also ridiculous.

"Don't worry. If the contract is fake, it means it has no legal effect, and you don't lose anything. Why would he come to you in a hurry to discuss cooperation? There must be a reason to waste time doing these things."

Zhang Bocai expressed Tang Jinxiao's doubts. The three of them had only met yesterday. It stands to reason that Cao Xuanbin's intention is on Tang Jinxiao, and there is also Zhang Bocai in the middle. This one-star group must be tricky.

"I don't know why. This group of people came early this morning, and Kang Jiajun and his assistants came to me with affection and courtesy. Originally, I was worried about their intentions, but he Saying that he just wants to buy a technology with money and is ahead of others, I was deceived by him."

Tang Jinxiao looked at the contract. He didn't know or even heard of the Yixing Group, but the name Kang Jiajun was a bit familiar, but it was a pity that he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

He picked up his mobile phone and searched Yixing Group, and the name displayed in the information that popped up made him suddenly realize.

TEDA Group Branch.

Although I didn't say it straightforwardly, there are many pictures and texts on the Internet that show photos of Xie Ruipeng personally participating in the opening ceremony. In any case, this one-star group must have an inseparable relationship with the TEDA group.

Tang Jinxiao handed the phone to Zhang Bocai and took a look. The two sides concluded that Xie Ruipeng was the cause. In order to prevent Cao Xuanbin from cooperating with his own people, he chose to cooperate with a one-star person. The purpose of the fake contract was to make Cao Xuanbin feel that he had given them the technology. , This delayed Tang Jinxiao's progress here.

The purpose is not to really buy Cao Xuanbin's technology, so the money will definitely not come, just to stop Tang Jinxiao from moving forward.

"Old Cao, don't think so much. This Kang Jiajun came to trouble Tang Jinxiao to formally sign with you. Moreover, this contract did not bring us any loss, just to make you feel that you are already a famous flower. There is a master", stop talking about cooperation with other families."

Zhang Bocai looked at his old classmates being deceived and could only enlighten him. This is also clever against being mistaken by cleverness. He only looked at whether the terms were safe but forgot some of the most basic information.

"That's good, don't lose money because of my carelessness, otherwise I and my team members really can't pay it back."

Cao Xuanbin breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Jinxiao looked at Kang Jiajun's name and photo before realizing that this man was Xie Ruipeng's vice president, and the man who eavesdropped on their conversation that night at the food stall.

Because his shoulders exposed himself, he has some high and low shoulders, which is the most obvious sign.

It seems that even though Xie Ruipeng is tired of dealing with court litigation, he is still playing tricks behind his back. Tang Jinxiao has to lament that the fox is still old and hot.

"Since they deliberately signed a fake contract, then we still get back to business. We also came with our sincerity to discuss cooperation. This group of people is my opponent. Don't worry they won't come again."

The sudden occurrence of so many things in the morning made Cao Xuanbin a little dazed, a fake contract followed by a new contract, he was scared.

Zhang Bocai looked at Cao Xuanbin, who was silent, and understood that what happened all morning made him a little confused. At this time, it would be unkind to continue to ask for cooperation. He still needs to give him a buffer time to calm down and think about it.

"Brother Cao, let's give you time to think about it. If you think the conditions are right, you can choose to sign with us. This is our contract, and it's not bad compared to the one-star conditions we gave."

Tang Jinxiao felt that he should leave now and stop putting pressure on Cao Xuanbin.

"Then let's go first. If you need to sign a contract, we will come back. You will be quiet.

Zhang Bo didn't expect Tang Jinxiao to leave first at this point in time. It stands to reason that Cao Xuanbin needs a safe and reliable company to fill up the deception just now. After all, his psychological construction is relatively weak at this time.

Tang Jinxiao waved his hand to indicate that he could leave.

Zhang Bocai had no choice but to oppose anything, so he chose to leave together.

When the two people walked to the door and opened the door to go out, they were stopped by Cao Xuanbin.

"You guys don't go, let's negotiate and sign now."

Cao Xuanbin did not expect that his technology is so popular that he would provoke so many people to stop him. Just now he thought about it and thought about the people who wanted to talk about cooperation this year. Indeed, Zhang Bocai and Tang Jinxiao are the best candidates .

Under the relationship between old classmates' friendship and their relatives, he felt that the profitable purpose of others was too strong, so it was better to choose the most secure company to cooperate.

Tang Jinxiao was a little surprised when Cao Xuanbin asked to sign the contract now.

"Have you considered?"

"Come on, sign it, I believe you."

Zhang Bocai looked at Cao Xuanbin, who was writing carefully, and the stone in his heart finally fell.

"I believe in what you are, and I believe in the friendship between us. I hope we will not let each other down."