Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 202



"Bang bang!"

The sound of large and small clocks being shattered one after another, and the fragments of the outer casing and internal gears were mixed together, and the bones and flesh and bones of human beings, which were confined within the clock, spread out on the floor.

Players tore all the clocks and clocks they could see from the wall, smashed them to the ground, and together they pushed down the grandfather clocks on the ground, and smashed all the clocks and accessories that could be found. The crackling sound echoed in the empty halls and corridors.

There is a mess everywhere.

The interior of the entire villa is like a huge picture scroll stained with blood, and the sticky and smelly blood is flowing freely along the stairs.

Soon, as the clocks were smashed one by one, the walls in the villa were gradually changing.

It was like an invisible water wave slowly rippling, and a layer of light and illusory image was peeled off from the building in front of him little by little.

Everyone watched helplessly as those beautifully colored wallpapers, gorgeous and intricate decorations, and luxurious and exquisite sculptures disappeared in front of their eyes like a mirror.

The walls and floors are like flesh that has been stripped of a layer of skin. The scarlet surface is smooth and soft, as if thick and dark red blood is slowly oozing outwards all the time. It seems to be alive, with a strange regularity. pulsating.

Everything in sight was a dazzling scarlet.

It was as if they were standing inside some kind of huge monster at the moment, and just staring at them made people feel an indescribable fear and trembling.

Underfoot and around the body are surrounded by this terrifying scene, the mind is eroded and occupied, and the soul seems to be trembling and shrinking.


A player with a low tolerance in his heart couldn't help but bow his head and vomit.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to support the wall, but what he touched was the soft and smooth wriggling meat wall. He couldn't help screaming in horror, and he stepped back a few steps. If it wasn't for another player who helped him quickly With one hand, he may fall directly to the ground.

Ge Xiu scrutinized the scene in front of him and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

Could it be that, smashing these tables...

Is it actually this copy that is weakened

Suddenly, a violent tremor began to spread on the soft walls and floor. The players standing in the center were unsteady due to the vibration. They all looked around in panic, trying to find the source of the trembling.

Blood began to ooze out from the far wall, dripping tickly, and a terrifying wave gathered in the corridor like a flesh and blood pipe.

The scarlet sea of blood seemed to possess sanity, as if it could swallow everything in its path, rushing towards the players!


I don't know who shouted, and the frightened players woke up like a dream, and hurriedly turned around and ran towards the corridor without blood.

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes and fixedly glanced at the surging blood-colored waves, but his expression did not change.

He turned his head to look at the exhausted players, shrugged nonchalantly, and followed with his legs.

The players ran forward with all their might, panting and pale, unleashing their full physical potential just to escape,

However, the interior of the current villa is very different from the previous one. Those former corridors and side halls have disappeared, and only the almost identical flesh-red walls and ground are left. Every road in front of them seems to be the same. It twists and turns to the distance, the blood color occupies everyone's field of vision, and the players flee in a panic, spinning around in the maze-like scarlet corridor like headless flies, but they can't get around it. out.

Their stamina is rapidly running out.

The sea of blood behind him is getting closer.

The viscous waves roared towards them, and the heavy stench engulfed the players first.

Soon, the last player was involved in the sea of blood after screaming.

one by one.

Players watched in despair as their companions disappeared one by one, and their speed became slower and slower.

The ground is soft, and it sucks their legs and feet like a swamp, nibbling away their physical strength, but the waves chasing behind them seem to be tireless, biting behind them all the time, nibbling away at them little by little. The distance between them—until they finally caught up with certainty, and all that was left in front of them was the overwhelming redness and the thick smell of rust that seemed to be insoluble.

Ge Xiu looked around.

Now, there are only Du Yan and another senior who are still running.

- And the two of them were out of breath, and obviously they were going to be unable to hold on.

That senior was the first to be unable to support it.

After he fell, it was Du Yan's turn soon.

Du Yan tripped over the soft and sticky ground under his feet, and fell to the ground in despair. Before his vision was about to be swallowed up, he saw that he was just a few steps in front of him.

The young man in a white shirt suddenly stopped his pace and turned his head to look at him.

The face that was carefully crafted by the creator is still gloomy and peaceful, as if the critical scene in front of him is just a passing glance, just like other players mentioned earlier, no matter what he is facing, His reactions were really a little too indifferent and quiet, almost making others feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The tumbling blood waves were reflected in those pitch-black eyes, like a shimmering crimson gleam in the dark and dead abyss.

At that moment, Du Yan's hair stood on end.

He actually subconsciously equates the other party with the boss in this dungeon...

Du Yan couldn't even deceive himself, it was just a temporary illusion.

Because at that moment, he could not feel more clearly that the existence of these two people gave him such a similar feeling.

In the next second, everything in the field of vision went dark.

Vision, touch, hearing, everything fell into chaos, light, shadow and sound disappeared at the same time, as if it did not exist in this world.

I don't know how long it took.

Maybe just a few seconds, or maybe centuries.

