Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 203


The players stared at the rapidly developing plot in front of them.

Grass, what's up

Before and after five minutes, the situation was drastically reversed.

The young man in front of him seemed to be unhappy. He kicked the huge bone clock, which was as high as a person. The bones and bones rubbed together and made a rattling sound, and bone fragments fell down.

Every time he kicked, the straight back of the man in front of him trembled slightly, as if he was actually bearing the opponent's strength.

The arrogant arrogance before seemed to have long since disappeared.

"No..." The man said hurriedly, "Listen to my explanation... uh!"

The blade on the dial swayed a little further, and the man groaned, covering his chest, his face became paler and paler, and the already pale complexion looked almost transparent, as if it was about to dissipate.

Onlookers: "..."

This development is really becoming more and more incomprehensible.

At this moment, one of the seniors calmed down and shouted: "Quick! Take this opportunity to kill him!"

"Yes! Hurry up!" The others also came back to their senses, and quickly responded: "Don't forget that he is the boss of this instance! He was going to kill us just now!"

People with discerning eyes can basically see that the boss in this dungeon is unusual. Not only is he as cruel and ruthless as other bosses, and his hands are stained with countless blood, what is even more terrifying is that he can even realize the existence of the game and try to counter the invasion. real world!

This is simply horrible.

What kind of monster has this game bred

The player in front of him is obviously the key to breaking the game.

Since the opponent has the ability to hurt the boss in the dungeon, it is time to seize the opportunity to kill him before the opponent counterattacks, cut the grass and root out, so as to avoid future troubles.

Hearing the shouting from the side, the man was slightly taken aback.

Yeah, he's... the dungeon boss...

With the rapid loss of the power in the body, the strong desire that was firmly rooted in the heart slowly faded away, as if a layer of black shadow covering the eyes was dispelled.

At that moment, there was some kind of weird sense of incongruity trembling in the depths of my heart.

The obsession he clings to, along with the malice and madness that gradually settles over time and blood, in that short half-second, it looks extraordinarily pale and thin... It's like a layer of paper covering him, soaked in blisters. It floats up slightly, looking a bit misplaced and weird.

The man was startled.

At this moment, the words of the player not far away penetrated his absent-mindedness and clearly reached his ears.

“… Seize the opportunity!”

"kill him!"

The man raised his head to look at Gossiu.

The young man in front of him had a cold expression, and a pair of dark eyes stared at him condescendingly, with some kind of merciless cruelty.

They are obviously very close, but they seem to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and there are many fogs.

There is desire in my heart.

You still have strength.

That knife didn't hit you in the right place - intentionally or unintentionally.

The whole copy, the whole world is still in your hands. He is yours.

break his wings.

You can keep him by your side forever.

The dark and sticky possessiveness screamed in the depths of my heart.


Yet another voice whispered in my ear.

The man's hand covering his chest was slowly put down, without the pressure of his palm, dark red blood gurgled out, instantly soaking the clothes around the wound, falling tickly, slowly dizzy in the carpet. dyed.

- You can't do it.

- You will not hurt him, dare not hurt him, do not want to hurt him.

This sound is extremely weak, as if the next second will be drowned out by the frenzied noise. The rope is extremely fragile and can be broken free with just a little force.

But no. cant. Can't.

It's like an imprint that is deeply branded into the soul, a suggestion bound to the subconscious, and a command encoded in the core program.

… OK then.

He lowered his eyes.

There is no resistance, no rhetoric, just like a trapped beast that is slaughtered by its neck, revealing the vital points of the flesh without any defense.

Gossi looked at him.

He knew that he didn't kill him.

The blade is rubbing deep into the heart of the bone clock, causing only pain and torture, but not causing damage to the gear that actually works.

On the other hand, he stood unguardedly just one step away from the man in front of him.

In the dungeon, the authority and ability of the dungeon boss is paramount, and he can control and utilize everything in the dungeon—whether it is the NPC or the surrounding environment, it is a sharp blade in his hand, as long as he wants.

In any case, he didn't have enough time to pull out the blade that had been embedded in the bone clock and cut it into the vital heart.

