Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 183


ten minutes later.

Ear-piercing screams and howls resounded throughout the apartment building, those eyes hidden in the walls rolled wildly, and black-red rancid blood gurgled out of the cut wounds, soaking the dirty floor. , they stared at the young man who was standing in the corridor with a fire axe in his hand, with deep malice and fear flashing in his eyes.

Those dense eyes blinked violently, trying to avoid the opponent's attack in this way.

But the other party seems to be addicted to playing.

Open one and stab the other, as if playing with whack-a-mole.

The players standing in the stairwell were as quiet as chickens: "..."

Weak, poor, helpless.

Finally, after an almost shrill scream, there was a wave on the exposed walls, and then, those creepy eyeballs disappeared, leaving only a piece of bare dark red wall tiles.

Ge Xiu put down the axe in his hand with some regret, and was not even enjoying himself.

Suddenly, he saw that in the depths of the dark red wall bricks, in the gaps that had been deeply chopped by the axe, something pale and smooth was exposed.

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

He raised the axe in his hand and continued to chisel it twice.

More wall skins and bricks rustled down, revealing what was hidden in it more clearly.

It was a round and slender white skeleton, slightly curved inwards, sinking deep into the thick wall like a bracket.

rib cage.

Ge Xiu was slightly startled.

He looked thoughtfully at the rib that was sunk deep into the wall for two seconds, and then recalled the special items he had found on other floors earlier.

The first floor is a broken finger.

The second floor is the eyeball.

The fourth floor is hair.

Although I don't know what Chen Jian found on the third floor, judging from the missing flesh and blood on another player's leg, it should be some kind of human organ.

And this layer, hidden deep in the ribs, is of course only the heart.

If the main entrance of the apartment building is the front of the person, then the position of the heart should be the middle position on the left of the fifth floor...

Ge Xiu's gaze shifted slightly and landed on the dark red door, stunned.

On the door were three bleak numbers written in mottled paint:


Ge Xiu frowned in confusion.

But... He clearly checked around 502 yesterday, but found nothing.

… strangeness.

Even so, he decided to go and find out.

502's door was unexpectedly unlocked.

Ge Xiu pushed the door with a fire axe and entered.

The players standing in the stairwell looked at each other, and after a brief hesitation, they decided to listen to their intuition and followed up - after all, this is a man who can directly carry an axe to fight a ghost, and can be in the same room as the other party, The sense of security is simply greatly improved.

After they walked into 502 cautiously, they found that the other party had begun to wreak havoc without any scruples.

Tables and chairs were kicked and overturned on the ground, the dazzling words of joy were torn off on the walls, and the snow-white walls also left deep marks after being chopped by an axe. messed up.

Ge Xiu has no psychological burden.

After all, although he can see the existence of mental power, this feeling is like vision, hearing, and smell, and there are distances and limitations in perception. Since he did not find it when he entered the room last night, then, It's very likely that that thing was buried deep in something out of sight.

The young man with the axe swept across the border like a tornado, but in the blink of an eye, there was only a mess left, and the entire room was almost turned upside down.

The players silently huddled in the corner, shivering as they watched Ge Xiu wreaking havoc in the room like a robber.

After a long time, Ge Xiu finally stopped.

He stood in the center of the house with an axe, and slowly looked around the ruined room, frowning slightly.

-still none.

Did he think wrong

The special items on this floor are actually not here

At this moment, a bright red flashed from the edge of the line of sight suddenly, Ge Xiu paused, and looked in that direction subconsciously.

A bright rose was inserted in the crystal glass bottle by the bedside, and the delicate and fresh flowers bloomed beautifully, as if nourished from blood.

Ge Xiu hesitated for a second, then walked towards the rose.

He pulled the rose out of the vase, turned his fingers slightly, and looked at it carefully.

The stems are slender and the petals are bright.

No matter where you look at it, it's an ordinary flower.


No matter the position of the petals, the curvature of the flower branches, or the size of the leaves, they are all exactly the same as the rose he saw yesterday, and even the nail prints he left on the flower stems unconsciously yesterday.

Ge Xiu was slightly startled.

When he saw that the flowers had completely recovered to their bright and fresh appearance this morning, he subconsciously thought that the flowers had been replaced, but in fact—

This is the same flower.

Ge Xiu put his hand into his pocket, and his fingertips touched the cold and hard metal texture.

He took it out.

Ge Xiu opened his palm, and a small brass key lay in the center of his palm, flickering faintly under the light.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a gentle force drop from his wrist.

Feeling cold to the touch, he firmly grasped his wrist, and his invisible fingers slowly snaked upward along the warm back of his hand.

A small brass key was inserted slowly into the center of the rose petals.


