Born to Be Rebellious [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 96: modern entertainment


"Do not!"

Ge Xiu screamed hoarsely and opened his eyes suddenly.

In front of you was the cold, pale ceiling, the metal surfaces reflecting harsh light.

He lay on the ground dripping with cold sweat, his chest heaving violently with his breathing, and it took him a long time to finally realize where he was.

With his arms on the ground, Ge Xiu slowly straightened up, leaning his sweaty back against the metal wall.

He raised his hand to his forehead, the electronic shackles flickering with blue light on his wrists.

The long, black eyelashes drooped slightly, covering up all the information hidden in the back of his eyes.

Just then, an electronic sound of drip sounded from the top of the head.

Immediately afterwards, the warden's emotionless voice came from the loudspeaker: "At the end of your punishment world this time, there is a large-scale emergency power outage in the direction of the institute."

Ge Xiu put the hand on his forehead down.

His eyelashes moved slightly, and he slowly raised his eyes. There was no excess emotion in the dark and translucent eyes, only a deep and cold gloom.

He looked at the monitor that was running 24 hours a day, and his sight seemed to be able to penetrate the thick metal layer and endless wiring.

The warden's voice never ceased:

"How much memory do you have before your arrest

Ge Xiu had already recovered from the gaffe just now.

The corners of his lips raised a faint arc, and he asked casually:

"Do you want to ask, how much do I know about Pandora's project?"

A harsh electronic sound came from the loudspeaker.

Immediately afterwards, there was no sound, and the opposite fell into complete silence and silence.

The smile on Ge Xiu's lips deepened.

It seems he guessed right.

He leaned the back of his head lightly against the wall, closed his eyes carelessly, as if he was not affected at all, and closed his eyes quietly and rested.

Time passed minute by minute.

Suddenly, there was a clatter in the single-person closed cell, the lights above the head suddenly went out, and the spare lamps all around came on, illuminating the narrow space in a pale white.

Ge Xiu calmly opened his eyes and looked up at the location of the surveillance camera.

He could feel the camera off.

Immediately afterwards, a shallow outline was slowly raised on the metal wall of the prison, and then, a rectangular one-way window appeared in front of him—this was a wall made of a special material, specially designed for the interrogation of prisoners. You can see what the interrogator wants to show, while the prisoner has nowhere to hide, and the other party's line of sight is unobstructed.

Inside the window, a silhouette of a man emerged.

The presiding judge's voice was clearly transmitted into Ge Xiu's ears, without being slightly distorted by the effect of the amplifier, but actually transmitted into the room:

"How much do you know about Pandora's Project?"

His voice was cold and deep, barely revealing any obvious information.

— but enough is enough.

Ge Xiu sat on the ground leisurely, with his back against the corner of the wall, squinting at the window, and said unhurriedly:

"Hmm... The camera is off. It seems that you want to have an off-record conversation, what? Did you find something unexpected?"

"Also, I noticed that you turned off the internal power supply of the prison, instead of directly cutting off the camera." He chuckled inexplicably: "Tsk."

Ge Xiu looked at the window in front of him with interest, and continued:

"Are you being too cautious? Or are you worried that you are also being watched by others?"

The presiding judge felt a little frightened.

He didn't expect that the other party could infer so many things just by his own actions, and in just a few words, he successfully grasped the dominance of the words.

So skilled and precise.

However, despite feeling frustrated, the presiding judge had to admit that the other party was right.

Especially the part about unexpected discoveries.

Since he had doubts about the case of Gosho, he has launched a comprehensive and detailed investigation of all charges against Gosho, and the results of the investigation have shocked him.

In official records, Ghosh is an instigator, rebel, robber, and murderer who planned bombings against several planets, was behind numerous mass murders, and was an unforgivable, bloody debtor. Tired villain.

Each crime is clear and specific, documented and substantiated.

But every time he tried to search further, the clues would always be broken in some places. Although the witnesses and survivors had detailed personal information and authentic social security numbers, none of them could be contacted. The physical evidence was classified as top secret, and even he could not get his hands on it.

Every reason that can't be found is reasonable.

But there are too many coincidences.

The presiding judge wasn't ready to arbitrarily assume that Gorshu was innocent because of the vague evidence, but the coincidences were enough to make him suspicious.

Especially... and in this case, the ubiquitous Bureau of Secrecy.

They have always been ghosts and ghosts, rarely appearing in the public eye, unless they threaten national security, they will appear.

In addition, he followed the machine that entered the research institute and sent back the last picture.

All things added up to form a huge mystery, which made the presiding judge upset and had to resort to the only central figure he could reach to try to peek into the truth that was hidden in layers of fog.

He did not directly answer Ge Xiu's question, but repeated in a louder voice:

"Pandora's plan, how much do you know."

Ge Xiu shook his head and sighed: "One thing for another, Your Excellency the presiding judge. I believe you still understand the principle of equivalent exchange, right?"

The other side fell silent.

"what would you like?"

Ge Xiu smiled: "It's just information sharing - why did you suddenly decide to negotiate terms with me, a felon? What happened?"

Under the dim light, the young man's calm face seemed more and more amazingly superior, and the beauty of the abyss was tempting and dangerous, so that the presiding judge couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

He calmed down and watched the prisoner in front of him with more vigilance, examining the pros and cons.

The air fell silent, as if time had been frozen.

The presiding judge slowly took a deep breath and seemed to finally make up his mind. He stood up and walked towards the window. A transparent area slowly emerged from the metal window in front of him.

The next second, a paper photo was pasted on it.

In this era of widespread electronic coverage, it is really rare.

Ge Xiu narrowed his eyes, stood up subconsciously, and walked slowly towards the wall.

That blurry photo gradually became clearer as the distance got shorter.

The presiding judge's voice sounded again:

"This is footage from inside the lab that runs Pandora's Project."

Ge Xiu stared blankly at the photo.

It appears to be coming from the far end where the signal is not strong, and the picture is very blurry, but still enough for the viewer to make out the information it contains.

In the huge light blue water tank, a naked man floats quietly in it. He is tall, well-proportioned, and his texture is clear and perfect, like a sculpture created by the hand of God. The white bubbles slowly floated up from his side, and the long black hair was suspended like a torn flag, blocking his face.

Countless thin pipes extended from his body like a huge spider web.

He slept in the blue nutrient solution, his posture silent and calm.

The presiding judge's voice came again: "Who is this person? What does it have to do with Pandora's plan?"

Ge Xiu suddenly looked away from the photo as if he had been awakened.

He was a little out of his mind.

A few seconds later, Ge Xiu raised his eyes again, his face regained his usual composure, and he said, "I really don't have the slightest memory before my arrest, and the first image that stayed in my mind was that barren star. , while I was standing beside the crashed ship, dozens of your frigates were suspended in the air and pointed at me with searchlights."

There was a faintly suppressed anger in the presiding judge's voice:

"So you want to tell me that you don't know anything?"

Ge Xiu's eyes fell on the photo clinging to the glass again, and his expression was dazed for a moment.

He suddenly asked:

"In the real world, is there any spiritual power?"

This question is really insane, for no reason at all.

The presiding judge was stunned for a moment, but finally decided to answer this innocuous-sounding question that was not considered a secret: "Of course."

"What's my mental strength?"

"Class B."

It's neither high nor low, it's just average, and it's not a great level.

Gossi nodded.

He looked up at the presiding judge's blurred figure behind the window, and said slowly:

"If you want to continue the investigation, consider mental research."

The presiding judge's voice was extremely puzzled: "Mental power? How is it possible? The Pandora Project is a large-scale national security plan. What does it have to do with spiritual power research?"

Gossi didn't answer anymore.

He turned around and walked back to where he came from, sat down cross-legged, and returned to his previous position.

The black hair that fell in front of him blocked his closed eyes, and the shadow covered his face, like a statue that couldn't speak or move, sitting quietly in a corner of the prison.


within the institute.

The director stared at the data displayed on the light screen in front of him, his face covered with clouds.

Pandora's volatility dropped to a new all-time low.

This situation is really not optimistic.

If this tendency continues to develop, at most five years, the Pandora project will be forced to stop.

And no one wants to see this.

One of the researchers came up and handed a new report to the director: "In the last virtual world, the prisoner's pain value has come out."

The director glanced hurriedly, and the expression on his face became more and more gloomy.

With the increase in the number of times, the other party seems to be quickly adapting to the cruel environment they set and imposed, and the reports that come back are not optimistic each time, and due to the increase in the threshold of the other party's physical torture tolerance, if this time it continues before The director can even imagine that after the end of the next world, the value communicated back may even appear as an unprecedented 0.

This is the only human who can match up to 99.97% with Pandora.

If he can't generate a large fluctuation value in the virtual world, then Pandora's activity will only gradually decrease.

At this moment, the researcher standing beside the director observed his expression, and then spoke carefully:

"Director... I have an idea."

"Speak." The director threw away the report irritably.

The researcher paused and continued: "Since the prisoner's resistance to physical torture and the external high-pressure environment has increased, then... why don't we try mental pressure?"

The director came to be interested: "How to say it?"

"I studied the values of the first two worlds, and it seems that the prisoners are constantly being tortured by a bad mental state, and the pain value caused by this torture is the only slowly rising value, so I think that from the mental aspect, suppression and control, Maybe a different effect can be achieved?"

The director nodded thoughtfully: "Indeed."

"But..." The researcher hesitated for a while, and continued with a bit of frustration: "But the prisoner's ability to deal with changes in the environment is really strong. The fate trajectory we set for him before, he never followed the progress once, every time he was in Deviating halfway, and deviating more and more outrageously, the plan we made for him in the later stage was completely useless, and after the virtual world was built, we had no way to intervene, so we had to pull him out in advance... "

This happens almost every time.

This prisoner is like a natural reluctance to follow the route set by others. Every time he makes unexpected actions, his fate trajectory is deviated from the main line. big.

The director narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Then this time, we will force him to follow the route."

He raised his head: "Go on the electric shock function."



Gossi opened his eyes.

Although he was prepared, he was still stunned for a while when he saw where he was.

It was a noisy public place, with loud and harsh music oscillating around him, and in the distance there were countless silhouettes of men and women wiggling with the music, appearing crazy and disorderly in the dim and flickering lights.

The glass table in front of him is full of various kinds of wine, which are placed in transparent wine glasses, shining with colorful lights.

The strong smell of alcohol hit his face, making Ge Xiu a little dizzy.

At this moment, a hand touched his thigh and slowly snaked upwards:

"Why, don't you drink?"

The thick and rough voice came through the loud music, with a strong malice.

The author has something to say: Ge Xiu: You are finished.

Lao Gong: You are finished.

Author: Indeed, you are absolutely finished.