Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 65: Mermaid


The stable value of the criminal's brain region fluctuated violently.

The entire institute rang out with a screeching siren that made the eardrums hurt and made people dizzy.

The director hurried to the monitoring hall in his pajamas, and yelled at the researcher angrily, "Turn off the alarm!"

The siren was turned off by the researcher's hasty groping, and the hall returned to silence again.

But the fluctuating lines on the screen did not return to normal when the alarm sound was lifted.

The director asked solemnly, "What happened?"

The researcher on the side looked pale: "We don't know... We just know that all the data was skyrocketing just now, and the criminal's brain fluctuations exceeded a thousand times the range of normal human brain waves in an instant... Now the technician is trying to retrieve Pandora's brain waves. specific data, but…”

"but what?"

The director stared sternly at the researcher in front of him.

The researcher swallowed his saliva timidly and said, "But... Pandora's index also seems to be affected by the fluctuation value of the criminal's brain, and almost no one can obtain the internal data in this case... "

He looked down at the data report in front of him, then turned to look at the director and asked for instructions:

"Would you like to forcibly disconnect the criminal's brain from Pandora?"

The director's face was not very good-looking.

He shook his head slowly: "No, it's too dangerous now - the criminal's brain and Pandora have achieved a certain sense of synchronization in the two previous virtual worlds, although I don't know what the principle is, but If the link is forcibly cut off under this circumstance, in the event of an accident, the result will be beyond our ability to bear.”

"Then...?" Researcher Liu Shen Wuzhu.

The director said with a heavy expression: "mobilize all the staff to monitor the criminals' brain activity. Once they leave the dangerous area, even if they do not reach the normal level, they will immediately disconnect the link. We can't afford the second loss."

"Yes." The researcher nodded vigorously, turned and ran into the distance.

The director gritted his teeth in frustration, lowered his head and turned around twice, seemingly uneasy.

In the corner, a small metal robot hides in the darkness. The protective color on the outer shell makes it perfectly hidden in the surrounding environment. Almost no one notices its existence. Two small green lights glow on the top of its head. , twinkled like an eye.

The director clicked a few times on his optical brain, and on the metal wall beside him, a door that had never been opened slowly opened.

He walked quickly towards the door.

The little metal robot followed and disappeared behind the closed door with him.


Gossiu is chaotic.

He didn't know who he was, let alone where he was.

The only sensation he could feel was heat.

It was too hot.

It was as if all the flesh on his body was being scorched by a thousand-degree hot flame, the charred skin evaporated all the water, and tissue fluid and blood flowed from the dry and cracked muscles, but they were immediately roasted before flowing onto the skin.

This hot feeling seems to be burning from within the body.

All the internal organs were thrown into the boiling magma and rolled, and the spinal cord and bones rattled at the high temperature, causing unbearable itching and pain.

So hot.

Gossi was in pain.

Manic and violent emotions were spawned by high fever, and the astonishing desire to destroy overturned the cage created by reason. Every inch of his body was screaming for killing and aggression, destroying every existence that stood in front of him, tearing apart every one that caused this kind of situation. The culprit of unbearable pain.

His body and spirit seemed to be divided into two completely different beings.

Ge Xiu floated in the air, dazedly listening to his body asking mechanically:

"Where are you taking me?"

This sentence... so familiar.

As if he had heard it a long, long time ago - heard it - or said it out of his own throat - what's the difference

But when he heard this sentence, the huge emotions pouring out from the depths of his body could not be faked.

These emotions are too complicated and too unfamiliar.

Ge Xiu could hardly discern the specific connotation.

All he knew was that this feeling made him feel unbearable pain.

This kind of pain was worse than the torment and cramps of the previous world. It made Ge Xiu's mind aching, as if something was trying to break through the barrier and return to his body.

in the pool.

The mermaid, who had been calm just now, suddenly became irritable, her brows furrowed as if furious, her blood-stained lips pursed into a tight straight line, and her blue-purple bright eyes tightened, as if she was experiencing A silent torture.

But he gritted his teeth and made no sound.

Sharp nails scratched deep claw marks on the edge of the pool, and huge tail fins flapped wildly in the water.

The blood-stained pool water splashed around and flowed recklessly along the ground around the pool.

Lovett stood a few steps away.

The other guards had been dispatched to their respective missions, and now he was the only one left in the glass house once again.

Looking at Ge Xiu's expression, Rowett's heart was twisted.

Power, wealth, status, none of them can be used at this moment, and there is no way to ease the pain and torture his mermaid suffered. He has never been so powerless.

He wanted to be able to replace himself.

But nothing could be done.

At this moment, several mermaid experts in nightgowns stumbled in carrying stacks of documents and equipment, all of them out of breath—they already knew the cause and effect on the communicator, but at that time they didn't.

Rowett's eyes lit up, he walked towards them quickly, and couldn't wait to ask:

"Do you have a solution?"

The leading expert was quite old. His bald head was covered in sweat, and even the white hair next to him was wet with sweat, and it was clinging to his head.

He wiped his sweat with a handkerchief tremblingly, and said:

"This, the potion that induces the mermaid to go into heat, is actually a sex hormone. It's not difficult to reverse it, but..."

Lovett narrowed his eyes and repeated, "But...?"

There was some kind of danger in his voice.

The expert shivered and spoke faster: "But Mr. Ge Xiu is probably not quite a mermaid!"

He flipped through the documents in the hands of the person behind him and found a thick folder. His fingers trembled as old as rotten wood. He turned the paper with a rustling sound, and then handed one of the pages to Lovett. , show him:

"During this period of time, we decoded Mr. Gexiu's genes and found that only part of his gene sequence is the same as that of the mermaid, and the remaining 80% of the sequence is completely unknown..." Even now, his voice is still Full of confusion and confusion: "We screened and compared the unknown genes in his body with the known animal genes in nature, but so far we have not found any matching sequences..."

The expert turned the information back and explained:

"So we try to trace the source of his genetic information through this part of the known genes, and conduct a comparative study based on the relevant water quality and aquatic product survey reports in the sea area where he lives..."

Lovett frowned: "What do you want to say?"

The expert swallowed a mouthful of saliva slowly, and then said tremblingly: "According to the information displayed by the genome, it is inferred that Mr. Ge Xiu's father and mother are completely pure-bred mermaids, and even... During his life in that waters, Absolutely a mermaid."

He finally found the page he wanted to show Rowett.

The graph recording the genetic changes, after a long, very long period with almost no fluctuations, rises abruptly near the end, forming an almost straight line, and all the bright-colored lines suddenly become active, and the ground is extremely violent. fluctuating down.

Lovett frowned slowly.

He stared at the changing node: "This..."

The expert seemed to know what he wanted to ask, and responded quickly:

"It was a month ago, yes."

"A month ago, his genes underwent a drastic mutation, leaving only a small part of the mermaid genes, and the rest is completely unknown."

He raised his hand and wiped his sweaty forehead, speaking at an uncontrollable speed: "The line of sight of the research is still too short, if we can give us a little more time, we may be able to find a more accurate time point, combined with the location at that time. Depending on the environment and the amount of radiation around, it may be possible to find out what caused such a large-scale genetic mutation-"

Just then, there was a loud sound of water in the pool.

The merman swam frantically in the pool, its strong tail fins swaying in the water, and the rocks and even other facilities under the pool were smashed directly by the tail.

He's attacking everything around him - dead or alive - aimlessly.

The blood-stained pool water was rolling with waves, and you could see the mermaid's fast shuttle figure and increasingly violent attack behavior.

"Why did the estrus react like this on him?"

Rowett asked solemnly.

The expert wiped the sweat from his head again, and then replied somewhat uncertainly: "This situation is likely to be related to the mutated gene, but... According to the information you provided to us earlier and the surveillance video of him when he was drunk. , maybe it's a psychological factor..."

"Psychological factors?" Lovett frowned.

"Yes. When he was drinking, he also clearly showed extreme aggressive behavior. In fact, for mermaids, alcohol and estrous agents work on the same principle. The effect of alcohol interferes with the nervous system and causes behavioral disorders. The estrous agent acts on the area of the brain that controls the gonads, causing the loss of the control mechanism for the desire for sex, so that the mermaid is occupied by the strong desire to reproduce and reproduce, and enters the estrus period."

The expert said so much in one breath, slowed down a little, and finally came to the conclusion:

"So, maybe, he is subconsciously rejecting this state of being dominated, so alcohol and estrus will cause him to have the same aggressive behavior - this indiscriminate attack and killing in animal psychology, is An overprotective state after extreme stimulation."


Lovett was in a trance for a few seconds, and a certain question he had thought about before flashed in his mind subconsciously.

Mermaid curls up subconsciously when falling asleep... Does it mean the same extreme insecurity as humans do

He stared deeply at the figure of the mermaid below the surface of the water, his eyes dark as night.

- What have you ever experienced

"But in a sense, it's also good news for us," the expert continued.

He swallowed, then continued:

"If this abnormal aggressive behavior is due to psychological factors, it means that even though his genetic sequence is only 20 percent identical to the merman's, the estrous agent is produced on him and on the merman's body. The effect is the same, which means that the reversal drug is likely to be equally effective."

Lovett moved his eyes away from the pool with some difficulty, and his voice became dry and hoarse at some point:

"how much time is required?"

"Half an hour." Sweat dripped from the expert's forehead again: "If you are lucky, two or twenty minutes."

"it is good."

Lovett glanced at the group of experts who were silent behind him: "Don't waste a second, understand?"

"Yes Yes."

After the footsteps of the group of merman experts were gone, silence returned to the glass room.

Lovite fixedly stared at the shimmering water in the moonlight, and then slowly stepped forward as if bewitched.

A picture flashed in his mind subconsciously.

Or a fleeting thought.

To be precise, a word.

A word Gorsch had murmured - something that never seemed to appear in his education and the culture he grew up in, but for some reason Lovett just felt familiar.

He hesitated for two seconds, and finally, purely rational logical thinking was overcome by some strange call in his heart.

The upper and lower lips touched, the tip of the tongue touched the upper jaw, and a word with a strange pronunciation gushed out from the depths of the throat, whirled and vibrated in the mouth, and then blurted out as if out of control.

After the syllable exits and is re-transmitted to the brain through the cochlea, Lovett finds himself saying something in hindsight.

He is saying:
