Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 211: Final Part 1


Ge Xiu suddenly opened his eyes.

The dazzling and bright light of the day pierced his eyes like sharp knives, physiological tears blurred his vision, and a terrible pain of deja vu came from the back of his head - as if a scalpel was stirring relentlessly in it, The tearing pain slammed into him like a heavy hammer, making his eyes black, and he could hardly breathe.

He already remembered it all.

—The surging mass of information and the intense emotions that followed it washed over his body like waves, enough to overwhelm anyone.

He seems to have re-experienced every day since his birth, everything, pain, struggle, rebellion, parting...

The long twenty years were condensed into just a few seconds, and finally the dazzling light above the operating table and the shuddering mourning of mental power—

Above his head was almost the same light as that day, so bright that he could hardly open his eyes.

Ge Xiu hardly knew where he was. His forehead was drenched in cold sweat, and his chest was heaving up and down. Twenty years before his arrest and one hundred years in the virtual world, the two completely separated memories were still there. Fighting in his brain, the huge mental force that was deliberately closed by surgery exploded in his mind. Such amazing pain can almost drive any normal human crazy.

After a long time, the pain slowly faded like a tide.

Ge Xiu's pupils gradually focused, he turned his head slowly, and looked at the narrow cell he was in with some daze.

The cold metal wall, the blue-purple shackles bound on the wrist, the prison uniform on the body.

Some kind of flashed look on his face, it seems that he just remembered where he was.

At this moment, the loudspeaker above his head suddenly turned on.

The hectic footsteps in the background and the piercing alarm sound were all faithfully transmitted to this small closed cell, breaking the dead silence that seemed to never change.

A very unfamiliar but very familiar voice came, the voice was cold and low:

"…you thought you won, didn't you?"

Ge Xiu did not recognize the voice.

This voice is not the presiding judge who, although inhuman, but still has some conscience, and cannot match anyone in his memory in the research institute... This is a purely unfamiliar voice, in his mind Couldn't find any blueprints.

"Before speaking, you must at least state your name." His voice was hoarse that had not been spoken for a long time, but it did not show weakness.

Disdainful laughter came from the loudspeaker.

"I'm the director of the Institute of Biological Spiritual Power." The other party's voice was cold and arrogant: "The current leader of the Pandora Project."


Ge Xiu had basically recovered from the lack of attention just now, he narrowed his eyes slightly, leaned back on the metal wall, and said thoughtfully: "Then it seems that the director I know It's past tense... let me guess, he "stepped off" after I ran away, right?"

This time, the silence on the other side was slightly longer.

The director clenched his teeth and stared at the picture displayed on the monitor screen in front of him. The young man sat calmly against the wall, with no superfluous expressions on his face, not even raising his eyes, which was almost the same as before. , but the sharp edge that was about to come out before was hidden under the peaceful appearance, but inexplicably gave people a heavier deterrent, his voice almost squeezed out of his throat: "... You don't have amnesia."

"No." Unexpectedly, the other party shook his head: "I just remembered it again."

His composure that the mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face seemed to have hit a nerve that had been tense for a long time in the director's mind. His face was slightly twisted, and when he spoke again, his voice became sharp and high-pitched:

"Whether you have memory or not, you are useless!"

The young man on the screen raised his eyes unexpectedly, looked at the monitor, and looked at the pair of dark and quiet eyes, the director had an inexplicable sense of revenge, and he continued: "The entire Pandora project has only one completed body, and you It's just the superfluous existence that should be eliminated! Your hostility, aggressiveness... all prove that you are the failed product of the whole plan! The biggest mistake of the previous director was that he didn't get rid of you in time, but he mistakenly thought that he could be in you. What new achievements have been obtained from the body... Oh, how is it possible? You are a wreck! If you hadn't helped us wake up the real Pandora, you would have been executed as early as the day you were arrested!"

He smiled nervously:

"And I'm not going to make the same mistakes that I made last term."

The director raised his eyes and glanced at the repair progress displayed on another screen, with an arrogant and complacent expression on his face:

"A defective product is a defective product... Do you think you can count us?"

"Since we found you with amnesia on the desolate star, we have guessed your purpose, this entire facility, including your cell, even if your mental power is restored? This entire organization is for Lock it up for you - trust me, we've improved in this area since you escaped you can't imagine! You can't escape."

"Indeed, Pandora woke up for a while, and actually got rid of our control for a moment, but in order to prevent accidents, we have already placed emergency response measures in his training cabin."

