Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 33: Ragnarok


The magic-driven golems and bone dragons transported a huge number of rune stones to the positions marked on the scrolls. The dark mages recited incantations in the mages tower all the time, and the huge elemental flow rushes across the wasteland, rolling and roaring like a wave.

The huge binding circle spread out, and with the injection of elements, it shimmered, almost reflecting the lightless and shadowless sky into an ominous blood red.

"Found him."

Melville's eyes snapped open, purple pupils lit up in the darkness, gleaming with the brutal excitement of a predator.

The number of demons is rare, except for the number that must stay in the mage tower in order to maintain the formation, there are not many who can act.

However, how many powerful demons would it take to capture a human being trapped in a binding circle

A team consisting of twenty high-level demons and fifty subordinate demons set off from the mage tower and flew towards the position displayed by the magic circle. The huge black wings covered the sky and set off a strong airflow.

The leading demon is Ace.

That human has escaped from his hands once, and this time he will never allow the same thing to happen,

The wounds left by the previous encounter on his body had long since healed under the mage's treatment, but the imprint of the soul left by the punishment was still aching in the depths of his body.

This is the wound of shame.

Ace fluttered his bone wings, and the north wind wrapped in dark elements whistled past his ears. A pair of scarlet eyes tightened slightly due to the stimulation of pain and the excitement of revenge, staring at the rough and undulating horizon in the distance. .

His vision was connected to Melville, who was sitting in the mage tower, so that everything could be presented in front of the commander's eyes.

This distance is not far, especially under the rapid march of the demons, it is as short as the blink of an eye.

The position displayed by the magic circle is getting closer and closer.

In the vast wasteland with nothing at all, a small black spot can be seen standing alone in the middle, bound by a powerful binding formation from head to toe, unable to move and helplessly isolated.

There was an excited smile on Ace's lips, his wings folded, and then he swooped down!

The tiny black spot rapidly enlarged in the field of vision.

His heart pounded violently in his chest, pounding against his ribs, thumping with excitement at the impending victory.

The young man stood quietly in the empty wilderness, his shoulders were thin and slender, and his face was raised motionless, his facial features seemed a little blurred due to the distance, his pale face almost melted into the night sky, and his eyes became more and more deep and bright, as if A dark fire burned silently and enthusiastically at the bottom of the abyss.

The scarlet lines are completely clear, hugging and wrapping his slender pale limbs like vines, stretching out from the neckline with claws and claws, the extreme color impact looks more and more thrilling in the dark.

The wind whistled and pulled his hair, which had grown to his shoulders, as if it were a pitch-black flag.

Just then, the boy raised his hand.

- He can move!

This is impossible!

Ace's heart was horrified, and the speed of the dive suddenly slowed down - such a powerful restraint spell, as long as it is trapped in it, there is no...

get away...


The bone wings that stretched behind him seemed to be sealed by cement, the bones and blood solidified, and every joint in his body was instantly frozen. The shackles of her, like looking directly at Medusa's eyes, feeling every inch of her skin petrify and stiffen, until it pauses alive.

It was as if time stood still here.

The demons with wings on their backs are like specimens frozen in ice, nailed to the sky that is dyed dim red, only the eyes widened in horror can see that they are still living species.

The palm of the boy raised in the air is slender and slender, the carpal bones protruding from the skin, and the lines are graceful and smooth.

It looks so beautiful and so fragile.

He smiled and suddenly folded his fingers.

"Dang bang bang!"

The demons hanging in the air were smashed into the soil like puppets whose ropes had been cut short.

at the same time.

Melville, who was sitting inside the mage tower, was shocked and stared at the scene in front of him that was almost beyond his comprehension. Running on the ground, the elements are continuously replenished into the formation with the chanting of the spell, but it is like a mud cow entering the sea, without any effect. In the mirror image, the young man still moves without any hindrance.

How could this be

Melville's face was ashen, and he suddenly seemed to think of something, and turned his head to look at the mage behind him.

The dark purple pupils tightened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Magic puppet!"

