Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 201


The corridor in front of you is long and dark, the hurried footsteps of the players echo in the narrow space that seems to have no end, all the light seems to be swallowed up, and there is an endless silence in front of and behind.

Ge Xiu ran forward while thinking about the current situation quickly in his mind.

In fact, it is very simple to get through the restaurant safely.

The baron was only interested in the food placed in front of him, and he didn't show any hostility to other existences in the room. As long as each player conformed to their own identity settings and made no mistakes, they could survive unscathed until the end of the banquet.

But this doesn't explain why, as the dungeon boss, [He] attaches so much importance to this dinner party, and even drags himself to do it.

- Unless this dinner party is closely related to the plot after this dungeon.

And as the only variable, the Baron is definitely the key figure in it.

That's why Ge Xiu made a decisive decision. It is better to strike first, and kill the baron before everything starts.

However, judging from the excessively calm performance of the other party after this, it is very likely that everything has been settled.

While Ge Xiu was contemplating, the players running in front of him were exhausted and their speed gradually slowed down.

They turned their heads and looked behind them. The bottomless corridor stretched in the darkness. The shadow of the restaurant was completely invisible. There seemed to be no trace of anyone chasing after them. them.

The players gradually stopped their steps, bent down and panted heavily, and after a long time, they finally slowly recovered from the terrifying and terrifying experience just now.

Ge Xiu also slowly stopped, folded his arms against the wall, and stared thoughtfully at the place where he had come before.

After taking a deep breath, Du Yan straightened up.

He was sitting near the baron's seat. Half of his face was inevitably splashed with blood and minced meat, and was wet with cold sweat caused by strenuous exercise. His pale face seemed to be painted with blood. Abstract painting for coloring.

Du Yan turned his head to look at Ge Xiu, who was standing beside him. Some of his words were unsatisfactory, and he asked out of breath:

"Just, just now, just now... what happened?"

He had experienced a similar role-playing instance, but he had never encountered a situation like what happened in the restaurant just now - every second of progress, every step of progress was completely beyond his imagination, and he couldn't even do anything about it. Describing his current turbulent and speechless state of mind.

Ge Xiu heard the sound and looked over. He glanced at the embarrassed player in front of him, and said lightly:

"As you can see, my 'fiance' is the dungeon boss."

Du Yan took a deep breath, raised his hand and wiped his face, and asked cautiously, "...Then you..."

Gorshu shrugged:

"Like you, I'm also a player."

Another player on the side interjected, and he looked at Ge Xiu vigilantly: "You said we should believe it? After all, you were sitting in the first place with the boss of this dungeon just now, how do we know if you are also one of them? ?"

"And..." A frightened player said in horror, his voice getting smaller and smaller: "He looks so abnormal when facing those scenes..."

The other players also recalled in their minds the extraordinary calm and indifference shown by this overly beautiful young man in the face of situations that could arouse any sane adult's desire to vomit. He secretly shivered, and subconsciously took two steps back, trying to stay away from him.

Ge Xiu glanced at them lazily, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth:

"Then why don't I just throw you all to that baron?"

The players looked at each other: "..."

Oh too.

At this moment, Du Yan suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "How did you just... kill that baron?"

Ge Xiu was pulled from his thoughts by his voice. He raised his hand and showed the other player the meat cleaver still held in his palm. A cold light flashed in the dim corridor, causing the other players to be subconscious. The back of the earth is cold.

"But..." Du Yan frowned: "But it is part of the copy, how did you hurt it?"

How can the player kill the dungeon boss

This question seems to activate the memory of a certain player.

He widened his eyes suddenly, and looked up and down at the young man standing in front of him, his eyes swept over the straight and slender figure of the other party, the neatly contoured mandible, and the mandible that was hidden in the darkness, but he could still see it. The amazing beauty that is almost offensive - the player took a deep breath, raised a hand, and pointed at Ge Xiu with a trembling voice, his voice became a little sharp due to excessive excitement:

"You, you are the person who said in that post!"

The other players couldn't help being astonished, and at the same time turned to look at Ge Xiu, who was standing not far away.

That post was really popular on the forum. Even after the original post was banned, the content in it has been spreading rapidly among players—except for players who have just entered the game, even if other veterans haven’t clicked on it. post, and still more or less know the content of it.

Most people scoffed at this.

