Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 210: Pandora [End]


boundary star field.

This is the edge of the federal government's jurisdiction. Most of the planets here are full of high heat, poisonous gas, and severe cold. It is a transition zone between the livable area and the unexplored star sea. Rarely come here, and whoever haunts this area is either a death row criminal who has been sent here, or a vicious outlaw.

In the past ten years, the star thieves who were rampant here have gradually declined.

Since the popularity of StarNet is getting higher and higher, their living space is getting smaller and smaller. For some reason, the Federal Army can always find their traces miraculously. After several large-scale suppression, many famous The star thief fleet was wiped out, and only small ships escaped from the siege.

It was soon discovered that the problem was on the star network.

All areas covered by the star network, as long as the federal government wants to, can turn every small communicator or personal terminal into their detector, so that every human being connected to the star network with spiritual force becomes a branch of that huge system and Tentacles, under the pursuit of such a behemoth, the star thieves lost their armor and armor, and were defeated. They could only survive in the desolate border star field, and because they were forced to use more primitive communication equipment, the activity area was also blocked. Great restrictions, unable to set foot in the central star field for half a step.

A starship covered in outer armor is quietly moored outside the gravitational region of a barren star.

Its steel armor is covered with pits and dents. It has obviously experienced many dangers and wars, but at this moment it has become old and worn out. The hull is covered with eroded rust marks, and even the coating on it has become Mottled and mottled, only the remaining text can be barely recognized:


A small transport ship returned from the deserted star carrying the crew of the starship.

"Damn, there's no fucking hair on this planet." A sallow-faced crew member spat cursingly.

"Like your second child?" Another crew member sneered, sarcastically.

The crew burst into laughter, but the vulgar laughter and cursing stopped at the moment the hatch was opened—they were shocked to see that several crew members who were originally stationed in the ship fell to the ground, unconscious.

There is still a breath to the touch, but it cannot be awakened at all.

The star thieves' expressions were solemn, and they took out their weapons one after another, and walked cautiously into the cockpit - this way of doing things is not like the federation or peers, otherwise they would have no chance to return to the intact ship alive, but, Besides these two forces, who else will there be

To everyone's surprise, there was only one person in the cabin.

He is not so much a man as a boy, with long hands and feet, and a slender figure, he curled up on the large captain's chair without any scruples, playing with his fingers boredly.

Baggy clothes fell from his arms, revealing scarred wrists.

The young man raised his head, revealing a face that was so beautiful that it didn't look like a real person.

Under the aiming of dozens of guns, his expression did not change at all, and he even smiled lightly:

"Hello, my future crew."

Against the background of the azure blue screen behind him, the dark eyes of the boy reflected a faint blue light, like the turbulent abyss and the ocean in the dark night. The dangerous and unpredictable sense of instability made everyone look into his eyes. People could not help but feel chills down their spines.

His voice was hoarse that had not been spoken for a long time, with a little erratic smile:

"For the first time, you can call me Ge Xiu."


A star pirate ship named Leviathan has risen within a few years.

It attacked the outposts in the boundary star field, captured several ships, and even began to form a communication and power network that was unique to them. The underground industry that had been swept away began to become active again centered on this fleet. Soon, it From a starship, it has developed into an entire fleet of huge scale and amazing influence.

The captain of this star thief fleet is extremely mysterious. No one knows his appearance and background. No one knows where he came from. There is no actual information other than his name. Same.

It is said that the captain's military and mechanical attainments are extremely terrifying. His main ship was refitted and upgraded by himself, and in just a few years, it has become the most sophisticated ship in the entire galaxy.

The Federation's capital ship had a head-on encounter with it once.

Even though the ships of the Federation have been equipped with the most advanced thrusters they can research, they still can only watch the steel ship with the words Leviathan throw them far away, which is tantamount to giving All the naval scholars and research institutes of the Federation received a heavy slap in the face.

Its danger level gradually increased, and the wanted man, the captain of the Leviathan, quickly climbed to the top.

Behind the line on the wanted list that represents the dangerous value of the S-rank, there is a reward amounting to hundreds of millions of interstellar coins.

However, the whereabouts of this entire fleet are unpredictable, like a legend that exists only in imagination, or a wisp of green smoke, wanting to chase and capture, but when you open your hand, you can only see the empty space palm.


August 538 Ephemeris

The Leviathan Fleet has launched an attack on a planet near the Border Sector.

This planet has no resources, and its location is unimportant, inaccessible and inconspicuous.

No one knows why this unpredictable head of star thieves is interested in this place.

— even his subordinates.

Captain's room.

A tall and tall young man with light gray eyes was sitting in the co-pilot's seat. He stared at the slow picture displayed on the screen in awe, and sighed in disbelief:

"My God, such a small and broken planet, the Federation has used so many top weapons to guard it. This is almost the top of the last A-level military base..."

He turned his head to look at the position of the main driver: "I said, Captain, is there really something good here?"

Ge Xiu bit the candy in his mouth with a "click", raised his eyelids, and glanced at the screen in front of him showing the battle status:

"Good stuff? Of course not."

"...Ah?" The young man who asked was startled.

Ge Xiu yawned, changed a comfortable position on the captain's chair, and replied lazily, "This is the secret research institute for the federal research on spiritual power."

