Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 64: Mermaid


"So what should I do now?" The leader lowered his voice and asked in an angry voice.

The other person doesn't seem to be quite sure: "Should... just pour it directly into the water, right?"

"What about the metering?"

"This... I didn't say..." The man replied hesitantly: "Although it doesn't have much effect on the mermaid's body, I'm not too sure about it, why don't you try half of it first?"

They were talking quietly on the shore.

No one saw that, under the moonlight, a bluish-purple shadow passed quickly and silently under the water.

The man in the lead finally made a decision. He squeezed the reagent, stepped forward cautiously, looked down at the lake, which looked dark and deep at night, and then reached out to try to unplug the reagent tube—

At this moment, a clear and violent sound of water suddenly resounded throughout the glass room.

The few people who were waiting in the back flashed before their eyes, barely seeing the process, only to see that the man who was standing by the pool had disappeared, and there was only a water stain where he stood just now, a test tube with blue-purple liquid. He fell to the ground and rolled to his feet.

They hurried to the edge of the pool.

I saw that in the water where the water color and moonlight were intertwined, the white-skinned mermaid pressed the terrified human against the wall, and the sharp nails sank deeply into the human's fragile throat. His face was shrouded in shadows, but the pair of blue The purple eyes have a pure wildness and ferocity, and the voice is cold and indifferent: "Who sent you here?"

This... Is this really the legendary gentle-tempered mermaid

Everyone was horrified.

The man with the neck stuck raised his eyes to look at the others on the shore, a hoarse and difficult hissing sound came out of his throat: "... Test tube... "

Others woke up from a dream.

One of the clever people picked up the test tube, and then stumbled to the edge of the pool with his feet slipping. He was about to continue the task that the man had not completed before, but he didn't think that the speed of the mermaid was faster and faster than they thought. agile.

A huge blue-purple tail swept over from below the surface of the water, and a crisp bone crack sounded, followed by a miserable howl of pain.

The man fell face down into the water.

The test tube containing the potion slipped from his hand and flipped in the air.

The mermaid rushed towards the test tube, but before his hand could touch the test tube, it slammed on the hard edge of the pool with a screeching "click".

The glass bottle, which had been cracked with fine cracks due to the last drop, suddenly shattered overwhelmed, and all the blue reagents instantly and silently merged into the pool water and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Ge Xiu was stunned.

The moonlight is like a gauze and mist, and it is quietly scattered, and the surface of the dark pool water is flashing with shallow bright spots.

In the next second, an astonishing hotness swept in like a violent storm, and the gnawing-like tingling penetrated into the body through the gaps in the scales of his tail, and the pool water that was intimately clinging to the skin seemed to heat up suddenly, as if As if throwing him directly into the boiling magma, this almost painful feeling is like torture, cutting his flesh inch by inch.


Ge Xiu fell into the water, but the huge sound of water he brought up seemed to be coming from far away, distant and slow, almost indistinguishable.

The heat surged up, dyeing his vision a bright red, as if it had turned into dazzling, sticky blood.

The violent effects did not give him time to breathe.

Instinct desire rose in his body and spread along the nerves.

The irritability and anger that had gradually accumulated since entering this world, after being deliberately ignored for so long, began to counterattack frantically, and the attention that had previously been diverted because of Lovett lost the shackles and confinement of reason.

The bloodthirsty killing intent is surging with the heat of desire, and they complement each other and twist together into an uncontrollable torrent.

At that moment, Ge Xiu could hear the sound of his own nerve breaking.

When Rowett heard the news and rushed to the glass room, the first thing he saw was the wanton flow of blood and countless shocking mutilated limbs.

Those limbs seemed to have been torn from the body abruptly, with uneven edges, and broken flesh and bones could be seen, and some had terrifying tooth marks on them, which could almost be imagined through the appearance of the wounds. The beasts have terrifyingly sharp teeth and merciless cruelty.

The only survivor was curled up in the corner of the glass room away from the pool, his face was pale, his pupils were dilated, his whole body was shivering, his side face was covered with blood splattered, and he seemed to be too scared to be sober.

Words were uttered over and over in his mouth.

Such as "The Devil", "Help" and "He killed everyone".

Rowett didn't even bother to give him the slightest distraction, and just strode towards the edge of the pool with great strides, ignoring the frantic obstructions and shouts of the attendants and soldiers behind him.

The moonlight crept in from the skylights, shining on the undulating lake.

It takes a while to be recognized in the dark. The vast pool surface has been completely dyed with a dazzling blood color, and the bright red color is even gradually expanding, like a deadly net, slowly stretching into the distance. Open scarlet terrifying tentacles and take over the water little by little.

And in the center of that blood, a mermaid floated quietly on the water.

The gentle moonlight caressed the profile of his face.

The dark shadows and the bright moonlight were entwined and separated on his face, like a war of light and shadow, the tearing of darkness and light.

His facial features were blurred in the shadows, only the clear moonlight reflected in the blue-purple eyes, penetrating the darkness and light and shadow towards the shore, there was a thrilling impact.

The merman swam a few meters forward quietly, the moonlight illuminating his face.

Everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath.

- The creatures in front of me seem to be completely out of place in the mortal world.

He is the beloved darling of the creator, the most perfect work of the gods, and the embodiment of all the beauty in the world.

The long hair of the same color as the eyes fell on his shoulders, the blue-purple fish tail swayed softly in the moonlit pool, and the pearly white huge tail fin flashed with a shallow luster.

The scarlet blood has long been diluted by the splashing water, covering half of his face like a light red film, and the other half of his face is pure white and flawless, shining in the cold dark night, covered with a gorgeous flush. His cheekbones and cheeks spread along his slender neck to his collarbone and chest, almost dazzling.

The eerie beauty that is almost murderous makes people feel panic and fear instinctively, but it is uncontrollable to be bewitched and attracted.

Like the gorgeous patterns of a viper, or the poisonous tentacles of a coral.

Beautiful and deadly, evil and monstrous.

People are stunned by this creation that seems to exist only in mythology. Their brains and eyes are invaded by such an amazing sight, and they can't think about anything else at all, as if all the sounds and pictures around them no longer exist.

The only clear idea in their minds is - if there really is a so-called siren in this world...

That's probably what it looks like.

Lovett's breath caught.

— but not out of surprise.

Ge Xiu's current appearance is very abnormal. His expression seemed sober, but his pupils were dilated.

The abnormal morbid bright red spread from his collarbone to his cheeks, as if a flame was burning in his body, and there were still bloodstains on his lips that had not dried up. Lovett could almost imagine how the other party used it. The teeth shred an adult's throat as easily as a thin piece of paper.

Lovett turned livid and walked towards the only survivor.

He walked in front of him with a few big strides, then raised his hand and pulled up the man who was slumped into a puddle, and then threw it to the ground roughly.

"What did you do?"

Rowett's voice was low and hoarse, as if suppressing violent anger, and there was an icy killing intent in those dark eyes, which was as sharp and cruel as a blade, as if he could directly use his eyes to slay the person in front of him. .

He reached out and pulled the gun from the waist of one of the guards, unhesitatingly pulled the bolt and loaded the bullet.


The bullet roared into the man's limp thigh.

Rowett lifted his foot and stepped on the man's wound amid the man's miserable howl, and rolled and rotated slowly and cruelly with the sole of his hard boot, with a gloomy voice:


The survivor shuddered with severe pain, his snot, tears and saliva filled his distorted face. He opened his mouth with trembling, and said in a shrill voice, tremblingly: "Yes... it's the medicine... to induce the mermaid... Mermaid... estrus medicine... "

"What about the amount?"

Rowett asked with ruthless eyes, and he stepped harder on his feet, in exchange for a more miserable scream from the other party: "One! One whole tube! Originally prepared, I was going to pour only half of it! But! But! It was broken. ! Just…”

… a whole tube.

Inducing a merman into estrus often requires only a 10 mg dose.

Rowett let go of his foot with a gloomy expression, raised his hand and let the other guards carry the man down: "Continue the interrogation and find out who is behind him."

Amidst the begging for mercy that the other party was walking away from, he summoned one of the adjutants and gave a succinct command:

"Block the surrounding area. Contact all the mermaid experts, bring all their previous research materials, and rush here immediately."

No one knows better than him—

Gorshu is not a mermaid.

No one can know what side effects the medicine that can induce the merman to estrus will have on him.

Lovett threw the pistol to the guard beside him and turned his head to look into the pool.

In the dark lake water under the moonlight, the mermaid swam slowly towards the edge of the pool. His expression was pure and innocent, and he looked extremely terrifying amid the thick blood and severed limbs.

Everyone stepped back subconsciously, only Rowett was still standing there, watching Ge Xiu silently.

The mermaid folded two soft white arms by the edge of the pool. The contrast between the snow-white skin and the bright red blood was so strong that it could almost sting people's eyes.

He tilted his head, his blue-purple eyes were deep as if he could inhale a vortex of light, and his lips moved.

When Rowett heard it, Ge Xiu asked slowly and mechanically:

"Where are you taking me?"

Rowett was taken aback.

This is... the sentence he kept repeating when he was drunk.

And, word for word.