Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 194


Contrary to what the players imagined, the interior of the villa is quiet and normal, without the slightest terrifying atmosphere.

The hall is tall and spacious, the carpet under your feet is thick and soft, and you will sink deep when you step on it. The Turkish-style fabrics hang on the marble walls, and the European-style antique reliefs look dignified and solemn under the brilliant lights. The decoration is luxurious and ingenious everywhere.

As soon as they walked in, a lady in a long dress greeted them.

She had a golden bun on top of her head, revealing a slender and elegant neck, and her gray-blue eyes gleamed in the light.

She pounced on one of the players.

The player was caught off guard, he was stunned there, holding the woman who rushed over stiffly, not knowing where his hands should be placed for a while.

But the other party didn't care. Instead, he approached enthusiastically, kissed him on the cheek, and complained, "Dear, why did it take you so long to come back?"

The player was speechless, staring blankly at the handsome lady, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Are all the guests here?"

She looked behind the player, and a look of contempt crossed her eyebrows: "Darling, how can you let our honorable guests and servants walk together? This is too disrespectful to people. already."

The woman beckoned behind her, and a housekeeper wearing a straight finger pad stepped forward: "Madam, what are your orders?"

She pointed to the players who were standing at the door and were still a little bewildered, and said:

"Take them down, the servants have their place, not in my parlour."

The housekeeper bowed: "Yes, ma'am."

The players took advantage of the opportunity of the conversation between the two NPCs, and hurriedly lowered their heads to check the ID card they had just drawn from the box at the door - there was only a simple icon on the card, including brooms, kitchen utensils, hoes, top hats, dresses, etc. Even if no text is needed, players can almost guess the identity they are going to play this time from the icon.

They all looked at each other, and after whispering a few words to each other, they quickly reached a consensus - first follow the plot, wait until everything is settled, and then gather to discuss the current situation.

"Half an hour later, we will meet in the yard, how?"

Everyone nodded and agreed to the proposal.

Only Ghosh stared at his card in deep thought.

The icon on his card is a ring.

Gossiu: "..."

Combining the encounters in the previous two dungeons, he couldn't help but have an ominous premonition,

The housekeeper came over and walked towards the side hall with the players with the tools painted on the cards, and when the hostess turned back with the dismissive face just now, she immediately put on a sweet and kind smile: "On the way You have worked hard, everyone is tired, the maid will lead you to the room arranged for you, everyone has a good rest tonight, and a grand banquet will be held for everyone tomorrow..."

Her gaze swept over Ge Xiu, who was standing behind the crowd, her expression was obviously stunned, and then she shouted:

"God, baby, why are you here?"

"Why don't you stay in your room, but come back from outside with the guests?" The hostess hurried forward and dragged Ge Xiu out of the player pile with a gloomy and serious expression: "It will be three days later. After the wedding, you are still wandering around like this, where will our family's face be put? Don't be self-willed, go upstairs and go back to your room. "

Gossiu: "..."


Since entering this world, basically every dungeon is inseparable from this element, and he is either the hero or the heroine - and Ge Xiu doesn't even need to think to know who is the culprit.

As he followed the maid upstairs, he angrily shook off the icy palm that was still clutching his wrist.

As soon as it was thrown away, the other party relentlessly wrapped around him again, and his wide and slender palm wrapped Ge Xiu's hand in the palm of his hand, tightly reluctant to let go.

Ge Xiu pinched him with his backhand, gritted his teeth and said:

"...It's all your fault."


The way to enter the virtual world this time was not chosen by the research, so the missing half of this incomplete world script will naturally be filled by the subconscious mind of the shaper.

What's worse is that the other party's personal cognition inside the virtual world is not the same as the personal cognition outside the virtual world.

- In other words, he might still feel very innocent now.

The more Ge Xiu thought about it, the more angry he became: "Let go!"

His voice was a little louder this time, and the maid walking in front turned her head and asked, "What's wrong? Miss?"

Ge Xiu: "...It's okay."

The maid did not continue to ask, but brought Ge Xiu to the door of a room on the second floor and bowed slightly: "Call me if you need anything, Miss."

The door to the room closed behind him, cutting off the gloomy corridor.

The footsteps of the maid drifted away.

The air in front of him fluctuated for a while, and the tall man's figure was gradually revealed. His face was pale, his eyes were dark, and there were obvious questions in the depths of his eyes: "It's all my fault? What?"

Ge Xiu angered from the heart: "What are you usually thinking about?"


Ge Xiu took a few steps closer and narrowed his eyes gloomily: "Do you have any misconceptions about my gender?"


Four eyes met, one was angry, and the other was blank.

The innocent, bewildered look on his face was just fueling the fire for Gosho.

The experience of being forced to wear women's clothes in the previous world has come back again, and the old and new hatred is mixed in everything, making Ge Xiu's anger even more intense.

He pressed hard step by step, his dark eyes flashed with dangerous colors, and he pushed the other back step by step, until the man's knee hit the edge of the bed behind him, and he subconsciously sat on the bed.

The man was confused and at a loss.

The young man looked at the other party condescendingly, and smiled instead of anger: "Do you need me to prove it?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up slightly:


Gossiu: "..."

The curvature of the corner of the man's lips deepened, and then he raised his hand and put it on the other's waist, his voice was low and slow, and he said word by word:

"bring it on."

Ge Xiu: "..."

I don't know why, but now the two of them are standing and sitting together, but I have an inexplicable illusion that one head is suddenly shorter.

He was expressionless:

"Come on your head."

The anger that had accumulated just now loosened like a punctured balloon, Ge Xiu raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, and let out a slow breath—the person in front of him always had the ability to easily stir his emotions.

But before he could calm down his emotions, he felt that the other party's hand that was just lightly resting on his waist suddenly tightened.

What followed was a whirlwind.

Ge Xiu fell down suddenly, feeling the soft touch of the bed on his back, and then, shadows covered his body, and the other's cold hands tightly clasped his wrists and pressed him into the mattress.

The man grinned, and his sharp white teeth appeared between his thin lips, like some kind of beast that smelled blood:

"Then I'll come."

Ge Xiu's eyes widened: "What—"

The remaining word was swallowed by the other party.

Familiar breath came in.

In that second, Ge Xiu had a momentary shock.

The other slyly seized the opportunity and deepened the kiss.

The icy lips were deeply imprinted, the teeth gnawed maliciously for a long time, and the long and prolonged deep kiss was able to squeeze out all the air in the chest little by little, the extreme sense of aggression and possessiveness was sharp to the point. It seems to have weight, like the turbulent cold sea water, unscrupulously proclaiming that it will engulf everything.

Ge Xiu tried to struggle, but lost the opportunity.

Everything was shaking up and down, and it became difficult to focus on the line of sight, as if everything around him was disappearing, moving away, and turning into foam.

In delusions and illusions, the only entity that exists is the body clinging to its own chest.

And the heavy emotions that came in and almost drowned him—hotness, greed, longing, wickedness, and desire.

At this moment, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open.

"Hey! Are you okay?" A player appeared at the door: "Although your place is on the second floor, it's really hard to find..."

His voice gradually decreased until it disappeared.

The player standing at the door stared stunned at the scene in front of him, the unspoken words stuck in his throat, and he forgot what he wanted to say for a while.

The man regretfully pulled the distance between the two of them, then he turned his head slightly, and glanced casually over the player who was standing there in shock, a bit of extremely dangerous coldness flashed deep in his dark eyes, and his voice was low and hoarse:

"We'll be there soon."

At the moment when the other party's gaze swept over, the player subconsciously felt a chill behind him, as if he was being stared at by a dangerous creature at the top of the food chain. That momentary creepy feeling made him suddenly wake up and hurriedly took two steps back. , closed the door subconsciously, and stammered:

"No, no hurry, no hurry."

With a "bang", the door closed.

When only the closed door was left in front of him, the player finally felt that his sanity was returning little by little. He glanced at the door with some lingering fear. cannot be dissipated.

Players have mixed feelings in their hearts.

Standing alone in the corridor, he recalled the scene just now and shook his head in amazement.

Do you dare to play like this even in a copy? awesome…

At this moment, another player climbed up from downstairs, poked his head, and asked impatiently:

"Have you found anyone yet?"

The player was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said "oh": "I found it, they said immediately."

"Then don't stand still, come down quickly, everyone else is waiting." The man withdrew his head, turned and walked downstairs.

The player turned his head and glanced at the closed door, determined to leave here first—the man's eyes just now were so terrifying, he even had the illusion that he might be killed on the spot.

As he walked, he began to recall with hindsight.

Speaking of which, was there this person in the players when he was outside

The player frowned in confusion, raised his hand and scratched his hair, feeling a little unsure for a while.

—It stands to reason that these two people are so good-looking, he shouldn't have an impression of only one of them.