Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 726: Suspension


Tang Jinxiao didn't know that his team was currently suffering from the update of the database by Kang Jiajun's technical staff, because he was not a professional now and was still in the learning stage.

He felt that since he chose to trust Cao Xuanbin and his team, he had to let them go. Apart from learning professional knowledge with them, he only had to check the progress every weekend.

No one had expected Kang Jiajun to find someone to destroy the team's database. This step was possible because of Kang Jiajun's jealousy and resentment towards Tang Jinxiao, and because of Xie Wanrong.

He felt that he was not inferior to Tang Jinxiao, and he was even better than Kang Jiajun in terms of heartfelt and support.

It's a pity that Xie Wanrong didn't put Kang Jiajun in his eyes at all. He had always regarded him as a subordinate of his father, and had never had any feelings at all.

"Wan Rong, I helped you hack the database of Tang Jinxiao's team so that they can't continue research and development."

Kang Jiajun felt that he was a daring master of this skill, so he directly sent someone to hack Tang Jinxiao's database and won his key technology in one fell swoop. Now he sends a message to Xie Wanrong to ask for credit.

Since he Tang Jinxiao went to the court to sue the TEDA Group, then Kang Jiajun must use his own power to prove once again that the TEDA Group is not so easy to bully.

Xie Wanrong obviously stopped contacting Tang Jinxiao since she decided to sever her relationship last time. Whether it was life or work, because she took the initiative to suppress Tang Jinxiao's company, it was her fault for reason.

Since she chose to accept legal sanctions and punishments, Xie Wanrong was willing, but she did not expect that both herself and her father had put the matter down, but Kang Jiajun was still making small moves behind her back.

Xie Wanrong, who received the news, saw that line of words was really furious. It was obvious why a subordinate who was obedient to others would do such abusive things with his boss behind his back.

"Are you crazy? We have all decided to accept punishment and stop dealing with Tang Jinxiao. If you hacked his database, we will add one more crime to our TEDA!"

Xie Wanrong called Kang Jiajin.

The man who suddenly received the call thought it was Xie Wanrong who called to praise him, but he didn't expect Xie Wanrong to make a thunderous voice when he got through.

"Wan Rong, I'm helping you, helping Taida cure this kid who doesn't know the heights of the earth, listen to me!"

From the beginning to the end, Kang Jiajun felt that he had done nothing wrong in his words and deeds, but unfortunately Xie Wanrong had given up revenge, and letting go was the best solution.

Hearing this sentence, Xie Wanrong deeply understood that Kang Jiajun took herself too seriously. She felt that as Xie Ruipeng’s number one cron, she was able to give orders at will, and now she is carrying it on his back. The management of the company arbitrarily uses the power of the company to suppress competitors.

"Don’t think that you are an old man in the company and you can act recklessly. We are already at a disadvantage. My father and I have decided to accept the court’s trial and sanctions. For Tang Jinxiao, we decided not to contact us anymore, so everything you do now You are hiring us for gangsters, do you understand?"

Kang Jiajun never thought that Xie Wanrong would be so angry. He still felt that her anger was because she hurt Tang Jinxiao, and she felt sorry for the rural kid.

The thought of Kang Jiajun's heart of revenge grew stronger and stronger.

"I know you like Tang Jinxiao and you are reluctant to let him be hurt. Don't you just look down on me? I will do what I say, so that Tang Jinxiao can't turn over!"

The unreasonable Kang Jiajun has become lawless, regardless of who the other party on the call is.

"Okay, I won't argue with you anymore. In that case, I will tell you on behalf of the company that you have been suspended and will not be used for work tomorrow!"

After speaking, Xie Wanrong hung up the phone.

Because Kang Jiajun’s private actions caused the TEDA Group to be ashamed again, all previous actions were originally a violation of the contract. Xie Wanrong, who was punished, wanted to wait for the incident to re-adjust the company’s operations and did not have anything to do with Tang Jinxiao. Unfortunately, now I have to contact Tang Jinxiao to deal with this matter.

Xie Wanrong came to Tang Jinxiao's company in person, ready to visit.

"Hello, I'm looking for Tang Jinxiao, I'm Xie Wanrong, please inform me."

The front desk saw an extraordinary professional woman approaching the leader, and she didn't dare to slack off and hurried in to report.

"Ms. Tang, there is a lady named Xie Wanrong outside saying that she has something to do with you."

"Let her in."

Tang Jinxiao, who was a little hesitant when he heard this name, let her in, wondering if this woman actually came to the door again.

Since the last time Tang Jinxiao took the initiative to talk to her, the TEDA Group has stopped all actions and accepted the investigation and handling of the judicial organs with peace of mind. He feels that this matter has come to an end.

"I didn't come today for my own business. I didn't want to come to visit, but it is true that people on my side did something wrong. As the boss, I must personally apologize."

Tang Jinxiao watched Xie Wanrong say such a long sentence, and some of the second chapter monks were puzzled. He did not receive any notice that the two sides had something to do with each other.

"What are you talking about, I don't quite understand."

Tang Jinxiao stood up and took a glass of water to Xie Wanrong. This woman in front of you is a good business leader as long as you go crazy under normal conditions. This is something he has to admit.

"Kang Jiajun approached our company's technical department to destroy your team's database. He acted privately without my knowledge. Today I am here to apologize on behalf of the TEDA Group."

After that, Xie Wanrong pulled the chair away and stood up and bowed.

"I am sorry."

Tang Jinxiao hurried to help her, but he didn't expect that this sudden apology was from Xie Wanrong's mouth.

"I'm not sure about this yet, so get up first."

"Maybe your team members are already dealing with it and don't want to expand the problem. I have already sent a technician, hoping to solve this problem."

The well-prepared Xie Wanrong really made Tang Jinxiao feel at a loss, so she had to call Cao Xuanbin and the others first.

"Old Cao, I heard that your database was hacked?"

Cao Xuanbin didn't expect Tang Jinxiao to know about this, because of their full rescue, most of the damaged database has been repaired, because their backup functions are relatively complete, and the data has not been lost too much.

"Mr Tang, because we think it can be handled at the moment, we didn't tell you. It has been repaired more than half now."

"It's okay. Some people say they did it. Now I've come to apologize and sent someone to help you. Don't worry."

Only then did Tang Jinxiao really understand why Xie Wanrong came to apologize today for the placement of Cao Xuanbin.

"Since you have sent someone here, go to the studio to find them, and the address will be sent to you."

Xie Wanrong saw that the matter was handled smoothly, and did not stay too much, and left Tang Jinxiao's office directly.

"That's fine, I will retire first."