Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 205: Pandora (2)


Spiritual power, the greatest breakthrough of this century.

It is a major advance in the development of brain domains, indicating a new direction for human evolution.

The research on spiritual power has advanced by leaps and bounds, and human beings have begun to develop various plans for the evolution of spiritual power, that is, genetic optimization and improvement.

The subject of genetic evolution is Pandora's box, and once you open it, you never know what's going to come out - the opposition claims.

After all, they failed to stop this trend.

Pandora is not only the gift of the gods, but also the messenger that brings disaster.

It represents chaos and foreboding, and symbolizes doom and tragedy, a name that should not have been placed on the head of any experimental project.

Human Spiritual Potential Debelopment And National Defence Application, that is, the development of spiritual potential and its related defense applications, this is the name of this experimental project.

However, in order to express the irony of the opposition, the institute in charge of the project chose the name ingeniously.


Pandora's Project.

However, even with the generalization of psychic evolution and genetic improvement experiments, this project is still the top secret of the entire Federation.

Because it is inhumane.

Every open-faced federal experimental plan cannot conduct human experiments without being reviewed, let alone break through the moral bottom line of human beings so far, and the Pandora project is more than that—

It has spanned far beyond the imagination of any federal citizen.

Interfering with human genes from the source can stimulate the potential of greater spiritual power, like a huge mine that has never been explored before. Compared with this, human experiments are already insignificant pediatrics.

They're more like... creating new humans.

However, when the project is aimed at strengthening national defense, for them, the species created in the laboratory is already only human in the biological sense, psychologically and socially, it is just a biological weapon.

Of the 50 million samples, only one embryo survived, numbered U2625.

U2625 quickly showed stronger than expected. From the moment he was born, his mental strength index began to grow exponentially, exceeding the highest limit that human beings can reach so far - and he was only three at the time. month and five days.

What is even more frightening is that the growth rate of his mental strength index has not slowed down since then.

It even exceeded the detection limit of all the mental strength testing equipment in the institute.

In order to prevent the experimental subjects from being out of control, the research institute had to develop and 3 built a mental isolation type wall as a cage.

Fortunately, the laboratory personnel treated U2625 with extra caution and caution from the very beginning, and never provided him with any channels to cultivate self-awareness—from his birth, all the external stimuli he received were all calculated in the institute. and control, and the experimental subjects are also exceptionally obedient and docile, never expressing any personal wishes, and never having any resistance to a series of data records and experiments

He is simply the ideal creation that the institute dreamed of.

Soon, on the basis of U2625's huge spiritual power, the research institute developed a huge star network that spreads across the entire interstellar space - and its basic kinetic energy is this young man who has never left the dozens of square meters of underground metal prison since he was born. .

Taking the Star Network as the origin, today's federal government has quickly taken over the power, and has rapidly evolved from the original loose structure to gradually establish a centralized rule that spreads to various fields.

And when the source of the star network is under the control of the Federation, the control of the mind becomes easily available.

The Secret Service was born.

When 80% of U2625's mental power was occupied by Star Network, the institute did not stop to continue its in-depth research.

After all, the original intention of the project was to strengthen national defense, not people's livelihood.

After a whole decade of difficult research, hundreds of millions of failed experimental subjects, and countless financial investments, the research institute finally cultivated the second viable embryo.

At this time, the laboratory methods and equipment have all been updated and improved.

As early as the embryonic period, its spiritual potential surpassed that of U2625, which was the initial sample. If it was successfully cultivated, it would become the most perfect humanoid weapon.

However, what everyone didn't expect was... From the embryonic period, it showed shocking aggressiveness.

Perhaps because this experimental body was originally created for the purpose of war and destruction, its powerful mental power destroyed nearly a hundred nutritional sacs around it and eroded the embryos inside.

In just one week after being born from the breeding sack, he created three psychic rampages.

Ten researchers suffered minor injuries, three were seriously injured, and one was left disabled for life.

The researcher who was left permanently disabled, after leaving the hospital, wrote in his accident recall report:

"... I smelled blood the moment the door of the incubation room opened. Although it was far away, I could still see the subject lying on his cot and looking straight at me, those pure black eyes. It made me terrified. He was born less than a week ago, but it gave me the feeling that he knew everything and understood everything. This kind of eyes made me horrified. I wanted to leave at the time, but found that I could no longer act— I floated up.