He laughed:

"From just now until now, our researcher has brought him under control again, and from now on, he can no longer fall into that kind of self-enclosed slumber, as long as we want to, he will be awake for the rest of his life. !—And all of this, thanks to your help!”

From the moment the director spoke, the young man had been listening quietly, only frowning for a moment when the other party spoke of Pandora at the end, the rest of the time was as calm and unpredictable as the ocean, as if the other party was not talking about himself.


"I believe in you," Gossiu said.

Behind the screen, the director's face froze, as if he did not expect the other party to react like this.

"The Federation's No. 1 Interstellar Wanted suddenly appeared in the deserted star alone, and was arrested for amnesia... What do you think is a trap?" The young man said slowly.

"You know why I haven't gone directly to find you after I got the fleet?"

His eyes were dark and deep, like a bottomless abyss:

"After I escaped, you cleaned up all the insiders, staff, blew up the original address, and even used the star network to hide the track... Your new address is a secret, a passive hidden with the power of the entire galaxy The secret that you got up, even I can't determine your specific location."

Ge Xiu lowered his eyes, raised his hand and stroked the steel wall beside him:

"However, materials that isolate spiritual power are very rare."

The director suddenly had a very ominous feeling in his heart.

"The military tribunal is just misleading, you don't want my place of detention to be leaked." The youth in the prison continued to say, "But... as long as you track the movement of raw materials and observe the movement of the army, such a large-scale construction, even if the You can't completely hide your whereabouts by using the star network..."

He laughed:

"Indeed, this prison is very tight. As long as I am locked in it, it is absolutely impossible for me to escape."

Ge Xiu raised his eyes, revealing sharp edges in the depths of his pupils: "Then, what if the inside should be combined with the outside?"

A shudder instantly climbed up the director's back. He felt that the clothes behind him were instantly soaked with cold sweat. He abruptly turned off the speaker in front of him, and cried out:

"Turn on the defense grid! Quick! Prepare for the first level of battle! Hurry up and ask for help!!!"

However, everything seems to be too late.

There was a sudden violent shaking of the earth and the mountains. Through the thick soil and armor, the deafening sound of shelling could still be heard. The lights above the head flickered on and off, making an overloaded sizzle, and the entire institute rang out. After the harsh alarm sound, in the red light, the presiding judge saw that in the radar detection that was empty just now, an unknown ship suddenly appeared very close to the research institute, without any warning, like a ghost.

- They found a way to evade radar detection!

The director's eyes were split.

However, the bombardment just now had damaged the outer power grid equipped by the research institute, making it impossible to maintain the line of defense at all.

More dense dots appeared on the detection screen, and each dot represented an enemy ship. The entire fleet was dispatched in full force, heading towards here in a black pressure!

inside the prison.

The overhead lights flickered on and off, and a faint rumbling vibration came through the thick metal walls, and the entire cell trembled with it.

The speakers have been cut off.

There was silence in the narrow space, and no loud noises could be heard, but with the intensifying shaking of the ground and walls, one could imagine how fierce the battle was outside.


The lights above his head flickered several times, struggling and fighting with the power outage.

Finally, after an overwhelmed crackling sound, it went out completely.

The surroundings were pure, thick darkness.

Gossi stood up.

He stood in the darkness, silently counting his steady heartbeat—bang bang, bang bang...

I don't know how long it took, a sound that was so sharp that it could almost burst the eardrum suddenly sounded, and the wall on the side seemed to be torn apart from the outside. The mouth rolled in, and the corners of his clothes were blown up.

The young man raised his eyes in the ruins, his dark pupils reflected the huge steel beast in front of him, and the curvature of the corners of his lips was light and leisurely.

game over.


The gray-eyed youth jumped off the ship anxiously and ran towards the cell.

The moment he saw Ge Xiu, his eyes lit up: "Captain! Great, you're fine!"

"Good job, Xiao Yi." Ge Xiu glanced at him.

Although it was just an understatement of praise, it made the young man in front of him speechless with excitement: "...Thank you, no... It's clearly you..."

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows, turned and walked into the research institute: "Let's go."

"The dragon has been defeated, and the prince is now coming to rescue the sleeping princess." In the darkness, the voice of the young man came from afar: "Let's go, I will show you your future captain's wife."

Xiao Yi: "...???"

The author has something to say: U2625: ? ?