Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 199


The man's expression was the same, and his dark eyes were as calm as stagnant water. He raised the corners of his lips noncommittally, and uttered a simple syllable from his throat:


"Still pretending?" Ge Xiu stared at each other's eyes, the curvature of the corners of his lips slowly expanded, his smile was as greasy and sweet as honey, but inexplicably gave people a creepy feeling:

"You really want me to give an example?"

After entering this virtual world, he went through three instances in total.

In the first dungeon, the other party never showed up. The only time the entity appeared was on a dark night. Even the delivery of key props was done with the help of another dungeon boss.

In the second dungeon, if Ge Xiu hadn't used his verbal skills to arouse the opponent, he seemed prepared to keep following Ge Xiu's side in a faceless manner, even after he appeared, for most of the following In time, the other party still maintains a state of invisibility—even when there are no other players around.

In the third copy, the other party was uncharacteristically.

Not only did he show his true body at the beginning, he even directly mixed into the players, and even installed his identity for himself—

And it is an identity that is recognized by the copy.

More importantly, in the second instance, Ge Xiu noticed that the old woman said something: "As long as he's here, he won't be able to get in."

In the key buildings in the dungeon, the authority of the other party is lower than that of the original boss in the dungeon. No matter how powerful his ability is, he cannot break through the thin layer of tattered doors.

In this copy, it is completely different.

Previously, in the living room, the glance of the hostess at the man further verified Ge Xiu's guess.

Ge Xiu is extremely sensitive to changes in people's emotions, not to mention that the other party's expression is so horrified that it can be seen without even thinking about it. His eyes are soaked with deep-rooted fear and panic, as if shivering and retreating. .

Even the boss who lost the ability to resist in the previous dungeon has never shown such a cowardly and terrified look - that old woman's eyes were full of resentment from beginning to end, like a broken tooth instead of biting someone. The poisonous snake, although there is no possibility of turning over, always wants to seize the opportunity to bite you again.

At that moment, some of the previous details were all connected in series.

Including the gloomy and violent look of the other party when he saw the photo hidden in the pocket watch, and the two soft, half-truth words:

- "My fiancee, I wonder if I still have a chance?"

- "Then I'll kill your lover, hide you in my attic, and not see anyone but me."

It seemed like a joke, but in the man's drooping dark eyes, his expression was extraordinarily dark and serious, as if he could do his best with every word he said.

Ge Xiu looked into the other's calm eyes.

The man leaned against the wall relaxedly, his demeanor and body language relaxed and natural, as if the man being cornered was not himself.

He smiled softly: "No need."

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows: "Don't pretend?"

"No more."

The man smiled Yan Yan and leaned closer, as if he had completely abandoned his disguise, his dark eyes flashed with a mad and morbid paranoia:

"I am very happy."

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes, and suddenly had an ominous premonition:

"… happy for what?"

The pale face of the man seemed a little unpredictable in the light and shadow transformation, and he sighed softly:

"You finally remembered."

The next second, Ge Xiu suddenly felt as if his body was imprisoned by some powerful force, unable to move half of his fingers.

He could only watch the other side speak, leaning down and holding his hand hanging by his side.

Cold lips were printed on the back of the youth's fair and smooth hands.

The pale-faced man raised his eyes from the bottom up, smiled and said:

"… my bride."

An ominous foreboding was experienced.

Ge Xiu suddenly realized his negligence.

He had to admit that as world after world passed, his vigilance towards this man gradually decreased.

Before this world began, the spiritual connection and virtual world invitation led by Pandora, and after entering this world, the other party claimed that he had no memory, or even his own name.

This made Ge Xiu subconsciously equate the identity of the other party with himself.

It is a real existence that escapes from this virtual world.

He ignored that, in the final analysis, this is another virtual world, and the virtual world is created by the code of the research institute. The other party has the same identity and framework as the previous worlds in this world-even if it is hidden under the skin of this character. It is the soul he knows well, but as long as he is in this virtual world, all his actions will not exceed his personality settings.

While being the person Ge Xiu knew well, he was also a dungeon boss who was obsessed with obsessions.

