Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 10: Junk star


"He stole a light combat ship with three days' worth of nutrient solution on board, and has been away for more than six hours. It is still unclear whether he entered the war room to steal the activation key and shut down the ship. The method of the alarm device, I have urgently blocked the main entrance and exit of the ship, and turned on the high alert state... "

Hall reported methodically.

Lu Lai listened, his deep eyes narrowed slightly, and his slender fingers lightly tapped on the table casually, making it impossible to understand his true thoughts.

Two minutes later, Hall's report was over. He looked up at Lu Lai a little nervously, and asked tentatively:

"Do you need to send a destroyer? My subordinates can..."

Lu Lai raised his hand and made a silent gesture.

Hall immediately stopped talking, his back straightened and his jaw clenched silently.

He knew that he was sent to Ge Xiu's side not only to assist him in handling affairs, but also to monitor and inspect, but this time the other party slipped away under his nose and disappeared. It was only later that I realized that it was a huge dereliction of duty! That's why this time he was so eager to get back Ge Xiu to make up for his mistakes.

As if able to read minds, Lu Lai gave him a deep look:

"If he really wants to leave, neither of you can stop him."

Hall's shoulders trembled imperceptibly, and his head drooped even lower: "...It's the incompetence of the subordinates."

But in the next second, he seemed to realize the deep meaning of Lu Lai's words, and suddenly looked up in shock at the tall and tall man not far away: "Captain, don't you, you already know...?"

Lu Lai didn't answer, just turned around and walked to the huge porthole, staring at the boundless universe staring in front of him.

A brilliant shimmer shone in, framing his broad shoulders.

Hall couldn't see Lu Lai's expression, and could only hear the other party giving orders slowly in a low and calm voice:

"No need to pursue, switch the protection level to combat readiness, manually control the mode, and send warships to arm around the main ship."

Hall was surprised: "Aren't you going to leave here?"

You know, Ge Xiu didn't stay on the main ship for a long time, but it was him. Hall really didn't dare to come to a conclusion whether the unpredictable young man had figured out the position of the ship's hull and the weakness of the defense. Following this information, they defected to the Alliance, and the next thing that awaits them is the siege and suppression of the Alliance's army.

He really didn't dare to take the risk.

Since they are not going to recover Gexiu's light battleship, the safest way is to lead the fleet to leave this place of right and wrong, which is no longer safe.

But Lu Lai shook his head: "The order goes on, everyone is on standby."

He didn't explain more, just waved his hand lightly: "Go."

Hall saluted: "Yes!"

For the next whole week, Lu Lai, like nothing had happened, continued to carry out his strict daily routine and daily strategy formulation as usual, and the remaining Leviathan crew members also continued to work on the main ship. Nei's work and life are almost the same as before Ge Xiu's escape, except for the addition of patrols and defenses, but the high-level people are fluctuating, and they are testing Lu Lai's ideas openly and secretly. blocked back.

Finally, someone couldn't take it anymore.

The tall man in uniform rushed into the captain's room, and he could not hide his impatience under his respectful etiquette:

"Captain, your subordinates request to leave this place as soon as possible, and go to other relatively safer galaxies for a while. The subordinates have already done their research. The original B-class galaxy about 15 light-years away is very suitable, not only There are meteorite belts for protection…”

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Lai's still calm voice:


Brooke froze and lowered his head: "Yes."

Lu Lai's cold and stern face was plated with a layer of light blue by the strategic star map suspended on the table. His deep and indifferent eyes were like Kawasawa who had been frozen for thousands of years, and he fixedly stared at the man called Louis in front of him. , he said lightly:

"Have all the destroyers under your management been rectified?"

Brooke's neck twitched, and he said eagerly, "But..."

Lu Lai raised a hand to stop him from continuing.

Brook was a little resentful, but he swallowed the words he had not yet blurted out obediently, like a silent and stubborn wooden stake, deeply rooted on the metal floor of the captain's room.

Suddenly, a harsh siren began to sound inside the ship.