The bottom of his eyes reflected the silently exploding artillery fire on the screen, like a bunch of firelight ignited in the dark deep sea:

"Of course, if it is a serious ranking, it can only be regarded as the second federation."

Ephemeris 538 September

An inhumane atrocity spread across the galaxy, and the Leviathan's fleet raided a planet near the borderline and carried out an inhuman slaughter.

In the pictures and videos widely circulated on, the flames of war are burning uninterruptedly between day and night. Countless pale amputated limbs lie in huge potholes. Terrifyingly terrifying.

Only a few insiders know that there are no inhabitants of that planet at all.

In the entire research base, there are less than a hundred researchers and a huge number of illegal experimental subjects.

After this robbery, the Federation sent people to conduct a rigorous search among the body waste of the experimental subjects, but did not find any researcher's DNA, which means that the Leviathan not only robbed the entire experimental base of The experimental instruments have also kidnapped the 100 most precious researchers in the Federation.

… nothing is more disturbing than that.

The wanted list for the Leviathan fleet and its captain, Gosho, was further escalated, the Federation began to send search ships more frequently, and the troop movements became more frequent.

At the same time, the abnormal behavior of the Leviathan fleet attracted the attention of the institute.

The director of the institute secretly met with the top federal officials that night.

"So, you suspect that the captain of the Leviathan has something to do with the accident in your laboratory a few years ago?" the middle-aged man asked gloomily.

The director pondered for a while, then nodded slowly: "I'm afraid yes."

"Then we can't stay." The middle-aged man frowned with a solemn expression: "We can't afford the possible consequences of that experiment being exposed."

The director was in a hurry and hurried forward:

"No! If he is really the experimental body I guessed, then he must not die!"


The director took a deep breath and replied: "You also know that the reason why the current star network system can cross the galaxy is because its source Pandora's spiritual power provides it, but after the accident a few years ago, Pandora has He started to fall asleep, and we tried everything, but we couldn't wake him up at all, so there was only one possibility... that he didn't want to wake up."

He paused and continued: "Although Pandora is in a dormant state, we can still maintain the normal operation of the star network because we have mastered all the permissions before the dormancy. However, as time goes by, we I found that Pandora's spiritual power is gradually drying up..."

The middle-aged man was startled: "What do you mean?"

"Brain dead," said the director with a sad expression, "if he continues to sleep, our star network system will collapse within three years, and all our efforts and research will be in vain."

"Can't you make another one?!" The middle-aged man was obviously impatient.

"Unfortunately, we can't." The director shook his head: "Over the years, we have tried every gene sequence, and even tried to repeat our past success. Of the hundreds of millions of embryos, 99% were not successfully cultivated. , the only surviving embryos died in just a few months—our two successes, it turns out, were mere chance, and we may need at least two decades of research to replicate this chance ... However, the dying Star Network can't wait that long."

The middle-aged man stood up, walked around the room twice with his hands behind his back, pondered for a long time, and finally raised his head:

"Well, if we can capture him alive, I'll let you take over."


Ephemeris 538 December

Ge Xiu sat on the test bed in a baggy hospital gown, his bare feet, his slender calves hanging in the air, swaying carelessly.

Beside him, countless precise instruments were running, and the researchers were wandering nervously among them, doing the final tests before the operation.

The young man with gray eyes stood beside him and looked at him worriedly:

"Boss... Are you sure you want to do this?" He took a deep breath: "Put you on a planet close to the central star field. It's so simple and rude, the people in the Federation will definitely suspect that you have other plans."

Ge Xiu smiled happily: "Of course they know."

He narrowed his eyes, and the curvature of his lips gradually deepened: "But, they have reasons for having to do this."

"But..." The young man became impatient.

Ge Xiu glanced at him lightly, and the young man immediately shut up.

He said slowly and leisurely: "When the temptation is big enough, even if they know it's a trap, they will jump in obediently."

Ge Xiu retracted his gaze, his eyes fell on the machine running in the distance, and he said lightly:

"What's more, they are arrogant enough to think that as long as I fall into their hands, there will be no chance of a comeback... In fact, the game has just begun."

The researcher on the side prepared everything and went forward to report.

He took a deep breath and asked uncertainly, "You... you know what the necessary conditions for this operation are, right?"

"Of course." Ge Xiu rolled over and lay down: "Let's start."

Although it's not a chip implant this time, the overall process is basically the same.

In order to prevent psychic violence after unconsciousness, it is necessary to remain absolutely awake without the use of any anesthetics throughout the procedure.

However, since that person can survive, so can he.

Ge Xiu looked at the dazzling light above his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.

[If you want to fight, be smarter]

- Thanks for the suggestion.


after six months

On the barren star, the young man stood beside the crashed ship, dozens of guard ships were suspended in the air, and countless searchlights were projected down.

He stared blankly at the lethal weapon aimed at him in front of him, his expression blank and confused, as if he didn't know what happened and why he was here.

[Gossiu is arrested.

This explosive news spread across the entire interstellar space at an almost terrifying speed, multiplying and spreading like a virus, occupying every still-functioning intellectual brain light screen.

No one can believe that this unpredictable first-wanted criminal who has no actual information other than his name has been arrested? !

how is this possible? !

For a time, all eyes were on the Interstellar Inquisition at the edge of the galaxy.

It is said that that is the place where Ge Xiu was secretly imprisoned.]