Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 198


The servants in the room stood stiffly in place.

Their expressions looked extraordinarily weird. Half of their faces were monstrous and malicious, but the other half still maintained the shock and panic that a servant should show.

Ge Xiu turned his head down and straightened his cuffs without seeing it.

He patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, then Shi Shiran turned around and walked towards the door.

No one tried to stop him.

Ge Xiu left the room without any hassle.

The lighting in the corridor was a little dim compared to the room, and the bloody smell that was so thick that it was almost impossible to breathe gradually faded.

At this moment, he felt that his wrist that was hanging by his side suddenly became cold, and a warm hand quietly wrapped around his wrist, and the icy fingertips gently slid over the raised slender carpal bone, and Ge Xiu palms clasped together.

Ge Xiu glanced sideways.

The man walked forward side by side with him, his pale face was like a ghost in the dark corridor, he turned his head slightly, his dark eyes cast a flash of lightning under his slightly drooping eyelashes, his voice was laughing: " Miss, did you have a good time?"

Ge Xiu slightly curved his lips and said happily:

"of course."

"The expressions of those NPCs..." Ge Xiu paused for a second, as if he was aftertaste, and then sighed with a smile:

"What a treasure."

The man laughed uncontrollably.

He coughed, barely restrained the corners of his mouth, and continued to ask, "How did you do it?"

It was the first time he had seen such a situation that even the game system could not determine whether he had acted beyond his character's identity.

Ge Xiu shrugged: "This eldest lady obviously doesn't want to get married."

The furnishings in the room didn't have the slightest hint of a new marriage, her mother's habit of rebellious behavior when she came back late at night, and the details of her words.


Ge Xiu took out the pocket watch he had found on the table from his pocket, opened it, and threw it to the man: "Look at it."

A picture of another man is carefully hidden in the pocket watch.

The unmarried teenage girl clearly has a heart.

The man stared at the photo in the pocket watch in his hand, then frowned sullenly, his low voice was calm but turbulent, as if suppressing some kind of dangerous emotion:

"Who is this?"

Gossiu: "..."

He glanced at the man standing beside him complicatedly: "'re too deep into the play, it's not true."

The man gritted his teeth:

"-That's not OK."

Looking at his appearance, Ge Xiu couldn't help but gloat over the misfortune: "Look, this is the identity you deliberately made this time, hahahahaha..."

Before he could finish laughing, he was trapped in the corner by the man's unpredictable figure—his back hit the hard wall, and the other party's icy breath was instantly pressed up, and the rest of the voice was blocked deep in his throat—" Well!"

The cold and soft lips were blocked up, biting his lower lip fiercely, like a torrential rain in a summer afternoon.

Rapid, intense, fleeting.

The two put their foreheads against their foreheads, and the man rubbed the tip of Gexiu's nose with the tip of his nose, his voice hoarse and low:

"My fiancee... I wonder if I still have a chance to save you?"

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes and stared at the face of the other party that was close at hand:

"What if I say no."

The man let out a low laugh, leaned in and pecked Ge Xiu's lips again, his voice soft like a whisper: "Then I'll kill your lover, hide you in my attic, and then no one can see you except me. ."

Ge Xiu laughed out loud.

—Why is this role-playing so addicting

He suppressed his urge to laugh, and pretended to be serious and asked, "Then it seems I'd better agree?"

The man nodded deeply: "I think so."

At this moment, a deliberately amplified cough came from the end of the corridor not far away.

Ge Xiu turned his head and looked in the direction from which the voice came.

I saw that the player who came to knock on the door to call him earlier was embarrassed, standing at the entrance of the stairs, neither entering nor retreating, his eyes wandering: "Cough cough... Well, the hostess asked me to come up and see how your clothes changed. so…”

Ge Xiu broke free from the opponent's arm and chest, adjusted his clothes that were a little wrinkled due to the action just now, and concealed his expression:

"Cough, I'll be there soon."

The man took two steps back with a blank expression, stared at the player who wanted to flee the scene at the entrance of the stairs not far away, narrowed his dark eyes slightly, and said in a low voice: "…Why is it you again."

The player wants to cry without tears: "… "

I also want to know how it is me again.

It’s okay to feed the dog food delivered to your door once. What’s the matter with picking up the same person and feeding it repeatedly


When Ge Xiu came downstairs, Mrs. Wright was already waiting there. The tailor whose clothes were stained with blood stood behind her, obviously telling her what happened upstairs.

Mrs. Wright's expression was extremely bad.

She stared at Ge Xiu and said gloomily, "What's the matter with you? Didn't I say it? Don't be willful!"

Other players sneaked into the hall from time to time, obviously very concerned about their progress here.

Before Ge Xiu could answer, he only heard the somber striking sound of the grandfather clock on the side. As if startled, Mrs. Wright straightened up suddenly and turned her head to look at the clock.

A slender hand rested gently on the top of the clock.

The fingers were pale, with distinct joints.

For a time, everyone's eyes turned to the man standing by the clock.

"It's fine if she doesn't want to wear it." The man said with a smile, "It's not bad for a wedding in a regular dress."

From an angle that no one could see clearly, Mrs. Wright's expression was slightly distorted, and a trace of fear clearly flashed in her eyes.