Du Yan opened his eyes abruptly, gasping for breath, his mind was still blank, the feeling that seemed to be floating in the air, with no support, took over his body and mind. wake up from the state.

He was shocked to find that he was still alive.

Du Yan looked around.

He found that he and the other players were sitting on chairs, and the expressions of the others were equally shocked and dazed, as if they couldn't believe what he saw in front of him, and looked at the scenes around him dumbfounded.

This is a huge hall with a high ceiling, and huge and bright crystal lamps hang down from overhead, illuminating the entire room.

Walls and floors are normal - thank goodness.

Du Yan suddenly realized that the place where he and the other players were now was exactly where they had escaped with their lives almost half an hour ago.

that restaurant.

But everything in front of him seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original long table was gone, the baron's huge and ugly corpse had also disappeared, and the blood that had been splattered on the surrounding walls and carpets had been cleaned up, as if the thrilling scene that just happened existed only in everyone's imagination. Among them, if it weren't for the exact same pattern and decoration, they would even wonder if they were just having a long dream.

Instead, there are bright lights and a delicate dance floor.

Just like... a dance party? ?

Du Yan was puzzled.

He looked towards the other end of the hall, then froze for a moment, his eyes fixed on the thing that was placed directly opposite the crowd, and did not originally exist in this room.

It was a huge bone clock.

Sen Bai's bones constitute its main body, shining with a cold sheen under the light. Each of the bones on it is different in size, and they are bitten together in an extremely delicate structure. On the clock base, they are neatly arranged. There was a circle of skulls lined up in a row, and the dark eye sockets looked at the crowd absentmindedly, making people feel bloody cold.

-How many human lives are needed to cast such a huge bone clock

From bottom to top, the bones at the bottom are still glowing with a dark yellow color, but in the pale white dial at the top, the two tibias of different sizes and thicknesses are indeed extremely fresh and cool white, and it seems that there are still residues on them. Blood that has not been wiped away.

Apparently, this bone clock took a long time to complete.

And the two players who died in this dungeon just contributed the last missing parts to it.

In the center of the dial, there is a mass of flesh and blood that seems to be alive.

It keeps squirming all the time, as if it is a stomach bag or a huge heart, driving the pointer to move regularly, and behind the white bone clock, something like a blood vessel is connected to the bone clock. spread out from the center.

Du Yan didn't know if it was his own illusion. He always felt that those scarlet and dark blue blood vessels were constantly drilling down the wall, as if they were constantly expanding and expanding until they devoured the whole world.

At this moment, the door not far away opened silently.

The players who were still whispering in panic just now were silent, and for a while, all eyes were on the open door, and everyone waited with bated breath.

Outside the door is a chaos of darkness and scarlet.

The man walked in wearing a well-cut old-fashioned dress, which set off his wide shoulders, narrow waist, and slender figure. It also made his complexion paler, like a dead man. He no longer restrained his momentum. The gloomy and gloomy eyes swept towards the crowd carelessly, and the almost inhuman hostility was piercing at the players like a cold steel needle, as if he was sweeping through a piece of lifeless grass, trees and stones , that kind of absolute indifference and cruelty made everyone feel a chill.

As if pacing beside a sleeping beast, the players subconsciously breathed lightly and looked away, as if they were afraid of attracting the attention of the other party.

Behind the other party, the door slammed shut, blocking the terrifying other world behind the door.

The man walked straight towards the player.

Everyone can't help but stand upright, and they can't wait to dig three feet into the ground to escape as far as they can.

The man stopped in front of one of them.

His eyes changed.

As if looking at the most precious treasure in the whole world, he fixedly stared at the young man in front of him, his eyes soft as if water could drip.

The man bent down with one hand behind his back.

The pale and slender palm stretched out and made an inviting gesture: "Excuse me, do I have this honor...?"

The young man stretched out his hand and placed it on the opponent's palm.

The man's face seemed to be lit up, his pale lips were slightly raised, he cherished the hand in his palm, held the young man who stood up, and slowly stepped onto the dance floor. .

Almost at the same time, the melodious music sounded.

Du Yan looked at the two people standing in the middle of the dance floor—they were also slender and handsome, and they looked pleasing to the eye when they were standing there.

But Du Yan didn't think so.

The moment he saw Ge Xiu, before being swallowed by the blood wave, the scene that remained on his retina and his feelings at that time were clearly reproduced again, sweeping over the sky like waves.

Those jet-black eyes that reflected the blood color were watching him calmly, and they looked at him steadily across time and space.

Du Yan was instantly horrified.

At that moment, he was absolutely convinced of his own opinion at the time.

That young man is definitely not a player.

It was the exact same monster as that man.

The center of the dance floor.

Under the gaze of countless complex eyes, Ge Xiu's expression did not change. Accompanied by the music, he skillfully moved forward, backward, and rotated.

Never stepped on each other's feet.

The cooperation between the two was so seamless, as if this was not the first time.

