Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 740: Compensation


Although Tang Jinxiao temporarily put aside his work to accompany the pregnant Bai Sangyu, he did not leave everything alone. The harvesting and processing of each quarter of the flour mill was handled by the company and Tang Jinxiao himself.

The tasks and goals of the factory are relatively simple and there are no too complicated processes and requirements, but after all, it is the bread processing factory that supplies Qiru. There is a supply-demand relationship in which he must supervise in place.

Before the harvest, Tang Jinxiao had already instructed the factory manager to check in place. He would rather waste some wheat than contaminate high-quality wheat. Word-of-mouth is different from money. You can't get it casually. If you lose your word-of-mouth, you just want to have it again. It's harder.

"Brother, is there something wrong?" Tang Jinxiao answered cautiously, with a bad premonition in his heart.

Qi Ru himself has always been in a caring mentality for Tang Jinxiao. This person feels very sincere and capable, unless there is a big problem he doesn't want to contact Tang Jinxiao directly.

The less optimistic situation is that the processing plant lost too much money this time and could not supply the goods to major supermarkets and shops in time.

"Your flour is moldy, but it's not particularly noticeable. When I processed it into bread and other food, it got a peculiar smell. Now this batch of goods is wasted."

Because neither of them is a scheming person, Qi Ru is of course looking for a reasonable explanation honestly, after all, he will not be too embarrassing for the younger brother Tang Jinxiao.

The problem that he had told him clearly still happened, and it caused the other party's waste of production materials to cause huge losses. Tang Jinxiao felt very sorry and suspicious in his heart.

As a big brother, Qi Ru often lends a helping hand to himself and gives Tang Jinxiao many opportunities and platforms. He is very guilty of this accident.

"I have told them in advance to be careful. They did not expect to mix in the bad. Brother Qi, we did something wrong. This time we will compensate you for all the flour. There is absolutely no problem with the quality. It is really for you. Trouble."

Listening to Tang Jinxiao's compensation amount and responsible attitude, Qi Ru didn't expect that this old man would dare to take responsibility so much. The amount of this batch of flour was so large that he would have no money to make this quarter.

"Jin Xiao, do you still make money?"

So after going to the flour mill, all the turnover of the last quarter was lost, and it was all lost in the flour this time. Originally, they processed a part and sold it, and kept a part for the next sale. Now it seems that they have to be used this time. Compensation above.

Money loss is not a big problem. The flour mill was not Tang Jinxiao's main source of income, but the loss this time made him more cautious. Things that have been emphasized still happen, and the factory's employee education needs to be strengthened.

"It's okay. If you make a mistake, you have to bear it. After the new batch of flour is processed, I will send it to you. I'm really sorry Brother Qi."

A voice of guilt came from the phone, and seeing Tang Jinxiao so interesting, Qi Ru didn't make him too embarrassed.

"That's fine, we wait for you, don't be too anxious."

Tang Jinxiao, who hung up the phone, picked up the car directly and went to the factory. If the employee did not handle it properly, he had to hold a meeting and say that the problem would happen again next time. If there was something wrong, he had to find out who was causing the problem.

"Why are you still going out?"

Seeing Tang Jinxiao with a stern face, Bai Sangyu was a little at a loss. He didn't know what he had said on the phone just now, his face suddenly changed.

"Went to the flour mill. Qi Ru said that the goods were moldy this time. I would like to see what caused it. You are at home and wait for me to come back."

Tang Jinxiao, who was accelerating all the way, arrived at the factory quickly, and there was nothing unusual about driving all the way in. He went directly to the factory director's office.

"Mr Tang, you finally came, and I have to explain to you. You previously told us about the quality of our wheat. The workers picked out the slightly flawed ones and prepared them to sell to other breeding farms. But this time It’s really nothing to do with me that the warehouse Haomei is implicated!"

As soon as Tang Jinxiao entered the door, he saw the frowning factory manager crackling and explaining a bunch of things, and his mouth became angry and blistered in a hurry. Although the factory manager didn't have any special abilities, he was better than his honest duty.

"Let's go, go to the warehouse and have a look."

The two people who came to the warehouse saw that the workers were separating the uncontaminated area. Tang Jinxiao squatted on the ground and saw that the musty flour was dripping with blood. This must have been specially put, otherwise it was just a worker. How could it be possible that so much of the wheat that was accidentally put into it was moldy.

Tang Jinxiao was about to go out to check out the surveillance, and he planned to go around from the back to the front surveillance room. The road was relatively close. Who ever thought of going out and bumping into a shaggy man took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"What are you doing, who made you smoke!"

Tang Jinxiao was tall and dressed in a suit, which made people feel particularly oppressive at first glance, and the scared workers lost their cigarettes.

"It's you again, I don't dare anymore. Don't fire me. Last time you asked me to put the wheat in the warehouse. I did it all. Today is really easy to take out the cigarette. Do you think I haven't ordered it yet? ?"

Put the wheat into the warehouse.

Tang Jinxiao heard these words clearly. It was obvious that the worker recognized him as the last time. Tang Jinxiao kept asking questions.

"Just remember it. You'd better be careful. What was the number last time I came here. I forgot. My boss asked me too. Do you remember?"

For this kind of blind face, Tang Jinxiao only needs to act, and everything is free to play, waiting for the sloppy worker to tell the truth.

"You dignitaries have forgotten things. Why didn't you drive today on the 31st of last month when you were paid?"

The worker's words broke the key information in one sentence, and Tang Jinxiao silently jotted it down, and then continued to cooperate with the workers to chat.

"It's on, stop in front, you can't smoke in the future, you will be fired if you catch it!"

The sloppy man turned his head in fright by Tang Jinxiao's serious expression and screamed that he would never dare again.

The man who walked to the surveillance room directly retrieved the surveillance video of No. 31 and saw a man in a suit and leather shoes parked at the back door of the factory for a long time. Then the worker appeared just now, and finally held a bundle. The wheat leaves.

If Tang Jinxiao guessed correctly, this man pretended to be the leader and deceived the workers, and mixed the bundle of moldy wheat into the warehouse, thus hurting the high-quality wheat.

During the process of copying the monitoring, Tang Jinxiao saw that the man driving the car seemed to be an Audi Q5 series, because Tang Jinxiao could tell at a glance the appearance of the rear of the car because of the long body.

Who on earth is driving such a car over to harm people