Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 213: Final Part 3


After hearing this title, the tall man was slightly taken aback, then turned to look at Ge Xiu who was standing aside:

"… sister in law?"

Gossiu: "..."

He pretended not to hear anything, turned his head to look at the wall beside him, as if he was attracted by the dense cracks on it, and focused on its direction.

U2625 pondered for a while, looked at Xiao Yi with a confused look, and nodded at him:

"Ah hello."

Xiao Yi's face was blank: "...???"

"..." Ge Xiu was choked: "--cough-cough-cough!!"

He turned his head fiercely to look at Xiao Yi, his dark eyes were covered with a faint murderous intent, and he looked very cold in the dark corridor: "So, what are you doing here? The exchange of fire outside is over? Or Has the surrounding garrison been disarmed?"

Xiao Yi: "But..."

... Didn't you tell me to wait outside

Ge Xiu's eyes were frighteningly cold, Xiao Yi couldn't help but choked, and subconsciously swallowed the rest of his words back into his throat, straightened his waist and bowed to Ge Xiu: "... I'll go now!"

Looking at the figure of the young man hurriedly running into the distance, U2625 thought deeply:

"Is this the little one?"

Ge Xiu shrugged a little unnaturally and quickened his pace: "Well..."

He kicked the rubble on the ground, watched it roll into the darkness, and said, "When he was a teenager, he accidentally fell into the deserted star, and I rescued him when he was about to be sold. At that time, I had just mastered the Leviathan, and I was in urgent need of a trusted subordinate who had great potential in the handling and driving of the warship, so I kept him."

Although those virtual worlds were constructed and created by the institute, they were still based on Ge Xiu's brain. Although he lost his memory, he still possessed astonishingly powerful spiritual power, so his subconscious projections would have Those virtual worlds make a little change... For example, replacing two virtual characters who have similar experiences but which the research institute does not pay attention to.

The role of Xiaoyi is different from other virtual characters. His image comes from the memory of Ge Xiu as an object, and Pandora who is sleeping will choose to use the image of this character to remind him.

U2625 didn't ask any further questions.

He turned his head to look at Ge Xiu beside him, his dark and quiet gaze stayed on his side face for a few seconds, and then gently stretched out his hand to hold Ge Xiu's wrist:

"… Thanks for your hard work."

He slept for a long, long time.

For a long time, he has almost completely disconnected from the whole world, and he is ignorant of everything that is happening in the outside world.

However, when Ge Xiu recovered his memory, their spiritual power was still connected.

Watching those pictures pass quickly from his eyes, it was as if he accompanied the other party to experience everything again... From beginning to end, completely.

From the lonely escape in the dark night, the struggle, to the declining star thief fleet, expansion, war, and the malice of the whole world.

Until... bet everything and come back to him.

In the palm of his hand, the young man's slender wrist bones trembled slightly.

Ge Xiu turned his head to one side, and said dryly, "...even if you're not here, I'll dig three feet into the ground to find this ghost place, and then drive a warship to blast it away."

The man looked down at him, his cold and indifferent eyes as soft as spring water. He didn't expose the other party, just smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I believe you."

His voice was very soft, as gentle as if it could be drowned out in an instant by the sound of artillery fire still blaring above his head, but it reached the other party's ears very clearly.

Ge Xiu walked forward with no expression on his face.

He pursed his lips tightly, and his eyes fell on the ground in front of him.

For some reason, all the senses in the whole body seemed to be concentrated on his wrist.

The man's palms were wide and slender, because he had just left the training cabin, and it was a bit cold to the bones, but there was a strange heat spreading from the position where the two of them were touching their skins, like a faint fire burning the flesh and bones, all the way. Burned straight up his cheeks and ears, boiling and roaring under the skin.

Ge Xiu seemed to be scalded, he quickly shook off the opponent's hand, put his hand behind him, and asked unintentionally:

"Um... that's right..."


"What do you want to be called?" Ge Xiu turned to look at him.

"Name?" The man was stunned for a moment, and then asked unexpectedly.

"Well..." Ge Xiu shrugged: "After all, we are not experimental subjects now, of course we can have our own names."

"Well..." U2625 pondered for a few seconds: "I think the title of sister-in-law is quite good..."

"Hey!" Ge Xiu interrupted him angrily: "Be serious with me!"

The corners of U2625's lips curled up involuntarily.

Seeing Ge Xiu's eye knife swept over, he restrained the smile in his eyes and tried to be serious: "Cough, um... What do you think?"

"What do I think?" Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows in confusion.

U2625 said patiently:

"What do you think is a better name for me?"

Ge Xiu choked for a moment: "...How do I know!"

The two walked quietly for two or three minutes, and Ge Xiu suddenly spoke, breaking the silence: "Actually..."

He scratched his hair unnaturally: "Didn't I raid that research base before? Although the information about the Pandora project has been completely blocked and destroyed, I was able to recover some of the documents in that research base, I found some interesting stuff in there..."

