Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 51: Mermaid


Lovett lowered his eyes casually, his eyes on the palm of his hand.

The wound on the palm of the hand has been properly treated, and the white gauze is tightly wrapped around it, and the residual blood has been washed away.

He twisted his fingertips.

The soft touch of the mermaid's tongue still seems to remain on the surface of the skin, wet and cold, winding slowly like a snake, with a sense of distance and danger from aliens, like a kiss from the god of death from the deep sea.

The fingers gradually tightened, as if to hold something tightly in the palm of the hand, and the gauze slowly smeared the dark red blood, which was smudged little by little.

The young emperor stared at his injured palm calmly, as if he didn't notice the slightest pain.

His eyes darkened, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down slightly.

At this time, a thick stack of all the Siren-related materials was carefully sent to the table in front of Lovett by a servant, and then minimized the sense of existence and retreated from the room as quickly as possible—all those who could stay by his side Those who have known for a long time have known that the fickle emperor did not like to be disturbed, and they were not willing to face the possible consequences of angering each other.

Rowett retracted his gaze, raised his hand and took the stack of documents he had ordered to collect, and simply flipped through it.

The contents of these myths or legends are basically the same, and the testimonies of fishermen and sailors who claim to have seen the sirens are often just a side-by-side remark. not much difference.

These sirens are ferocious by nature, beautiful in appearance, and feed on seduced sailors.

Rowett narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, and his eyes fell on the frozen picture on the side of the screen - in the water-smudged camera lens, two arms as white as lotus roots wrapped around the victim's shoulders like vines. The long blue-purple hair that fell down was spread out on the wet ground, as if a large net seemed to capture people's eyes. Even though his throat was bitten off, blood poured out like a fountain, and the man's figure was not a little bit. signs of struggle.

The cold, wet touch on his fingers was once again clear.

Lovett threw the document back on the table, and the heavy document smashed with a loud bang.

He lowered his eyes unpredictably, raised his hand and touched the blood-stained gauze he was injured, and there was some kind of dark emotion in his heart.


It's really cheap for him to be able to leave in this way.

Lovett tapped his finger, and the monitor picture in the glass room instantly enlarged on the screen, faithfully presenting the picture it recorded—

by the pool.

Candies of various flavors are stacked into hills, and the text on the packaging varies from place to place. They are placed in crystal vessels, placed just within reach, alongside equally delicate human foods. - Obviously, the temporary owner quickly understood the peculiar taste of this mermaid, and quickly made corresponding preparations.

The bowl containing the food was mostly empty, and several torn candy bags were scattered aside.

Ge Xiu slowly licked the sweet candy ball, the sweet taste of the candy in his mouth greatly diluted the previous irritability and anxiety.

He narrowed his eyes in dissatisfaction, like a satiated cat.

Ge Xiu had already adapted to the way of moving in the water at this moment. Every curve of this body perfectly matched the waves. As long as the tail fin swayed a little, the streamlined body quickly broke through the water waves and rushed forward.

Since the merman's body temperature is lower, the sugar balls also melt relatively slowly in the mouth, and he likes the feeling.

Ge Xiu yawned drowsily, and a string of snow-white bubbles spit out from his mouth, gushing towards the surface of the water. When each bubble burst in the air, the faint fruity sweet aroma inside would be filled. Immediately released.

He swam towards the rock on which he was lying earlier, curled his tail habitually, and found a comfortable position to lie down.

Ge Xiu blinked, looking through the rippling water to a small piece of the sky exposed from the skylight.

The dark night has completely covered the twilight, leaving only a high starry sky.

The swaying water plants around him gently and slowly brushed his back and arms. The little silver fish seemed to have decided that the mermaid would not hurt them, so he boldly circled around his fish tail, Ge Xiushen. He shot and caught two or three daring little fish that swam by his cheeks. The smooth and cold touch of fish scales remained on his skin, and it seemed that the real thing could not be faked.

It is completely unimaginable that everything in front of you is just an overly realistic virtual world.

However, Ge Xiu saw with his own eyes the appearance of everything turned into data, like an illusory and grand bubble, which instantly vanished after a light poke, leaving only a barren and empty nothingness.


that person.

Ge Xiu opened his hand, and the little fish that was rampaging in the package in his palm finally found a way out, and hurriedly swam to the distance, joining their partners.

He is not sure where the people who expressed kindness to him in the previous two worlds came from, why the emperor in this world would help him in the predicament, and he has a relationship with the characters in the other two worlds. What inner connection... But what Gorshu was vaguely certain of was that it all seemed to be related in some way.

And he was getting closer.

Ge Xiu stared at the void in the distance with dark eyes, and there was an undercurrent in the depths of his eyes.

With his lower jaw, he chewed the candy in his mouth, the sweet candy shattered instantly, and a fragrant syrup was released in an instant, spreading across the tip of the tongue and mouth, instantly occupying his five senses.

The moonlight shone from the narrow skylight, and the clear silver brilliance wavered on the shimmering water, illuminating the dark bottom.

The slender mermaid curled up in the dark depths, its skin was like thin white and cold bone china, and the scales on the blue-purple fish tail shone. The sense of danger that had previously revealed the ability to tear the throat of the enemy had long since disappeared. He looked so fragile and beautiful, as supple and harmless as every mermaid, like a fleeting dream.

Through the monitor, Lovett's eyes were dark, and his aggressive gaze stayed on the mermaid on the screen for a long time.

At this time, the cautious voice of the attendant came from the door, interrupting his meditation:

"Your Majesty, the banquet is about to begin."

It is customary for the royal family to hold small banquets every month. For the entire upper class, being invited is a symbol of supreme glory. All prestigious and powerful nobles will attend to express their respect and loyalty to the royal family on behalf of their families.

