Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 212: Final Part 2


The steel corridor was a mess, and the whole building was like a paper house that was squashed and deformed by huge hands.

Overhead smart light sources flickered on and off, coating crooked walls and cracked floors with an eerie shimmer, and broken cables crackled and burst into bright sparks.

The shards and rubble of the instruments were scattered on the sloping ground, and the charred marks left by the bombardment were deeply etched into the metal like sores.

In the ruins, Ge Xiu walked forward quickly.

His pace was very fast, and Xiao Yi, who was following behind him, almost had to trot all the way to barely keep up.

After the bombing, the building pattern became more complicated. Even the researcher who had been working here for a long time would be dizzy and couldn't find the way forward, but this did not delay his steps. He seemed to know his own Wherever the destination is, every turn is made without hesitation, as if knowing the distribution of all the roads.

Through the thick partition above the head, the sound of the exchange of fire from a distance can still be heard, and the ground vibrates faintly.

Ge Xiu suddenly stopped.

An extremely strong metal wall stood in front of him. Even after being bombarded with full force, it was still not damaged. The door lock system above was still lit—obviously, it used a circuit system independent of other equipment in the research institute.

He knew he had found it.

Ge Xiu stared at the door in front of him, suddenly hesitating for some reason.

He slowly took a deep breath, lowered his head, and placed his palm on the door lock system in front of him. The powerful mental shock instantly overloaded it and made a sizzling sound.

The blue dim light dimmed, and the metal door slowly opened in front of his eyes.

"Wait for me here."

Gossi ordered.

He didn't look back and walked straight towards the door.

The backup power system was restored, and the door slowly closed behind Gexiu.

In front of you is a huge metal hall, which has hardly been impacted or damaged by the bombardment just now. Many sophisticated instruments are quietly placed in the hall, like sleeping organs. Lines and cables extend from behind the instruments. It spreads all the way to the huge culture cabin placed in the center of the hall - it is like the nerve control center of the entire system, lying quietly in the center of the cobweb composed of cables.

The cultivation cabin is filled with light blue nutrient solution, and in the dark hall, it is the only light source.

In the faint blue liquid, a man floated quietly.

The long black hair was quietly curled in the water, stretched like tentacles, blocking his eyebrows, falling on his broad shoulders, and slowly floating beside the well-defined and tight upper body.

Snow-white bubbles rose slowly and leisurely.

He just lay there quietly, as if he had been dormant for centuries, waiting for a distant future.

Ge Xiu subconsciously slowed down.

He walked to the training cabin and stared at each other steadily.

The blue light was reflected in the dark bottom of his eyes, like the sparkling waves of stars, shining deep in his pupils.

Through a layer of glass and light blue liquid, he stared at the familiar figure in a trance, as if he was looking at the other person at a certain moment ten years ago—

In the corridor in the distance came the chaotic footsteps of chasing soldiers.

Standing at the door, in front of him is a vast unknown night, and behind him is a young man standing at the junction of light and darkness - the other side is standing against the light, the dark muzzle is pressed against his throat, and his straight and upright figure separates light and darkness. They were just a few steps away, but they could not be crossed like a moat. They stared at each other at the two endpoints of their fate, and were split into two completely different worlds.

That day, he turned and leaped into the darkness.

And at this moment—he stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

The fingertips touched the cold and smooth surface, only to hear a crisp cracking sound, and the snow-white spider webs instantly covered the surface of the huge nutrition cabin. When it opened, the light blue nutrient solution rushed out like a flood.

Ge Xiu accurately caught the man who was pouring into his arms.

The weight of the other party was much heavier than he imagined, and it pressed on his shoulders without reservation. The long black hair stuck to the bare and strong shoulders, winding like a snake, and the salty and moist breath was like the ocean. As if rushing towards his face, his senses were completely enveloped in it.

Ge Xiu's prison uniform has been wet with nutrient solution, and the two chests fit together without any gap.

The cold texture of the opponent's skin came clearly, and he could even feel the quiet and steady heartbeat in the opponent's chest - bang, bang, bang...

Ge Xiu took a deep breath, raised his hand, and carefully pulled out the tube connecting the other's head and back. Thin strands of blood slid down the man's back and were smeared into the moist water.

- In the entire rescue plan, the biggest hidden danger lies in the chip in his brain.

That's why he had to attack that research base and undergo surgery, not only to seal up his own memory, but also to implant disruptive artificial neurons in his brain.

Ge Xiu knew for a long time that if the people in the institute wanted to use him to wake up Pandora, they had to connect their spiritual power with Pandora's main body.

And that was the crux of his whole plan.

As long as the connection time is long enough, the interfering signals released by the implanted artificial neurons will gradually make the chip in the other party's brain ineffective, and can no longer be manipulated and positioned.

Now, theoretically, the other party should be able to wake up.

Ge Xiu felt that the other party's heart was beating regularly, gradually and slowly matching the rhythm of his own heartbeat.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Ge Xiu pursed his lips, bent down, and prepared to lay the man who was pressing on him on the ground.

But what he didn't expect was that before he could do anything, a gentle weight suddenly pressed on his back—

The opponent's icy palm was pressed against Ge Xiu's back, and there was only a thin layer of cloth between the wet skin and the palm. Feeling dizzy and dizzy, Ge Xiu couldn't help breathing for a while. For the first time, he felt that his heartbeat rhythm was a little out of balance.

The next second, a difficult and low voice rang in his ears:

"... I seem to have had a... long dream."

Ge Xiu's arm subconsciously tightened, he pressed his forehead against the other's shoulder, his voice was muffled, and his deliberately calm voice became somewhat distorted:

"… and then?"

"It was a beautiful dream." The other party's voice brought a smile: "... I dreamed of many of you."

Ge Xiu's voice was a little hoarse, but he still refused to be outdone:

"... Stupid, don't you know if it's a dream?"

It was clearly that he used his mental power to open up his sealed memory at the last moment, and it was also that he sent precious mental power fluctuations in that brief and disturbed moment, so that his fleet could accurately locate the research institute. It's still pretending to be confused now... that's just too cunning.

"So, you admit it?"

The strength of the man in his arms gradually recovered, and he stood up from Ge Xiu's shoulder little by little, but the hand on his shoulder was still firmly refusing to let go. In his arms: "You said I was your boyfriend."

"Also said, you lost." His voice was still hoarse, but he was slowly regaining his strength: "You will marry me."

"..." Ge Xiu laughed angrily: "No, you are dreaming."

The other party smiled lowly, the vibration of his chest was transmitted to Ge Xiu's chest along with the tight skin, and he couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

After hugging quietly for a long time, U2625 relaxed a little bit of the strength of his arms and tilted his head to look at him:

"You've grown taller.

Ge Xiu used his eyes to measure the current height difference between the two, and was a little unhappy:

“… No, it’s still not tall enough.”

At this moment, Ge Xiu seemed to finally realize something. His gaze moved down slightly, landing on the naked collarbone and chest of the other party, sliding down to the tight waist... Then he suddenly retracted his gaze, His gaze was fixed on the other's face, and then he said dryly: "... No, but I think the most urgent task now is to find you a dress."

ten minutes later.

The closed metal door made a dripping sound, and then slowly opened to both sides.

Two figures came out of the door one after the other.

Xiao Yi snapped back to his senses, straightened his back habitually, turned his head to look in the direction from which the voice came, and shouted reflexively:

"Sister-in-law... ok... "

The rest of his words were stuck in his throat, and it was hard not to go up or down.

I saw that standing beside his own captain was a man with broad shoulders and a lot taller than him.

The man was loosely draped in a researcher's robe, his wet black long hair was draped over his shoulders, and his clothes were dipped in a transparent color. A well-textured half of his chest could be seen from the slightly open neckline, and his handsome eyebrows were profound. And sharp, and Ge Xiu's face has the same visual impact, the pair of dark and indifferent eyes slightly drooping, cold and bright, like a knife's edge without temperature, when swept across people, it brings a kind of feeling to people. The heavy feeling of oppression makes people feel scared and withdrawn.

Xiao Yi: "..."


and many more? ? Mrs. Captain?

... this one? ?

The author has something to say: Xiao Yi: It must be that my opening method is not right (close my eyes)