"The Pandora project was not what it is now. This project was developed from a project that simply studied the potential of human spiritual power. It used to be called... The Isis Project."

Unlike Pandora, who symbolizes unknown disasters and the loss of hope, Isis is a god of life and prosperity.


Gorse paused, then continued: "The code in a single code in the computer is... U+2625."

"… Good to hear."

The man's eyes slightly curved: "I like this name."

It was like… back to the way things were supposed to be.


The main control room that collapsed in half.

The director's face was as pale as paper, his clothes that were white and straight were wrinkled at the moment, covered with dust and a little bit of blood that he didn't know who it belonged to. The next trail of dirt marks made him look even more embarrassed.

His eyeballs twitched uneasily in their sockets, making the red blood in them stand out more and more, as if they were on the verge of collapse.

He spun around in the chaotic room like a headless fly, and let out a nervous roar at the shivering researcher beside him:

"...Did you send out the distress signal!"

The researcher guarded the frequently flashing equipment in front of him and looked up at him helplessly: "This... this... Director... All signals have been cut off from the outside... "

"Idiot! A bunch of idiots!!!" The director roared hysterically: "If it doesn't work once, try it a second time! A third time! A hundred and a thousand times!"

"Yes Yes!"

Watching the group of researchers continue to work, he lowered his head and gnawed at his fingernails anxiously, not stopping even when he tasted the blood.

Everything is messed up now.

It's all messed up.

Eighty percent of the automatic defense devices on the outside have been disabled, and the surrounding garrison may have been eliminated at the very beginning, the escape route has been blocked, and the ships have been blown up. It has to be intermittent... This can only make the director more anxious, because it shows that their attack power is getting less and less with the passage of time...

And those two freaks are in this building! !

He couldn't imagine the consequences after he was found.

The director frequently looked at the metal gate not far away that had been locked as early as the first time. Although he knew that the gate was enough to resist the direct bombardment of most starship artillery fire, the ominous foreboding that was terrifying was still entangled in it. His heart refused to disperse for a long time.

it doesn't matter... it doesn't matter...

The army should be able to receive the information of the exchange of fire here soon, and if Pandora is released, the star network will collapse across the board, and they will definitely go all out to come here to rescue themselves...

Hold on, just hold on...


A deafening cannon sounded in a very close place without warning. In an instant, the ground shook, and everyone fell to the ground crookedly.

The director fell into the rubble, turned his head in horror and looked behind him—

There was a huge hole in the wall, and outside was a dimly lit corridor, and two figures standing against the light.

The cold sweat on the director's back instantly fell, soaking the clothes on his back, and a sense of terror as if his heart was tightened, making him almost unable to breathe.

In the semi-blind light, the young man's beautiful and aggressive face had a chilling splendor. He was wearing a prison uniform, and there were still scorch marks left by the electronic shackles on his wrists. The small launcher on his shoulder was removed, and he whistled: "Although it is the first time to use it after it was developed, it works well."

The man behind him was taller, his wet black hair fell on his broad shoulders, his eyebrows were cold and sharp, his eyes were fixed on the director's body, his eyes were cold, and there was no emotional fluctuation, as if he was looking at something Like a dead thing.

Gossiu stepped forward.

The director struggled and stepped back subconsciously, but his legs were pressed by the steel beams that had just fallen, making him unable to move.

He could only helplessly watch the young man approach him slowly, then crouch down in the rubble and look at him.

Ge Xiu scrutinized the man who was almost heartbroken in front of him, his eyes slowly moved from his messy hair, to his pale and pale face, and then to his limp limbs—

He sighed:

"it's a pity."

Isis walked in, stood beside him, looked down at the director who was on the ground, and asked, "What a pity?"

"Of course it's a pity that the director in charge of us has died." Ge Xiu shook his head: "Otherwise I would really like to see the expression on his face."

His eyes were focused on the face of the current director, with a smile on his lips, but there was no warmth in his eyes, and he said casually:

"...I don't know if it will be as pleasing to the eyes as it is now."

"Yes... yes..." Suo swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, moistened his dry and painful throat, and stammered: "Do it to you... the person who does that kind of thing... No, it's not me. I'm just someone who was temporarily transferred to take over the mess that guy left behind... I, I don't know anything! I'm all acting on the instructions above! I, I'm also a last resort... please..."

He was gasping for breath, talking nonsense.

Unexpectedly, the young man in front of him lowered his eyes, thought for a few minutes, and then nodded solemnly:

"you're right."

As if the drowning man had caught a life-saving straw, the director's bloodshot and chaotic eyes lit up with hope, he raised his voice and echoed nervously: "I can tell you that the descendants of the former director are in the Where! There is an injustice and a debt to the owner! I, I will cooperate with you…”

Ge Xiu laughed out loud:

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

The director was stunned for a moment, and then the color of ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

However, before he had time to thank him, the young man in front of him casually raised his eyebrows: "I just want you to taste the things you created with your own hands."