The data star map constructed on the desktop was dyed a warning bright red, showing warning signs of the approaching of unknown ships.

"Retrieve the screen outside the ship."

Lu Lai strode to the table and ordered.

The virtual projection was cast in instantly, and a medium-sized ship that was obviously an alliance fleet was rapidly approaching from a distance, with several small battleships behind it. Drop the shield and signal for handover and landing.

Brook's voice was urgent: "The main ship is in combat readiness and cannot be found by any radar detection device! It must be that little bastard who went to the Alliance to betray your whereabouts! This must be a trick to ask you to remove the guarding energy shield! Please Immediately mobilize the main gun to fight back!"

Meanwhile, Hall's signal cut in.

The day after Ghosh left, he was ordered to lead a light combat fleet to ambush and defend the surrounding area, and he could lead the mobile troops to fight with just one order.

"Are you going to attack?"

Hall's face was displayed on the light screen, and the dark brown eyes were filled with suppressed fighting intent.

Lu Lai stared at the bright red warning sign on the light screen and slowly narrowed his eyes.

at the same time.

On the screen lit up on the medium-sized ship, the signal sent out has not been answered for a long time.

So Ge Xiu peeled off another candy.

The citrus sweetness slowly diffused in his mouth, he squinted his eyes and looked out the window, licked the sweet tooth with the tip of his tongue, and ordered in a vague accent:

"Send it again."

So Xiaoyi sent it again tremblingly.

He gnawed at his thumb nails anxiously, and his bare fingertips were about to be pitted by him, and this state started a week ago, when Ge Xiu couldn't help but drag him on to steal it. on the battleship, and fled with a swagger. Next, he even went as far as to boldly ambush the Alliance troops and intercepted the medium ships they were now riding on.

He didn't stop, instead he changed into the Union uniform he had found before, and captured a few light battleships before returning contentedly.

The little one was about to cry.

Although he is not old, he also knows that if he goes back like this, he will be arrested as a traitor.

For the first three days, he had been trying to persuade Ge Xiu to go back, and for the next three days he began to persuade Ge Xiu to run away.

After all, they have a ship now, and they can still do well in the interstellar transportation business. It is better than going back and being executed by the captain who is terrifying at first sight!

Ge Xiu didn't seem to understand his fear at all. Instead, he jumped to the side of the seat with a smile, opened the scanning screen on the side, and tapped a few areas with his thin fingers, and said quite playfully:

"not bad."

The several positions of the figurine seem to be loose and unrelated, but they are vaguely networked under the outline.

If Hall saw this scene, he must be horrified.

Because these are the key positions he is guarding, and as a light mobile unit specializing in ambushes, each ship is equipped with the most high-end elite detection protection cover, which is absolutely impossible to be used by the alliance medium-sized ships with outdated facilities. Detecting detected, let alone being pointed out so easily and accurately.

Xiao Yi looked at the position where Ge Xiu's fingers had swiped just now, an ominous premonition was surging in his heart, he stammered and asked:

"That... Xiao Qi, what happened to the places you ordered just now?"

Ge Xiu shrugged and said in a casual tone:

"Of course it's an ambush."

Xiao Yi was so frightened that his back froze. He raised his head subconsciously and looked out through the protective glass of the ship. In front of him was a vast and boundless star field, with only a few irregular stars floating slowly and leisurely. He was completely unable to see what Ge Xiu said about the ambush, but the other party was so convincing that Xiao Yi had to subconsciously believe every word he said.

He looked at Ge Xiu with the last glimmer of hope, and asked tremblingly:

"Are we really, really going to keep going... can't we just turn around and run away..."

Ge Xiu has jumped back to his seat at this moment, hugging his knee with one leg and hanging the other leg swayingly. He turned a deaf ear and just narrowed his eyes lazily:

"Is there no response to the application just now?"

Before Xiao Yi could answer, he just listened to Ge Xiu and continued:

"Then send it again."

With a sad face, he pressed the request button on the screen again.

The huge captain's room was dead silent, flashing warnings occupied the entire star map, the icy metal walls were dyed a light red, and the emotionless mechanical prompt sounded again:

"Request handover login."

Brook, who was standing upright at the table, and Hall, who was online on the light screen, nervously waited for the captain's order.

Lu Lai's face was calm, the silver-blue iris was reversed with the scarlet color symbolizing danger on the light screen, the sharp-edged lips were slightly pursed, and the indifferent voice carried an unquestionable deterrent: "Agree."

Brooke sucked in a breath of cold air, his anxiety overflowing: "But..."

But before he could finish speaking, Lu Lai squinted lightly:

"Are you questioning my command?"

There was not much emotional ups and downs in Lu Lai's voice, not even the slightest reproach or threat, just a simple and almost peaceful question—

Are you questioning me

The light-colored eyes turned around, and they looked at Brook, and the terrifying aura from the killing in the blood and sea of the sword roared in a tsunami, giving him a sense of fear of being torn apart alive .

In just a few seconds, Brook's back was soaked with sweat, and the hard uniform was tightly glued to his back. His face was instantly pale, and he stammered in a hoarse voice that was almost frightened: "Yes, yes Don't dare!"

Lu Lai withdrew his gaze and gave an order calmly:

"Ambush mobile warships are in combat mode, guaranteed to act immediately when ordered - but for now, stand by."

Hall nodded: "Yes!"

His image disappeared from the light screen.

— "Open the shield."

As the order was issued, the camouflaged energy layer outside the main ship was instantly removed, and in the vast star field with nothing in front of it, a huge starship with a dark body slowly showed its shape, and its streamlined body was extremely easy. The ground can give people a sense of spiritual oppression, and it also makes Xiao Yi break out in cold sweat.

Looking at the dark main guns facing them on the hull, Xiao Yi's throat tightened nervously, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty, and then, the message from the opposite side appeared on the screen in front of him. :

"Allow login."

Xiao Yi looked at Ge Xiu for help.

Geshu chewed the candy in his mouth.

quack quack.

The crisp sound was exceptionally clear in the silent war room, making the already tense atmosphere even more tense, as if the invisible bowstring was slowly being pulled.

He said, "Come in."

Commands are simple and clear.

Xiao Yi gave up the struggle. He controlled the medium-sized battleship that once belonged to the alliance slowly approaching with a desperate look, waiting for the light energy shells to shoot out from the dark main gun muzzle, tearing like penetrating paper. The metal protective layer of the hull will instantly evaporate the flesh and blood wrapped in the hull, or it will be suddenly surrounded by battleships ambushing around, and then brought back to the main ship for military law disposal—

At the same time, Brook, who was in the main ship, and Hall, who was outside the ship, also raised their hearts to their throats.

They seemed to be able to see that in the next second, the alliance fleet that had already been in ambush appeared in front of them, and the long-accumulated light energy cannons flashed extremely dazzling ballistics towards the main ship that had lost its protective shield. Focus on the weakness that has long been betrayed, and ruin the career they have fought for half their lives.

Countless terrifying conjectures stirred in everyone's mind.

And the person who gave the order was staring out of the window in a trance, their eyes seemed to be able to penetrate steel, glass, cannonball, vacuum, and stare deeply at each other.

The distance between ships and ships is getting closer.

The smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, and the inevitable exchange of fire seemed to happen in the next moment.

However, it exceeded all expectations.

The ship entered the handover compartment.

The handover is complete.

The medium combat ship landed successfully.

The open hatch slowly closed behind the ship, and the pale and cold biological light source lit up in the huge cabin full of medium-sized light destroyer battleships. Xiao Yi's fingers were stiffly curled, his palms were sweating, and he was almost out of strength. , slumped softly on the chair.

Ge Xiu peeled off another candy, jumped off his seat as if nothing happened, and walked leisurely towards the war room.

Ten minutes later, he looked into the distance from the automatically lowered ladder.