During the entire search process, only the core magic stone of the golem was replaced with a magic stone that could be directly connected to the mage!

And almost the entire process of setting up the magic circle is completed by golems and bone dragons.

That human must have touched the magic circle in the process!

But... It is almost impossible to accomplish the influence on such a large number of Golems!

It is impossible for the opponent's control level of the dark elements to have such a terrifying increase!


Melville stood up at an almost panicked speed, rushed to the table full of parchment and flipped it. Finally, he found the long scroll with the deduction process and prediction diagrams written on it. The moon rising below the horizon for comparison—

His face contorted and his expression became extremely terrifying.

The calculation is still wrong in the end.

The full moon night came earlier than everyone expected.


Just tonight.


Spellstones are really interesting things.

It's more like a machine than magic.

The incantation engraved on the spar is like the core code, and the dark element contained in the spar is the fuel.

Low-level golems are the hardest to influence because they are purely closed-circuit machines, however when they are upgraded, ports are created on the conjuration stone that can be remotely manipulated by the magician - they become controllable, changeable , can be a chess piece.

Ge Xiu looked at the immobile demons in front of him, and a happy smile passed from his lips.

How fun.

He really likes the world more and more.

At this moment, a burst of blood-red light shone from behind, casting his shadow in front of him.

If Ge Xiu felt something, he turned to look at the blood moon that was slowly rising below the horizon.

The waning moon, which was once distant and faint, has now become round and huge, like a huge scarlet eye with no friends, occupying almost half of the sky, as if you can reach out and touch it. It rose slowly and steadily from below the rough ground, and the moonlight was like a river of blood flowing on the ground, smearing the entire wilderness into a bright and dazzling blood red, making the already cruel and terrifying relics Calvary became more and more eerie.

A strange attraction came from the depths of the blood moon. The irresistible summoning made Ge Xiu almost unable to move his steps, so he could only stand there and wait.

The blood-colored moonlight smeared his cheeks, dyeing his eyes red.

At this moment, a very distinct pulling sensation came from his feet.

Ge Xiu snapped back to his senses and looked at his feet in the direction the force came from. The little wolf was tearing and pulling at his trousers with his sharp teeth, as if he wanted to drag him in which direction. Flickering with indescribable eagerness.

Yes, it has to go now. If you wait for the group of demons to calm down and find that they have manipulated the setting of the formation by controlling the golem, it will be too late to leave at that time.

The little wolf found that Ge Xiuzhi had returned to the cage, so he let go of his trousers, turned and ran in a certain direction in the distance.

It ran a few steps, jumped on a rock, and looked back at him.

… seems to be calling him to follow.

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows, and without hesitation, he was about to raise his legs and run in the direction indicated by Little Wolf, but before he could take a step, a strong and dangerous wind came from his ears, pressing against his cheek. Swipe across, blasting the ground in front of him with a long crack, blocking the road in front of him.

He dodged to the side subconsciously, but the hair on his cheeks was still cut, and it fell in pieces.

Ge Xiu turned his head sharply.

I saw that Ace, who was still stiff and fell to the ground just now, actually stood up with the weapon in his hand. It was a sharp hook made of keel and blood thorns, and the thorns at one end were deeply embedded in his palm. Among them, the purple-black blood of the demon race dripped down the palm of his hand.

He raised his head, and under the long sharp corners, a pair of dark purple pupils shone under the blood moon. His eyes were cold and sticky, and a strange look that was almost fanatical and obsessed was suppressed in the depths of his eyes, which snaked up like a snake, entwining the human beings not far away.

Ge Xiu looked strange: "You are not him."

Only the caster of development can ignore the binding effect of the formation.

His eyes were shining, and he looked him up and down with an expression of almost enthusiastic curiosity, as if to cut open the other's skin with his own eyes, and study his musculoskeletal and visceral structure in detail: "It's interesting. , so how did you do it?"

The purple-eyed demon had already stood up completely, and his posture and expression had an unusual cruelty and arrogance, which was completely different from before.

He smiled and said:

"It's just a side effect of Soul Branding, which can give the applicator a series of interesting advantages."

Ge Xiu's eyes brightened, and the corners of his lips twitched in uncontrollable excitement: "So are you controlling him remotely? Or... his body holds your soul?"

The demons raised their eyebrows in surprise, and looked at the human in front of them with scrutiny eyes. The common language, which was originally difficult to spell, became extremely proficient and precise, with a slightly exotic and wonderful tone in the pronunciation, smooth and elegant like velvet: "Look. Come on you know a lot about this... I can hardly believe you've never been trained in magic - so, did you figure this out on your own? Including hacking and manipulating my golem?"

Ge Xiu blinked and said with a smile: "If you don't want to be invaded, you should spend more time on it."

The contempt and arrogance in his words froze the smile on Melville's lips.

However, he quickly restrained his excess emotions, saluted Ge Xiu gracefully, and introduced himself:

"First meeting. You can call me Melville."

Ge Xiu didn't answer, just turned his head to look east.

The Castle of Esther was standing in that direction.

The dark elements were drawn out from the side like a thin trickle and rushed towards the magic city.

A few seconds later, Ge Xiu withdrew his gaze, his eyes fell on the purple-eyed demon clan in front of him again, and an innocent and innocent smile appeared on his lips: "Although I really want to know more about each other with you, But I don't seem to have much time left this time - after all, others seem to be working hard to cut off the elements in the vacuum circle."

Melville did indeed play the idea. Evacuate the elements in the array, and the binding array will naturally fail, and all the demons who cannot move will naturally return to their original state.

This is the most foolproof method.

After all, at this stage, he can no longer bear the consequences of failure.

But obviously, this method no longer works.

That leaves only one way to go.

Melville straightened the smile on his lips, and the frenzied light in his pupils became more and more fiery, almost impossible to hide:

"Yes, time is running out."

Before the words could be said, the magic spell attacked Ge Xiu with a strong wind, and the tall Demon Race instantly rose into the air, holding a sharp blade of thorns and swooping towards Ge Xiu, his lips evoking enthusiasm and addictiveness. Bloody smile:

"—so in order to avoid unnecessary pain, I suggest you don't resist."

Ge Xiu was already prepared.

He rolled to the side and used the terrain to avoid the attack. The jet-black rock on his side exploded. Countless sharp rubble and dust were raised, and the blood-colored tip of the thorn blade extended like a living creature under the moonlight. , broke through the layers of smoke and flew towards him, but was blocked by a thick elemental shield when it was about to wrap around his ankle.

Almost at the moment when it was blocked, the Demon Race's bone wings stirred, and the slender figure was like a deadly sharp blade, and it hit the front in the blink of an eye.

His purple pupils flickered with a look of certainty, and the sharp black claws stretched out towards the young man who was close at hand—

Ge Xiu stared at the jet-black pointed armor that was almost close to the tip of his nose, a secret and contemptuous smile swept across his lips quickly, and the dark eyes reflected the icy snow-like light on the tip of the blade, tearing through the clouds like lightning. The sky illuminates the bottomless abyss.

He seemed to be sneering silently.

Melville didn't have time to think, the next second, huge pressure and terrifying force came from his ankle, pulling him and falling backwards.

After being hit hard on the ground, he widened his eyes, and within sight, a tall golem pounced on him and clamped his shoulders firmly with cold robotic claws. At the edge of his sight, almost in an instant , more golems emerged.

In the sour collision of metals, the boy's indifferent voice seemed to come from a very distant place:

"...In order to avoid unnecessary pain, I suggest you don't resist."

His sarcastic smile still seemed to linger on Melville's iris.

But he had no chance to fight back.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the densely packed steel golems occupied this seemingly empty field. From behind the rocks in the distance, there were more intermediate and high-level golems rushing out. Come, the gigantic bone dragon flapped its bone wings in the air, swooping down from the distant sky, and the magic-powered skull shone with the scarlet light of the spell stone.

Like a storm, like a wave, wrapped in a terrifying power that destroys the sky and the earth, it roars in this direction and gathers.

