Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 179


The rose has a slender stem, plump petals, bright red and delicate as if watered with blood plasma.

After being stunned for two seconds, Ge Xiu looked up at the room in front of him.

The room was empty, the lights were bright as ever, and the furniture in the room was old and warm.

On the dusty sofa, two people sat side by side, like a family, leaning close together - if you ignore their rigid and erect bodies.

Ge Xiu went around to the sofa and looked at the two people sitting on the sofa.

- Those are the two players who rushed into the room just now.

The corners of the two people's mouths widened to the base of their ears, evoking a strange and bright red smile. The almost identical expressions looked particularly terrifying in the current environment. One had his left eye gouged out, and the other had his right eyeball gouged out. The dug out eyeballs were placed in their palms, and the only dull eyeball was bloodshot and silent, staring straight at the pitch-black TV not far away. It looks very dazzling.

There were two dolls neatly placed on the small bench beside them, with a sweet and innocent smile on their slightly faded faces.

The doll's eye sockets are empty, one is missing the left eye and the other is missing the right eye.

Such hints are already very obvious.

Ge Xiu stepped forward and placed the two players' soft and smooth eyeballs into the doll's eye sockets.

One of the dolls let out a stiff "giggling" laughter, the pale and faded little hands slowly opened, and a mottled brass key lay quietly in its palm.

Gossiu picked up the key.

This is a completely separate key. It is not like the key drawn by the player downstairs, with an iron plate with a number on it, and the style is completely different.

It's hard to guess where it could be used.

Ge Xiu easily stuffed the key into his pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he lowered his eyes and looked at the blooming and beautiful rose in his hand.

It looks so beautiful, it doesn't fit in with the bloody and eerie scene in front of you, but somehow it blends in strangely.

Ge Xiu hesitantly put the rose to the tip of his nose and sniffed carefully.

The fragrance of flowers is fragrant, mixed with a faint smell of blood, as if it was cultivated with flesh and blood, and it has a cruel and strange beauty.

Ge Xiu pondered for a while, but in the end he didn't throw it away.

At this moment, the door that was still tightly closed just now slowly opened, revealing the players waiting outside, holding their breaths, eager to see through.

When they saw Ge Xiu appearing behind the door intact, several players who seemed to be more senior showed obvious expressions of surprise. The first time they successfully obtained the item can be explained by luck, but the second time it was really bad. Incredible.

They looked in disbelief at the young man who was dressed strangely, but looked too good-looking, and their eyes were suspicious.

Is he... really a novice player

When Lin Xue saw Ge Xiu appear unscathed, the terrified and tense expression on her face finally relaxed, and her surprise was somewhat incoherent:

"Too, great, I couldn't hear anything in it just now, I, I thought..."

At this time, the player who had previously encouraged Ge Xiu to enter the room, Cheng Cheng, noticed the rose in Ge Xiu's hand, his eyes lit up, he stepped forward eagerly, and reached for it: "This is this floor. special items?"

Unexpectedly, Ge Xiu, who was not stingy with special items and clues on the first floor just now, took a step back and nimbly avoided the hand that the other party stretched out. The expression of rejection was very clear.

Cheng Cheng's hand froze, awkwardly staying in the air.

Ge Xiu looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile: "Next time you want to take it, don't persuade yourself to take it."

Being ridiculed so mercilessly, Cheng Cheng couldn't bear the expression on his face, he looked a little embarrassed, but he still said in a loud voice: "I'm also in a hurry, in order to complete the task earlier, get out of this ghost place. !"

Lin Xue rolled her eyes in disgrace:

"Are you embarrassed, are you? Who pushed others up just now and shrank back cowardly? Now you still have the face to ask people for clues?"

Cheng Cheng's face was dropped twice within five minutes, his expression completely gloomy, and he took two steps forward in anger:

"You fucking…"

At this moment, Chen Jian's voice came from behind: "You can do it."

Cheng Cheng's movements froze.

Obviously, Chen Jian still has some prestige in the eyes of these players, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "What they said just now makes sense, since you want to get clues, you can rush ahead of others next time. Entering the room, if you want to get clues, you have to be prepared to take risks."

This sentence is obviously in favor of Ge Xiu.

The other players sensitively caught the wind direction and followed suit.

Cheng Cheng stepped aside with an ugly expression, and glared at Ge Xiu with a venomous expression.

Ge Xiu didn't change his face, Yun Danfeng lowered his eyes lightly, and casually twirled the blooming flower with his fingertips.

Someone on the side suggested: "Let's search for other openable rooms on the second floor now. After all, everyone knows the urine nature of this game. What if it's not a hidden one on the first floor?"

The others nodded in agreement.

Players spread out, looking for any special items that might be game props.

Ge Xiu also slowly followed behind the crowd, looking coldly at the inside of the rooms that could be pushed away.

Almost every room has traces of the life of five to ten-year-old children, scattered with toys, crayons, dolls and so on. It can be seen from various details that these rooms belong to families with children, and the first floor The houses of the 1980s seem to belong to long-married couples, and most of the items in them are in pairs, but there is no trace of children's lives.

- Is there any connection here

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Everyone has basically searched this layer, and the result is no surprise.

At this moment, the beating of the old clock sounded from downstairs.

The heavy sound reached everyone's ears along the corridor - "Dang-dang-"

The players were all slightly taken aback.

A few daring people went downstairs. After a few minutes, they ran upstairs panting. The player in the lead took a breath with his hands on his knees, and then hurriedly said: "Yes, it's downstairs. The bell rings, it's six o'clock in the afternoon."

Another added: "I just saw the building schedule posted next to the clock. The closing time at night is nine o'clock in the evening. I think we should go back to our respective rooms before that time."

Suddenly realizing the passage of time, everyone's expressions became solemn.

Someone suggested: "Since the time is limited, why don't you look for it separately, and if you find something that may be a prop, you can shout it out."

The players agreed.

Although more people can give players more sense of security, in this type of dungeon, the number of people and the degree of danger are actually not related, and everyone needs to know whether the props on their floor are in the end. The room they were drawn to, so splitting up now is the best option.

Everyone quickly found players on the same floor as themselves as company.

Lin Xue was on the third floor, so she could only reluctantly bid farewell to Ge Xiu.

Ge Xiu looked down at the key he had drawn on the first floor earlier, the dark red numbers on the iron sheet were extremely dazzling in the dim light.

top level.

And it seems... he's the only one living on the fifth floor.

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows calmly, and put the key back into his pocket again.

He walked up the dark stairs, and there were fewer and fewer players beside him, but there was always the sound of deliberately light footsteps looming behind him.

Ge Xiu didn't look back, but continued to walk upstairs at a steady pace.

Soon, he turned a corner and disappeared from the end of the stairwell.

Cheng Cheng and his partner who secretly followed Ge Xiu were stunned for a moment. They looked at each other and rushed up the stairs in three and two steps. They hurriedly probed into the corridor on the fifth floor.

But it happened to meet Ge Xiu's calm gaze.

The young man in front of him folded his arms and leaned against the wall, his slender and lustrous fingertips holding the blooming roses, which contrasted with the face that seemed to gather the love of the Creator. Under the light, there was a breathtaking beauty like a work of art. Even though it was not the first time they saw it, Cheng Cheng and the others were still stunned for a few seconds.

Cheng Cheng quickly recovered from the shock.

With a fake smile on his face, he said:

"It's fate that everyone can enter the same dungeon, why not share the clues you got and give us a clear path?"

He took a step forward slowly, and the deterrence in it was very strong.

Ge Xiu smiled softly:

"What if I don't?"

Cheng Cheng's face changed, his expression suddenly gloomy:

"Don't toast, don't eat and drink fines. If you don't know a little bit, everyone will have a hard time."

Ge Xiu looked at the three people in front of him with interest, and raised his eyebrows:

"for example?"