Although such a description is very unprofessional, I swear, that little devil giggled at the time.

He laughed as he ripped my legs off.

God, even now, when I close my eyes, I can still see him smiling at me..."

It may seem inappropriate to use the word demon to refer to a baby who has only been vocalizing for a few days, but the word appears in nearly every report of a researcher who has experienced an incident of psychic ravages.

The researchers couldn't even conduct experiments on him, and even basic data observations were difficult.

He is too unstable. Even if no researcher has died so far, according to the current trend, it is not far away.

The research institute had to step up the development of mental suppression equipment - related equipment is still in use today.

Despite being suppressed by equipment, the experimental subject has never shown the slightest docility. He shows incredible aggressiveness and defensiveness towards everything around him. He never trusts every researcher, even if the other party brings him food every day , and deliberately treat each other gently, trying to cultivate a relationship of trust.

To make matters worse, he would even seize every opportunity to try to escape from his room.

Obviously, all the sources of information that the experimental subject can contact are strictly controlled, but he has a high degree of rebellious mentality without a teacher.

The Institute is helpless about this.

In this case, they came up with a solution.

Perhaps, a companion? This may be the key to reducing his aggression.

Although the hope is slim, the institute decided to give it a try.

xx year xx day

U2625 sits quietly in a fully transparent compartment of only fifteen square meters.

At this moment, he heard the beeping of the door opening from outside the cubicle, followed by footsteps.

The boy raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

It's neither lunch time nor experiment time, so why would anyone come

Soon, the researchers who were pushing a huge isolation box and wearing high-strength protective clothing came to the compartment. One of them lifted the mask and said to U2625 succinctly: "From today, you are responsible for taking care of him."

At the same time as he spoke, there was a dull thumping sound inside the isolation box, as if a beast was being watched inside.

U2625 still looked calm.

He is like a puppet that has been input into a program. No external reaction can touch his nerves. He is like a container that carries a huge amount of energy. The quietness is almost indifferent, and he does not pay attention to anything.

With only a slight "drip" sound, the compartment door opened.

The researchers lifted the incubator containing the experimental body out of the isolation layer, and then turned around and hurried away as if they were afraid to avoid it.

Soon, only U2625 was left in the entire compartment, as well as the experimental body that was born less than six months ago.

The sound of "bang bang" continued uninterruptedly.

The boy's glazed eyes flickered slightly.

He hesitated for two seconds, then slowly walked towards the incubator.

Perhaps for safety, the material of the incubator is non-transparent, and perhaps there is an interlayer that isolates mental power, and only a few breathing holes are evenly distributed on the upper end of the incubator.

The teenager reached out and lifted the lid of the incubator.

He saw a small baby. With a headband that imprisoned his mental power, he couldn't stand yet, and he was barely even sitting. Almost at the moment when he lifted the lid, he fiercely rushed towards the hand he was pressing on the edge of the incubator, and then used his small The only weapon on the small body - the teeth, bit down fiercely and mercilessly.

The small teeth like grains of rice are not yet fully grown, but when they bite down, they seem to use all the strength of the whole body.

The blood flowed down the back of the boy's hand like a red snake, dripping on the ground.

The young man did not struggle.

He didn't even move his brows.

Various experiments over the years have resulted in his pain threshold being exceptionally high, and this level of pain is almost nothing to him.

Instead, something else caught his attention.

The boy's eyes fell on the baby in front of him.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

He looks so small, incredibly small, as if he could hold it up with one hand, slender fluff can be seen on his soft and slightly bulging cheeks, his facial features are delicate and beautiful like an angel, a pair of black eyes are round and big, surrounded by A circle of furry eyelashes, in those pure and innocent black eyes like antelope, there is a kind of light that the teenager has never seen before - that kind of pure wild, ferocious and aggressive eyes, which can only appear in the on the beast.

Cruel and fresh, beautiful and dangerous, full of vitality.

The young man hesitated, and cautiously reached out and touched the other's cheek, then quickly retracted it, a shimmer of light lit up at the bottom of his deadly eyes.

… so soft.

The author has something to say: It's actually a young tame dye, I didn't expect it.jpg