Under this huge army of mountains and tsunamis, the slender and thin human boy seemed so fragile and small.

The corners of Ge Xiu's lips rose, and the dark pupils burned with evil and pleasant light, a kind of cruelty that was almost inhuman.

- He was the one who was delaying the time just now.

He waved his hand and commanded lightly:


At the moment when his voice fell, the army that was supposed to be controlled by Melville launched an attack on their former master with a posture of steel and certainty, with deadly and merciless moves, and the spell was gradually growing like fireworks. The ascending blood moon exploded, almost igniting this eternally dark place of skulls—they are painless, mindless machines, constantly marching toward that single goal, as if all the meaning of existence was to let the brilliance of life come from It was taken from the eyes of the demons.

Melville was wrestling with the mindless, unrelenting magical creation. The thorny blade shone with dazzling blood, cutting and slicing all the existence in front of his eyes while tossing and turning, but every time he created a gap, there would always be new golems to fill it, even those machines that were detached from the body. The stumps tried every means to attack him.

He fought hard and retreated under the impact.

As the tip of the food chain on the back of the continent, the power of the demons is far greater than those of these golem bone dragons, but this does not mean that a demon can face thousands of golems above the intermediate level!

What's even more hateful is that most of these golems were created under his orders!

Melville gritted his teeth and wanted to vomit blood. He felt an inexplicable feeling of suffocation when he tripped over his own foot, and this feeling of suffocation was in the chest of one of the golems that was close to him with his sharp claws. The incantation stone reached its peak when it was blown up by the defensive spell set in it.

and! This spell was even created by him!

It would be nice if he was in his own body. As the chief mage of the Demon Race, he could easily handle a huge range of attacks. But in the end, he was actually sitting in the mage tower hundreds of miles away, just remotely controlling Ace's body.

-Sad and abominable single-celled creatures, who only know how to fight and fight, how can element affinity be so low!

The scarlet moonlight smeared the golem's metal armor, the huge plain was like a roaring sea of blood, and the stubborn demons were like a little dark boat swaying in the blood waves, struggling to support under the impact of the storm.

The scene in front of him is so bloody and spectacular, it has an almost magical attraction.

Gossiu jumped lightly from the rock, barely glancing in that direction.

The blood moon is about to lift off, and the elements in the magic circle are gradually being evacuated. Now is the time to waste.

However, a second before the soles of his feet touched the ground, his knees suddenly softened.

Ge Xiu smashed to the ground heavily in the imbalance.

His face was suddenly snow-white, as if the blood moon around him was swept away in an instant, his teeth clenched shudderingly, and he swallowed a wailing from the depths of his throat into his stomach.

His blue-veined fingers were trembling and embedded in the ground, and the round and huge blood moon was reflected in his suddenly enlarged pupils.

The blood moon has not yet lifted off.

But the pain came early.

Ge Xiu trembled and curled up on the ground. The already clearly visible totems on his body were so bright that they seemed to be able to seep out red blood droplets. The strange lines seemed to be able to absorb his vitality and slowly twisted.

The spell controlling the golem suddenly stopped.

The blood-colored metal wave seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and all the magical creations froze in place.

The dark center suddenly burst open, and the demons jumped out of it. Although he looked embarrassed, he did not have many fatal injuries.

Melville stretched out the tip of his blood-red tongue, licked the injured lips, and then suddenly flapped the bone wings behind him and rushed towards the human curled up on the ground.

Time is running out for him.

Almost in the gap between the heartbeat and the heartbeat, the heavy breathing of the beast and the terrifying low roar sounded almost behind his ears. Although Melville was slightly sluggish due to the fierce battle just now, he did not. Without losing the instinct of the demon race, the barrier of dark elements condensed behind him, but the magical shield that was supposed to be indestructible was as fragile as a piece of paper under the opponent's claws, and it was torn apart with almost no pause.

Melville had to dodge sideways in embarrassment, but he still didn't have time to avoid the strong wind that the sharp claws struck.

Four deep visible scars spread from the back to the wings, the flesh rolled up, and purple blood dripped down the wound.

