Boss, Give You My Heart

Chapter 129


"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Gritting teeth sent a message.

Ning Qing replied: You didn't ask either. What's more, the daughter-in-law had to answer the phone.

She seemed to be angry: get out of here! Dare to come back today and kill you!

Then block someone directly.

With such a childish tone, Ning Qing couldn't hold back a low laugh.

But with this smile, everyone in the conference room almost dislocated their jaws.

Glancing at the crowd coldly, Ning Qing narrowed her eyes: "Is there anything else that needs to be reported?"

The subtext is, hurry up if you have something, and end the meeting if you don't have it, don't delay the precious time of this president's date!

The boss is so obvious, there is no rush to report, who dares to get close to kill him.

So everyone shook their heads tacitly.

Seeing this, Ning Qing was satisfied, but she nodded coldly on the surface: "Since there is no one, let's end the meeting!"

Then he strode out of the conference room.

When the people walked away, everyone immediately whispered to each other, "Isn't Ning always in a relationship!!!"

"We must have talked about it! Didn't you hear that Mr. Ning's tone of voice when answering the phone is different!!!"

They actually heard Boss Ning calling for the baby on the other end of the phone!

Such a nasty title, and the style of spreading dog food openly, doesn't fit Mr. Ning's style at all!

Almost blinded everyone's eyes!

A woman who witnessed the whole process, hugged herself in a nympho, with a sweet look on her face: "Ah, Mr. Ning is so manly, so sexy and a good man! Hey, I'm so jealous of having such a handsome, golden and perfect man as Mr. Ning." Mysterious woman!"

"Pfft." Someone ruthlessly punctured her fantasy: "You are not allowed to be jealous of someone who has a reputation, that's all, hurry up and work, if President Ning finds out that you are fooling him, you Just pack up and get out."

"..." Thinking of Mr. Ning's temper, a girl's heart was instantly shattered.

Besides, when Ning Qing left the company, when she thought of her beautiful wife, she immediately wished she could put on her wings and fly to Wen Rou's side.

It's a pity that it was very unfortunate that I happened to be stuck in a traffic jam...

A certain person became more and more shameless, and his gentle and thick old face couldn't help turning red.

This guy did it on purpose!

Thinking of how shameless he was in front of so many people, Wen Rou felt ashamed to death.

Don't think about it, the more you think about it, the more angry you get, just find something to pass the time.

"By the way, Xiaoer, let me check the upgraded system."

I was anxious about the case before, so I didn't have time to observe what had changed.

There is a lot of time now.

233 quickly turned on the system: "Let's see."

Wen Rou took a look, raised her eyebrows: "Why hasn't there been any change?"

Except that the color of the page is a little darker, and the flowers of the task are a little brighter, but I can't see any other differences.

233 hurriedly said: "Why hasn't it changed? Open the store and have a look."

Since the store went online, except for buying medicine once, I left the store aside and never cared about it.

Well, I really feel tenderly and deeply that everything in the store is deceitful, especially if you can buy it in real life. Who would be so stupid to buy it with the hard-earned life points

So she has always been a shop as a decoration.

Listening to 233 now, it seems that the store is being upgraded

Gentle and curious, he clicked in, and his eyes were on a light blue background, and the things placed on it had changed.

For example, it was a flat map before, but after the upgrade, it is now a 3D stereoscopic map.

Presented in front of your eyes, it is refreshingly real.

In addition, almost everything that was placed before was not categorized. After the upgrade, everything is clearly classified.

Clothes are also categorized in the wardrobe.

Women like to shop and buy clothes, and gentleness is no exception.

The clothes in the system used to be a rigid floor plan, but after becoming three-dimensional, not only are they real, but you can also see various details of the clothes.

Even if it is a T-shirt, the details are well received, and the material seems to be very good.

As a female star, whether it is recording a program or a private server, she must be carefully matched. For example, an actress who was only a second-tier actress before has become a veritable queen of goods because of her excellent collocation. Don't be too nice.

It can be seen that dressing is also an art.

As for the clothing in the system, every piece was taken out, and it was absolutely popular.

Gentleness is like going shopping. I browsed through the dazzling wardrobe and liked it very much.

It's just that these clothes cost life, and I feel tender and heartbroken about it.

In order to restrain herself, she didn't even dare to look at the price.

233 saw her love, immediately hit the iron while it was hot, and hurriedly sold it: "Old Wen! These clothes are so cheap, with a minimum of 1 life point and a maximum of 10 life points, what a bargain you see. You are a star now, and the clothes represent What matters is your face, especially the quality of the clothes, the fabric is definitely not available in this world, it is guaranteed to be as light as a feather, comfortable and can massage your delicate skin... "

"Anything here is a hit when you wear it out. Where can you buy something cheap and good like this?"

It's really eloquent when I recommend my own things.

Rolling eyes gently: "..."

"One life is one day's life. Now with my worth, I can accept a commercial program at random, and the filming can be done for a day at most, and the appearance fee is tens of millions. How dare you say it's cheap? Are you shameless?"

233: "...Aren't you confused now?" Before the murder case was announced, you were still confused. Now let alone work, you can't even go out, okay

Gentle hehe, sneered: "What did you say? Say it again if you have the ability?"

233: "..."

Counseled, but a certain system is still struggling desperately: "Don't you have 10 years of life now, you humans have a saying that is right, it is easier to make money if you spend money, the reason is not all the same! "

Not to mention, there is some truth to this.

If spending life points can make it easier to earn life points and complete tasks, then it is indeed a good deal.

What's more, if you live a new life, shouldn't you live a little more chicly

Gentle and noncommittal, I have my own thoughts in my heart.

Well, let's talk about it after the turnaround.

There is everything in the system store, except for what you can't imagine, and the most important thing is that Rourou even saw a newly added virtual book in it.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be "Acting Skills".

233 hurriedly introduced: "This newly launched book is specially tailored for actors. It focuses on one-on-one guidance. Even a novice who has no experience with acting skills at all. With this book, it is guaranteed that his acting skills will improve by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. Grand prize! Didn't you say last time that you have any acting skills to sell? Hey, I specially applied to the main system. How is it? How do I treat you?"

Gentle: "..." 233's words were unreliable, she really couldn't believe it.

But since it is produced by the system, it is definitely not ordinary, gentle and tempting.

It just so happens that the filming of "Seeking Power" is about to start, and the leading actor is Mr. Ning, who will play a special role, but he is a layman after all. If he has this book, he will definitely be able to improve.

"Why is there no price tag on this book?" Wen Rou asked strangely.

233: "Oh, that's right, because this book is divided into several stages, such as elementary, intermediate, advanced, etc., so the fees are different. Only after you choose the level first, the price will appear."

Still so bad

Gently clicking on "Elementary", the price that appeared made her gasp: "Fuck! Why don't you just grab it!"

It actually takes a year of life!

It's just a broken book, so it's so expensive? She only has 10 years to live now! And there are intermediate and advanced books in the back, so the price is so expensive!

"Oh, it's not a matter of price. This book is very useful, it can be called a gold finger. With this book, Xiaobai can also become a movie star and queen. The task can be completed in minutes! If you are afraid that the content is not good, you can spend one Trial reading of life value!"

Gentle: "... Get out!" She doesn't want to watch it now!

Putting things aside, he looked at the time gently, and it was almost time to cook.

Well, since someone had the cheek to insist on living with her, taking advantage of the free time now, Gentle regained her skills, and the two of them lived a comfortable and comfortable life.

But she will be busy again soon, so Ruan cherishes this time very much. As for this broken book, she is not in the mood to care about it now, let's talk about it later!