Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 89: ABO


The screeching siren echoed in the night sky.

The dark sky above made a strange creaking sound, and the scratching sound that was souring sounded from all directions, but the night scene in front of him was still calm, and only the pervasive and terrifying sound could be heard shaking the whole world.

Ge Xiu frowned: "What's going on?"

Hines looked dignified: "This planet is the center of the federation, and it is covered with a light shield. Now the bugs are trying to break through this shield - now the power is cut off, and it shouldn't last long with a backup power supply."

Joseph's face was pale: "This is the first time they have attacked such a core area... How could... ?"

Since the last bug wave was thwarted, the Zerg have rarely launched such a large attack.

Moreover, it is known that the planets occupied by the Zerg are at least tens of thousands of kilometers away from here - how did they silently pass through the federal defense military and directly invade here? !

Hines narrowed his eyes: "This time the insect wave is not simple - there is no army to warn the Federation, and if my guess is correct, they should attack the satellite and power system first, cut off the contact between the planet and the outside world and cannot ask for help, Then launch a massive attack."

Joseph's eyes widened in shock: "This..."

A high degree of familiarity with the federal military protection system, as well as militarized combat skills... How could the Zerg, which launched aggression relying solely on reproductive instincts, achieve this level

His pupils tightened and he looked at Hines suddenly: "Could it be... intelligence evolution?"

Hines' eyes were heavy: "It's not yet possible to draw conclusions."

At this moment, a string of electric sparks suddenly burst out from the dark night sky overhead, as if a deadly fireworks exploded in the sky, and light blue honeycomb patterns faintly emerged in the air.

The scratching sound became more and more terrifying and harsh, as if it was close at hand.

Through that layer of light film, one can already see the densely packed Zerg clinging to the top of the head, a pair of scarlet eyes and countless hair-raising claws are looming, and the ugly and bloated belly is covered one by one, which makes people unable to help. Scalp tingling.

There was a low cry of despair and hysterical shouting from the people behind.

They desperately tried to find rescue by dialing long-cut lines, and some tried to leave the building to warn their loved ones.

Amid the chaos, Gexiu went to the window.

He looked up at the sky and asked calmly:

"What about the troops stationed on the planet? Why hasn't there been any movement yet?"

Joseph frowned and shook his head:

"I don't know. It stands to reason that they should have received orders during this time - now that the shield is about to be breached, they should not leave the city in such a defenseless state."

A series of intense electric sparks erupted again from the top of the head.

Hines' eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice, "Then there is no way."

Joseph seemed to realize what Hines wanted to do, and hurriedly stopped it: "But Captain! It is a federal felony to use armed forces on the planet!"

Especially for people like them, the restrictions set by the federal military are even more numerous and complicated.

Hines let out a low laugh, as if he had heard a very funny joke:

"Is there a few felonies on me?"

Joseph was at a loss for words.

Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you have a solution?"

Hines lowered his head and operated on his personal terminal, his voice was calm: "It's not a very good solution, but..."

At this moment, the protective film on the top of the head let out a dying moan, and then shattered into a small gap with a click, and a bug squeezed hard into it - a scream was heard from the crowd behind.

"... At least it's practical." Hines added the previous sentence, looking up at the torn protective cover with an unpredictable expression.

After the protective cover cracked open, the Zerg squeaked and whistled as if they had been injected with stimulants.

Like an overturned domino, the originally stable structure quickly collapsed and collapsed.

The protective cover above the head cracked through a spider-web-like gap, vibrated with a click, and then shattered suddenly with an increasingly sharp scratching sound!

Countless ugly bugs swarmed from the cracks, and the dense waves rushed towards the unsuspecting city. The air was stirred with rumbling vibrations. Fear.

At this moment, two lightning bolts pierced through the night sky, cutting two passages from the rushing Zerg, rushing straight in this direction.

One black and one white mecha suddenly fell in front of the door, causing the ground to tremble violently.

Joseph explained: "The lines of the two mechas are customized and do not rely on the current signal satellites, so they can communicate directly even in the absence of support in wartime."

Ge Xiu looked at Hines and hooked the corners of his lips:

"Really useful."

Hines made a "please" gesture.

Under the surging flow of insects on the head, the cockpit door slowly opened, and Ge Xiu jumped into the mecha cabin.

The hatch closed, blocking out the roar of the Zerg's stormy wings.

The spiritual linker was connected to Gexiu's spine one by one, and the electronic synthesis sounded:

"The spiritual link is successful."

The control screen in front of him slowly emerged, and the faint blue light reflected in Ge Xiu's eyes, like a cold ghost fire ignited in the dark abyss, quiet, fiery and burning.

He raised the corners of his lips silently, revealing his white canine teeth.

The wrist that holds the virtual control bracelet is pressed down firmly - "engine drive mode start".

The engine roared with a deafening roar.

In the next second, the huge silver-white mecha pierced into the darkness like lightning, and the sound of the laser cannon pierced the night sky, accurately targeting the insects that were fluttering at it.

The fragile belly of the insect exploded like a punctured balloon, and the dirty yellow-green liquid splashed in all directions.

The silver-white light wings of the mecha unfolded, and a sensitive and swift turn was made, just to avoid the scattered insect body fluids.

Hines' black mecha activated and flew into the air.

The overwhelming tide of insects seemed to have found their target, flapping their wings and rushing towards the two mechas. The densely packed tens of thousands of pairs of scarlet eyes shone with hunger, eager to shred the huge body blocking their eyes.

There is almost no need for communication.

Two mechas, one black and one white, shuttled rapidly through the swarm.

They cover each other, rely on each other, and cooperate as if they have a heart-to-heart.

The laser-woven network seems sparse but highly targeted. The entire block is guarded against air, and any bugs that come close will explode without exception.

More Zerg attacked like moths to the flame, forming a swirling storm in the sky, and the two mechas were just in the eye of the still typhoon.

The rotten corpses fell like rain, and yellow-green body fluids and brains smeared the streets.

on the ground.

Joseph organized a panicked crowd, completely closed the entrance and exit of the research institute building, turned on the backup power supply, and with a few loud clicks, the militarized metal wall required for wartime defense slowly rose from below the ground—

Waiting for everything to be basically over, he reported to Hines succinctly through the mobile terminal:

"It's ready."

Hines' voice was a little distorted through the communicator:

"Go to the top floor, try to send a distress signal to the main ship, and mobilize the support of the battleship."

"Yes." Joseph responded decisively.

As he ran towards the top floor, he asked, "What about you?"

Ge Xiu's voice sounded from the communicator:

"Ammunition is limited, so it won't take long to fight and defend here, and it won't be able to destroy the bugs that invade the planet from other directions."

His voice is extremely calm, there is no unstable fluctuation in his voice, only a purely rational judgment:

"I suggest going to the military station."

Hines' casual voice was mixed with a little serious condensation: "I really want to see what this group of rice buckets are doing to allow the situation to develop like this."

"Refill the ammo by the way." Gossiu added.

As soon as the words fell, Joseph saw the silver mecha in the air spinning beautifully, and then, a dazzling light exploded, and a huge hole was suddenly exposed in the insect tide.

The black and white mechas took this opportunity to break through the siege and flew towards the distance one after the other.

Joseph was shattered by the blast and sonic boom, and he held on to the wall to avoid falling.

A voice came from the communicator in his hand again, and Hines' voice was mixed with a smile: "Don't kill the red eyes, at least leave me a few."

Ge Xiu snorted coldly: "Everyone depends on their ability."

Joseph continued to climb upstairs, and there was a screeching sound of insects gnawing on the walls outside the building.

At the same time, the conversation between the other two still came from the communicator:

"How much have you achieved?"


"It seems that I have to work harder." Hines pretended to sigh.

In the next second, there was a violent explosion from the communicator, and Hines whistled: "I broke a thousand."

Ge Xiu: "...Don't be too complacent."

Immediately afterwards, the crackling sound of the electric shock sounded.

There was a little childish smugness in the boy's voice: "I am now one thousand three."

"Speaking of which, if I win this competition, is there any reward?" Hines asked lazily, "How about a kiss?"

Ge Xiu exploded a huge sound wave again, and the harsh roar of the insects did not sound very real through the communicator, but it was already able to make people imagine the intensity of the battle on the opposite side.

"Tsk, so soon you feel like you're going to win?" He snorted, then said:

"Okay, I'll bet with you."

Hines chuckled softly:

"It looks like I have to get serious."

"Then what if I win?" Ge Xiu raised his eyebrows and raised the corners of his lips silently.

Hines pondered for a while, and then replied calmly, "Then why don't I...let me kiss you?"

Gossiu: "..."

Rely on, shameless.

Joseph, who was watching the whole process: "..." Do you think I don't exist

—And the captain of his own family is indeed too shameless!

He took a deep breath and finally couldn't hold it back, and asked with a blank face, "...Do you two know that I'm online?"

Don't be so blatant when you show your affection! ! !

The author has something to say: Joseph: "Hello? Single Dog Conservation Society? I'm reporting animal cruelty here."