Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 12: Junk star


Gorshaw had never been to this area of the ship.

The defense here is obviously more rigorous and meticulous than other divisions. The outer protective layer cast by Alberta steel is indestructible, and it is scanned and monitored by an independent intelligent AI. This is the main brain position of the entire ship, even if the ship is damaged A devastating blow, the protective measures here can also ensure that the command layer during the battle is completely preserved to ensure the continuation of the living force.

Lu Lai's subordinate adjutant had already been waiting in the conference room.

All of them looked solemn, looked down at the fluorescent screen in front of them, and occasionally chatted in a low voice. When they saw Lu Lai coming in, they stopped all the movements at the same time, their expressions froze, and they all stood up to salute: " captain!"

Lu Lai nodded slightly to them:


He turned slightly to the side, revealing the stern Gexiu who had been blocked by him just now.

Looking at the slender young man not far away, everyone couldn't help but stunned for a moment, only to realize that their captain did not come alone.

However, without Lu Lai's introduction, they could all guess who it was.


This seemingly skinny boy not only captured the large alliance warships by himself, but even beautifully ambushed and wiped out the enemy's pursuit warships.

And the comprehensive preparations during this period and the almost imminent exchange of fire today are also related to him, not to mention the bombs he placed on the main ship.

Although he handed over the positions of all the bombs with great cooperation, each position was extremely strange and dangerous. Almost all of them were within the blind spots of the hull's intelligent surveillance system. It took a whole afternoon to completely dismantle them. Just in case, I carried out the most detailed and comprehensive scan of the whole ship, but I still have lingering fears - after all, who knows if this little devil has secretly left two of them somewhere

Countless unfriendly eyes came from all directions.

Ge Xiu didn't seem to notice it, his eyes were bent with a smile, and he showed an eight-toothed smile at the crowd, looking extremely well-behaved and pure.

-It's just annoyingly itchy.

Lu Lai raised her eyebrows, her slightly narrowed eyes with a faint warning color.

Everyone was shocked in an instant, and they all evoked false and unnatural smiles, some stiffly nodded to welcome Ge Xiu.

After a brief greeting and introduction, everyone took their seats, and Ge Xiu was placed on the left side of Lu Lai. And as the unlucky bastard who was inexplicably occupied, Hall had to stand up for the meeting.

Ge Xiu sat on the seat with his slender legs dangling, licking the candy in his mouth cherishly, and looking at the heavily guarded conference room with interest.

His eyes paused for a while at the AI's several intelligent scanning positions, and then he looked away without a trace.

Hall began to explain the current situation.

It turned out that the alliance suddenly began to mobilize the elite fleet within its jurisdiction this afternoon. It seems that it is ready to take action. The frequency of small reconnaissance ships released has also increased significantly. In addition, the mineral planet and related weapons within the alliance's jurisdiction The manufacturing industry also began to go into full production, continuously delivering deadly naval artillery weapons.

The projection above the conference table changed with the content of Hall's words, and the accurate information flashed in front of everyone.

These people sitting around the table are basically Lu Lai's confidants when he played for the Alliance. They have experienced hundreds of battles and are very familiar with the alliance's defense and combat methods. Naturally, they are very clear about what this means—

The alliance is preparing for the war intensively.

A war is imminent.

"We should launch a general offensive immediately!" One of them suggested: "We cannot compete with the alliance in terms of the armed forces in front of the fleet. If we wait for the alliance to organize offensive and defensive fleets and troops, it will be too late!"

There is a long scar on the man's left eye, extending from the temple to the bridge of the nose, and his eyes are full of fighting spirit.

The other person nodded and agreed: "Richard is right, and now the Alliance is mobilizing troops from remote DE-class galaxies, and the development of energy and minerals and the construction of fleet weapons require more troops, and now it is them. When the defense is weak, it is the best solution to concentrate the elite troops to attack and seize the opportunity!"

The female general sitting at the other end of the table frowned and objected:

"These intelligences are actually not difficult to detect. What if this is the alliance's deliberate strategy to lure the enemy into in-depth? I don't think we should attack rashly now. Instead, we should send more high-end and sophisticated detection instruments to confirm the intelligence and then make a decision. "

There was chaos in the conference room. Some people said that the fighter plane was fleeting, while others suggested to observe carefully. Everyone felt that their method was correct, and it was as noisy as a boiling oil pan.

Ge Xiu yawned disinterestedly.

At first, he pricked up his ears and listened to a sentence or two, then lost interest very quickly, so he began to lower his head and concentrate on playing with his fingers.

Lu Lai watched his subordinates arguing, his face was calm, his expression indifferent, and there was no trace of superfluous emotion in his silver-blue eyes, like a deep and unpredictable abyss.

He seems to be listening carefully to everyone's opinions, and seems to be just quietly thinking about something.

At this moment, Lu Lai tapped on the table.

The percussion sound was not loud, neither rushed nor slow, and very rhythmic, but it had a strange penetrating power, which instantly silenced the still noisy crowd.

The heated conference room just now became dead silent, and everyone's eyes were focused on the top of the conference table.

Lu Lai said: "I know your opinion."

He lowered his eyes, looked at Ge Xiu, who seemed to be still wandering, and asked, "What about you?"

Ge Xiu came back to his senses, he blinked, and asked with hindsight, "... What? Me?"

Everyone's eyes in the conference room were focused on him. Although everyone's expressions were different, there was a hint of impatience and sullenness in their eyes - why are there still people who are distracted in such a serious battle meeting

Lu Lai didn't seem to care about Ge Xiu's attitude at all, and just repeated the question patiently: "What about you? What are your thoughts?"

Ge Xiu licked the remaining candy in his mouth with pity, chewed the thin candy and swallowed it, then jumped off his seat and walked to the position closest to the star map on the desktop. He looked up and looked at it carefully for a while, and asked thoughtfully:

"What about the power comparison between your two sides? Including weapons, troops, and all relevant data."

Lu Lai glanced at Hall, and Hall hurriedly called out.

The huge and detailed figures suddenly jumped out, like a huge azure blue wall, reflecting the faces of everyone around the table into a faint light blue.

The meeting room was silent.

Ge Xiu imitated Hall's appearance, tapped a few times on the floating virtual screen, and recalled the latest information just sent by the reconnaissance ship. After scrutinizing it for a few seconds, he turned around. He walked back to his position and jumped on the chair that was a little too high for him.

He said lazily: "The uncle was right just now. There is still a big gap between your strength and the military strength of the entire alliance. If the alliance gathers all its troops for a head-on confrontation, the probability of success is slim."

Although he still disliked the kid, Richard held out his chest proudly.

"But..." Ge Xiu changed the conversation: "If you raid before the alliance is ready, even if you win, it will be very difficult to succeed."

Richard was instantly furious: "What do you know! The alliance's ships and weapons are far less sophisticated than ours, and the strength of the troops is not uniform! Coupled with our familiarity with the alliance's military deployment, it is a fortress piled up with mud and sand. !"

Ge Xiu shook his legs and said casually, "That's why you're not the commander."

"You!" Richard was furious, and subconsciously wanted to stand up, but was pressed down by the people on both sides a second before the action.

Ge Xiu smiled and looked at Lu Lai, who was sitting in the first place, and winked mischievously: "You understand what I mean, right sir?"

Lu Lai looked unpredictable, neither affirming nor denying, he made a simple gesture, which instantly silenced the restless conference room.

With the commander's blatant support, Ge Xiu was even more reckless.

He raised his finger and pointed to the huge star map floating in front of him, circled the area under the jurisdiction of the alliance, and then clicked on the location of their fleet, with a touch of contempt in his lazy voice: "If you guys have captured the capital of the alliance like a broken bamboo. A-class galaxy, so what? Do you have enough troops to surround the capital to ensure that the Alliance Council can't escape, no? They can still bring troops north - three of the five major mineral galaxies are in the north, which can give the alliance a steady stream troop and energy replenishment. Even if you can gain a foothold in the south, it is bound to turn into a decades-long tug of war."

Ge Xiu shrugged and smiled heartlessly: "However, maybe you can last a little longer, who knows."


Richard blushed at the indiscriminate sarcasm in Ge Xiu's words, but he still sat firmly in his seat, even though the two people beside him had no longer suppressed him-because although he was extremely angry, he knew , Gossiu is right.

They were good officers, but not a successful commander. As generals leading troops, they are accustomed to focus on the outcome of a battle, rather than the overall situation.

In addition, this fighter is too tempting, and it stunned everyone's mind in an instant.

It was to realize this that Richard felt so ashamed.

A faint approval flashed in Lu Lai's eyes. He stared at Ge Xiu and broke the silence: "Then what do you think we should do next?"

Ge Xiu showed a pure smile at Lu Lai:

"Since the alliance is strong on the basis of energy and military strength, it would be good to break its roots."

"Remember the spoils I stole back today? Let your men drive the Alliance warships to confuse the sight, rob and harass the under-guarded transport ships."

"The alliance mainly relies on the slave trade to support its powerful rule. Now that the war is imminent, they have begun to frantically gather troops from the DE-class galaxy, and sent small wave ships to sneak into the alliance's jurisdiction to collect and disseminate the real information of the slaves who were trafficked to the hard labor planet. , to show the truth to those planets who are eager for the rescue of the Alliance's humanitarian law."

"Relax, I have experience in this—" He blinked: "I have several planets to choose from."

Ge Xiu threw a storage hard drive on the table: "This is the location record of all the transport ships in the original Raibert. The 3,118 people who were kidnapped on the Raibert drove these ships back. to their respective planets and keep the ships... these planets are the easiest to influence and incite."

He raised the corners of his lips, and there was a frightening excitement and eagerness in his dark eyes:

"After the alliance itself is in chaos, the next thing will be easy to handle."

For the next half an hour, Ge Xiu pointed to several dangerous places on the star map that might affect the situation of the battle, and randomly listed several tactics that might be used in this melee. The little boy, watching him use the most understated gesture, counted down the tactics that can't be described as sinister, frontal ambush, reverse ambush, fishing in troubled waters with captured alliance ships, and confusing reconnaissance ships with scattered firepower, Then send a large number of troops to destroy, and use the terrain to lure the enemy to fight back...

Finally, Ge Xiu picked up the tea on the table and moistened his lips, and said modestly:

"Just what you thought, just listen to it, and then adapt accordingly."

Everyone: "… "

Ge Xiu's smiling face was still cute and pure, but at this moment, in everyone's eyes, it was inexplicably carrying a strange and terrifying sense of danger.

Hall felt a chill creep up his back and shivered uncontrollably. He couldn't help but admire his commander's foresight and vision—

This little monster is really best to stay in your own camp...

If it's an enemy, that's too scary! !

The author has something to say: Crowd: I hope he will always be on our side

Lu Lai: I have a bold idea