The silver-grey fur beast landed lightly and stood in front of the boy, with its back raised, its fangs exposed, and its red-gold vertical pupils had a primitive and bloody brutality in the dark, guarding it with an unquestionable protective attitude. The young man behind.

Melville stood still and raised his brows in shock, but his expression became solemn:

"Fenrir? I thought this race died out ten thousand years ago."

This ancient race is so powerful that it is said to be a monster created by the God of Creation. Their vitality is extremely powerful, and their teeth and claws can even tear apart the realm of the gods. Even, according to legend, the adult Fenrir has the power to rival the gods.

And in front of me... seems to be a cub

Melville has no time to ponder why this race that has been extinct for thousands of years will appear in Calvary.

Holding the thorn blood blade in his hand, he fluttered his wings and swooped towards the Fenrir.

Sharp blades, fangs, roars, and blood spread out under the blood moon, but as time went on, the little wolf gradually took a disadvantaged position.

It's a cub after all.

Whether it is size, strength, or speed, they are not comparable to adult demons in their prime.

The blood moon slowly climbed upwards, and the scarlet totem almost dyed the air close to Ge Xiu's skin into a deep crimson, spreading out like silk threads.

The little wolf was kicked hard in the stomach, rolled on the ground several times, and his back slammed into the hard rock.

Melville shook his hand, looked at the scarred Fenrir fearfully, and let out a deep breath.

He really didn't expect that this cub would be much more difficult than he expected. If it hadn't grown up, the outcome would be unknown.

He retracted his gaze, walked quickly to Ge Xiu's side and squatted down.

In the slightly blurred vision, Leno saw that the tall demon carefully put his arms through his legs and back, hugged the thin human boy in his arms, then stood up and turned around want to go.

He's going to take him.

He's going to take him.

The fragile white petal shards flashed before his eyes, the flame magic that exploded in the swarm of schistosomes, and the back that stood in front of him before his vision collapsed.

take away from him...

Yi Leno stretched out his scarlet tongue and rolled the residual ischemic flesh on his teeth into his mouth. The scarlet red rolled in the golden beast pupils.

Revenge and departure are now pale words without meaning in the mind.

He doesn't allow it.

Melville stirred his bone wings and was about to fly into the sky, but his calf suffered a sudden pain!

The Fenrir cub rushed over at some point, bit his calf firmly, and yanked his strong jaw forcefully, tearing off a large piece of flesh, and the purple stench of blood was splashed everywhere, Mel. Will shouted involuntarily.

It stared at the demons with its pure scarlet vertical pupils, its sharp teeth opened and closed, and it chewed the piece of meat and swallowed it.

It was an extremely hungry sight, with an almost crazy longing and obsession in it, staring at him stubbornly.

Melville was shocked, and subconsciously fluttered his wings.

However, before he could react, the human boy in his arms suddenly burst out, raised his hand to hug his shoulder, and then bit his neck fiercely with his mouth open. Pain and trembling, but deep in the abyss-like pupils, there was burning with almost wild madness and excitement, as if this moment had been waiting for. He gnawed and chewed the meat in his mouth, the purple blood completely wet his chin and front chest, and the color of the blood moon was reflected in his eyes.

Bloody, violent.

When Fenrir swallowed the piece of flesh and blood, it seemed to grow in size in an instant. It flapped its wings, opened its blood-stained mouth, and pounced again, tore off the second piece of meat fiercely—chew, and then Pharyngeal, swallowing, absorbing—power surged through its body and blood vessels, the silver-gray fur was dyed into a pitch black like thick ink at a speed visible to the naked eye, the only remaining bit of gold in the vertical pupil was covered with bright red, and the dense surrounding the body. The dark elements dance with joy, welcoming their brethren to the fullest.

This is the predator at the top of the food chain, eagerly plundering the power that belongs to it, declaring the status and spoils it should have.

Falling from the light side, he finally became the elect of darkness.

The author has something to say: Become a demon for you, fall into the dark for you, give up revenge for you