Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 92: ABO


Gossi felt as if he was falling endlessly.

As if being pulled into the deep sea by invisible gravity, all the sounds are blocked on the distant water surface, as if you can only hear your own heartbeat.

Gurgling bubbles swept past his ears and floated towards the top of his head.

He couldn't struggle, couldn't breathe, and could only fall powerlessly into a deeper and colder abyss.

There was a vague call in the distance.

Ge Xiu couldn't hear what the other party was saying, but in his heart, he just knew somehow that the other party was calling his name.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

As if the bubbles wrapped around him were suddenly burst, all the sounds, colors and disorganized lines rushed towards him, slamming his temples violently like a heavy hammer, making him unable to concentrate and think.

Ge Xiu was in severe pain all over his body, and he couldn't move from the tips of his fingers to his toes.

It took him a while to clear his blurry vision little by little.

Above the head is a rain of fire that is flying and falling.

The fire that was simmering between the sky and the ground seemed to be unable to burn out for three days and three nights. The crackling sound and sharp roar of the scorched insect body echoed in the sky, and the pungent burnt smell permeated the flames. From far away, you can feel the boundless heat released from the flames.

Ge Xiu realized that he was being held carefully in the mecha's hands, and the steel breastplate and arms wrapped him tightly.

He looked with difficulty in the direction from which he had just flown.

On the ground not far away, among the thick scorched worm corpses, the silver-white mecha he had just driven fell into the wreckage, and was hit beyond recognition by the huge waves generated by the explosion, curling outwards. Black smoke.

A brilliant red light was reflected on the scratched metal surface of the mecha.

Ge Xiu thought it was a fire at first.

Until he raised his eyes—in the distant place where the sky and the earth meet, the slightly reddish sunlight pierced the dim night sky, and the almost miraculous golden glow illuminated the dim and deep gray-blue, dispelling the darkness.

The rising sun rises from the horizon.

The morning light of dawn illuminated the devastated earth, reflected on the broken mecha, with a certain shocking power, directly hitting the hearts of the people.

Blood and smoke stained Ge Xiu's cheeks, his lips were pale from the force, and his vision was blurred.

But the golden-red sunlight was reflected in the bottom of his eyes, like a scorching red mark, deeply branded in the depths of his pupils.

As the distance increases, the mechs on the battlefield gradually disappear from the field of vision.

The young man's vision was once again slack, he slowly closed his eyes, and fell into a deep coma.


When Ge Xiu woke up again, he was already in the hospital.

The white walls and white lights make the whole room seem cold and quiet, except for the even beeping sound of the instruments working.

Ge Xiu moved his eyes.

The environment and layout of the ward here are very familiar...

It should be the same hospital where he was brought back - I really didn't expect to come back one day.

He moved his throat.

The burning sensation spread from the depths of the throat into the mouth, and the dry feeling that I couldn't swallow was really uncomfortable.

Before Ge Xiu could speak, he felt a sudden cold on his lips.

A piece of cold and wet crushed ice touched his lips, and with a little force, the ice cube slid into his mouth, melting slowly at the temperature of his mouth and lips, and the icy liquid flowed down the throat. The burning dry pain is relieved a little.

He turned his head hard and looked around.

I saw Hines sitting on a chair by the bed, holding a glass with crushed ice in his hand.

He was still wearing the clothes from the previous battle. The smoke and dust covered the wrinkled front and cuffs. There was still dried blood on the front, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Hines looked down at Ge Xiu, his dark eyes flashing with a dark blue.

His voice was low and hoarse: "How do you feel?"

Ge Xiu sipped the broken ice that melted in his mouth and nodded with difficulty.

He propped up the edge of the bed with his hands and tried to sit up, but his arms were limp due to the lack of strength, and he could hardly exert his strength.

Seeing this, Hines leaned down halfway, grabbed Ge Xiu's shoulders, and helped him up carefully, placing the pillow beside him behind his waist, so that Ge Xiu could lean on more comfortably.

Ge Xiu took a few quick breaths, calmed down a little, and then raised his eyes to look at Hines, who had retreated.

His voice was hoarse and disrespectful:

"I… how long have I slept?"

Hines sat down on a chair next to him, glanced at the electronic clock beside him, and said, "37 hours and 25 minutes."

so clear

Gossi looked at him in surprise.

Has he been here all this time

Hines leaned slightly towards him, shook the glass in his hand, and the crushed ice hit the wall of the glass with a crisp sound, and he asked, "Do you still want it?"

Ge Xiu swallowed the last bit of ice water that had melted in his mouth into his throat and nodded slightly.

Hines picked up a piece of crushed ice and put it to his lips naturally, and Ge Xiu held his mouth.

The man's warm fingers brushed against his lower lip, stopped for a moment, and then took it back as if nothing had happened.

