Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 200


The baron sitting at the end of the dining table stretched out a fat and broad hand, picked up the oily human leg that had been roasted, and opened his mouth with strangely large proportions. There were circles of sharp teeth, arranged in a staggered manner, spreading to the throat layer by layer.

All the players were pale, their backs felt cold, and they held their breath subconsciously.

Their eyes were glued to this terrifying scene, and they couldn't move their eyes away. They could only watch the baron shove the leg directly into his mouth, his cheeks and throat were accompanied by slowness. Slowly chewing and squirming, he made a scalp-numbing gnawing and swallowing sound, and the chewed minced meat and bone residue were wrapped in thick grease and flowed down from the corner of his mouth, falling on the snow-white tablecloth.

The scene in front of me is horrifying.

The expressionless male and female servants placed the silver plates on the table one by one, stretched out their hands to lift the lids, and revealed a series of different dishes.

The white ribs are exposed in the stewed milk-white soup, and the section of the tender ribs that are cut into the mouth is slowly dripping with pink soup, and the roasted shoulder meat is wrapped around the meat. Oily bacon, garnished with a spicy mint white sauce.

From the combination of colors to the fragrance, every dish is extra enticing.

But every player sitting around the table knows the ingredients of these dishes.

Their faces were disheveled, as if their stomachs were tumbling over the sea, but they just forced themselves not to retire - no one at the table moved a knife and fork, only the baron sitting at the end of the table was gobbling all the time.

Before each new dish is served, the previous dish will be cleaned by him.

His stomach was like a bottomless pit, and the wind and the clouds stuffed all the food he could get into his mouth, moving faster and faster, as if he was getting more and more hungry.

The players on the table were sitting on pins and needles.

They secretly looked towards the top of the long table.

The pale and gloomy man sat on the main seat, holding the neck of the glass with his slender fingers, shaking it casually and gently.

With a smile on his lips, he watched the baron who was sitting at the other end of the long table gobble.

The scarlet liquid swayed and rolled in the container, reflected in the depths of the man's dark and gloomy eyes, dyeing his eyes with a dark and eerie red.

A young man sat quietly beside him with his eyes lowered. His expression was extraordinarily calm, as if he had not been influenced by the gobbling man on the opposite side.

Under the excessively bright and almost pale light of the restaurant, it is like a fine oil painting, quiet, peaceful and indifferent.

… is not a good person at first glance.

The players exchanged a horrified look.

They really didn't expect that this dungeon actually had two bosses, and all of them were successfully mixed into the players!

But what they can't figure out is that since no one has exposed the identities of these two people so far, why are they directly revealing the disguise now, and what will happen in a while

They are clueless.

Ge Xiu kept his eyes down all the time.

A pair of slender hands rested on his knees, and the blue veins snaked under the fair skin, as motionless as a marble sculpture.

At this moment, the tip of his finger suddenly flicked slightly, the amplitude was so small that it was barely noticeable.

It's like breaking free.

The dungeon NPCs that delivered the dishes were mixed with several players who were servants. They timidly walked forward with the silver plates in their hands, carefully placed the plates on the table, and left as quickly as their butts were on fire.

The dishes on the table became more disgusting.

On an ice cube were slices of muscles and internal organs as thin as cicada wings, dripping blood flowed down the iceberg, and the side was decorated with human eyeballs.

Several players who were seated closer to the dish looked pale as paper. If they hadn't raised their hands to cover their mouths, they might have spit it out.

At this moment, a rookie player stepped forward tremblingly.

In his hand, he was holding a serving of soup, and in the blood-red soup were the shredded internal organs and the large intestines that surrounded the rim of the bowl with ingenuity.

The more he got closer to the baron who was chomping wildly, the more his hands trembled away.

The hot soup splashed and dripped on the back of his hand.

The player made an "ouch", his hands shook, his feet staggered uncontrollably, and in the next second, the whole soup was spilled directly.

The baron's noisy chewing stopped.

On that huge face full of fat, a pair of sluggish and vicious pitch-black eyes slowly rolled, and then pinned firmly on the rookie player who made the mistake.

An eerie silence spreads.

But, even more eerie, the silence didn't last long.

"Ahhhh!!!!" A harsh and desperate scream rang out in the restaurant, and the new player struggled, but his legs were tightly pulled.

He fell to the ground with an unstable center of gravity, then was pulled and dragged backward, and was slowly sent to the big meat grinder-like mouth.

From the toes, to the thighs, to the crotch, to the soft belly.

"Crack clap."

The sound of crunching bones seemed to be amplified several times by his hand. The baron chewed and gnawed the internal organs that flowed out of the dying man's body, making a snoring sound, and the splashing plasma and minced meat contaminated most of the table in front of him, and even Even the players who were sitting close were splashed all over.

