Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 196


Gossi went to his room first.

The furniture is European-style, and the whole room has a distinct feminine softness. The edges and corners are very delicate. Except for the messy bed sheets, the whole room is neatly arranged and meticulous.

Ge Xiu took the flashlight and walked to the makeup table, casually looking at the accessories and photo albums on it.

Just as he picked up a small pocket watch and looked at it, a harsh scream suddenly cut through the darkness and came in through the layers of walls.

Ge Xiu turned his head and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

The pale-faced man leaned against the wall and raised his eyebrows when he saw the other party looking up, "Go and have a look?"

"Okay." Ge Xiu shrugged, put the pocket watch back on the table with a "da", turned and walked out.

When the two of them came downstairs, some players who heard the sound had already gathered there. Everyone stood in front of the porch connecting the hall and the side hall with pale faces, not daring to take a step forward, only a few shaking. The flashlight flashed into the darkness, illuminating the scene on the porch.

Large swathes of blood and minced meat splashed on the wall, like a blurred abstract painting. On the ground, a person was lying on his back.

His eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling, his pale face was bloodless, his expression frozen with pain and horror - his arms were broken, and disappeared from the waist down, and his broken intestines flowed from his belly. Come out and lay on the ground in a crooked way, the thick carpet has been soaked with blood, showing a heavy dark red under the light of the flashlight.

The other player was standing aside, leaning against the wall, as if that was the only way to maintain a standing position.

He seemed to be the player who teamed up with the dead.

The player's face was desolate, and he stammered: "I, I don't know why it happened, I was in the opposite side hall when it happened... I didn't see him for about two minutes, wait. When I found out that it was wrong, he had already become like this..."

Du Yan's face was solemn: "You don't know what attacked him?"

The player shook his head shiveringly:

"No, I don't know."

Du Yan's face was even more ugly.

He originally suggested forming a team because the situation and rules in this dungeon are still unclear. If a team is formed, even if a player dies, his teammates can learn a little bit of information from it, at least it won't be worthless to die—but The current situation backfired, people died, but no clues remained.

He reluctantly asked a few more questions, but the teammate really didn't know.

— heard nothing, saw nothing, knew nothing.

While Du Yan was thinking hard, he saw a player passing by him and walking towards the corridor full of minced meat and blood.

He hurriedly reminded:

"Hey! I don't know if it's dangerous or not..."

Before Du Yan finished speaking, Ge Xiu had already walked to the corpse at this moment.

He stopped.

Everyone was startled, and looked at the player who boldly walked into the dangerous area with trepidation, holding their breath subconsciously.

However nothing happened.

Ge Xiu turned his head and glanced at Du Yan, and said casually:

"Now you know."

Du Yan: "…"

Ge Xiu squatted down, narrowed his eyes, and carefully looked at the corpse lying on the ground in a strange posture.

He stretched out his hands - everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath - only to see the young man squatting not far away grabbing the broken arms of the corpse without any psychological obstacles, and pressing the arms that had lost the lower half of their elbows against each other. On both sides of the corpse, he ripped off a piece of ornately decorated tapestry from the wall, wiped the fractured surface of the corpse's upper body, and pushed back the scattered intestines.

Everyone: "… "


A few minutes later, Ge Xiu stood up from the body, then turned around and walked towards the crowd.

The young man's face was pale and calm, the hands hanging by his side were covered with blood, and the sticky blood droplets slowly fell from his fingertips. Under the light of the flashlight, both hands were dyed a scary scarlet. Zhang's face, which is so beautiful that it does not look like a real person, looks very ghostly in the large black and red scene behind him.

The players subconsciously took a step back.

Ge Xiu turned a blind eye to this.

He reached out and pulled down another tapestry hanging at the end of the corridor, and wiped his hands skillfully on it.

The Suomingyan Ghost just now seemed to have become a living person again.

Du Yan calmed down and asked, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

Gossiu shrugged noncommittally.

Someone dared to look at the corpse lying on the other end of the corridor, only to see the corpse lying upright on the ground, with only the arm left beside him.

The fractured surface from the elbow to the waist was clearly exposed after wiping, and under the light of the flashlight, it actually showed a perfect and regular arc, as if a line was drawn on his waist with a compass, and The part inside the circle was completely devoured by the void.

"That's right." Ge Xiu seemed to remember something, and handed a card to Du Yan with his bloodstained hand: "It's on him."

