Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 29: Ragnarok


The blood moon disappeared from the dark precipitous tip of the cliff, and a faint reddish tinge remained in the narrow ray of sky overhead.

A silver-gray shadow passed through the gradually darkening shadow, like a silent and fast breeze, sliding past the gap between the rock wall and the ground.

Thick dark elements flowed through the fur, leaving a burning pain in the unhealed wound.

The strong muscles that had not been active for a long time produced exciting soreness when they contracted and stretched, which stimulated his nerves, and the blood rushed through the body quickly, rushing past the edge of the ear like a river, and a current-like excitement surged.

Eleno would occasionally stop abruptly.

He raised his head and sniffed the air, and his fluffy, pointed ears twitched alertly, catching the slightest fluctuations in the air.

That human has done a wonderful job of covering up his whereabouts.

This made his tracking very difficult.

Fortunately, the bottom of the abyss is calm, and there are fewer creatures infested, resulting in the subtle traces being created that will stay longer than usual.

Eileen sniffed a rock protruding from the wall, and then rushed out again like a shadow.

The raw excitement of tracking and hunting made his pupils dilate, like a bottomless black hole in the scorching gold, shining with some kind of fierce and cruel wild brilliance.

Elano could feel that the distance between them was shortening.

He cautiously avoided areas with more dark elements to avoid encountering other creatures from the bottom of the abyss and to prevent himself from being dominated by the desire to hunt.

More and more details remain in the air and on the ground.

Sometimes it's a few drops of dried blood that hasn't been licked off, sometimes it's a half-broken bone blade discarded in the cracks of the rock, or even a half-bone remnant that has been eaten by other creatures. In addition to the tooth marks on the bones, precise and cruel anatomical marks can be seen on the bone surface.

During a focused run, the speed at which time passes is almost imperceptible.

The blood moon rose and set, and once again shed its indifferent and bloody brilliance on the ground.

In the heavy darkness where the moonlight could not be illuminated, the creatures were walking through Xixisuoso, the cruel gnawing and disgusting swallowing sounds were amplified by the dead silence under the abyss, and unknown monsters moved their ugly bodies. The bottom of the entire abyss seemed to be alive again.

Elano jumped onto a dangling rock, the incomplete blood moon reflected in his eyes.

He sniffed the air.

Familiar taste.

That human is nearby.

He continued to jump towards the heights, and finally, behind an extremely hidden rock, Elinor smelled a trace of abnormal fluctuations in the dark element. He nimbly jumped in the direction the wave came from, and at the moment of landing, he noticed a strange aura of attack and jumped back sharply—but his current size was still too small, and he was still automatically set by the ground. The bounced dark element hurt the front paws.

Eileen licked his burnt paw pads, and light charred marks were printed on the soles of his feet.

He looked there. The barrier formed by the dark elements was cut open by the sharp claws he subconsciously stretched out.

The claws of the Fenrir family have always been astoundingly sharp. After three long changing armors, their claws can cut through magic, interrupt chants, and any physical and magical defenses can be easily pierced and torn apart, and he, as the leader of the Fenrir family If it wasn't for being deprived of his divine status and forced to return to his infancy, his claws could even tear open space and cut off cause and effect.

This time it was a complete surprise.

Leno lowered his head and smelled the human body temperature slowly escaping from the gap. The warm, sweet smell of flesh and blood radiated warmly.

Lively, vigorous and full of vitality.

He squatted on the rock, his tail no longer restlessly swept over his paws.

But, beyond that, there was a strange aura leaking out from the slits, and dark and evil whispers of temptation surged in the air, stirring the primal desire for bloodthirsty and fighting.

Leno looked up at the sky.

The blood-colored moon had already been climbed into the sky at this moment, and the ominous scarlet moonlight sprinkled on the rocks, showing a fluid-like texture.

He could even hear the suppressed painful gasps that were blocked in the barrier, thin and forbearing, like a soft feather brushing past.

With Leno retracting his gaze, his golden vertical pupils stared straight at the thick, thick darkness in front of him.

Creepy grunts and movements came from all directions, rustling close, eyes lurking in the dark greedy and hungry, like a drop of blood falling into a sea full of sharks, the dark waters tumbling and surging , lurking unknown dangers and vicious prying eyes.

Elinor sat on the rock, sculpturally indifferent.

The silver-grey hair was covered with a light blood film by the moonlight, flowing down the curve of his smooth body.

The desire to fight was aroused by the strange breath floating in the air, and it quickly burned through the body like a flame along the flow of blood, as if every musculoskeletal crunched excitedly, uttering agitated and exhilarating whispers.

He didn't seem ready to leave.

A dark monster with stinky mucus flowing down finally lost its patience. It roared and rushed out of the darkness. Its ugly and huge body was extremely agile. Driven by instinct, it rushed unscrupulously in front of it. A seemingly harmless young wolf.

There was a cruel and pleasant excitement in Leno's golden eyes.

He avoided the opponent's attack with amazing skill, his sharp claws cut through the air from a tricky angle, cut open the opponent's belly mercilessly, and then turned lightly and gracefully, silently on the rock wall fell on another protruding rock.

There was not a trace of blood splattered on the thick and smooth fur like running water.