They have basically tried to attack the bosses in the dungeon during the period of ignorance, but it turns out that it is more useful to run for their lives when facing those inhuman ghosts.

They believe that the person who posted that post was just another grandstanding clown.

The content in it, even if it is only a few words, has no value to win trust.

—However, the young man in front of him really fits the image in that post too much.

The appearance so delicate that it doesn't seem to exist among human beings, as well as the ruthless method of killing the boss, all shocked the hearts of players who had read the post.

The excitement of the player who spoke first was a little breathless, and stammered: "I, I know a player, the last dungeon was the survival time dungeon, and he told me that the content of that post was absolutely true! Originally I Still dubious, but now…”

That's right, if that post was true, then if he wasn't, no one would be.

Ge Xiu, who was the center of the topic, was at a loss:

"Wait, what post?"

The player stared at him with fiery eyes: "Have you ever passed through a village dungeon before?"

Gossi nodded.

Hearing that his guess was confirmed, he chatted excitedly: "My friend told me that that person directly killed the boss of that dungeon! My God, is that true?"

Ge Xiu now finally figured out the current situation.

I'm afraid it was my experience in the previous two instances, which was posted by my former teammates in the player forum that Cheng Xiao had mentioned.

After hearing that the player just finished speaking, the expressions of the others changed from shock and doubt at the beginning to shock and ecstasy. Their eyes were like searchlights, sticking to Ge Xiu who was standing not far away, as if It was the desperate people who fell into the abyss and finally caught the hanging spider silk. They looked at the young man in front of them as if they were looking at a savior.

Gossiu: "..."

Before coming out of the second instance, he originally thought that such a huge chain of interactive information did not exist among these players, and that word of mouth among small groups often did not expand too much. He did not expect such a forum to exist in China.

However, such a direction of public opinion is very beneficial to him.

He cleared his throat.

Everyone fell silent in an instant, waiting without complaint, looking forward to the other party's next instructions.

Ge Xiu said, "Have you noticed that there are too many clocks in this copy?"

The players were surprised.

… Indeed it is.

There are clocks and clocks hanging everywhere in the whole villa. All kinds of Western clocks are lined up in the hall. Even a clock is a few steps away from the wall. For a house, the number is too much.

"Where the first player died," Ge Xiu pointed to the tapestry on the wall: "It was exactly the hour, and the place where he died was just under the clock."

This is actually a lie.

It was about 9:50pm when the player died, and the screams sounded at 9:55pm.

The reason Gexiu remembered it so clearly was because he was looking at the clock on the dresser.

Others did not have this advantage. For them, the time point at that time was ambiguous. As long as the time deviation of what Ge Xiu said was not more than ten minutes, they would believe what Ge Xiu said without any doubts.

And the way Gossiu came to his conclusion was very simple.

He can "see".

Any existence that is different from ordinary objects in his field of vision seems to be deliberately circled - every clock in this villa, even the pocket watch he picked up from the dresser, is like a light that lights up in the dark night. The lights were so clear that they could not be ignored at all. Almost as soon as he walked into this dungeon, Ge Xiu knew what the key props were.

However, other players don't have the convenience of him - so these innocuous lies can save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Ge Xiu turned around, stretched out his hand and tore off the clock hanging on the wall beside him, and fell heavily to the ground.

The casing of the clock shattered, revealing the gears and bearings made of bones. The clock seemed to be injured, and blood was slowly flowing outward.

A player took a deep breath:

"Then... Then there are so many tables in this villa... "

Ge Xiu shrugged: "Yes, it's probably all people."

Wave after wave of players left behind one skeleton after another.

Du Yan took a deep breath, as if he was going to digest a ton of information in a few seconds, he raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose, as if considering every word, and asked slowly:

"Then what do you… suggest we do now?"

From the last dungeon, Ge Xiu almost figured out one thing.

The people killed by the dungeon boss and the loot they made are the source of their power—after he destroyed all the puppets, he could clearly see that the old woman’s body was clearly a symbol of spiritual power. The ground weakened, so after this, she would be helpless under the suppression of the flames, until she was burned to the ground.

Ge Xiu smiled slightly:


The author has something to say: The tutorial on beating, smashing and robbing robbers is online!

Professional star thief hands-on teaching, package teaching package, want to buy as soon as possible