Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 74: ABO


Gossiu: "..."

He was silent for a while, then slowly asked, "Wait... what?"

Admiral Drost also knew how absurd it was.

He still remembers how his face was contorted in shock and disbelief when Hines made the explosive request.

Moreover, even in such a situation, the other party still did not change his face—

As if this amazing request just now didn't come out of his own mouth.

- It's just shameless!

Admiral Drost felt the fire that had built up in his heart showing signs of resurfacing.

He avoided his son's sight a little embarrassedly, and continued as if trying to convince himself:

"I don't know why Hines made such a request, but after all, the situation was urgent at the time, and I had to agree - I, I have explained the reason to General Lester, I know you like that kid Igor, But after all, he has no intention of you... Hines Errost is not a bad candidate."

The whole room was extraordinarily quiet, as if you could hear the breathing of the two of them.

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes carelessly.

His expression was extremely calm, and the light above his head made his pale skin almost transparent, making his eyes darker and more unpredictable, and just staring at him made one feel terrified.

At this moment, Admiral Drost was downcasting, his eyes fell on the foot of the bed, so he did not see his son's unusual performance.

He continued dryly:

"...Heinz Erost controls the largest mercenary army in the entire interstellar space. His sphere of influence and ability and means are unmatched even by me-although he used to be the most wanted criminal of the Federation, but a few years ago His assistance and participation in the Zerg attack has earned him honors, and he has been awarded the Hero Medal by the Council, and the merits and demerits are worth it…”

In fact, outstanding contribution in combat is not the main reason for the decision of the parliament.

But under the circumstances at the time, Hines' power had developed to the point where it could not be touched at all, and the Federation was still in a state of emptiness after the war and was in urgent need of outside assistance, so just take this opportunity to give each other a step down.

The federal government rescinds the arrest warrant against Hines.

And Hines used his own forces to finance the post-war reconstruction of the Commonwealth.

It is essentially a mutually beneficial transaction.

- But Aerith doesn't need to know this.

Admiral Drost sighed deeply, as if he had suddenly aged a few years, and his originally straight back was slightly curved:

"And... given your current physical condition, I still recommend that you accept this engagement."

Omega's gonad removal surgery is a federal felony, but due to the critical condition of Ghosh at the time and the influence of Admiral Drost in the military, the military court finally decided not to pursue it.

The omega that loses gonads loses estrus at the same time, and fertility will be affected.

Even an alpha of ordinary status would be reluctant to accept such an incomplete omega, let alone aristocratic class.

It was with this in mind that Admiral Drost decided to accept the other party's proposal.

Iris had no better choice.

Not to mention—although Admiral Drost was very reluctant to admit it—Hines' conditions couldn't be found anywhere else in the interstellar space.

He took a deep breath, looked up at Ge Xiu on the hospital bed, and persuaded earnestly:

"You think about it these days..."

But before Admiral Drost could finish speaking, he was mercilessly interrupted by Ghosh:

"Consider what?"

Admiral Drost was choked directly.

Yeah, what to consider? - Even the wedding date has been set, so there is no chance for him to think about it.

He thought about the lack of concern he once cared for Iris, and the suffering the other party experienced during this time - especially the wound that even he felt shocking.

As soon as he returned to his family, the marriage contract of his sweetheart was cancelled.

Immediately after graduation, she was directly determined to marry a stranger she had never met.

And he's only just grown up.

A faint guilt flashed in Admiral Drost's eyes.

- Guilt is a good thing.

The expression in Ge Xiu's eyes was indistinguishable, and a fleeting smile flashed across his pale lips.

He asked, "When can I go back to school?"

Admiral Drost didn't expect that he would ask such a question, so he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback: " can go back to school after your body recovers a little."

Gossi nodded.

"I hope to change the department." He said bluntly: "I don't like the current mecha maintenance department. I want to transfer to the mecha driving department to continue my studies."

Admiral Drost hesitated for a second.

After all, the Mecha Academy is a top federal university, and it would be difficult for him to change departments when he was still two years away from completing his studies.


Admiral Drost stared at the teenager lying on the bed and sighed slowly: "I'll try what I can do."

Ge Xiu raised the corners of his lips and showed a well-behaved smile: "Thank you, Dad."

