Born Again, Married to The Richest Man in The World

Chapter 741: Keep investigating


"Mr. Tang, do you think this person framed us?" The director looked at Tang Jinxiao who copied the video without saying a word. After watching the surveillance, he felt that the man in the video was harming people.

"Call the foreman, let's talk, please don't tell me about this video, I will investigate it again."

The foremen who were called up all walked together in fear and prepared to go to the conference room for a meeting.

"Do you say we will be fired?"

"It's possible, I heard that we have to compensate for all the flour this time?"

A group of people talked a lot, all speculating that their job was still there after this incident. After all, the loss caused by this incident to the factory was too great.

Tang Jinxiao watched a group of shivering workers walk in, and he stood up directly after they were seated, without hesitation.

"To call you here today is not to criticize everyone, but to hope that you can remember your job responsibilities and tasks. It is fundamental to manage the workers to complete the production tasks seriously. You must maintain quality and quantity, otherwise you will be fired!"

These words are not like criticism, but the implication is extremely strong.

"If there is another time, then the fate between us will end here. I hope you can produce the flour for compensation this time to ensure the quality. Come here today and get off work."

"Goodbye boss, we must make good production."

Tang Jinxiao, the foreman, had a long conversation with the factory manager who left behind.

"Knowing that it is not easy for you to manage a factory, especially in a village where you have to bow your head without looking up, you have to manage strict but also have feelings among the fellow villagers. So thank you very much for your contribution and we will not treat you badly, but still I hope that the management of personnel and safety in production can be more stringent. I hope that our factory will not only bring benefits to me, but more importantly, it will bring benefits to the village."

It is better to start from the overall view of the interests than to implement them on each of these workers. People are selfish, and few people are willing to dedicate themselves to a collective or company.

Therefore, it will be effective only if the interests are implemented in the heads of this group of people.

The factory manager also understands that since Tang Jinxiao and Bai Sangyu took over the factory, the management standards are many times stricter than before. They often come to this factory to inspect and hold meetings. Although many workers complained, they paid a lot more wages and bonuses than before. The workers who work with money also basically obey the arrangements.

"I understand, Mr. Tang, please rest assured, I will strictly manage it and there will be no more problems this time!"

Tang Jinxiao himself started step by step from this kind of part-time job. He knows how hateful and annoying black bosses are, and he also knows the hard work of these honest people. The reason why he raises his salary is not to keep anyone. He didn't want the things he had experienced that year to repeat itself. Although he couldn't help too many people, he still worked hard.

"I believe in you. Production quality and safety issues are the heaviest burdens on your shoulders. I hope you must manage them strictly and work hard."

Tang Jinxiao shook the factory manager's hand and said that it was mutual understanding and support. It was better to put pressure on the other party. The young man's strength was relatively strong, and the factory manager understood the meaning when he tried hard.

After handling the matter, Tang Jinxiao was about to go to the company to find someone to ask who the person appeared in the video to see if there was any clue, but Zhang Yaorong stopped him.

"Brother, what happened to me?"

With a frustrated tone, Zhang Yaorong had just gone through the divorce procedures with Wang Meili at the Community Civil Affairs Bureau this morning. As soon as the two went out, he saw Lin Chaojie waiting for Wang Meili by the side of the road not far away.

Such a courageous mistress is nothing more than that. Zhang Yaorong didn't want to get involved with this person too much. He left after completing the procedures, but when he returned home, he would always remember the little things he had had with Wang Meili over the years. He couldn't bear it. Live to call Tang Jinxiao and ask his brother to come over and drink a few drinks with him.

"You have a good night's sleep, I'll go to the company, and I will come to you with wine and vegetables after get off work."

As soon as he entered the office, Tang Jinxiao called Vice President Zheng Jie to watch the video together. Although he was not in charge of the factory, he was very familiar with the public models of various large companies. People who are driving the car city at home still have two in their hands. Put the brush.

"Look at this video, what can you see?"

As soon as the confused man entered the door, he was called in by his boss to monitor him, and he did not give any useful information.

"Two men and a car, am I right?"

Tang Jinxiao's black face could be seen by this fool, and Zheng Jie was laughing there.

"Who sent a car to use the Audi series, can you check it? This person framed my factory and lost a lot of money. Check it out for me!"

"Then you wait for the news, I'll take a picture first, and remember to add a bonus when I find it." Zheng Jie threw a wink by the way, and directly asked Tang Jinxiao to leave the office.

After processing the video, he reported to Sang Yu that he was going to dine with his newly divorced big brother at night. Then he drove to the supermarket and bought two cases of beer and ordered some takeaways to Zhang Guangrong's house.

The fact that Zheng Jie was asked to check the car was actually Tang Jinxiao’s personal guess. If the other party drove a private car to do this kind of thing, it might be even more difficult to check, because you can’t confirm the owner of various models on a road. Tang Jinxiao is betting that the other party does not. Will be so cautious, maybe he Tang Jinxiao is not so meticulous in their eyes.

Passing by the cake shop, Tang Jinxiao got off the car and bought some sweets for Bai Sangyu. Recently, a woman was always yelling that her mouth felt empty, so she hurriedly bought some delicious things to take home to her at night.

Because he had to drink at night, he definitely couldn't drive anymore. Tang Jinxiao booked another driver on his mobile phone. Otherwise, he would definitely have to stay in Zhang Guangrong to sleep tonight. He didn't want to. There was a wife waiting at home.

After finishing all this preparation, Tang Jinxiao moved the wine upstairs.

As soon as I walked in, I saw the mess on the floor in the living room of the house. Zhang Guangrong was in the kitchen handling the takeaways that he had just delivered. Tang Jinxiao glanced at the things in the bedroom. The closet was half empty. It seems that Wang Meili is really fast-paced, divorced in the morning and moved out in the afternoon.

"Sister-in-law... Wang Meili moved away?"

Tang Jinxiao, who hadn't converted his identity for a while, made a mistake and quickly changed his name. Obviously Zhang Yaorong was also taken aback.

"Go, I went out to stay in the hotel yesterday, she started packing, and moved out after finishing the formalities today."

Tang Jinxiao could clearly hear that Zhang Rongrong was depressed. The feeling of being empty at home and the gap after the divorce really caused this man who believed in marriage to be a huge blow.

The two people who set up the wine and food sat face to face, and they didn't watch the TV when they were turned on. They just wanted a slightly lively atmosphere. Apart from anything else, the two of them drank half a bottle of wine.