Du Yan took the card.

That was the ID card that the players drew from outside the iron gate before entering the house.

The edges of the card were stained with blood, and the smooth surface was mottled with bloody handprints, apparently from the young man who handed it to him.

On the card is a hoe logo.

Should be a gardener.

Du Yan made a decisive decision, he looked up at the players, and suggested: "Now everyone go to his house, hurry up, go to see the clues about his identity first, find out his responsibilities, and see how he and his friends are. What's the connection with the identities of other players..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a pale-faced player:

"I'm not going! I'm going to you!"

Another player who looked like a novice nodded vigorously, his face wrinkled with panic and fear, his pale forehead soaked with sweat, he said shiveringly: "He died while going to his room, Who knows what's in there, is there any condition to achieve death... or something, anyway, I don't dare..."

There is no logic to his words.

All players who know a little about the rules of the game will know that the conditions for triggering death cannot be so simple.

But in the dark and under pressure, the human heart becomes extremely fragile, and it is easier to be suspicious and listen to some seemingly reasonable remarks.

A wave of panic rushed through the crowd.

Whispers that smelled of despair pulled out the fear in people's hearts, and the distrust snowballed.

"How can this game kill players in such a simple way!" A player who had also experienced role-playing raised his voice impatiently: "When a person dies, his line is broken, if he doesn't go now, in case tomorrow It will appear in the main story, and other people will be implicated."

"Didn't you say there are three chances?" The questioning voice sounded again: "But we only have one life!"

"Yes, yes!" A player echoed.

"Do you know how valuable these three opportunities are!" Du Yan was a little angry: "Do you really want to know the result of the failure of the role-playing?"

He sneered: "Whether you go or not is your business."

The whole scene suddenly became uncontrollable.

In the role-playing copy, the cooperation between players is the most important.

And fear and anger will drive people to make irrational words and deeds - this is the biggest difficulty of this kind of copy, because whenever a player dies, there will be a vacancy for a role, but the script is often interlocked. The absence of a ring can lead to subsequent collapses.

The atmosphere was tense, and it was about to explode.

Gossiu yawned.

He glanced at the arrogant crowd with little interest, then turned and walked in the opposite direction.

The man who had been watching this farce with a cold eye since just now saw him leave, and he followed with steps. As he walked, he asked, "Where are you going?"

"Sleep." Ge Xiu replied without hesitation.

"You don't want to go to the gardener's room?" the man asked with interest.

Ge Xiu kept walking up the stairs: "I don't want to."

"Why?" the other party asked persistently.

Ge Xiu turned to look at him, frowned and asked, "Why do you have so many questions?"

The man shrugged innocently: "Just curious."

Ge Xiu gave a "tsk", and then asked casually, "Why do you think I am?"

"Is there a reward for guessing?"

The man pursed his lips.

Ge Xiu shrugged: "I'll think about it."

The two walked up the stairs one after the other, and soon left the chaotic discussions of the players behind them.

The noisy human voice seemed to come from a very distant place.

The stairwell in front of you is like a small world isolated from the outside world, only the even footsteps of the two people echoed in it.

"I guess..." The man narrowed his eyes slightly, with a smile on his pale thin lips, his dark eyes fixedly staring at the innocent young man in front of him, his low voice seemed light and hoarse in the dark night:

"You have the answer in your heart, right?"

Ge Xiu stepped back slightly, turned his head to look at the man behind him, who was only two steps lower than him, and raised the corners of his lips:


The smile on the man's lips widened: "What's the reward?"

Ge Xiu turned his head and took the last step:


The man frowned: "But..."

"I said I would consider it." Ge Xiu stopped in front of the door of his room and looked at each other with a smile: "I have considered it now."

man:"… "

So treacherous.

Ge Xiu pushed open the door and walked into the room: "Good night."

The man also wanted to follow in, but the door of the room closed mercilessly in front of his eyes, and through the door, he could hear Ge Xiu's unwavering voice:

"Isn't it my fiancé? I want to go into my wife's room before I get married, but I don't know the rules."

man:"… "

He stood at the door dumbfounded, he really didn't expect the other party to use his previous method to counteract a move, but he himself suffered a dumb loss.

Just as he was thinking, the door that had been closed just now suddenly opened.

The man was taken aback.

Ge Xiu stretched out a hand from the door, pulled him over, then leaned over and kissed him on the lips:
