Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 181


The surrounding darkness is thick and thick, like some kind of heavy entity, pressing heavily from all directions.

In the hazy chaos, the presence of another person became particularly clear.

Men's hands are cold.

The ice-like touch penetrated through the thin clothes and pressed against Ge Xiu's waist without a doubt, as if he could absorb the temperature, absorbing the warmth from his body continuously.

That almost weird feeling can make any normal person horrified.

Completely different from every previous world.

— but equally familiar.

Ge Xiu said casually: "It's ugly."

The combination of corpses and stumps is bloody and has no beauty.

The man's low and light laughter came from behind, and the chest against his back vibrated slightly with the laughter, and the ripples spread along the position where the two fit together, as if even the darkness around him was floating. :

"do not like?"

The man continued to ask unhurriedly:

"Then what do you want it to be like?"

The next second, the cold kiss fell on the young man's fair and warm neck, and a soft and slow whisper sounded close to his ear:

"Then... how about using that girl next time? Lin Xue, right?"

"She seems to like sticking to you very much," there was a cold smile in the other's voice, as if a smooth and icy snake was climbing up her skin little by little: "Or that Chen Jian-he seems to be treating you like a Also favored.”

"What," Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows: "Do you have any opinion on them?"

The hand pressing on the side waist slowly tightened, and the other party's voice contained a smile, but the chill between the words was even stronger, and there was a chilling sense of oppression: "Of course."

The icy hand slowly and slowly slid down towards the clothes:

"After all, you are my new wife."

Ge Xiu was slightly startled, his eyes darkened slightly.

As if suddenly thought of something.

A faint dark fire danced at the bottom of the pitch-black eyes, flashing a strange cold light in the viscous dark room.

Ge Xiu abruptly stretched out his hand to hold down the palm that was gradually downward, and suddenly asked:

"-What is my name?"

The other party didn't seem to expect that he would ask such a sudden question, and could not help but pause for a moment.

Ge Xiu slowly narrowed his eyes and continued to ask word by word, with a hint of danger mixed in his gentle tone:

"What is my name?"

The body clinging to his back was cold and solid, the darkness around him was thick and silent, time passed little by little, and there was a strange tension brewing in the air.

The other party hesitated and said with difficulty:

"king… "


Ge Xiu's eyes squinted for a moment, his elbow slammed into his back, and he stabbed back the remaining half syllable that was stuck in his throat.

Sure enough, the memory was not restored.

- Obviously this invitation came from the other party, and as soon as he entered the virtual world, his memory was cleared.

He sneered: "Get off."

"Ha, pseudonym." The other party's voice was pleasant: "It's very defensive, dear."

"Who do you call dear?" Ge Xiu said unceremoniously, "Don't hit me, get out."

On the contrary, the other party tightened the strength of the hand, and the two figures fit together, and the cold and sharp chin rested on Ge Xiu's shoulder, and his voice was smiling:

"Tonight is our wedding night, where do you want me to go?"

Gossiu: "..."

Your newlyweds.

"So, do I have the honor to know your real name?" The man's voice was low and ambiguous, and the cold breath brushed against Ge Xiu's ear, causing a secret trembling.

Ge Xiu does not eat this set at all.

He slightly raised the corners of his lips, showing a kind smile, and said sarcastically:

"Am I not your new wife? You don't even know my real name?"

man:"… "

Ge Xiu poked the man who was still firmly behind him with his elbow, and commanded succinctly, "Let go."

"… what if I don't?"

"I'll count down to five." Ge Xiu's body relaxed and his voice was calm, as if he didn't realize that one of them was a player who was slaughtered by others, and the other was a ghost who was responsible for slaughtering people: "Five."

The other party fell silent.

He didn't seem to think that Ge Xiu would be like this...

audacious in the extreme.


When he recited "one", Ge Xiu felt that the cold body that was still attached to his back suddenly disappeared, and the back and waist that suddenly fell down, only the cold temperature remaining from the other's body remained.

The man is gone.

The room was shrouded in silence again, Ge Xiu glanced sideways behind him, the deep and dense darkness was empty, not only could he not see the vague edges of any furniture outlines, nor any trace of energy fluctuations.

It seems to have really left.

Ge Xiu opened his eyes and stared thoughtfully at the ceiling in the dark.

When he was in the last world, he found the memory of being a zombie, but because of the urgency of time, the series of events that happened next made him unable to calm down and think about some details in his mind.

After returning to the real world, Ge Xiu finally had the opportunity to think about and ponder the clues he got in these virtual worlds, and connect it with the real world.

The Pandora Project is related to the study of psychic power.

And these virtual worlds are likely to be provided and constructed by [his] mental power. In this process, [he] should not have the ability to resist, nor the authority to operate, nor can he control the construction by his own mental power. world.

His spiritual power does not belong to him, but is more like a storage mine, freely used by those who put him in a jar.

And all he can do is make some minor changes.

- For example, replacing a character data in the virtual world with oneself.

But as time went by, Ge Xiu didn't know how [he] did it, but [he] was indeed slowly gaining more initiative and control, so that he was able to connect himself to three consecutive worlds stay in the virtual world.

Even on the basis of the previous world, build a new fairy tale world.

Although it is relatively rough, there are many details and logic in it that cannot be justified, but it is undoubtedly revealed - [He] is out of control a little bit, and is completely controlled from the previous state, as if it was a pure energy output device. , gradually gaining self-awareness and free will.

Gossiu was able to see the manifestations of "energy", and over time, he began to understand how to use "spiritual power".

The virtual world consists of spiritual power.

The same goes for the ghosts in this virtual world.

It is precisely because of this that Ge Xiu can see the existence of special items.

Those items had traces of energy residue attached to them, and it was easy to separate them from ordinary items.

He lowered his eyebrows and subconsciously raised his hand to touch his waist.

The body temperature is rising little by little, but the skin there still seems to have that cold touch.

There are still many questions that Ge Xiu does not know the answer to.

After entering the real world, Ge Xiu could feel the spiritual tentacles from the opposite direction, which was a silent invitation.

He didn't even think about it, he chose to agree.

Ge Xiu originally thought that after entering the world, the other party would be able to resonate the memories of the previous worlds, but he did not expect that although the other party had been able to probe out the spiritual tentacles in the real world, it was still very limited in the virtual world, and he still maintained in a state of clearing the memory.

This made the series of questions that Ge Xiu prepared to let [him] answer all useless.

And the only time [he] really recalled who he was in the virtual world was when he discovered the difference in Ge Xiu's identity in the world of ABO, and tried to leave him behind by connecting his spiritual power.

Perhaps... breaking the rules is the way to truly restore his memory.

Gossiu yawned and closed his eyes in the darkness.

—In any case, no amount of guesswork can only be tested tomorrow.

Drowsiness came gradually.

Ge Xiu fell into a deep sleep little by little.

A second before his consciousness was about to sink into the boundless darkness, he heard a soft and gentle voice ringing in his ear, vaguely, through the dull and ignorant border of light and dark, as if it was coming from the distant horizon. of:

"… good night, my bride."


The next day, Ge Xiu was awakened by the chime of the clock downstairs

"When... when... when..."

The bell rang a total of eight times.

Ge Xiu opened his eyes, but it was still dark in front of him.

The windows and doors were sealed, and even the outside of the gap was pitch black, and there was no difference between morning and night.

Ge Xiu fumbled to turn on the light switch by the bedside.

The light that suddenly lit up above the head dispelled the darkness, illuminated the whole room, and also made the bright red bed sheet and quilt cover, and the big red "hi" word on the head of the bed even more clear and dazzling.

Ge Xiu rubbed his eyes and looked away.

His eyes were drawn to the crystal glass placed by the bedside.

There is a small half bottle of water in it, which reflects a bright halo under the light of the light. A rose with a green rhizome is inserted in the bottle. The huge and bright flower bones are in full bloom, and there is still a little crystal water on the delicate petals. Beads, there is no trace of wilting and withering at all.

is a new one.

Ge Xiu retracted his gaze, jumped out of bed, and walked out of the room.

Some players have already left their room and came to the corridor.

Except for the player whose legs were injured, everyone slowly gathered to the entrance of the stairs on the third floor.

Gossiu glanced quickly at all of them—two less.

Should have died in the copy last night.

Chen Jian looked around at the surviving players with a slightly solemn expression. He took a deep breath and said:

"There are still two props left, and the task has been completed for the most part..."

Before he could finish his words, his eyes were drawn to the figure swaying beside him.

Chen Jian was taken aback and asked:

"You… what are you looking for?"

Ge Xiu glanced up at him: "This is a residential building, right?"


"Then there should be a fire axe?"

Chen Jian didn't react, he blinked a little blankly: "It should be..."

The buildings in the game copy are often restored in equal proportions to the buildings in reality, which should logically exist.

"Wait—what do you want to do?"

Ge Xiu turned his head and smiled at him:

"Play on the spot."