Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 58: Mermaid


The people trained by Lovett were extremely efficient, but in just a few minutes, the banquet hall was restored to its previous appearance, leaving no trace of confusion and chaos, and completely restored the ball to its original luxurious and calm state. look.

The unexpected assassination seemed like an insignificant episode to the whole ball.

And that person was just hit in the shoulder, not dead, and was dragged away by the soldiers who rushed up.

What awaited him next was self-evident.

His Majesty the Emperor left in a hurry.

Whether it's the interrogation work, the next strategy formulation, or the accountability for security, it will obviously be a bloody storm.

Ge Xiu stayed at the banquet without any psychological burden.

To be honest, without Rowett, he can be more relaxed and comfortable, and as Rowett's dance partner, not only did no one dare to come forward to invite him to dance, but he was even quite apprehensive because of what he had shown before, even At first, the blatant look was much less.

So, Ge Xiu ran directly to the long-coveted dining table.

The fragrant roast suckling pig is drizzled with golden honey, placed together with soft pigeon pie and colorful cold cuts. The high-stacked cocktails shine with colorful lights under the light, like a piece of wine with a strong aroma. ocean.

Ge Xiu devoted himself to it, trying to fill his stomach.

He quickly swept to the last dessert table and found the candy tower he was looking forward to seeing.

Gossi peeled off a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth.

The warm and slightly bitter cocoa melted in the mouth. After biting off the fragile shell, the rum with the rich fruit wine and sweet fragrance overflowed instantly, flowing along the tip of the tongue and spreading throughout the mouth. The sweetness of the chocolate syrup mixes together for an unforgettable and wondrous feeling.

Ge Xiu's eyes lit up, and after eating one, he stretched out his hand to the next one.

Just as he lowered his head and patiently peeled off the colorful packaging wrapped around the chocolate, a figure was slowly walking towards him and stopped beside him.

While Ge Xiu threw the chocolate into his mouth, he raised his head in a hurry and glanced beside him.

It was a beautiful girl with fair skin and a slender figure. The long blue dress outlined her graceful figure, and the long blond hair was draped over her shoulders, making her more beautiful and graceful.

Kristin Albert looked at the teenager who was busy eating, and a trace of deep jealousy flashed in his eyes.

She has always felt that she is beautiful in appearance and has a noble family background, and all the young talents who are gallant around her have proved that she is irresistible, but...

Although the young man in front of him was stuffing something into his mouth unseemly, and even a bit of chocolate syrup was smeared on his cheeks, this almost vulgar gesture was not without the slightest rudeness against the background of the face. And indecent, and even looked extraordinarily naive and charming - on the contrary, standing beside him, his facial features were mediocre, his skin was pale, and his posture was vulgar.

Kristin Albert clenched his fingers in hatred, and an uncontrollable sense of anger and inferiority welled up in his heart.

The thin white fingers were slightly red due to the force.

- Not only was her majesty, who had been in love with her for a long time, confused by him, but even the young nobles who were around her all the time were absent-minded, and their eyes swayed in the direction of the young man from time to time, and even her own brother, Arthur Eber Especially, since the other party entered the dance hall, he has been too distracted.

Ge Xiu looked at the girl who had been silent for a long time, raised his eyebrows, and broke the silence first:

"What's up?"

—Even the sound is so nice.

Kristen Albert was doubly depressed and angry after a brief sway, but she had a beautiful and elegant smile on her face, carefully hiding her emotions in the depths of her blue eyes , she said kindly:

"I'm just here to cut the cake."

Saying that, she picked up the silver knife on the side, carefully cut a piece of fluffy chocolate cake and put it on the plate, her eyes turned without a trace on the other side's slender waist, and new doubts came to her mind again— How on earth did this man eat so much and still stay in shape

In order not to deepen his anger, Christine quickly looked away.

Holding the plate, she didn't say anything, but with a smile that was carefully planned with arcs and angles, she naturally chatted with Ge Xiu:

"You are here with His Majesty the Emperor. Your relationship must be very good?"

Ge Xiu smashed the chocolate into pieces, sucked the syrup wrapped in it, and shrugged indifferently: "It doesn't count."

After all, it had only been a few days since they first met.

"Then you must be closer to His Majesty than we are." The smile on Christine's lips became sweeter: "Speaking of which, do you know the latest mermaid raised by His Majesty the Emperor? It is said that it killed Willis. Grand Duke, but His Majesty fell in love with its beauty at first sight, so he took it for himself without any punishment."

After leaving the banquet that day, she learned from her brother's popular science what the nobles of the upper class kept merman for.

Although she was embarrassed and annoyed at the time, and her grievance was full of jealousy, she quickly recovered from this incident - after all, it is not a big deal for Your Majesty to keep a mermaid, it is easier than having a mistress Accept, let's say, if one day she can really capture His Majesty's heart, can't she think about how to deal with that pet that is not even a human being

And now, she thought of the best way to take advantage of the news.

"… love at first sight?"

Ge Xiu's movements stopped, he raised his eyes to look at the other party, and seemed to stop talking.

Seeing that he had attracted the attention of the other party, Christine cocked the corners of his mouth proudly: "It is said that His Majesty also sent someone to design a huge and luxurious fish pond for it. This is the only time His Majesty has shown something to something over the years. A clear preference-"

-According to the concern that His Majesty showed to the mermaid at the banquet last time, it is estimated that he will not lose interest in it in the near future.

If I can make a little provocation to make this young man who thinks he has the emperor's favor alone become jealous, and do something...

No matter who wins in the end, she can always have one less rival in love.

Christine pretended to sigh: "I really want to see how beautiful that mermaid is, to be able to fascinate His Majesty..."

Ge Xiu's expression is somewhat indescribable.

He repeated it again slowly: "... fascinated?"

Kristin felt that her little plan was about to take effect, and she was even more excited. She added fuel to the conversation between her brother and the noble youth, and told the beauty of the mermaid and His Majesty's favor and connivance to it. Described as the hype.

It's almost a matter of composing an interracial true love song for them.

Ge Xiu listened, and his expression became more and more complicated.

Unconsciously, more and more candy wrappers were peeled off on the side, and colorfully stacked on the table.

The light above his head was bright and dazzling, shining on his face, revealing his face in every detail, as if shrouded in a thin halo.

Suddenly, Christine, who had been chattering all the time, suddenly stopped.

She glanced at the boy in front of her hesitantly—I don't know if it was her own delusion, why did she think... The other person's face was getting redder and redder

The beautiful light red climbed up the jade soft white cheeks and cheekbones like clouds, as if the bright color steamed by the heat spread from his ears to his neck. Ye Yan, even Christine, who disliked Ge Xiu, couldn't help but shake her head slightly.

Those blue-purple eyes were misty, and seemed a little difficult to focus, and looked a bit strangely dull.

Kristin glanced sideways, and was taken aback when she saw the candy wrappers on the table: "Why did you eat so much?"

This is a high number of rum chocolate! People who are not good at drinking will get drunk if they eat two or three!

Ge Xiu blinked slowly, as if he didn't understand what the other party liked to say: "Huh?"

The young man seemed to move away, but his body swayed, and seeing that he was about to fall to the side, Christine hurriedly raised his hand to support his arm, and asked nervously, "Are you alright?"

At the moment when the fingertips touched the back of the opponent's hand, Christine was shivered by the ice and almost retracted her hand directly—

How can someone be so cold

She raised her head in surprise, and before she had time to think deeply, she saw a few attendants who noticed the situation in front of them walked over quickly - they obviously had the emperor's order to take good care of the one in front of her, and don't let anything happen to him .

They cautiously helped Gossiu from Kristin's hands and tried to take him away.

Ge Xiu raised his head abruptly, his eyes were sharp with murderous intent, which was a shock. He grabbed the servant's wrist with his backhand: "Where are you taking me?"

Although he looks slender, his strength is astonishingly large, as cold as an iron hoop, making the attendant almost exclaim in pain, he endured the pain and stammered: "I, I am here. Take you to see Your Majesty."

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes, his articulation clearly not like a drunk person: "I don't know your majesty."

Seeing that the situation was not good, the other person hurriedly took out the communicator to contact the upper level.

Ge Xiu tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then suddenly let go of the attendant in front of him, and rushed forward—

"Quack clack."

The hard communicator was suddenly deformed in the seemingly slender and soft hands, and it was crushed into smashed pieces like a fragile and fragile dead leaf. Christine took a few steps back in panic, almost unable to believe herself. s eyes.

She shivered and took a few steps back, trying to distance herself, but she didn't have the guts to turn around and run away.