The monster struggled, neighing in pain, greasy viscera gushed out with the ripped open mouth, and a few dirty tentacles full of sarcomas and nodules stretched out from the corner, pushing the still-screaming one. The monster was dragged back into the darkness where it came. Immediately, the sound of the body being torn and crushed mixed with the indistinct chewing sound came from that direction, and the strange swallowing sound sounded from all around, making the scalp numb.

The roar of the monster stopped.

The surroundings fell into an ominous stillness once again, and every minute and every second contained the terrifying tranquility before the storm struck.

Elano jumped back to the rock just now.

The red and rough tongue licked the fangs that were about to move, and the stench of blood dripped from the tips of the claws pressed against the rock, dripping on the pale and cold ground.

He arched his back, his sharp white fangs shone with a faint cold light, and his vertical pupils rolled with violent and fierce fighting intent.

At this time an unquestionable guardian gesture.

The blood moon hanging high is like a ruthless eye, quietly looking down at the brutal killing that broke out under the abyss.

The dull sound of the flesh crashing, the blood spurting from the minions tearing apart the flesh, the sharp and malicious roars and mourning resounded in the dark-covered abyss, the tragic fighting atmosphere spread along with the rich and stench of blood, in the quiet and bleak place. Intertwined, entwined, and ascended under the bloody moonlight.

The waning moon gradually shifted.

The scarlet meniscus moved closer to the jagged broken wall, and the dark, dreadful aura gradually weakened, and was slowly weakened and settled by the air.

The ground has been stained red with blood, and the pale rock wall that is almost perpendicular to the ground is covered with splashes of blood. The ugly and strange mutilated limbs and steaming internal organs are shocking in the dim moonlight, and a few broken tentacles. Rolling and struggling in a pool of blood, sharp tooth marks remained on the cross section.

The wolf pup, whose fur was wet with blood, stood on a high rock, and the scorching breath escaped from its sharp teeth dripping with blood, and condensed into a white mist in the icy air, and its body was covered with scars. , a pair of splendid and cold golden pupils were gradually filled with red feverish fighting intent, with a bloodthirsty desire to choose and devour others, looking down at the messy ground below the rock.

Monsters peeped from the surrounding darkness.

The blessings of the moonlight and smell have gradually disappeared, and they looked at the scarred little wolf cautiously and warily, but the hungry desire aroused by the smell of blood in their bodies was still urging them to come forward.

Elano spat blood and minced meat from his mouth. The body still wriggling on the rock wall and the ground exudes an irresistible breath, sliding down his mouth and nose into the chest cavity, stimulating the secretion of saliva, the cruel taste of the bloody battle stimulates its original animal nature and appetite, Every cell in his body seemed to be clamoring for hunger, his vision was dyed red, and his sight fell uncontrollably on the dying monster on the ground.

His mouth was still aching from the rich dark elements, but his body was already eager to admit their entry.

At this moment, the barrier behind him disappeared without warning, and the familiar breath of mankind suddenly appeared behind him, enveloped him warmly.

Leno's eyes were clear for a moment, and he turned to look.

The boy stood under the blood moon that was gradually disappearing at the tip of the cliff. The scarlet moonlight fell on his shoulders. He stood against the back light, as if stepping out of the darkness.

He quietly swept across the mess in front of him, and he didn't seem to be surprised, and his eyes didn't even stop. His gaze was fixed on the little wolf standing on the rock wall, and his expression was almost gentle. Then, he stretched out his hand to the little wolf, his clean palm facing upwards, and a faint blood red mark on his pale and fragile wrist. Slowly disappear, making a hugging gesture.

Elano stared at him.

In an instant, muscle pain and amazing exhaustion hit him like a wave, and the destruction and assimilation of the dark elements made him physically and mentally exhausted.

The blood-stained world slackened and disintegrated at the edge of his vision, and the ground was approaching him at an unstoppable speed.

Immediately afterwards, a warm embrace caught him.

Everything fell into darkness.

Ge Xiu looked at the little wolf in his arms, touched the top of its head with his palms, and groped down his spine, carefully avoiding the still bleeding scars, rubbing the delicate fluff between his wings, his fingers lightly. Walk lightly through its blood-stained fur, then stroke its tailbone, sinking fingertips into its corroded tail.

He raised his head, the expression on his face was excessively calm.

The low-level abyss monsters with low intelligence saw that the beasts with sharp claws and fangs were replaced by human beings who were thin and weak, and roared excitedly. Only some monsters with relatively high intelligence looked at the young man. Body shape, scarlet pupils flashing fearful expressions, in their poor and poor minds, they barely have a vague impression of this insidious and vicious, yet seemingly intimidating human beings, the physiological subconscious fear makes them a little bit. back -

The blood-colored moonlight was gradually swallowed by the tip of the cliff. The boy's chin was sharpened, pale as paper, and his deep eyes were hidden in the darkness.

There was fire burning in his eyes, but his vision was cold, as if a storm was brewing in the gloomy sky above the sea level.

Gossi tilted his head. His voice was soft, as if it could be blown away by a gust of wind.

But there was not a trace of flowing air under the cliff, so every word slammed into the ground heavily: "How dare you?"