Compared with the previous emperors, Lovett was not really keen on banquets. During the reign of his long-dead father, banquets and dances were almost uninterrupted, and the entire palace was lit up with carnival lights every night. Food and wine are sent in and out of the banquet hall like flowing water - after Rowett ascended the throne, these wanton carnival pleasures were basically banned, leaving only this one.

Rowett stood up, casually raised his hand and waved the attendant away, and walked towards the banquet hall.

Everything tonight was the same as usual.

The elegant music was flowing in the air, the dazzling lights were reflected on the brilliant and gorgeous sculptures, reflected in the staggered wine glasses, and hung on the perfect smiles that everyone welcomed and sent.

Except... His Majesty the Emperor seems a little absent-minded tonight.

Rowett casually shook half a glass of red wine, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes stopped on the swaying ripples of the wine, and his expression was unpredictable.

In terms of appearance and figure, this young emperor is simply outstanding. In addition, the position of the queen is still vacant. There are many unmarried noble ladies who have ideas in secret, but no one really dares to come forward to show it Good - that kind of instinctive fear made them involuntarily shy away, except for one.

Kristen Albert lifted the hem of her skirt and stepped forward.

She is the youngest daughter of Earl Albert's family, with a beautiful face and many suitors, but she seems to have other ambitions.

Christine walked in reservedly, her big eyes were full of affection, she shyly and timidly turned to Lovett, and her voice was soft: "Your Majesty, are you on your mind tonight?"

Rowett raised his eyes to look at her, and under his stern brows, his unpredictable eyes cast a glance - his handsomeness was extremely aggressive, and even the emotionless glance made Christine's heart tremble, but The infatuation in her eyes deepened, she pursed her lips, carefully prepared the next words, and said gently: "I heard that you recently raised a mermaid?"

Lovett brought the wine glass to his lips and took a light sip. The pale red wine stained his thin lips, as if stained with blood that had not dried up.

Even though he was sitting on the seat, it gave him a condescending look down for no reason.

"My brother also raises two mermaids. Maybe you would like to share with him how to raise them?" Christine is a smart girl. She knows that it is not wise to rashly show favor to the superior. The best way is to pull Close to each other's distance, so as to capture the possibility of each other's love.

Arthur Albert just came over with a glass of wine.

He is a romantic and beautiful prodigal son, and he has some rambunctious ramblings on any occasion. He doesn't speak like a well-educated aristocrat at all. Perhaps it is his vulgar and debauched qualities that attract many ladies. Live and die.

"Mermaid?" He approached with interest: "I do have two of them. They are really beautiful, and they sing nicely, but in some ways they are too docile and boring..."

Arthur squeezed his eyes and made a meaningful expression: "But, it's good to play and change your taste occasionally."

Kristin didn't expect this topic to suddenly turn, and her cheeks suddenly became hot. She said angrily, "Brother!"

Her gaze dimly glanced at Lovett, who was sitting not far away, but the other party still looked indifferent and seemed to have no intention of speaking to her. Christine stomped her feet embarrassedly, turned and ran away in anger.

An older nobleman on the side shook his head and said disapprovingly:

"Mermaids are ornamental objects in the end, it's enough to play with them, but it's better not to get too close."

Arthur shrugged nonchalantly. "Everyone loves it. Also, mermen aren't all boring... Did you know they're in heat? That's really..."

His smile deepened and he uttered a cryptic exclamation: "—Wow."

A young viscount with a sullen and gloomy face seemed to be also very interested in this topic, he joined the discussion with a glass of champagne: "However, the mermaid still has to undergo special training, otherwise it is also easy to hurt people, only after passing They only make perfect pets when the right trainer trains them."

He turned his head to look at the emperor who had not said a word from the beginning, and said earnestly:

"If you need it, I also have a few fully trained and very docile mermaids in my house. They look absolutely top-notch, and you won't find a little guy more gentle and charming than them anywhere - or, I can I'll give you my trainer, who, I promise, is an excellent craftsman."

Obviously, the fact that His Majesty the Emperor built a luxurious fish pond for his new mermaid within two days is not small. The new hobby he cultivated has begun to spread in the upper class, so all kinds of people have begun to use this as a Opportunity to pay tribute to him.

Arthur is also not far behind: "I have medicines that can induce the mermaid to go into estrus, if you need to say something."

The viscount drank the champagne in his hand, and the wine he drank before gradually increased, making his pale face slightly red, so he began to lose control of his mouth: "Your Majesty, I heard rumors that you The new mermaid was the one that killed Duke Wesley before?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were a little blurred, and he opened a smile with ulterior motives:

"Archduke Wesley is considered a playboy among us. I didn't expect to fall into the hands of this mermaid... If there is a chance, I would really like to meet him..."


The bottom of the wine glass made a slight sound when it tapped on the table, and the man's fingers were white and slender, and he casually pulled away from the wine glass.

But the not loud crash sounded like a deafening bell, instantly awakening the Viscount from the hot drink just now, and the previous blush faded from his face, leaving only a pale paper-like white.

He stammered and defended: "Hold, sorry, Your Majesty... I..."

Lovett raised his hand lightly, the expression on his face was so lazy that it was almost indifferent, and it seemed that he could not see too many changes in mood and anger.

But in the next second, several guards, fully armed and loaded with guns, came in. They were well-trained, their wrists tightly blocked the mouth of the viscount who was still trembling and begging for mercy, and then dragged him out. The whole The process takes no more than half a minute.

The whole place was dead silent.

Rowett raised the glass again, with a faint smile on his lips, and said to the other people attending the banquet indifferently:
