Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 24: Ragnarok


Ge Xiu stayed in this world for a total of five years.

He drove the Leviathan to an unknown galaxy that was desolate and civilized, and the wreckage of the Alliance expansion war was left far behind.

They crossed the edge of the world known to mankind, and the wider sea of stars waited quietly in the distance.

Five years are almost fleeting.

They have witnessed black holes tearing stars apart, galaxy orbits colliding, supernova explosions and annihilations, and their lives have been hanging by a thread.

Until the god of death approached, the life in Ge Xiu was drained little by little.

His organs were surely heading for inevitable failure and collapse, with the loss of mobility first, followed by vision, followed by the collapse of the circulatory system, the respiratory organs, and then the heart, with the last ounce of loss in his chest. pulsating energy.

he died.

According to his last wish, Ge Xiu's body was cremated, and his ashes were sprinkled into the galaxy.

After his consciousness fell into pure darkness, a long-lost metallic sound suddenly sounded in his ears—cold, without the slightest human emotion, which only appeared on the first day he entered this world.

[The Punishment World One has been completed.]

[After testing, the total value of the punished evildoer is 1156 points, the evildoing points have been eliminated by 6 points, and the remaining 1150 points.]


The presiding judge's voice was full of disbelief. He stared at the mental report in front of him and could hardly believe his eyes.

He could hardly control his volume: "Six o'clock??? How is that possible???"

The executive officer of the inquisition was silent, and lowered his forehead covered in cold sweat.

After all, even he couldn't believe that this data actually existed.

What does six o'clock mean

After spending five years in the world of punishment, the base value will be deducted by 5 points. However, apart from that, the punishment and torture that Gexiu has received is only a measly 1 point.

This is punishing the world! Not for vacation!

The presiding judge's face was extremely ugly, and he said coldly to the executive officer: "Why did he do evil at the point where he exceeded the threshold? I want detailed data."

The executive hurriedly operated on the optical brain and called up the relevant data as quickly as possible.

His face paled:

"According to statistics, 23.3% of the pain value comes from boredom caused by restricted personal freedom, and the remaining 76.7%, come, come from... "

The presiding judge raised his brows and urged impatiently, "Huh?"

The executive swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and finally said in a loud voice: "...It's a tooth decay."

The air quickly fell into extreme silence and stagnation.

This is to say that Ge Xiu has been happily playing in the world of punishment for five years, and the only main source of pain value that exceeds the normal threshold... is actually dental caries.

The presiding judge stood up angrily, gritted his teeth and roared:

"I want all his statistics in this punishing world! I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a voice not far away: "I'm very sorry."

A plain-looking man in uniform walked out slowly from behind the executive's work platform, and said quietly, "You do not have permission to review the above data."

The presiding judge stared at him coldly and said bluntly, "Ge Xiu is a prisoner under the jurisdiction of the Interstellar Inquisition."

The man looked back lightly, with a calm expression on his face:

"However, the Pandora project related to this is the property of the whole planet."

The presiding judge stared at him a few times, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Finally, he looked away and gave in: "But this trend cannot be let go."


The man nodded in agreement: "So when the data of the punishment world came out, we started to analyze and calculate without stopping."

He turned on his portable intellectual brain, briefly touched the screen twice with his finger, and sent a document to the presiding judge's official brain, and then continued: "We think the problem is mainly in the initial punishment world and the real world. The degree of similarity is too high, so we re-constructed Punishment World II based on this experience, which is our final decision.”

The presiding judge hurriedly glanced at the light screen in front of him, his eyes occasionally fixed on some key areas, and after reading, his expression finally eased.

He nodded reluctantly:

"Just follow this plan for now."

The man slowly turned off the screen of Zhinao, and seemed not surprised by the result. He nodded and saluted: "Thank you for your support and approval."

The presiding judge frowned and watched for a long time the back of the man who was steadily leaving. When the other party left his sight, he finally couldn't help but scolded in a low voice: "The pretentious bastard of the Security Bureau."

[The virtual world is being generated...]

[Transmission completed]

Ge Xiu struggled on the edge of suffocation. Under the weight of layers of blood and stickiness, his five senses and six senses were occupied by the thick rust stench, as if it was going to penetrate every inch of his skin into his bones and internal organs.

Finally, he got rid of the swampy pulling and dragging around him and struggled to get out.

Ge Xiu coughed hoarsely, while wiping the half-dried blood covering his eyes, nose and nose, the dry and cold air swept through his trachea like a blade and rushed into his chest.

The taste of copper spreads in the mouth, and it is unclear whether it is from the body or the body.

He stumbled to a stand, blinked, and looked around at the world around him through the black and red eyelashes that were condensed into tufts.

A blood-red crescent moon hangs above his head.

The steep and sharp edge of the abyss cuts the sky into two distinct halves, the narrow antenna is dyed a silent dark red by the moonlight, and where the moonlight cannot illuminate, the thick and ominous darkness surges and rolls, and the thick smell of blood is almost solidified.

very quiet.

There was no human voice, no airflow, only the sticky sound of the blood swamp underfoot flowing in the dark night.

A familiar voice sounded in my ears: "Welcome to Punishment World II: Calvary."

Ge Xiu tried to move his limbs, and a dull pain pierced through his bones. He grimaced and took a deep breath:

"Wait, I have a few questions..."

The dried blood clots fell rustling with his movements and reintegrated into the sticky blood swamp under his feet.

The tone of the punitive transformation system was calm: "Please say it."

Ge Xiu took a deep breath and slowly looked around at the darkness around him. His eyes stayed on the blood moon hanging above his head for a few seconds, and finally asked in a hoarse voice:

"… What the hell is this place?"

In his field of vision, every inch of the air here is filled with some kind of strange substance, gloomy and sticky, pressing down heavily, making him almost breathless - completely different from the last punishment world .

But when Ge Xiu moved his fingers, what touched his skin was the texture of ordinary air.

It can be seen, but it cannot be touched and felt.

Just like the undetectable laser light trails and scanning networks in the last punishment world.

Probably some strange form of energy

Ge Xiu was a little unsure.

However, this kind of strange feeling that he was in some kind of jelly-like sticky substance, but couldn't touch anything, made Ge Xiu really uncomfortable. He frowned slightly, waiting for the answer from the transformation system.

"Insufficient permissions to answer."

- As expected.

Ge Xiu sighed, probably because he had been too comfortable in the previous world and annoyed the tribunal.

So stingy.

He grunted inwardly, and then changed the question to follow the flow: "So, what determines the length of time I stay in each world? I stayed in the last world for five years, what about this world? There is a time limit. ?"

"The base value of the time spent in the world of punishment is ten years, and the specific period will be adjusted appropriately according to the state of the punished."

It's almost the same as Ge Xiu's guess.

The voice didn't stop, and continued: "Because your reformation progress in the first punishment world was extremely backward and your repentance attitude was extremely poor, the difficulty of this virtual world will be greatly increased. Please correct your posture and cooperate with the reformation. ."

Then fell silent.

No matter how much Ge Xiu asked, the other party never made a sound.

It seemed that was all he could ask.

Ge Xiu pulled his leg out of the blood swamp and walked to the shore with difficulty. The blood shell covered by his clothes cracked and peeled off with his movements, revealing the indistinguishable color of the fabric underneath.

He looked down at himself.

This time, the body is slender and slender, and the bones are well-proportioned. Although it is still not particularly strong and strong, there is no disease or disaster. It is much better than the bony bones of the previous world.

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Isn't it more difficult? Why is the physical condition so good this time

In the next second, he seemed to feel something, and looked up at the blood moon in the sky.

The blood-red waning moon did not know when it rose to the top, and it hung upright in the dark gap of the abyss, and the cold dark red spread silently.

A bloody arc was reflected in Ge Xiu's eyes.

Almost instantly, a bone-eroding pain rose from the depths of his spinal cord.

Ge Xiu was caught off guard and fell to the ground, his cold, sweaty forehead smashed into the bloody soil, he gritted his teeth, and his mind went blank in an instant.

The scorching pain squirmed out from the gap between his bones, biting at his nerves and texture, and swiftly swept through his body like electric sparks, as if tearing every inch of his skin and reorganizing it. Was twisted into a ball in an instant.

Ge Xiu's eyes were scarlet, he gritted his teeth, and there was only one clear thought in his mind that was torn apart by the pain:

Sure enough... ! !

The blood moon above his head is like a ruthless eye, quietly looking down at the bottom of the abyss, the dim red light outlines the twitching and trembling body of the young man.

On the pale skin that was not covered by clothes and blood stains, the dark red lines turned from shallow to dark, gradually became clearer, and emerged along the lines of the skeletal texture, forming a giant totem that was strange and beautiful.

The pain seemed to never end.

I don't know how long it took, the severe pain that shattered bones and muscles finally disappeared, and the scary red and dazzling totem on his body slowly faded, and gradually restored the original color of the skin.