She lowered her head and took a sip of the tea in the teacup in her hand. Her tone seemed to make a 180-degree turn, and suddenly calmed down:

"Since you said so... then forget it."

The player who has been quietly observing the movement in the hall since just now: "... "

They could hardly believe their eyes and ears.

That's it? That's it?

That's all for this npc? ?

Wait... how can this role-playing game be played like this? ? ? ?

Even Ge Xiu cast an interested glance at the other party.

From a secret angle, the man blinked at him quickly, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

At this moment, a bell rang from outside the door, and a footman came running from the hall:

"Here comes the Baron Post."

Mrs. Wright hurriedly stood up, raised her hand to straighten her skirt that was wrinkled from sitting for a long time, and walked towards the door, greeting a player who was a servant as she walked: "I didn't expect time to pass by. So soon, go to the kitchen to see if lunch is ready, and urge the cook, our honored guest will be here soon."

After speaking, she flew towards the door like a fluttering butterfly.

Soon there were pleasant social conversations and the hostess's amused giggles coming from the foyer ahead.

Obviously it will take a while.

Ge Xiu stared thoughtfully at the direction where the player disappeared just now, turned his head and whispered to the man standing beside him:

"I gonna go see."

After he finished speaking, he didn't care about Mrs. Wright, who was still greeting the new NPC not far away, and walked quickly towards the side hall.

Ge Xiu did not know where the kitchen was.

He stood at one of the forks and looked around, then frowned slightly—as time passed, Ge Xiu smelled the faint smell of fresh blood in the air, and the smell of blood was gradually spreading, becoming more and more clear up.

At this moment, there was a deliberately lowered exclamation not far away.

Ge Xiu was refreshed.

He quickened his pace and ran towards the direction where the voice came from.

The kitchen door was wide open, and white water vapor escaped from the open door, and the sound of boiling water bubbling could be heard from outside.

Gossiu went into the kitchen.

The player who was sent just now leaned his back against the wall with a pale face and covered his mouth with one hand, as if he was afraid that he would make more noises.

The kitchen is very large, and all kinds of kitchen utensils are abundant, but at the moment it is scattered all over the place.

On the ground, the player who was sent to be the cook lay hideously in a mess. Large swathes of blood stained the ground and walls red, and viscera and minced meat flowed out from the incision in his upper body. A nauseating bloody smell.

Ge Xiu walked over and brought down the boiling water.

The water vapor gradually dissipated, revealing the body on the ground—the wound on his body was exactly the same as the one who died last night.

The same perfect and regular arc.

At this moment, there were footsteps coming from the door at the other end of the kitchen, and it seemed that an NPC was approaching.

Ge Xiu made a decisive decision, reached out and grabbed the player who was still leaning against the wall in a daze, and dragged him out of the kitchen abruptly.

The player stumbled after Ge Xiu and ran for a long time before he could finally see the door of the kitchen.

The player was still in shock, holding his knees and panting desperately, and was frightened by the scene just now:

"This, how can this be done?"

"You?" Ge Xiu stood by with his arms crossed, his face was not blushing or he was panting, he said slowly and leisurely: "Go and tell Mrs. Wright, the dish will be ready soon."

The player was surprised: "But..."

"Do you think that in such a big family, there is only one cook in the kitchen?" Ge Xiu said calmly: "Those footsteps should be other cooks—just NPCs. Even if the dishes really can't be cooked, then It's their problem too, you're safe anyway."

The player breathed a sigh of relief, apparently calming down a lot.

He glanced at Ge Xiu gratefully: "Okay, okay, thank you, I'll go right now."

But before he took a few steps, he was stopped by Ge Xiu: "Hey! Wait."

"What's wrong?"

"By the way, spread the word and tell others that it's better to be vegetarian at noon today." Ge Xiu shrugged.

The player frowned: "Why?"

Ge Xiu gave him a cool look: "Have you seen any meat ingredients in the kitchen?"

The player shook his head blankly: "...No."

"Then guess," Ge Xiu smiled, "what would those cooks make meat dishes?"

—The cook's corpse.

The answer quickly popped out of the player's mind, making him shudder. He didn't dare to question it. After hurriedly thanking him, he quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Why are you so kind to him?" The man's figure gradually emerged, and he frowned slightly as he stared at the direction where the player disappeared.

Ge Xiu shrugged and said nonchalantly, "Do a good deed every day, can't you?"

The man looks gloomy:

"...And you took his hand."

Ge Xiu laughed, turned his head to look at the other party: "I still have an account to settle with you, you will be unhappy first."

"Accounting?" The man frowned slightly.

Ge Xiu slowly approached the man in front of him, narrowing his eyes slightly:

"Tell me, what's the matter with you and this copy?"

The man asked quietly:

"What's the meaning?"

Ge Xiu said with a "tsk": "It seems that I have to make it clear."

As Ge Xiu approached, the man slowly backed away until his back was against the wall, and there was no room for him to retreat.

Looking at the man in front of him who was cornered by him, the smile on Ge Xiu's lips widened. The white canine teeth were like some kind of ferocious beast, and there was a little dark beating flame in the depths of his dark eyes:

"Actually this is your original copy, right?"