Cheng Cheng was irritated by the other party's almost contemptuous attitude, and he said indifferently:

"Don't you fucking think that everyone is as fascinated by you as that idiot Chen Jian. Believe it or not, I will directly sell you the cost of sex—"

Before he could finish speaking, he felt a kick in his stomach.

That kick was fierce and fierce, almost knocking his internal organs out of position.

Cheng Cheng's eyes went dark, and he fell down. He rolled down the stairs as a whole, and didn't stop rolling until he hit the wall of the stairwell. .

Others didn't expect Ge Xiu to move his feet when he disagreed, and didn't react at all.

It wasn't until Cheng Cheng, who was lying at the bottom of the stairs, started coughing piercingly, that they woke up like a dream, with a fierce look on their faces, and they were about to rush up to teach the novice who didn't know what to do.

Gossi gave them a sideways glance.

Those eyes were light and thin, and I could almost feel the coolness of the slit blade shimmering with cold light kissing my throat. The two men stopped abruptly, stopped subconsciously, and a layer of layers was stirred behind their backs. White sweat.

Ge Xiu casually retracted his gaze, his fingers caressed the delicate and tender petals of the slow rose.

"Speak carefully."

There was a smile on his lips, and the corners of his eyebrows and eyes seemed to be poisoned, and the beauty was terrifying:

"Otherwise I cannot guarantee what will happen."

The three of them were startled and ducked back.

Ge Xiu sneered and looked up at the three people lightly.

His gaze swept across the three people condescendingly, as if swept over a worthless garbage dump, then turned and walked towards the corridor.

The even footsteps gradually faded away.

It seemed that the two people who were locked up finally regained their minds. They looked at each other with lingering fears, and they also saw incredible things in the eyes of the other party - it was obvious that the other party did not do anything out of the ordinary, but they just did not dare to do anything superfluous. The action of that kind of instinctive fear is too incredible.

Obviously they are all people who have experienced more than one game.

Why are you still intimidated by the eyes of a novice

At this moment, a hoarse voice came from under the stairs: "... idiot! Come and help me!"

The two woke up like a dream, hurried down the stairs, and helped Cheng Cheng, who was still coughing uncontrollably.

Cheng Cheng spat a mouthful of blood and spit, his eyes gloomy and resentful: "Damn... I don't want to kill him... "

While being supported by the two of them, he vomited down, and he cursed in a dirty manner, as if he wished to use his own words to slash the ignorant newcomer just now.

At this moment, Cheng Cheng suddenly felt that the two people who were supporting him suddenly stopped.

He almost fell unsteadily.

Cheng Cheng frowned: "You two are fucking..."

Before he could finish speaking, he noticed the too pale complexion, sweaty forehead, and suddenly constricted pupils of the two of them.

Cheng Cheng was stunned for a moment, and followed their line of sight to the bottom of the stairs.

A woman with a kitchen knife in her hand stood at the entrance of the stairs, her pale and blurred face, her eyes were cloudy and gray, and the lower half of her face was stained with black and red blood and minced meat. , she said:

"I'm hungry."

"Although it doesn't smell good, it should taste just as good." She giggled, the kitchen knife in her hand flashed a sharp cold light under the flickering lights in the stairwell, and walked up step by step.

Several people suddenly reacted and ran upstairs.

However, as soon as they looked up, they saw two little girls holding hands at the end of the stairs.

They were wearing fluffy dresses and were only half a person tall. The two little girls were holding a doll in each of their hands. The dolls each had one eye socket empty, and the other eye socket was stuffed with a doll that clearly belonged to an adult. The viscous blood flowed down the face of the doll, and the eyes that belonged to a living person stared at the three people standing under the stairs.

The two little girls look exactly alike, even their voices are the same.

"Uncle, do you like to play games?"

The sweet laughter of children resounded in the empty corridor.

"He agreed that we should come to you."

The two little girls walked down hand in hand, and even the rhythm of the steps was exactly the same. The two blank faces faced the three terrified players and said happily:

"Uncle and uncle, come and play hide and seek with us."