As if every ounce of energy in his body had been evacuated, Ge Xiu lay on his back in the mud, his chest heaving violently.

The heavy cold sweat had soaked his whole body, the sweat mixed with the melted blood, and washed down his face with white marks.

He looked at the waning moon hanging high in the sky.

The blood moon shifted slightly from the previous angle, and was cut by the sharp and sharp edge of the abyss.

Nerve hallucinations of pain still swept across Geshou's body from time to time, and his torso seemed to be crushed by a boulder, barely able to lift a finger.

Ge Xiu controlled his breathing, slowly inhaling and exhaling.

His brain became clearer after being baptized by pain, and he began to analyze and think about his current situation.

This pain is certainly not without a reason, but the punishment system does not reveal any information to him except the name of the world, then the law of this pain, and even the reason must be explored by him.

Gexiu wasn't naive enough to think that this pain would only happen once.

But it was so fucking painful.

At this moment, he felt that, in addition to the pain, there was a numbness and itching from the palm he pressed on the ground.

Ge Xiu raised his hand with difficulty, his whole body trembled as he affected more pain nerves.

He cursed lowly and looked down.

The part that was covered by the mud just now was corroded and a layer of flesh was corroded, and the blood was dripping bright red, and slowly merged along the slope below him into the blood swamp he just climbed out of.

… is corrosive.

Ge Xiu defined without hesitation in his heart, and there was not even the slightest surprise in his heart.

He even got a little admiration.

—As expected of a world with increased difficulty.

Ge Xiu thought as he struggled to drag himself out of the silt, then stumbled to his feet.

However, before he could stand up straight, he saw a faint change in the viscous darkness in front of him.

The tension in the air is palpable.

The thick darkness condensed into an almost fluid thickness, nearly a hundred times thicker than the jelly-like air around him, slowly approaching Ge Xiu with a dangerous and fatal sense of depression.

A nauseating stench wafted out.

Where the moonlight can't shine, there is a sticky squirming sound, as if some strange creature is approaching step by step.

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, staring fixedly at the direction from which the voice came.

The next second, a terrifying behemoth appeared under the moonlight. It seemed to be a monster built of blood and bones. The uneven surface was covered with slow surging blood foam. The position suddenly came out, and the stench of mucus dripped on the ground with its movements, and every position it walked was corroded, making a slight "sizzling" sound in the silence.

Ge Xiu's eyes fell on the blood swamp under his body, and he was shocked.

He rolled forward on the spot, avoiding the huge tentacles poking out from the blood swamp behind him, his body that had not yet recovered from the pain trembled slightly in the extreme tension and cold, and then fell to the ground in a panic.

The place where he woke up was actually the monster's lair!

The monster slowly turned around and continued to move in his current direction. All the blood swamps on the ground began to boil violently, the stench of blood foam surged up, and countless tentacles made of bones and blood sludge crawled out of the swamp. , crawling towards Ge Xiu's feet.

Overwhelming, densely packed.

Dangerous and evil breaths take over the air, but it doesn't seem to be in a hurry, like a predator playing leisurely with its prey.

Nowhere to run, no escape.

Ge Xiu calmly shifted his gaze, streaked across the sky from the ground, and finally landed on the huge monster in front of him who was slowly approaching him.

His expression was unexpectedly calm, and there was a kind of almost pure curiosity and thirst for knowledge in his eyes, as if a child with a strong thirst for knowledge was looking at the toy in his hand with interest.

It's as if what you're facing is not a terrifying and deadly monster, but just some kind of unusual landscape.

The monster was irritated by his fearless attitude, and the wriggling tentacles on the ground sped up several times, rushing towards the extremely small and thin human being in front of him, as if it could tear his body apart in the next second and drink him thirsty. The blood flowing in the thin body.

Its viscous body surface cracked a huge hole, and the white bones flashed cold light in the blood, as if opening a large mouth of blood, and the highly corrosive liquid dripped on the ground , instantly melted into a deep pothole, and then rushed towards him quickly.

Ge Xiu raised the corners of his lips, revealing a slightly excited smile.

There was a scorching dark fire jumping and stirring in his eyes, like the sparkling moonlight reflected on the dark sea.

The young man smiled and spread his arms without dodging or dodging.

In the next second, the monster composed of foul-smelling blood plasma and rotten bones instantly engulfed his figure.

The bottom of the abyss suddenly quieted down.

The tentacles twisting and wriggling on the ground slowly slid back into the blood swamp, and the contented monster retreated into the darkness. After the faint, sticky sound of the tumbling waves died away, the ground was once again enveloped in a false serenity.

Only half of the waning moon is left to look down coldly.

Possibly the first person in the world to be swallowed by a monster, Gexiu wasn't insane.

Actually he was very awake.

Of course, it's also very completely crazy.

After all, the worst is nothing but death, and at best it's just to play with another world of punishment. In addition, Ge Xiu is very sure that the punishment system will not create a world specially, just to torture him for two or three hours.

- About 50% sure...


The feeling of being digested by monsters is amazing.

As if one head was plunged into scalding boiling water, the skin covering the surface was instantly corroded and melted by mucus, and then the muscle fibers beneath it, the moment the blood vessels burst, the hungry corrosive liquid sucked all the gushing blood. , greedily grabbing every trace of the delicious juice in the limbs.

However, if you compare it carefully, this feeling is really nothing compared to the pain just now.

It was even a relief for his limbs, which were feeling phantom pain from the end of the twitch.

Ge Xiu raised his head with difficulty in the mucus package, "looking" to the place not far above his head.

Saying "see" isn't entirely accurate.

Especially when his eyelids and eyeballs have been dissolved, but he can actually "see" everything around him, clearly and completely.

This feeling is really new.

Ge Xiu could see that the strange substance in the air that he had just noticed seemed to be highly compressed and purified, condensed into a dark solid beside him, mixed in the viscous corrosive liquid, eroding and chewing his own. Body, Ge Xiu can even clearly see the appearance of his own vitality being absorbed.

Everything around him was a deep and shallow thick gray-black, only not far above his head, a piece of crimson flesh was stirring regularly.

When it was outside the monster just now, it was wrapped in thick flesh and bones, and with visual interference, Ge Xiu wasn't sure what he saw.

I just vaguely know what I seem to "see".

But the exact location and shape are unknown.

But now, with the eyes unable to function, Gexiu can finally feel everything clearly—

Its throbbing, slick surface, its bright crimson color, the way the muscles tangle with each other, the sinuous veins, and the faint heat radiating slowly toward the outer edge.

Ge Xiu stretched out his hand, and his fingertips struggled to pass under the package of digestive juice.

The skin and flesh quickly peeled off Sen Bai's bones, the nerves were exposed, and then quickly dissolved, leaving only the hard and slender bones in the end.

The surging dark shadows around him seemed to sense something, and began to struggle frantically, pulling Ge Xiu's body with the fastest chewing, trying to stop his attempts, but whenever it touched the boy's chest, it always kept going. It was forced back by some unknown force - some kind of bright red totem covered the depths of his body, preventing the erosion of external substances.

Finally, he was melted to the point where only bones were left, and he slowly touched the crimson flesh that was throbbing in front of him.

There was a faint roar of anger in his ears, as if everything around him was shaking and fluctuating because of it.

But Gossi couldn't hear.

After all, he had lost his hearing.

He just raised his head, looked at the warm flesh in front of him intently, and then slowly inserted his sharp fingertips into it, tightening it tightly, holding it, and squeezing it.

The temperature radiated by the chunks of meat was slowly sensed again.

The next second, the warm warm current flowed down his fingertips to the whole body.

It's just like…

It was as if he was absorbing the energy inside the opponent's body.

The status seemed to be reversed in an instant.

Predators become prey. The digested in turn digested the other.

Everything was trembling, everything was trembling, the earth-shattering sense of weightlessness spread, and the floating and surging undercurrent wrapped around Ge Xiu's body in which it rose and fell weakly.

Those dark and stagnant strange substances were drawn into Gexiu's body by invisible forces, rushed into his body like a tide, and then quickly deconstructed and reorganized to build blood, muscles, nerves, and skin—

The monster struggled desperately in the moonlight, roaring, tumbling in despair, and the blood swamp on the ground was boiling with its madness, but there was nothing to do, its ugly and juicy body seemed to be flying at a speed visible to the naked eye. Shrinking and dissolving, like the residual snow that quickly melted under the noon sun.

The hard bones fell to the ground, and the viscous blood that could no longer seep into the ground.

Finally, with a loud crack, the massive body as tall as a hill collapsed, revealing the only thing in its center that maintained its shape.

A naked boy stood in a pool of boiling blood.

Drops of blood splashed like a heavy rain, but not a single drop remained on his skin.

Only the dim red moonlight poured down quietly, covering his white body with a pale blood-colored frost.

Beneath the abyss, the young man stood quietly in the middle of this silent killing, holy and clean, like a holy relic.