At first, the player could still howl and scream, and even cry and beg for mercy.

But at the back, except for the occasional twitching of the limbs and the weak groan that could prove that he was still alive, the rest seemed like a real corpse.

The whole process lasted only a few minutes.

But for the players, it seemed like centuries had passed, their teeth were fighting, their faces were pale, and their expressions were sluggish, just watching a person being eaten alive in front of their eyes.

I don't know if it was deep in their hearts that they still instinctively remembered that they couldn't deviate from their own identity, or they had lost the ability and desire to escape, their buttocks seemed to be rooted tightly to the chair, unable to move. .

Suddenly, without warning, a jaw-dropping scene happened.

I saw the young man sitting on the main seat suddenly stood up, and then rushed to the dining table with one step, kicking everything on the table.

The tablecloth was suddenly wrinkled and curled up, and the silver plates and saucers tinkled to the ground.

The baron who had devoured the living man stared at the young man who dared to interrupt the banquet. His small dark eyes flashed with anger and greed, and a roar roared from his throat. The circle of sharp teeth suddenly widened, waving both hands and reaching out to the young man.

Ge Xiu grabbed the meat cleaver that was inserted into the remaining bones in one of the silver plates, and stabbed him in the left eye with his backhand.

The movements were sharp and neat, flowing smoothly, as if they were instinctive, or they had been rehearsed thousands of times. It didn't take more than a few seconds before and after, and the baron's sharp roar of anger and pain sounded in the dining room.

Ge Xiu dexterously jumped off the dining table, raised his hand to hold the back of the opponent's head, and pressed it hard on the table.

The knife that was originally inserted in the opponent's eyeball advanced several inches in an instant.

The sound of the blade stabbing into the bone sounded.

The baron's plump body trembled twice and stopped moving.

The whole restaurant became a mess, the tables and chairs were overturned, soup and blood were flowing, and the leftover bones and broken flesh were splashed on the thick carpet.

Ge Xiu raised his foot and kicked the baron's huge body, bent over and pulled the knife out of his eye socket.

Scarlet blood splashed on his fair side face, but the dark eyes were still as calm as water, like a dark and deep abyss, blood and paleness intertwined, appearing more and more treacherous and dangerous.

The NPCs who were waiting on the side greeted them with grim faces, but what they were facing was a sharp blade stained with blood, slicing the flesh and severing the bones—the other party was obviously very ruthless, lethal and merciless.

But in just a few seconds, the young man with his face stained with blood stood on the edge of the corridor.

Ge Xiu glanced at the players who were already dumbfounded, and sneered: "Run, what are you waiting for?"

Those players suddenly woke up like a dream, stood up from their seats as if running for life, and then ran crazily towards the corridor behind the youth.

Those NPCs who were cut spliced their broken limbs back to their original positions, and there was not a drop of blood flowing from all the cross-sections. In just a few seconds, their limbs that were torn apart just now returned to their original shape, and then they twisted a pale and malicious face, Pounce on the fleeing players.

However, the unexpected is.

The man sitting in the main seat suddenly raised his hand.

In the next second, those NPCs seemed to be frozen, standing still, watching the players who were so frightened that they stumbled away from this place filled with blood and sticky smell. Dining room.

Ge Xiu stood at the entrance of the corridor, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked towards the other end of the room.

Across the chaotic and dirty dining room, and the baron's huge body lying on the ground, he looked at the man who was still sitting on the main seat.

The man's expression was calm and unpredictable, those dark eyes were fixedly staring at Ge Xiu, the frightening paranoia from before was completely restrained, and he couldn't see any emotions deeply, and the corners of his lips still had a faint hint of sympathy. With a faint smile, the whole person seems to be a gentle and reserved old-school gentleman, not a powerful and crazy dungeon boss.

Ge Xiu raised the corners of his lips and bowed to him:

"Thank you for hospitality."

After speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the dark corridor.

Looking at the empty doorway, the man slowly put the wine glass in his hand on the table, and then walked towards the baron who fell to the ground.

"Master," the hostess lowered her head tremblingly, "Aren't you going to chase?"

The man turned the baron over with the black and shiny toes and said calmly, "Not for now."

I saw an inconspicuous crack in the Baron's stomach. The crack was not caused by the blade, but more like a crack from the inside.

The crack was creeping slowly, as if something was hatching.

The man raised his eyes and looked again at the doorway where Ge Xiu had disappeared just now. His lips were slightly raised, and his voice was soft and slow, like a whisper on the side of a lover's pillow:

"Anyway, you belong to me."

"My bride."