Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 209: Pandora (6)


The sea of stars is boundless.

An old starship with a mottled surface slowly sailed away from the central system.

Its cargo has been unloaded, and the crew on the ship have also received their due reward for this trip. They reveled in the crew room and soon became very drunk.

With a pair of drunken eyes, a young sailor stretched out his hands and groped for the key of the cabin randomly:

"... odd, strange, where did you go?"

in the cabin.

The empty cabin was pitch black and had no lights. After all, no one would be on guard for the unloaded cabin. In the huge space, only some garbage left by the handling of the cargo was scattered on the ground.

On the bottom layer of the cargo hold, there is a blind spot that avoids all intelligent monitoring. It is a narrow space left by a wrong design. It is hidden in the connection of the ship, and it is dark as if no light can enter.

A young man curled up quietly in it.

No one knows when the stowaways boarded the ship, how to avoid all the security equipment, and how to evade the layers of screening by customs.

The young man was very thin, and he was wearing a set of dirty clothes, covered with dried blood, and the original color was almost invisible.

In the gaps in the clothes, you can see large and small wounds on his body, some of which are very old, the dark brown scars are regular in shape, as if they were created deliberately, and new wounds overlap on the healed wounds. The torn wounds were bloody, and some had deep bones.

The rolled-out flesh was pale with excessive blood loss, and occasionally rubbed against the wall with the shaking of the cabin. The wound that was no longer bleeding was torn again, and blood was slowly dripping.

But the owner of the wound didn't seem to notice it at all, and didn't even tremble.

He buried his face in his lap and appeared to have fallen asleep or had fallen into a coma from excessive blood loss.

During this long journey, he was completely motionless, like a sculpture lurking in the darkness, as if it had merged with the wall, becoming something between the living and the dead.

However, in the gap between the fabrics, the boy's eyes were calm and clear, without the slightest drowsiness, staring at the solid darkness in front of him.

Those dark eyes were bottomless, and a little cold and bright fire was burning in the pupils, rolling and burning.

Like a wounded beast, staring silently and hatefully at the darkness in front of him, always ready to tear the existence that appears in front of him in the next second to shreds, roaring against the entire world.

As if masochistic, he recalled over and over in his mind what happened only ten hours ago.

Alarms, shouts, and panicked begging for mercy mixed into a powerful sound that echoed in the research institute. The research institute, which was completely locked down, became a mess. Ninety-eight percent of the defense system was disturbed and unable to function. The distress signal that went out was blocked by the strong mental power of the experimental subject, and the gap before the arrival of the army was an opportunity for them to escape.

The two teenagers ran away with all their strength, and the sound of messy and broken footsteps hit the metal ground, making an empty echo.

Freedom is ahead.

Unknown worlds are waiting to be explored. For the first time, the word "future" has a special meaning.

The door was left open undefended.

Countless possibilities are calling out to them.

However, at this moment, the tallest boy suddenly stopped his footsteps without warning.

The other boy was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at him, and his voice urged eagerly, "Run! It's coming soon!"

Unexpectedly, U2625 shook his head slowly: "...I can only send you here."

"I have a chip implanted in my brain." His voice was rational and calm, and he uttered cruel words smoothly: "Once you and I escape, within ten minutes, both of us will be arrested. There is no doubt that."

The experimental subject was startled and looked at each other in disbelief, as if he had heard something from the Arabian Nights.

how is this possible

Their mental strength is so powerful that it is impossible for them to be implanted with any chips. Even if they are in a coma, this behavior will trigger their sense of self-protection, unless...

Voluntary removal of the mental barrier to allow surgery.

And throughout the process, maintain absolute sobriety.

As if thinking of something, he suddenly widened his eyes.

… the few words I heard in my coma as a child came back into my mind at this time.

In the darkness, the boy's voice came from far away, it sounded hoarse and peaceful: "...We can make a deal."

Past and reality, two voices overlapped in his mind.

At this moment, the tall and tall young man stood in front of him, staring at him with the same deep and dark eyes, and the footsteps of chasing soldiers sounded at the end of the corridor.

"You... what did you do?" For the first time, a panic-like emotion appeared in the subject's eyes.

He reached out subconsciously, as if he wanted to catch something, but the other party stepped back and avoided it.

The boy's palm stayed blankly in the air.

U2625 forces its own voice to remain steady:

"The lab has to confirm that I no longer have the ability to resist."

There was an extremely deep sadness in his eyes: "... I'm sorry."

"You are dreaming." An angry fire ignited in the boy's eyes, showing sharp canine teeth like some kind of wild animal, and the killing intent rolled in his eyes: "If you don't go, I won't go. Since you can't run away, I will Slaughter the entire laboratory here, and then set it on fire, so that no one can analyze the chip in your head, it doesn't matter if there is, we will kill them all..."

"The army is already on its way," U2625 interrupted.

Even if they were, it would be impossible for them to defeat the most elite permanent garrison in the entire Federation—this would be suicide.

He sighed silently, and a gun slowly slipped out of his lowered palm—the one he had left when he broke through the guard's defenses.

The subject sneered:

"What? Are you going to kill me if I don't leave?"

"No." The young man shook his head calmly, turned his wrists, and turned the muzzle of the gun instantly, touching his chin.

The teenager screamed in panic: "...Wait!"

"...Let's go." The other party's voice was as light as a sigh: "Let me handle the rest of the pursuers."

In the corridor where the alarm bells rang out, the two of them faced each other at a distance, their swords drawn, and the strong smell of blood wafted in the air that seemed to freeze.

The teenager gritted his teeth, and could almost taste the blood in his mouth.

The dark eyes stared at each other stubbornly.

The young man standing face to face with him looked back at him silently, like a mountain that could not be moved, calmly putting his life on the corner of the gaming table, waiting for his decision.

He cut off his sight, turned and plunged into the darkness outside the door.


In the silence, the curled up boy finally moved slightly.

His long eyelashes blinked, and a large tear rolled down, then quickly disappeared into the darkness—as fast as it had never appeared.