Looking at his son's pale face, Admiral Drost became more and more guilty. He finally gave a few words of greetings to Gossiu's body, and then hurriedly turned and left the ward.

The figure of the admiral disappeared outside the door.

Ge Xiu indifferently withdrew his gaze, the smile on his lips narrowed slightly, leaving only a slight arc of a smile that was not a smile.

He leaned back lazily, reached out and picked up the candy bag Igor had left just now, took out one and slowly pushed it away.

What to worry about in a marriage contract

Iris is a second-year student in the Mecha Nursing Department. He will graduate in two years. According to the momentum of his previous worlds, it is estimated that he will have left this world before that time.

And that cheap fiancé is far away, so he is not in the scope of his worries.

And Ge Xiu was more interested in another matter.

That's the mech.

Before he came to this world, he briefly drove a mech. Before driving, he thought that it was just a new fighting method that covered the body with exoskeleton metal. He had read relevant information in the first world. —In that world, mechas are nothing more than an impractical combat plan.

After all, humanoid mechas can have the same combat capabilities as light combat ships, and the humanoid design is completely superfluous.

And when Ge Xiu really started to operate, he really realized the difference between the two.

The operation of the mech does not depend on the instrument panel in the cockpit - or, the joysticks are only auxiliary.

The real key is the metal connector that attaches to the spine.

They seem to be connected to the nerves of the human body, and directly control the various parts of the mecha through the mind, making this exoskeleton like a part of the extension of the human body.

This also leads to the driving of the mech being more dependent on the level of the driver.

And this also means... After the pilot is trained, the mecha can play a more powerful combat performance than the ship!

It can even be said that its development potential is linked to the human body!

Ge Xiu pushed the sweet-smelling candy into his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly melted the hard candy with his warm mouth.

A little excited firelight danced at the bottom of his dark eyes, and the corners of his lips rose slightly uncontrollably.

Mecha Academy…

He is really looking forward to it.


Avery and Joseph have gone through life's ups and downs in just one day.

For the first time in so many years, they saw the captain's interest in omegas.

But just when they thought the captain's wife was missing, they didn't expect an explosive news to follow—

That omega who was so cruel to himself that he didn't look like an omega would actually be the youngest son of their old enemy of the Federation, Admiral Drost!

In the past period of time, the fleet under this command has always been the main force sent by the Federation to contain them.

This is really a meeting of enemies, especially...

- The next second, they heard the shocking remarks of their captain Shi.

The condition for letting him go is... Let his youngest son marry him.

Avery and Joseph almost wanted to cover their faces on the spot.

Why is there such a thing as begging the parents of others!

Although they knew that their captain's moral bottom line was not high, it was the first time that they were so brazen!

And the worst part is that this omega already has a marriage contract, and it seems that people are quite satisfied, even this time he ran out to find his sweetheart.

Unexpectedly, the captain of his own family didn't seem to mind.

No matter how much they complained in their hearts, the matter was finally settled.

However, Admiral Drost also has conditions—a marriage contract is fine, but at least after Iris graduates from the Mecha Academy.

Hines gladly made it easy.

Ellie secretly turned his head and glanced at the boy who was still in a coma, and complex emotions emerged spontaneously—

How can you still get married when someone is in a coma

By the end, both of them were numb.

After the federal warships left, their light ships returned to the main ship, while their captains went directly back to the captain's room, and began to communicate with many high-level figures in the federation.

Avery and Joseph thought that Hines was negotiating the next cooperation with the federal executives, but they didn't expect...

Two days later, the captain suddenly called these henchmen together, and announced a message without changing his face:

"After careful consideration, I decided to accept the Federation's invitation to become an honorary tutor of the Mecha Academy and take up the post at the beginning of the next semester."

Ellie: "… "

Joseph: "..."

Finally, Joseph endured the heat again, but still couldn't hold back: "Captain... Haven't you already made a marriage contract?"

He didn't ask the rest of the sentence, but he basically said it - the wedding date has been set, why do you need to do this

Hines chuckled: "I advocate free love."

Joseph: "..."

Just be happy.

Hines narrowed his eyes, his voice was low, and he continued casually: "And I really want to see the alpha that can make him so obsessed, what is it like."

Ellie: "… "

Joseph: "..."

So in the end you really still care! !

The author has something to say: Ge Xiu: Anyway, that fiancé is far away, so what is there to worry about