A subtle metal collision sounded.

The next second, the soft and delicate petals in front of him, as if soaked with blood, began to peel off quickly, as if a heavy rain fell from between Ge Xiu's fingers, and in an instant, a thick layer accumulated on the ground, almost covering the ground. The soles of his feet were submerged in the gorgeous petals, and the fragrant rose fragrance spread in the air with the strong smell of blood.

Gossi lowered his eyes.

He saw that in his palm, he was holding a soft and warm bright red heart.

It lay quietly between Gexiu's pale and slender fingers, naked and exposed to the air, fresh and fragile, pulsing regularly with the beat.



Gossi was stunned.

- It turns out that it has been offered by both hands from the beginning.

At this moment, the mechanical female voice sounded in the air, echoing in the empty apartment corridor:

"Congratulations on finding all five special items in the residential building and winning!"

I don't know if it was Ge Xiu's illusion, but he always felt that the sound seemed to be mixed with the sound of electric current, flowing between some subtle changes in pitch and articulation, making the already very stiff voice slightly distorted.

"Points will be settled after the game is over."

The next second after the sound disappeared, Ge Xiu only felt darkness in front of him.

It was as if the whole person had been pulled into the extremely deep and extremely dark ice water. All the sounds, lights and shadows were instantly away from him, and quickly disappeared from his mind and consciousness. A second before his consciousness disappeared, he I can still feel the icy palm tightly clasping my wrist, the deep touch is like a brand on the skin, and even the coma can't be dispelled.

It seemed only a second had passed.

It seemed like a century had passed.

Ge Xiu suddenly opened his eyes, and countless noisy and chaotic voices rushed towards him like a tide, and the bright color blocks that were suddenly oppressed in front of him engulfed Ge Xiu in an instant - he was like a man who was suddenly pulled from the deep sea. Like a drowning person dragged out of the middle, at that moment, he was overwhelmed by the swarming sensory perceptions.

Everything in front of you seems to be spinning.

A strange sense of weightlessness dominated him.

Ge Xiu staggered forward a few steps, and stabilized his body at the moment when he was about to fall to the ground.

It took him three full seconds to realize where he was.

Ge Xiu stood in the middle of the busy road.

The deafening car whistle sounded in the ears, and the entire intersection with heavy traffic became extraordinarily chaotic because of his appearance. The human voice mixed with the harsh braking sound echoed in the air. The car that braked suddenly in front of Ge Xiu rolled down the window, stuck his head out angrily, and shouted, "Don't you have fucking eyes—"

Ge Xiu looked up in the direction from which the voice came.

The driver was stunned, as if he was suddenly stuck in his throat, and the rest of the swear words were stuck in his throat, and he couldn't go up or down.

Ge Xiu was completely conscious at this moment, lowered his head and quickly glanced at his clothes.

—The same prison uniform from the prison.

It seems that he still maintains his original appearance.

Ge Xiu lowered his head and hurriedly walked towards the side of the road.

He didn't want to cause too much disturbance.

Especially now that although it is somewhat over, he does not seem to have left the virtual world. There are too many things that are still unclear, and he does not want to see too much attention.

At this moment, from the crowd that gradually gathered around, a hand stretched out and grabbed Ge Xiu's wrist:

"Hey! Here!"

Gossi turned his head to look.

He had seen that person in the game. It was the player whose legs had been hollowed out. It seemed that after the game ended, his legs had returned to their original shape.

Ge Xiu noticed with sharp eyes, and people have watches of the same style on their wrists.

- And he was very sure that when he was in prison, his wrist was absolutely empty.

He didn't resist, but let the other side pull him away from the crowd.

Soon, they came to a sparsely populated alley.

The player stopped and turned to look at Ge Xiu: "Are you a newcomer? I remember I saw you in the game..."

- After all, such a face is really hard to forget. stop

He bent down, leaned on his knees and took a deep breath, and after breathing evenly, he continued:

"Your luck is really bad enough, not only was the first level assigned to that level of difficulty, but you were also directly teleported back to the middle of the road... Although other people won't notice your sudden appearance, it's still very difficult. It's easy to get hit..."

The player wiped the sweat from his forehead and straightened up:

"My name is Cheng Xiao, do you still remember me?"

Gossi nodded.

When the crisis was lifted, Cheng Xiao's expression quickly relaxed.

He quipped:

"It seems that after I was injured, you guys solved the puzzle quickly."

Cheng Xiao was a little curious: "However, how did you manage to find two special items in such a short period of time?"

Ge Xiu thought about it seriously and replied:

"Probably... just follow the steps."

The author has something to say: Game: ... ? ?

What did you say? ?