Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 207: Pandora (4)


Small boy curled up inside the incubator.

There was not a trace of blood on the pale face, and the long dark eyelashes trembled and slowly opened.

A pair of dark eyes, round and large, quickly focused after a brief absence and dazedness.

The serene and fragile illusion was instantly shattered, and the lively evil energy drilled out from the depths of the body again, shining in the pupils of the abyss, returning to the dominant position in a gesture of fangs and claws.

A wave of tremors swept across the disengaged limb from time to time, and the sequelae of the electric shock was still not completely resolved.

He tried to move his body, but failed.

In the next second, he seemed to realize something was not quite right, his movements paused slightly, his eyes moved slightly, and his eyes fell on his half-closed palms.

A hard sphere wrapped in cellophane lay quietly in the child's small palm.

A cautious and thoughtful look passed from the depths of those large, dark eyes.

He looked suspiciously and vigilantly at the existence that did not belong to his compartment, as if he could not understand the current situation.

The subjects' diets were tailored by professional nutritionists taking into account their faster growth rates than normal humans - nutritional efficiency is the highest priority, or, subconsciously , no one will see them as humans who can enjoy food, but more like two expensive machines that are fake, and food is the fuel that can keep extremely running.

No one cares about the taste of fuel.

The existence value of food is energy intake and nothing more.

Candy is a luxury.

Only very occasionally does it appear on the dinner plate as a side meal—perhaps to supplement the necessary sugars the subject needs to grow too quickly, or maybe it's just that the diners are occasionally bewitched by the subject's human appearance and do it meaningless behavior.

However, for U2625, it doesn't make much difference whether it's candy or those foods that are made with nutrition.

He never expressed liking or complaining about food, was never picky, and always ate everything on his plate calmly.

For the experimental subjects, candy is even more unfamiliar.

He looked at the small sphere lying in his palm like an enemy, raised his eyes and looked at the other side through a layer of transparent partition—

The teenager lay quietly on the bed, face up, with his hands folded flat on his abdomen, his eyes closed, and his breathing even.

The boy's pale, cold fingertips moved with difficulty, grabbing the candy and slowly tossing it off his bed.


The candy slammed on the floor, making a soft sound, then rolled towards the corner of the room, and finally slowed down and stopped.

The child closed his eyes.

He curled up his tiny body to resist bouts of physical tremors—as if electric currents were still flowing through his meridians.


The test results came out soon.

The physical condition of the experimental subject is very healthy, and the growth rate of mental power is also very gratifying. After all the data reports were submitted to the senior management of the research institute for inspection, the senior management was very satisfied, so they approved the start of Pandora Project PART 2.

DAY 635

The first phase of the experiment started.

[In the first experiment, the anesthetic gas was released into the compartment at 12:00 noon. The duration of the experiment was expected to be three hours, but the actual time was eight hours and twenty-four minutes.

The experimental plan has not been completed]

DAY 638

[The second experiment, the estimated duration is three hours, the actual time is twelve hours and fifty-five minutes.

The experimental plan has not been completed]

[In the sixth experiment, the subject woke up during anesthesia, and the researchers suffered three minor injuries and one serious injury.

The cause of the accident is under investigation.]

[The subject is confined for three days.]

Except for the first time when the subject was returned, U2625 never got up in the other six experiments.

To be precise, in this period of nearly a week, the number of his activities was pitiful.

In addition to the necessary daily mental strength tests, he maintained a posture of lying flat on the bed board, with his hands folded and flat on his abdomen, his eyes closed, his expression was calm, and his breathing was even, almost as if he was sleeping quietly.

"Di-" A small electronic sound rang in the silent isolation area, and the specially-made doors that cut off the penetration of spiritual power silently opened to both sides, and the researchers in full protective suits pushed the incubator inwards.

But this time, to the surprise of the researchers, U2625 did not remain indifferent to this side like the previous six times.

The tall and tall boy stood in front of the transparent isolation door. As soon as the door of the isolation area in the distance opened, his eyes moved slightly, and a pair of extremely deep eyes looked fixedly in the direction of the sound, as if he had been waiting. as if they were coming.

Although they were separated by a specially strengthened wall and glass, the moment they saw each other, the leading researcher couldn't help but feel a chill behind his back, and couldn't help but subconsciously became alert.

However, until they opened the door of the experimental compartment, put the incubator into it, and set up the confinement ring, U2625 did not change anything during the whole process.

The researcher's high-hanging heart eased slightly.

The boy's gaze followed the direction of the incubator.

Confinement is a more vicious form of punishment than electric shocks. It uses a very narrow and dark space to oppress the mental and psychological defenses of the punished, and will gradually move inward over time, even if adults with a strong enough mind are here. It collapses rapidly in conditions deprived of light, sound, and senses.

Through the glass plate cover on the incubator, the pale half of the child's cheek can be seen.

Raven-feather-like eyelashes hung motionless on it, leaving a somber shadow.