Lu Lai was walking from a distance, his hem of his clothes was lifted up with his pace, and several adjutants with bad expressions followed closely behind, staring at Ge Xiu who was standing at the gate of the ship with murderous eyes.

Ge Xiu didn't seem to notice the solemn atmosphere in front of him, he waved at Lu Lai with a smile, then jumped off the ladder in three steps and two steps, and then stood in front of Lu Lai.

His cheeks were bulged by the sugar cubes, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, and he pointed to the back: "Here, the spoils."

Lu Lai lowered his eyes and stared at the boy who only reached his chest without making a sound.

Instead, the adjutant behind him snarled fiercely: "Do you know how many ship rules you have violated? Not only did you leave without authorization, but even endangered the safety of the entire ship. According to the wartime regulations, it must be handled by military law..."

Ge Xiu turned a blind eye to him, just slowly took a step closer to Lu Lai, he raised a smiling face, thin to the bony face, a pair of dark pupils stared at each other, as if there were subtle Fireworks leaped and burned in the bottomless abyss in his eyes.

His voice was very calm:

"Now, we are true allies."

Lu Lai's pupils shrank suddenly.

Yes, even though the harmony and tranquility have been maintained for nearly a few months on the bright side, the issue of trust lies between them like an insurmountable mountain. As dependants, the members of the Leviathan will continue to be afraid to master it. The life and death of Lu Lai, who has seized power, is wary of the fate of being abandoned once it has no use value. The same is true for Lu Lai. They cannot trust this outsider whose origin is unknown and cannot be controlled. During this period of time, the strict monitoring of Ge Xiu himself has never stopped. He seems to be able to freely within the ship. Activities, but are restricted everywhere, and do not have access to a more core layer.

The peace between them is very fragile, and all the calm is just a superficial slap in the face.

Afraid of each other, vigilance of each other, temptation of each other.

In the long-term relationship and assimilation, this estrangement may disappear.

- But Ge Xiu used the most crazy and extreme way.

He played a game.

A back-slapping game where all their lives are staked. In this game, swords are drawn between them, and where the blades go, as long as they easily make a wrong step, or even just a mistake in judgment, they will lose both, lose the whole game, and even lose. Drenched in blood, and beyond redemption.

Lu Lai raised his hand and interrupted the adjutant's babble behind him.

In the silence he asked:

"What about you? What have you prepared?"

He ambushed a large number of fleets around him, and the indestructible light shield has already been set to manual combat mode, which can turn the opponent into powder with just one command.

What did Gexiu prepare for

Lu Lai didn't believe that Ge Xiu would put himself in such a dangerous situation unprepared, without any backup plan.

Ge Xiu was still smiling, but the words he spit out were like poisonous sharp blades, which made people feel chills:

"Don't worry, I will dismantle the main ship later. After all, we are allies now!"

They used the tips of their knives close to each other's backs.

— but instead, a full hug was exchanged.

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes slyly, stood on tiptoe close to Lu Lai's ear, and his soft voice was like a devil whispering: "Look, although they all say I'm a lunatic, but I think you don't let it go."

Lu Lai stared at him, his silver-blue eyes were like the frozen sky above the glacier for thousands of years, and he hooked his lips.

So the two lunatics looked at each other and laughed.

"Pleasant to work with."

Hearing Lu Lai's answer, Ge Xiu's smile deepened.

The distance between them was so close that Lu Lai could almost smell the sweet candy aroma on him, and the young boy's shallow breath had a faint smell of citrus, and it was entangled.

His cheeks seem to be a little plumper than when they first met, and the soft cheek flesh almost makes one want to pinch it and try to touch it to see if it is the same as imagined.

Lu Lai calmly looked away, took a step back, and opened the distance between the two:

"But... If you leave the ship privately, you still have to be punished."

Ge Xiu was taken aback: "... eh?"

"—You're out of candy this month."

Ge Xiu's expression suddenly froze on his face: "Eh?"