The man lowered his eyes slightly, his dark and dark gaze fell on the side face of the young man's white porcelain, the heat was so hot that it seemed to penetrate the other's skin, and he could see straight into the hidden heart, his voice was low. , with a slight vibration in his chest: " dance very well."

Ge Xiu raised the corners of his lips:

"I have a good teacher."

The man frowned and asked subconsciously, "Who..."

As soon as the first word was blurted out, he couldn't help but pause, and some vague and broken pictures flashed from the depths of his mind in that millisecond. It made him stunned for two seconds.

Blue-purple scales gleaming in the moonlight.

The fragrance of tulips in the air.

The bright lights on the dance floor, the shimmering silk skirts, the rustling sound of fabrics, the fragrant clothes, and the rubbing of ears and temples.

In an instant, the shattered image passed from his mind, like quicksand that could not be grasped no matter how tightly he held it, leaving no trace in his mind.

The man frowned suspiciously, the steps under his feet were wrong in that millisecond.

Ge Xiu let go of him, took two steps back, and said calmly, "You stepped on me."

The man was a little annoyed.

He said, "I'm sorry..."

But before his words were finished, Ge Xiu interrupted him without hesitation: "Now that we have reached this point, don't talk about some things."

The man looked back at him.

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes:

"Do you mind telling me what happened in this copy?"

This time, as a ghost, the other party was dominated and bound by resentment. It was indeed much more difficult to deal with than the other dungeons, and it was even more difficult to awaken his sanity.

Therefore, Ge Xiu was still somewhat interested in the plot of this dungeon before it was overwritten by [him].

The man smiled slightly: "Of course I don't mind, my bride."

The basic plot in this dungeon is pretty cliché.

The Wright family is an aristocratic family with a poor family. Due to their profligacy and poor management, as time goes by, their life is getting worse and worse, and even to the point of selling their house, and at this time. , Mrs. Wright found a solution that could completely change their lives from this ancestral villa - make a deal with a wizard, the wizard will tell them the way to prosper, and they need to meet a request from the wizard.

The wizard taught them a way.

As long as a person's human organs are used to make bone clocks every year, they can stay rich and prosperous forever.

The lives of servants were of little value at the time, and as the Wrights prospered again, and their connections grew in reach, it couldn't be easier to cover up the disappearance of a commoner.

But as time passed, the Wright family's daughter grew up, and her reputation for beauty spread throughout the country.

The wizard fell in love with her at first sight.

So, it was finally time for him to ask for something in return.

He asked Miss Wright to marry him.

However, Miss Wright has fallen in love with another nobleman, so she eloped with him on the eve of the wedding.

The man stared at Ge Xiu steadily, with a tender and affectionate smile on his lips: "I searched for so long, and finally found you."

He raised his hand, and the cold knuckles gently rubbed the cheek of the young man in front of him:

"My bone clock is finally complete."

Ge Xiu turned his head to look at the huge bone clock beside him, frowned slightly, and asked, "What is it for?"

"This is my masterpiece, which is different from the inferior products created by the Wright family." The man smiled: "It is the anchor. I know that we are now in a copy of the game, and its existence can gradually weaken this already weak. devoured the game, waited until it was eaten, and then there was this world wrapped around it—and we could live happily ever after in a world that we could shape with our own hands.”

He stared at Ge Xiu, his voice was low and soft, like babbling: "—you will never be able to leave my side again."

It is quite similar to the instrument in the ABO world, in short, his spiritual body is bound to this world forever.

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows.

- Possessiveness kills people.

Ge Xiu turned to look at the man standing in front of him, and continued to ask, "So, only this clock in front of you was made by you?"


The smile on Ge Xiu's lips deepened.

That's why he chooses the moment to remind him of what happened in the previous world - so he can control where he stops in the room.

He asked: "If you smash the watch outside and only damage the replica - what if it's this bone clock?"

The man was startled.

In the next second, before he could react, Ge Xiu turned his wrist, pulled out the knife that had been hidden by his side at first, and stabbed the bone clock fiercely with his backhand, rubbing the blade against it. The pulsing chunks of meat sink deep into the dial.

"Hmm!" The man suddenly widened his eyes and raised his hand to cover his belly.

A streak of scarlet blood spilled from between his pale, slender fingers.

In an instant, the form was reversed and the world turned upside down.

No player can predict the fast-moving developments in front of them.

They were dumbfounded and dumbfounded, staring blankly at the surprise in front of them. They could never have imagined that such a situation would develop in their dreams.

Ge Xiu held the handle of the knife and looked down at the other party, a sneer on the corner of his lips: "...Miss Wright?"

He held the handle of the knife and slowly rotated it, and the "clucking" sound of the blade and the bone rubbing was extremely harsh.

More blood spilled, tick-tick to the ground.

Ge Xiu grabbed the handle of the knife and swiped down sharply, the dial of the bone clock cracked, making a harsh gurgling sound: "And, fiancee?"

The man frowned slightly, as if he was in great pain.

Ge Xiu's eyes were heavy, but he didn't soften his heart.

The smile on his face became sweeter and harmless:

"What's my name? Say it again?"