The researchers arranged everything, then turned and left the compartment. The special glass door closed behind them and made a soft "beep" sound. Just as they turned around to prepare for the isolation area, they heard a sound coming from behind. An unfamiliar voice:

"Wait a moment."

His voice was green, rough and hoarse like gravel, as if he was not proficient in speaking.

The researcher turned his head in shock and looked in the direction of the sound.

The young man stood there, his dark eyes fixedly looking back at them, his expression still calm, as if he was indifferent to everything.

... Just now, did he speak

Since its birth, U2625 has never said a word.

His voice line was completely normal, and he would scream in pain when he was just taken to the lab for experiments, but this disappeared quickly - even with increased pain levels, U2625 as a child He didn't say anything, as if he didn't feel it.

The researcher also tried to design an experiment to test or even train his language ability, but although the other party cooperated very well with their experiment, they never uttered a single word under their guidance. In a word, this plan lasted for three months. After that, it failed. Although the researcher who led the project claimed that U2625's intelligence is completely enough to learn every language of human beings, but he didn't care about the external stimulation, so he didn't talk about it, but the main point of the research institute is still- He can't speak.

While the researcher was looking at him in shock, the communicators on the arms of everyone's protective suits began beeping frantically.

All electronic screens began to flash red.

There is a problem with the star network, and it may still lead to a fatal crisis of complete offline.

The young man stood in the isolation room, and his dark eyes reflected a flickering red light, like a treacherous scarlet blood.

He spoke again:

"We can make a deal."

Shockingly, he quickly got rid of the stagnation and unskilledness he had just spoken, and became smooth and comfortable.

inside the incubator.

The subject's closed eyelids moved, as if being pulled out of a coma by the harsh alarm sound. In the groggy, he heard a sound from a distance:

“…needs… ask for…”

"Hurry up and report!"

He recognized the voices.

In just a few days, the high-intensity experiment and the subsequent punishment for his resistance also meant more intensive personnel contact and denser language impact—for the experimental subject, this level was enough for him to While mastering the language, remember the specific voice lines that often appear around you.

I don't know how long it took.

The sound of hurried footsteps came from far and near, and then, the familiar voice sounded again.

“… Senior… Agree… Details… ”

Immediately afterwards, a strange voice he had never heard before came from very close to him, low and hoarse, unable to hear any emotion:

"it is good."

The next second, a "di" sounded, and it seemed that the door of the next compartment had been opened.

The hum of the electronic shackles sounded.

The sound of dense footsteps left in the distance, and everything returned to silence.

The test subject tried to open his eyes, but the eyelids seemed to be tightly adhered to the lower eyelids, and a deeper and deeper darkness struck, entrapped him to dive into the depths.

I don't know how long has passed.

Inside the incubator, the child slowly woke up.

He dragged his sore limbs, climbed up on the edge of the incubator, and looked aside.

The room next to it was empty.

The bed was flat, and the boy who was supposed to be lying on it disappeared.

The experimental subject sat in the incubator, thoughtfully and puzzledly, staring deeply at the empty bed opposite, with inexplicable emotions in his big dark eyes.

three days later.

U2625 was escorted back by heavily armed guards.

He looks different.

Pale and emaciated, the wrist joints exposed under the sleeves were thin and distinct, with scorch marks that had not yet healed.

He looked very tired, but his expression was still calm and indifferent.

The child stared silently at the whole process with his big dark eyes.

The guards locked him back in and quickly left.

Soon, there were only two people left in the quarantine area again.

The experimental subject stared at each other steadily, and without warning, he opened his mouth, his tender and soft voice was slightly hoarse, and unskilledly spit out a single byte:

"what have you done?"

These days, no one took him to do those tiresome experiments.

Subjects are very aware of what has changed.

The boy heard the sound and looked at him.

Those indifferent and cold eyes added a touch of fresh warmth when they came into contact with each other. He lowered his eyes and said calmly, "If you want to fight, be smart."

After speaking, he fell on the bed as if he was exhausted, and closed his eyes.

After a while, the sound of even breathing rang out.

The young man looked particularly embarrassed, the messy black hair covered his closed eyes, and the thick blue and black at the moment became clearer and more conspicuous.

The child stared at each other silently.

After a long time, he withdrew his sight.

He hesitated for a moment, and seemed a little unsure, but he still reached out and touched his cuff.

A hard, round, cellophane-wrapped sphere was hidden there—he had picked it up from under his incubator after U2625 was taken that day.

Of course he knew what it was.

Although it is not common, it will occasionally appear in the other party's dinner plate, and he has seen the other party eat it.

The test subject stared at the candy lying in his palm, hesitated, and then imitated the other person's appearance, clumsily and carefully opening the package.

He tentatively, carefully and quickly licked.

The boy's black and big eyes lit up slightly.

In the next second, he quickly raised his head and glanced at the opposite bed as if he was guilty of a thief. After making sure that he was not seen, he secretly put the sugar ball into his mouth.