The sound of the needle falling to the ground could be heard silently in the entire ward.

Heins stared fixedly at Ge Xiu, his expression was extremely focused, as if there was only one person in his eyes.

Ge Xiu chewed the ice cubes and swallowed them little by little. The burning thirst in his throat was finally relieved a little, and the heavy pain in his brain seemed to be less obvious.

He opened his mouth and asked, "The situation... what happened afterward?"

Hines hooked his lips and showed a faint smile: "Thanks to you, the main force of the Zerg was wiped out in one fell swoop. My fleet arrived shortly after you fell into a coma, and the same is true for the reinforcements of the Federation. The remaining Zerg are no longer a threat. , were quickly wiped out, and now my men are assisting the army in cleaning up the city."

He raised his hand and tucked Ye Gexiu's quilt:

"Now I'm sending someone to assist the government in investigating the reasons behind this attack." Hines narrowed his eyes, and a stern and cold light flashed in the depths of his dark eyes: "This attack on the army was If it happened before the shield was breached, it means that there must be humans assisting it - the weapons they use are indeed concealed, but the access is very limited. They can't escape."

He still has some contacts and forces that he can use in these areas.

Gossi nodded.

Although he had just woken up for a short while, he was already tired.

He yawned and continued to ask, "What about the casualties?"

"It's not too much." Hines restrained the almost violent look just now, he lowered his eyes to look at Ge Xiu, his voice was gentle: "The evacuation of civilians was very timely, as a planet that survived the insect wave, such a The number of casualties is unbelievable, and your father and brother are not serious, and the injuries are not even as serious as yours, so don’t worry.”

After he finished speaking, he changed the conversation and asked with concern, "Are you tired? Do you want to lie down?"

Gossiu yawned again.

"...No." His eyelids were a little heavy, but he shook his head forcefully: "I'm not very tired... It's fine to sit."

Hines shook his head disapprovingly:

"Your mental power is exhausted too much, and your internal organs have also been hit a lot because of the explosion. Now is not the time to be tired."

He pulled the pillow out of Gexiu's back, then slowly laid him down on the bed again, soft and unquestioning.

Ge Xiu did not resist this time.

He rubbed his cheek against the soft pillow, and curled up habitually, like a cat dozing all the time at noon: "Where's my mecha? How is she?"

"She basically disintegrated due to the impact of the explosion and the subsequent fall." Hines leaned down, pulled the quilt to Gexiu's shoulder, lowered his eyes and whispered:

"But it doesn't matter, I can build another one for you."

Ge Xiu blinked slowly, his vision gradually blurring little by little.

He frowned childishly, and murmured sleepily in a low voice:

"...but I just want this one."

In fact, when a mech has been damaged so badly, the cost of putting it back together and repairing it is even more expensive than rebuilding one.

But Hines said nothing.

He raised the corners of his lips slightly and replied in a low voice, "Okay."

Hines raised his hand to brush away Ge Xiu's messy forehead hair, stroked his pale cheek gently with his fingertips, and said indulgently:

"Then I'll find someone to fix it."

Ge Xiu closed his eyes deeply.

Under the thin quilt, the thin and slender figure of the young man was almost swallowed up, and the fragile seemed to be easily broken.

Hines stood by the bed, watching him silently, listening to his even breathing.

Finally, he retracted his gaze, then turned and walked out - for the past thirty-six hours, Hines had been by Ghosh's side, until he finally opened his eyes and finally felt relieved - there were many things waiting for him. To deal with it, whether it is to discuss this post-war reconstruction with the federal government, or to investigate the real culprit behind this worm wave, Hines' presence is required.

Just as he raised his hand to open the door in front of him, he heard Ge Xiu's slightly hoarse voice coming from behind:

"and also… "

Hines turned to look at him.

I saw the young man squinting his eyes slightly, the corners of his pale lips raised, and his pointed tiger teeth exposed, looking a little childish:

"I won this match."

Hines chuckled, his eyes softened suddenly: "Yes."

- Whether it's the number of enemies killed on the battlefield this time, or something else.

Even now, Hines can still clearly remember that when he saw the silver-white mecha falling in the distance, he almost suffocated in his chest, as if the most important part of his life was forcibly dug away similar. He has been on the battlefield for nearly 20 years, and he has experienced countless critical moments in his life—this is the first time he has lost his composure in front of the enemy.

He lost terribly.


Hines closed the door of the ward gently, and was about to turn around and walk out, but just bumped into the doctor who was walking towards him.

The doctor's expression was extremely solemn.

He handed the terminal in his hand to Hines and said:

"Hello, about the patient you sent, his situation is a bit complicated..."

The doctor paused, then continued with an ugly expression:

"We did a thorough examination of him, and in addition to the wounds he received on the battlefield, we found that... the organs in his body were beginning to fail for no apparent reason... and... we couldn't find the cause."