And according to the current situation, the other party's setting this time is likely to be the most dangerous one he has ever encountered.

Careless this time.

Gossi thought calmly.

At this moment, the butler in a black tuxedo quietly stepped out from the shadow of the corridor.

He bowed to the man with perfect etiquette and a respectful voice:

"Sir, dinner is ready."

The man nodded casually at him: "Let the guests take their seats first, we'll be there soon."

The butler bowed again, and disappeared into the dark Oulang depths as quietly as when he came.

The man walked towards Ge Xiu with a gentle and moving smile on his lips, and his dark eyes filled with affection and doting light. He stretched out his hand towards Ge Xiu: "Let's go, everyone is waiting for us."

Ge Xiu saw that his hand was slowly raised and touched the other's cold and slender palm.

The legs are automatically opened, and the other side walks forward.

Light and shadow changed in the deep corridor, the clocks hanging on the walls ticked, and the wallpaper showed a dark red and viscous color under the dim light, like slow-flowing blood.

The bright lights in the restaurant came from the end of the corridor not far away, dispelling some of the darkness in front of you.

Ge Xiu was led into the light by the man in front of him.

The restaurant is brightly lit.

The European-style busts extending from the walls have different postures. The pale skin made of marble reflects a cold luster. A long table is placed in the center of the dining room. On it, the candles flickered on the silver candlestick, which was extremely luxurious.

The guests sat at the long table, and the hostess and one of the players sat in the main seat.

The players serving as servants are serving on the side, some people are holding silver plates, some people are holding towels, and they are standing in their own positions tremblingly.

All eyes were on the two of them.

Except for one.

At the end of the long table sat a strange-looking man. His body was extremely large, almost as wide as three or four people. He couldn't even touch the ground, his face was red and black, a pair of eyes so small that they could hardly be seen squeezed into the horizontal flesh of his face, and under an equally small and disproportionate nose, was a huge mouth. As Zhang He could see rows of shark-like sharp teeth, it was obvious that if it was touched, a layer of flesh would be scraped off.

He sat there, gasping for breath.

—This should be the one who rang the bell before Ghosh left the hall.

Baron Post.

Because of his existence, except for the NPCs in the room, all the players seemed to be sitting on pins and needles, wishing that the banquet would end soon.

The man looked calm.

He led Ge Xiu to the main seat.

The hostess shrank visibly, got up quickly from her seat, and stepped back quickly.

The other players who were paying attention to this side suddenly took a deep breath.

This... what's going on here

Although the player sitting next to her didn't know what was going on right now, as a veteran player who had experienced several instances of dungeons, he instinctively sensed the danger, jumped up from his actions like the hostess, and then retreated. Three feet away as fast as possible.

The man bent down, pulled one of the chairs away gentlemanly, and held Geshuu to sit him down.

And he pulled out another chair and sat down by himself.

The npc maid and male servant on the side came forward well-trained, and led the two to their seats to sit down. The whole process was swift and silent, as short as a blink of an eye, the change of the main seat and the empty seat Completion has been completed smoothly.

The players exchanged a panicked look.

None of them could have imagined where it was going—everything seemed out of their control, as if they had only briefly looked away and everything had begun to fall apart irretrievably.

The man raised his hand and gestured towards the butler.

The butler immediately understood and stepped forward, holding a red wine bottle wrapped in a white towel in his white-gloved hand. After a nice spin, it slowly rose until it reached an invisible line, and the mouth of the bottle turned slightly and slowly lifted.

He stepped aside with the bottle and beckoned to the waiting manservant.

The next second, the other door of the restaurant opened, and the servants filed in with a huge silver plate. Food hidden below.

The skin is roasted and crispy and fragrant, and the light gravy slowly flows down the cracked skin and meat, and drips onto the roasted potatoes, carrots and other side dishes around, and an attractive fragrance permeates. .

But every player's face is as green as iron.

- That barbecue can clearly see the shape of human legs, thighs, calves, ankles, soles, and even toes, all clearly visible.

The man raised the wine glass in front of him, and the blood-red wine swayed in the glass.

He smiled and said:

“bon appétit.”