Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 119


The house is already in chaos, and the scene is also a mess, which is shocking.

Now the family can't stay any longer, and after this incident, it's even more impossible to stay in this community anymore.

So Ning Qing immediately returned to another house with tenderness.

Ruan was frightened once yesterday, but she didn't expect to be frightened again today.

Even more dangerous than yesterday.

No matter how calm Wen Rou is, but facing death twice in a row, no one can be calm.

Especially now facing Ning Qing, her hard shell collapsed again.

When she finally calmed down, it was already night.

Li Qingyi cut to the chase: "The investigation has revealed that the man who attacked you is named Sun Shan, a 45-year-old middle-aged man with a history of mental illness."

"Through investigation, the police found that this Sun Shan is Huang Yao's illegitimate fan. He is very obsessed with Huang Yao, and has reached an abnormal level. He has followed and threatened any artist who has made enemies of Huang Yao."

Li Qingyi gave her the file: "In the case of Huang Yao's murder this time, you and her have just had an enmity, so this person should think you are the murderer, so he decided to take revenge."

gentle:"… "

mmp, it really has something to do with Huang Yao.

"Then how is this Sun Shan doing now?"

"It has been rescued, but because of mental problems, so..."

So this matter may not be punished.

Gentlely frowned: "His behavior is so dangerous. If you come a step later today, I will already be up. Besides, he stabbed the security guard into serious injuries. Such a bad behavior, can the law still cover it?"

Li Qingyi pursed his lips: "Here, his situation is too special, and there are no casualties, so he has been transferred to a mental hospital, and it is very likely that the case will not be settled."

According to the criminal law, a mentally ill person who causes harmful results when he cannot recognize or control his own behavior, and has been identified and confirmed by legal procedures, shall not bear criminal responsibility.

Only the family members or guardians can be ordered to take strict supervision and medical treatment;

When necessary, medical treatment is compulsory by the state.

But if it is an intermittent psychopath.

A person who commits a crime while insane should bear criminal responsibility.

In addition, if a mentally ill person who has not completely lost the ability to identify or control his own behavior commits a crime, he shall bear criminal responsibility, but he may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.

As for Sun Shan's situation, we still need to check the specific situation for the time being.

But because his behavior was too bad, the state imposed compulsory medical treatment and temporarily sent Sun Shan to a mental hospital.

It will take a little time, and there is no conviction in a short time.

Ning Qing turned her eyes coldly: "So what are you going to do to rescue this kind of social dregs?"

Li Qingyi's selfishness is also on the side of tenderness, but his responsibility cannot make him willful.

He promised: "Don't worry, this matter will give you an explanation."

Ning Qing snorted coldly, he didn't believe it, he hugged her tightly and said seriously: "Leave this matter to me, don't worry about it anymore."

For Ning Qing's ability, whether it is Li Qingyi or Wen Rou, they both recognize it, so Wen Wen nodded: "Okay."

No matter what the result is, in short, this danger has finally been resolved, and there is no need to worry about it anymore.

Originally, Rou Rou planned to investigate Huang Yao's case today, but after this incident, she has no intention of investigating the case anymore.

It can only be pushed back one day, since this case has been investigated for so long, there is no rush.

After sending Li Qingyi away, Gentle still frowned.

There is no way to hide such a big movement today. Once the perpetrator is revealed, Ruan Ruan will definitely be questioned and suspected by the public again.

After all, Sun Shan, a crazy fan, believed that she killed Huang Yao, so the audience might not doubt it.

The reason why there was no wrong public opinion before was because of the system and the company.

But now, with Sun Shan's incident, Huang Yao's death would almost involve her.

In this way, breaking Huang Yao's case is imminent.

Gently rubbing the forehead with a headache, Ning Qing sent Li Qingyi back at this time. Seeing that her face was extremely bad, she hurried over in fright: "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine." Gentle shook her head, she simply didn't think about anything else, and changed the subject: "By the way, the police came so fast, didn't you find out in advance?"

Calm down, Wen Rou noticed many points that she had overlooked.

For example, it didn't take long to call the police around 233, but the police came too fast. It seemed that when the call came, the police had already been prepared, so they were so quick.

Ning Qing would not lie to her, nodded and shook her head: "Actually, I received a call not long after I left the community."

The reason why he called the police so quickly and quickly was because he had bought a few paparazzi who squatted and photographed yesterday. The paparazzi had been squatting and photographing, and when they found something wrong, they immediately reported to Ning Qing.

Originally, Ning Qing was going to rush back immediately, but the security guard at the gate was stabbed and unconscious.

Thankfully the police came quickly.

Glad they made it in time.

Otherwise, Ning Qing will definitely regret it for the rest of her life.

He doesn't regret saving the security guard, but he definitely regrets not showing up in time.

Ning Qing still can't imagine what she would do if he was late. Fortunately, everything was lucky. He hugged her tightly, and his tense nerves finally relaxed...

"So that's how it is." Rourou listened, and only then did she understand the ins and outs.

Therefore, I have to thank those paparazzi, but I should be more grateful to the thoughtful Ning Qing.

Kissing him gently with the tip of his nose upright, all the gratitude merged into the deep kiss.

After the deep kiss, she gently crawled on Ning Qing's strong chest, and said, "I have to thank those paparazzi for reporting what happened today. We have to thank them very much."

The guard was stabbed and it was too late to call the police. If someone found out that something was wrong, Ruan Ruan would have died long ago.

Therefore, these paparazzi must definitely give thanks.

Ning Qing kissed the top of her head: "Don't worry, I won't treat them badly."

A little benefit for them for the time being is the explosive news of Sun Shan's attack on Wenrou.

Of course, they will never be exposed to what shouldn't be exposed, but this kind of first-hand news can still be given to them.

"You don't have to worry too much, just take a good rest now, and don't worry about public opinion and news, I have everything."

With his words, Wen Rou felt more at ease.

What kind of connections and backgrounds Ning Qing has, these gentle people don't know, but she doesn't know how to get to the bottom of it.

Whether it is a lover or others, everyone has secrets and their own social circle.

Now the two are already very close lovers, and they have to take their time to integrate into each other's circle.