The director's face suddenly froze.

His face was frozen in two emotions, ecstasy and fear, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly, making his face look distorted and terrifying.

His body began to tremble uncontrollably: "No... no... please..."

"You... you should kill me..." The director raised his twitching fingers, tried to grab the hand of the young man in front of him, and pleaded in horror.

However, Ge Xiu avoided:

"Why should I kill you?"

He casually raised his hand, patted the director's sweaty and cold cheek, and raised a soft smile on his lips:

"Injustice has a head and a debt has its owner, right?"

After speaking, Ge Xiu stood up and took two steps back.

The man who had been silent since just now stepped forward, leaned down, and flicked the director's bulging temple with his fingers.

His fingers were very cold, like ice. The moment he touched his skin, the director only felt an irresistible dizziness. He was pulled by a powerful force and dragged to a darker place. , before he even had time to shout out the first syllable, he was already swallowed by the endless darkness.

When he opened his eyes, the scene in front of him had completely changed.

The endless piles of rubbish are piled up into tall hills. Everywhere you can see is covered with all kinds of rancid rubbish, which fermented in the high temperature into a stench like a biological weapon. Through the gloomy and thin atmosphere, you can see it. Not far from the extinct stars, and the huge starship that stayed in mid-air to block the sky, this garbage-covered planet was lifeless, like a corner abandoned by the world.

The sight was so familiar.

He used to work day and night with so many staff just to create the most horrific and most human-wrenching environment.

The director shivered uncontrollably. He turned his head and looked around in horror at the surrounding environment. At this moment, a cold mechanical female voice came from above his head:

"Welcome to Punishment World One: Junk Star."

no... no no no no no...

The director murmured.

His eyes were filled with madness, he raised his hand and touched a sharp stone beside him, and slammed it into his throat—

However, in the next second, a terrifying, almost violent electric current swept in, directly acting on the spiritual body, but it had the right strength to ensure that he would endure the greatest pain without falling into a coma.

After an unknown amount of time, the director finally recovered from this terrible pain.

However, the scene in front of him was no different from before.

As far as the eye can see, it is an endless rolling mountain of garbage, and the rotten waste that cannot see the color emits an unpleasant and disgusting smell.

Like the embodiment of the boundless hell, it is dull, desperate, and there is no way out.

He raised his hand tremblingly and touched his throat—

The touch is smooth and complete without any wounds.

Despair hits like a landslide and tsunami.

Suddenly, at this moment, a low male voice rang in his ears, distant and unfamiliar, calm as if without the slightest emotion: "Please don't try to commit suicide again."

"Also, I made some innocuous changes to each script, and the game was enjoyable."


The man on the ground fell into a deep coma, his face twisted and his limbs twitched continuously.

Ge Xiu retracted his gaze, stood up, and patted the dust on his body.

At this time, the sound of the exchange of fire in the sky in the distance has completely stopped, and the defense device that is stubbornly guarding this land has completely lost its effect.

Across the top floor of the shattered, but still barely supported building, the whistling sound of the huge ship as it approached could be heard.

Here comes the Leviathan.

The next second, I saw the wall in front of me being pulled by some kind of force, and collapsed with a bang, revealing the awe-inspiring dark night outside. The icy wind whipped up gunpowder smoke and the smell of blood poured in, rolling up Ge Xiu's hair and clothes. The horns swayed like a torn flag in the ruins and the night.

The huge ship with mottled surface slowly descended, and the hull reflected the faint luster of metal. Only with a "chi" sound, the ship's hatch slowly opened.

Ge Xiu raised his hand and gathered his hair in front of his eyes, then turned to look at the man standing beside him.

—The only one of his kind in this world, half-length, the friend who has known the longest, the most tacit comrade-in-arms, and…

future partner.

His voice was blown away by the strong wind: "Go?"

Isis slightly raised the corners of his lips, and the sharp facial contours became extraordinarily soft in the night. The dark and deep eyes were fixedly staring at the young man standing beside him. The bottom of his eyes reflected the other's shrunken face, as if his eyes were full of heart. , the whole world is each other.

He gave a low "um", the corners of his lips raised involuntarily, and he asked softly:

"Where do you want to go?"

In the light and shadow of the dividing line between darkness and light, Ge Xiu showed a pure and heartfelt smile: "The end of the world?"

"… it is good."

Isis laughed too.

He stretched out his hand and took Gexiu's hand - this time, the other party didn't shake it off, but gently shook it back.

There was a gust of wind in the night, and the fingers of the two were clasped in the most intimate way, their palms were touching, and their fingertips were intertwined, as if they would never let go—

till the end of the world.

-End of full text-

The author has something to say: The text is over!

Thank you for being willing to walk with me for so long, I am really happy!

Although the road has been difficult, they will always be happy!

ps: don't worry! After that, there will be some extras and sweet daily routines!

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