Ge Xiu glanced in her direction without distraction.

He raised his hand to hold the other's neck, and his icy fingers tightly pinched his throat, as if he could break it with a slight twist.

"Where are you taking me?"

He asked gently, his voice hardly fluctuating, as if he was stating some simple fact, but in that calm tone, there were some amazing and dark emotional fluctuations suppressed.

Ge Xiu's expression is still cold and calm, except for the slightly hazy eyes and the red flush on his face, there is almost no difference from the usual.

It also made him look strangely terrifying.

This is the corner of the entire banquet hall, which is almost a blind spot for the entire hall. Compared with the lively outside, it looks very deserted, and few people even notice what is happening here.

The boy's arm gradually lifted.

Those misty blue-purple eyes still had an unworldly innocence, but at the moment they were extremely cold and cruel.

The attendant's feet shook off the ground, and a frightened "hehe" sounded from his throat.

There were footsteps in the distance, and Rowett hurried in this direction with big strides. The previously hilarious crowd suddenly quieted down and separated in front of the emperor like Moses divided the sea.

—Although the communicator was shattered by Ge Xiu, the information was transmitted the second before.

Rowett was distracted at the dance and kept an eye on what was going on here, so he rushed over as quickly as he noticed the abnormality.

After so many changes, this dance will definitely not go on.

Lovett waved to the soldiers behind him, and the guards with live ammunition began to evacuate people in an orderly manner, but in just a few minutes, the entire hall was completely empty, leaving only Gexiu who was facing him.

Ge Xiu didn't seem to understand the situation in front of him very much. He tilted his head and threw the attendant in his hand like a rag doll aside.

The weight of the adult man taller than him was just a doll to him.

The guards behind His Majesty the Emperor raised their guns vigilantly, for fear that he would do something that would endanger others.

Lovett glanced back coldly, the kind of pressure that seemed to force the soldiers to subconsciously press down the barrel of the gun, no longer facing the boy in front of him.

He retracted his gaze, turned his head and stared fixedly at Ge Xiu, who was swaying in front of him.

Ge Xiu looked very calm. Although his face was blushing, there was still an almost terrifying danger trapped in those seemingly pure and harmless eyes, as if he could bite in the next second. Cut the throat of the man in front of him and start a bloody massacre.

He asked, "Where are you taking me?"

Lovett narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the boy in front of him thoughtfully.

He suddenly recalled the other's sleeping position.

Curled up like a baby, the already thin body shrunk even smaller, lying quietly on the cold rock.

Extremely insecure.

He's a captured merman, sent all the way here in a container, is that why he asks such a question when he's drunk

- "Where are you taking me?"

Lovett reached out to Ge Xiu and said in a coaxing tone, "Take you home."

Unexpectedly, Ge Xiu replied bluntly: "Liar."

He narrowed his eyes, and the aggression that had been faintly revealed before was even more sharp at the moment, the sharp fangs were looming under his lips, and the deep purple pupils shone with a manic cold light, which was well concealed before. The animal nature broke out of the cage, screaming the desire for blood.

The atmosphere was sharp and tense in an instant.

The two faced each other in a messy ballroom.

Lovett stepped closer to him cautiously: "Where do you want to go then?"

Ge Xiu was suddenly stunned, his eyes flashed blankly, as if he was at a loss for this question.

Immediately afterwards, he frowned suddenly, as if suffering from unbearable pain, raised his hand to protect his head, and stumbled back, the table behind him was knocked down, and the cold candy and wine spilled on the floor. .

Lovett's heart tensed, and he strode forward, recklessly shortening the distance between the two.

The nervous shouts of the soldiers came from behind, but he turned a deaf ear, walked straight to Ge Xiu, raised his hand and wrapped his shoulders.

He heard Gossiu babbling obsessively;



After saying that word, his strength seemed to be suddenly drained, and Lovett caught his body that fell down instantly, and took the slender body of the young man into his arms.

Gossi raised his head in his arms.

He blinked blankly, as if he didn't know what had just happened.

The breath that was like a blade unsheathed before disappeared.

Ge Xiu's expression became a little clearer, and he seemed to have regained his sanity. His eyes were no longer as blurry and hazy as before, but his eyes and nose were red, like a child who was wronged.

His flushed face was against Rowett's chest, he raised his hand and grabbed his front, sniffled, and said in a low voice:

"...I want some candy."