Ge Xiu never thought that one day he would do such a stupid act.

He is used to leading.

One step, two steps, or even three steps in advance, predicting the enemy's behavior, guessing and deducing their possible choices in the face of all situations, he cuts off their back path mercilessly, and takes the lead in sending his own blade into the opponent's. Thoracic, no luck, no trouble.

It is foolish to be merciful to the ignorant of good and evil, and Ghosh never makes that mistake.

However, now, he is standing in front of the other party defenselessly.

… not dead from the start.

Gossi was a little confused.

trust. What an unfamiliar word.

But he trusted the man in front of him.

—No matter what appearance he appears in, and whether he is in the opposite camp, but he instinctively believes that...

He won't hurt himself.

So stupid.

This kind of trust completely violated every creed that he had believed in in his previous life, and every principle that had prevailed.

Ge Xiu even expects the other party to betray this trust.

That would at least free him from this absolutely unfamiliar, overwhelmed situation, and he would be able to sneer and turn his head to look at that stupid self - how naive to trust someone you've never even actually met face to face Man, look, you're in trouble now - and then he can breathe a sigh of relief and go back to that secure and safe world where he'll never turn his choice over to anyone else. There, he will never be so passive. He is safe.

But... the imagined picture did not appear.

The man in front of him lowered his eyes and waited calmly.

Not far away, other players were still urging and clamoring, and the buzzing sound gave Gexiu a headache.

He frowned impatiently:

"To shut up."

Ge Xiu's voice was not loud, the tone was flat, and it didn't even have a threatening tone, but there was a chill in the back, which made all the players shut up and looked at each other in a dead silence.

The man raised his eyes in surprise.

However, before he had time to focus, the young man in front of him suddenly lifted his foot without warning and kicked him hard on the chest. The wound gushed out and dripped to the ground.

Ge Xiu stepped on the opponent's chest, bent his knees slightly, and looked at him condescendingly:

"look at me."

The man was startled, and subconsciously raised his dark eyes, focusing on the face looking down at him.

"Tell me," the thick soles slowly increased their strength, digging into each other's flesh little by little.

There is a breath-taking power in the voice of the youth:

"who I am?"

It is a face that seems to have been kissed by a god. The clear and neat jawline outlines the almost aggressive beauty. The light and shadow on the top of the head hits down, dividing the face of the other party into clear light and dark, light and shadow. The dark eyes, which seemed to be able to make everything invisible, lowered slightly, staring at the man who was trampled under his feet, pinning him to the ground like a scabbard blade.

The man stared blankly at Ge Xiu.

The false memory endowed by the world is like a fragile piece of paper. After being soaked in water, it loosens and shrinks, and shatters when it is lightly torn.

Miss Wright's face was blurred.

This is strange, because he fell in love with her at first sight and couldn't extricate himself, and all the faces of the other party should have been deeply etched in his mind and become the main part of his obsession - but, all this was crumbling, the previous Memory, paranoia, and madness are all like a strange mask, a distant and empty world, but the young man standing in front of him is the only real existence in the whole world.

"You... you're not..." The man's words were interrupted and confused, and something unfamiliar awakened in his mind: "But, you are."

Ge Xiu leaned lower.

His voice was low, but it could clearly reach the other party's ears:

"You know, that bet, I lost."

A soft sigh reached the man's ear, and he saw that the youth's lips were bent, and the ice in the dark and dark eyes seemed to melt into snow in an instant: "So, I am willing to admit defeat."

"… YES."

The deeply buried memory was shaken in that instant.

[Let's make a bet, how about that?]

He heard himself ask.

[Three months. You stay with me for three months, and if you still don't have any feelings for me, I'll throw in the towel and let you go back to sea.]

The mermaid in front of him widened a pair of blue-purple eyes and looked at himself in disbelief.

[But if I win, you marry me.]

The warm palm of the human and the cold palm of the siren were solemnly clasped, and the two completely different temperatures slowly blended and spread—[Deal.]

"... Gossiu."

the man replied.

He stared at the young man in front of him, and looked deeply into the other's eyes, as if he was chewing the most beautiful syllables in the world, and repeated slowly and word by word:
